path: root/
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1 files changed, 79 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index b732b1e..55ac9c3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -510,6 +510,22 @@ The result of assignment expressions is the assigned value.
+#### 5.6. Miscellaneous operators
+Besides the operators described so far, ucode script also supports a `delete`
+operator which removes a property from an object value.
+ a = { test: true };
+ delete a.test; // true
+ delete a.notexisting; // false
+ print(a); // { }
### 6. Functions
Ucode scripts may call a number of builtin functions to manipulate values or
@@ -549,30 +565,25 @@ chr(-1, 300); // string consisting of an `0x0` and a `0xff` byte
Return the cosine of x, where x is given in radians.
-#### 6.5. `delete(obj, key1, ...)`
-Delete the given key(s) from the object passed as first argument. Returns the
-corresponding value of the last removed key, if any.
-#### 6.6. `die(msg)`
+#### 6.5. `die(msg)`
Raise an exception with the given message and abort execution.
-#### 6.7. `exists(obj, key)`
+#### 6.6. `exists(obj, key)`
Return `true` if the given key is present within the object passed as first
argument, otherwise `false`.
-#### 6.8. `exit(n)`
+#### 6.7. `exit(n)`
Terminate the interpreter with the given exit code.
-#### 6.9. `exp(n)`
+#