path: root/lexer.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-06-08lexer, vm: reorder token and instruction numbersJo-Philipp Wich
2021-05-25lexer, compiler: separate TK_BOOL token into TK_TRUE and TK_FALSE tokensJo-Philipp Wich
2021-05-18syntax: introduce `const` supportJo-Philipp Wich
2021-05-18syntax: implement `delete` as proper operatorJo-Philipp Wich
2021-04-29compiler, lexer: improve lexical state handlingJo-Philipp Wich
2021-04-27treewide: ISO C / pedantic complianceJo-Philipp Wich
2021-04-25treewide: rework internal data type systemJo-Philipp Wich
2021-02-26lexer: improvementsJo-Philipp Wich
2021-02-17treewide: rewrite ucode interpreterJo-Philipp Wich
2020-11-19treewide: rebrand to ucodeJo-Philipp Wich
2020-11-05syntax: implement ES6-like arrow function syntaxJo-Philipp Wich
2020-11-03syntax: implement ES6-like rest parameters for variadic functionsJo-Philipp Wich
2020-11-02syntax: support `elif` clauses for alternative `if` syntaxJo-Philipp Wich
2020-10-14lexer: rewriteJo-Philipp Wich
2020-09-24syntax: add regular expression supportJo-Philipp Wich
2020-09-22syntax: introduce case statement supportJo-Philipp Wich
2020-09-21syntax: introduce try/catch blocksJo-Philipp Wich
2020-09-11syntax: introduce !== and === operatorsJo-Philipp Wich
2020-09-06treewide: refactor internal AST structuresJo-Philipp Wich
2020-08-25treewide: add proper null value handlingJo-Philipp Wich
2020-08-25treewide: introduce this keywordJo-Philipp Wich
2020-08-25lexer.h: add T_RESSOURCE op typeJo-Philipp Wich
2020-08-25treewide: add dedicated T_CFUNC typeJo-Philipp Wich
2020-08-25lexer.c, eval.c: move T_EXCEPTION definition to lexer headerJo-Philipp Wich
2020-08-21Initial commitJo-Philipp Wich