path: root/tests/custom
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/custom')
10 files changed, 397 insertions, 242 deletions
diff --git a/tests/custom/03_stdlib/40_proto b/tests/custom/03_stdlib/40_proto
index d96d124..0f65910 100644
--- a/tests/custom/03_stdlib/40_proto
+++ b/tests/custom/03_stdlib/40_proto
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ When invoked with two arguments, returns the given value.
Hello, World!
+ "ioctl": "function ioctl(...) { [native code] }",
"lock": "function lock(...) { [native code] }",
"truncate": "function truncate(...) { [native code] }",
"isatty": "function isatty(...) { [native code] }",
diff --git a/tests/custom/99_bugs/46_getenv_destroys_environ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/46_getenv_destroys_environ
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1879dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/46_getenv_destroys_environ
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+A call to getenv() without parameters destroys environ, and subsequent calls
+to getenv() (with or without parameter) return nothing.
+-- Testcase --
+ getenv();
+ print(length(getenv()) > 0, '\n');
+-- End --
+-- Expect stdout --
+-- End --
diff --git a/tests/custom/99_bugs/47_compiler_no_prop_kw_after_spread b/tests/custom/99_bugs/47_compiler_no_prop_kw_after_spread
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26f1bff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/47_compiler_no_prop_kw_after_spread
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Ensure that unquoted property names following spread expressions in object
+declaration literals are not treated as keywords.
+-- Testcase --
+printf("%.J\n", {
+ ...{},
+ for: true
+-- End --
+-- Expect stdout --
+ "for": true
+-- End --
diff --git a/tests/custom/99_bugs/48_use_after_free_on_iteration_insert b/tests/custom/99_bugs/48_use_after_free_on_iteration_insert
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..558f83a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/48_use_after_free_on_iteration_insert
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Ensure that adding keys to an object currently being iterated will not
+clobber active iterators pointing into that object due to a reallocation
+of the underlying hash table array.
+-- Testcase --
+ let obj = { '0': 0, '1': 1 };
+ let i = 2;
+ for (let k, v in obj) {
+ while (i < 16) {
+ obj[i] = i;
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ printf("%.J\n", obj);
+-- End --
+-- Expect stdout --
+ "0": 0,
+ "1": 1,
+ "2": 2,
+ "3": 3,
+ "4": 4,
+ "5": 5,
+ "6": 6,
+ "7": 7,
+ "8": 8,
+ "9": 9,
+ "10": 10,
+ "11": 11,
+ "12": 12,
+ "13": 13,
+ "14": 14,
+ "15": 15
+-- End --
diff --git a/tests/custom/99_bugs/49_trailing_garbage_string_as_number b/tests/custom/99_bugs/49_trailing_garbage_string_as_number
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b48146
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/49_trailing_garbage_string_as_number
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+Ensure that numeric strings followed by non-whitespace are treated as NaN.
+-- Testcase --
+printf("%.J\n", [
+ "1" == 1,
+ " 1" == 1,
+ "1 " == 1,
+ "1a" == 1,
+ "1 a" == 1
+-- End --
+-- Expect stdout --
+ true,
+ true,
+ true,
+ false,
+ false
+-- End --
diff --git a/tests/custom/99_bugs/50_missing_upvalue_resolving b/tests/custom/99_bugs/50_missing_upvalue_resolving
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e96634
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/50_missing_upvalue_resolving
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Commit e5fe6b1 ("treewide: refactor vector usage code") accidentially dropped
+the upvalue resolving logic from uc_vm_stack_push(), leading to unresolved
+upvalues leaking into the script execution context.
+-- File test.uc --
+export let obj = { foo: true, bar: false };
+-- End --
+-- Testcase --
+import * as test from "./files/test.uc";
+printf("%.J\n", [
+ type(test.obj),
+-- End --
+-- Args --
+-- End --
+-- Expect stdout --
+ "object",
+ true
+-- End --
diff --git a/tests/custom/99_bugs/51_preserve_lexer_flags b/tests/custom/99_bugs/51_preserve_lexer_flags
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aba646c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/99_bugs/51_preserve_lexer_flags
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+Ensure keyword and regexp flags are preserved across comments when lexing
+object literals and division operators.
+-- Testcase --
+ printf("%.J\n", [
+ { /* comment */ default: true },
+ 4 /* comment */ /2/1
+ ]);
+-- End --
+-- Expect stdout --
+ {
+ "default": true
+ },
+ 2
+-- End --
diff --git a/tests/custom/CMakeLists.txt b/tests/custom/CMakeLists.txt
index c8007a0..c94278e 100644
--- a/tests/custom/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/tests/custom/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
NAME custom
+ COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:ucode> -L $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:fs_lib>/*.so -S run_tests.uc
NAME custom-san
+ COMMAND $<TARGET_FILE:ucode> -L $<TARGET_FILE_DIR:fs_lib>/*.so -S run_tests.uc
diff --git a/tests/custom/ b/tests/custom/
deleted file mode 100755
index 96ac783..0000000
--- a/tests/custom/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,240 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-if greadlink -f . &>/dev/null; then
- readlink=greadlink
- readlink=readlink
-testdir=$(dirname "$0")
-topdir=$($readlink -f "$testdir/../..")
-extract_sections() {
- local file=$1
- local dir=$2
- local count=0
- local tag line outfile
- while IFS= read -r line; do
- case "$line" in
- "-- Args --")
- tag="args"
- count=$((count + 1))
- outfile=$(printf "%s/%03d.args" "$dir" $count)
- printf "" > "$outfile"
- ;;
- "-- Vars --")
- tag="vars"
- count=$((count + 1))
- outfile=$(printf "%s/%03d.vars" "$dir" $count)
- printf "" > "$outfile"
- ;;
- "-- Testcase --")
- tag="test"
- count=$((count + 1))
- outfile=$(printf "%s/" "$dir" $count)
- printf "" > "$outfile"
- ;;
- "-- Expect stdout --"|"-- Expect stderr --"|"-- Expect exitcode --")
- tag="${line#-- Expect }"
- tag="${tag% --}"
- count=$((count + 1))
- outfile=$(printf "%s/%03d.%s" "$dir" $count "$tag")
- printf "" > "$outfile"
- ;;
- "-- File "*" --")
- tag="file"
- outfile="${line#-- File }"
- outfile="$(echo "${outfile% --}" | xargs)"
- outfile="$dir/files$($readlink -m "/${outfile:-file}")"
- mkdir -p "$(dirname "$outfile")"
- printf "" > "$outfile"
- ;;
- "-- End (no-eol) --")
- truncate -s -1 "$outfile"
- tag=""
- outfile=""
- ;;
- "-- End --")
- tag=""
- outfile=""
- ;;
- *)
- if [ -n "$tag" ]; then
- printf "%s\\n" "$line" >> "$outfile"
- fi
- ;;
- esac
- done < "$file"
- return $(ls -l "$dir/"*.in 2>/dev/null | wc -l)
-run_testcase() {
- local num=$1
- local dir=$2
- local in=$3
- local out=$4
- local err=$5
- local code=$6
- local args=$7
- local vars=$8
- local fail=0
- (
- cd "$dir"
- IFS=$'\n'
- local var
- for var in $vars; do
- case "$var" in
- *=*) export "$var" ;;
- esac
- done
- IFS=$' \t\n'
- $ucode_bin -T"," -L "$ucode_lib/*.so" -D TESTFILES_PATH="$($readlink -f "$dir/files")" $args - <"$in" >"$dir/res.out" 2>"$dir/res.err"
- )
- printf "%d\n" $? > "$dir/res.code"
- touch "$dir/empty"
- sed -i -e "s#$dir#.#g" "$dir/res.out" "$dir/res.err"
- if ! cmp -s "$dir/res.err" "${err:-$dir/empty}"; then
- [ $fail = 0 ] && printf "!\n"
- printf "Testcase #%d: Expected stderr did not match:\n" $num
- diff -au --color=always --label="Expected stderr" --label="Resulting stderr" "${err:-$dir/empty}" "$dir/res.err"
- printf -- "---\n"
- fail=1
- fi
- if ! cmp -s "$dir/res.out" "${out:-$dir/empty}"; then
- [ $fail = 0 ] && printf "!\n"
- printf "Testcase #%d: Expected stdout did not match:\n" $num
- diff -au --color=always --label="Expected stdout" --label="Resulting stdout" "${out:-$dir/empty}" "$dir/res.out"
- printf -- "---\n"
- fail=1
- fi
- if [ -n "$code" ] && ! cmp -s "$dir/res.code" "$code"; then
- [ $fail = 0 ] && printf "!\n"
- printf "Testcase #%d: Expected exit code did not match:\n" $num
- diff -au --color=always --label="Expected code" --label="Resulting code" "$code" "$dir/res.code"
- printf -- "---\n"
- fail=1
- fi
- return $fail
-run_test() {
- local file=$1
- local name=${file##*/}
- local res ecode eout eerr ein eargs tests
- local testcase_first=0 failed=0 count=0
- printf "%s %s " "$name" "${line:${#name}}"
- mkdir "/tmp/test.$$"
- extract_sections "$file" "/tmp/test.$$"
- tests=$?
- [ -f "/tmp/test.$$/" ] && testcase_first=1
- for res in "/tmp/test.$$/"[0-9]*; do
- case "$res" in
- *.in)
- count=$((count + 1))
- if [ $testcase_first = 1 ]; then
- # Flush previous test
- if [ -n "$ein" ]; then
- run_testcase $count "/tmp/test.$$" "$ein" "$eout" "$eerr" "$ecode" "$eargs" "$evars" || failed=$((failed + 1))
- eout=""
- eerr=""
- ecode=""
- eargs=""
- evars=""
- fi
- ein=$res
- else
- run_testcase $count "/tmp/test.$$" "$res" "$eout" "$eerr" "$ecode" "$eargs" "$evars" || failed=$((failed + 1))
- eout=""
- eerr=""
- ecode=""
- eargs=""
- evars=""
- fi
- ;;
- *.stdout) eout=$res ;;
- *.stderr) eerr=$res ;;
- *.exitcode) ecode=$res ;;
- *.args) eargs=$(cat "$res") ;;
- *.vars) evars=$(cat "$res") ;;
- esac
- done
- # Flush last test
- if [ $testcase_first = 1 ] && [ -n "$eout$eerr$ecode" ]; then
- run_testcase $count "/tmp/test.$$" "$ein" "$eout" "$eerr" "$ecode" "$eargs" "$evars" || failed=$((failed + 1))
- fi
- rm -r "/tmp/test.$$"
- if [ $failed = 0 ]; then
- printf "OK\n"
- else
- printf "%s %s FAILED (%d/%d)\n" "$name" "${line:${#name}}" $failed $tests
- fi
- return $failed
-use_test() {
- local input="$($readlink -f "$1")"
- local test
- [ -f "$input" ] || return 1
- [ -n "$select_tests" ] || return 0
- for test in "$select_tests"; do
- test="$($readlink -f "$test")"
- [ "$test" != "$input" ] || return 0
- done
- return 1
-for catdir in "$testdir/"[0-9][0-9]_*; do
- [ -d "$catdir" ] || continue
- printf "\n##\n## Running %s tests\n##\n\n" "${catdir##*/[0-9][0-9]_}"
- for testfile in "$catdir/"[0-9][0-9]_*; do
- use_test "$testfile" || continue
- n_tests=$((n_tests + 1))
- run_test "$testfile" || n_fails=$((n_fails + 1))
- done
-printf "\nRan %d tests, %d okay, %d failures\n" $n_tests $((n_tests - n_fails)) $n_fails
-exit $n_fails
diff --git a/tests/custom/run_tests.uc b/tests/custom/run_tests.uc
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..ff81afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/custom/run_tests.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env -S ucode -S
+import * as fs from 'fs';
+let testdir = sourcepath(0, true);
+let topdir = fs.realpath(`${testdir}/../..`);
+let line = '........................................';
+let ucode_bin = getenv('UCODE_BIN') || `${topdir}/ucode`;
+let ucode_lib = getenv('UCODE_LIB') || topdir;
+function mkdir_p(path) {
+ let parts = split(rtrim(path, '/') || '/', /\/+/);
+ let current = '';
+ for (let part in parts) {
+ current += part + '/';
+ let s = fs.stat(current);
+ if (s == null) {
+ if (!fs.mkdir(current))
+ die(`Error creating directory '${current}': ${fs.error()}`);
+ }
+ else if (s.type != 'directory') {
+ die(`Path '${current}' exists but is not a directory`);
+ }
+ }
+function shellquote(s) {
+ return `'${replace(s, "'", "'\\''")}'`;
+function getpid() {
+ return +fs.popen('echo $PPID', 'r').read('all');
+function has_expectations(testcase)
+ return (testcase?.stdout != null || testcase?.stderr != null || testcase?.exitcode != null);
+function parse_testcases(file, dir) {
+ let fp =, 'r') ?? die(`Unable to open ${file}: ${fs.error()}`);
+ let testcases, testcase, section, m;
+ let code_first = false;
+ for (let line ='line'); length(line); line ='line')) {
+ if (line == '-- Args --\n') {
+ section = [ 'args', [] ];
+ }
+ else if (line == '-- Vars --\n') {
+ section = [ 'env', {} ];
+ }
+ else if (line == '-- Testcase --\n') {
+ section = [ 'code', '' ];
+ }
+ else if ((m = match(line, /^-- Expect (stdout|stderr|exitcode) --$/s)) != null) {
+ section = [ m[1], '' ];
+ }
+ else if ((m = match(line, /^-- File (.*)--$/s)) != null) {
+ section = [ 'file', `${dir}/files/${trim(m[1]) || 'file'}`, '' ];
+ }
+ else if ((m = match(line, /^-- End( \(no-eol\))? --$/s)) != null) {
+ if (m[1] != null && type(section[-1]) == 'string')
+ section[-1] = substr(section[-1], 0, -1);
+ if (section[0] == 'code') {
+ if (testcases == null && !has_expectations(testcase))
+ code_first = true;
+ if (code_first) {
+ if (testcase?.code != null) {
+ push(testcases ??= [], testcase);
+ testcase = null;
+ }
+ (testcase ??= {}).code = section[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ push(testcases ??= [], { ...testcase, code: section[1] });
+ testcase = null;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (section[0] == 'file') {
+ ((testcase ??= {}).files ??= {})[section[1]] = section[2];
+ }
+ else {
+ (testcase ??= {})[section[0]] = section[1];
+ }
+ section = null;
+ }
+ else if (section) {
+ switch (section[0]) {
+ case 'args':
+ if ((m = trim(line)) != '')
+ push(section[1], ...split(m, /[ \t\r\n]+/));
+ break;
+ case 'env':
+ if ((m = match(line, /^([A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*)=(.*)$/s)) != null)
+ section[1][m[1]] = m[2];
+ break;
+ default:
+ section[-1] += line;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (code_first && testcase.code != null && has_expectations(testcase))
+ push(testcases ??= [], testcase);
+ return testcases;
+function diff(tag, ...ab) {
+ let cmd = [ 'diff', '-au', '--color=always', `--label=Expected ${tag}`, `--label=Resulting ${tag}` ];
+ let tmpfiles = [];
+ for (let i, f in ab) {
+ if (type(f) != 'resource') {
+ push(tmpfiles, fs.mkstemp());
+ tmpfiles[-1].write(f);
+ f = tmpfiles[-1];
+ }
+ push(cmd, `/dev/fd/${f.fileno()}`);
+ }
+ system(cmd);
+function run_testcase(num, dir, testcase) {
+ let fout = fs.mkstemp(`${dir}/stdout.XXXXXX`);
+ let ferr = fs.mkstemp(`${dir}/stderr.XXXXXX`);
+ let eout = testcase.stdout ?? '';
+ let eerr = testcase.stderr ?? '';
+ let ecode = testcase.exitcode ? +testcase.exitcode : null;
+ let cmd = join(' ', [
+ ?? [], k => `export ${k}=${shellquote(testcase.env[k])};`),
+ `cd ${shellquote(dir)};`,
+ `exec ${ucode_bin}`,
+ `-T','`,
+ `-L ${shellquote(`${ucode_lib}/*.so`)}`,
+ `-D TESTFILES_PATH=${shellquote(`${fs.realpath(dir)}/files`)}`,
+ `${join(' ', map(testcase.args ?? [], shellquote))} -`,
+ `>/dev/fd/${fout.fileno()} 2>/dev/fd/${ferr.fileno()}`
+ ]);
+ let proc = fs.popen(cmd, 'w') ?? die(`Error launching test command "${cmd}": ${fs.error()}\n`);
+ if (testcase.code != null)
+ proc.write(testcase.code);
+ let exitcode = proc.close();
+ let ok = true;
+ if (replace('all'), dir, '.') != eerr) {
+ if (ok) print('!\n');
+ printf("Testcase #%d: Expected stderr did not match:\n", num);
+ diff('stderr', eerr, ferr);
+ print("---\n");
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ if (replace('all'), dir, '.') != eout) {
+ if (ok) print('!\n');
+ printf("Testcase #%d: Expected stdout did not match:\n", num);
+ diff('stdout', eout, fout);
+ print("---\n");
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ if (ecode != null && exitcode != ecode) {
+ if (ok) print('!\n');
+ printf("Testcase #%d: Expected exit code did not match:\n", num);
+ diff('code', `${ecode}\n`, `${exitcode}\n`);
+ print("---\n");
+ ok = false;
+ }
+ return ok;
+function run_test(file) {
+ let name = fs.basename(file);
+ printf('%s %s ', name, substr(line, length(name)));
+ let tmpdir = sprintf('/tmp/test.%d', getpid());
+ let testcases = parse_testcases(file, tmpdir);
+ let failed = 0;
+ fs.mkdir(tmpdir);
+ try {
+ for (let i, testcase in testcases) {
+ for (let path, data in testcase.files) {
+ mkdir_p(fs.dirname(path));
+ fs.writefile(path, data) ?? die(`Error writing testcase file "${path}": ${fs.error()}\n`);
+ }
+ failed += !run_testcase(i + 1, tmpdir, testcase);
+ }
+ }
+ catch (e) {
+ warn(`${e.type}: ${e.message}\n${e.stacktrace[0].context}\n`);
+ }
+ system(['rm', '-r', tmpdir]);
+ if (failed == 0)
+ print('OK\n');
+ else
+ printf('%s %s FAILED (%d/%d)\n', name, substr(line, length(name)), failed, length(testcases));
+ return failed;
+let n_tests = 0;
+let n_fails = 0;
+let select_tests = filter(map(ARGV, p => fs.realpath(p)), length);
+function use_test(input) {
+ return fs.access(input = fs.realpath(input)) &&
+ (!length(select_tests) || filter(select_tests, p => p == input)[0]);
+for (let catdir in fs.glob(`${testdir}/[0-9][0-9]_*`)) {
+ if (fs.stat(catdir)?.type != 'directory')
+ continue;
+ printf('\n##\n## Running %s tests\n##\n\n', substr(fs.basename(catdir), 3));
+ for (let testfile in fs.glob(`${catdir}/[0-9][0-9]_*`)) {
+ if (!use_test(testfile)) continue;
+ n_tests++;
+ n_fails += run_test(testfile);
+ }
+printf('\nRan %d tests, %d okay, %d failures\n', n_tests, n_tests - n_fails, n_fails);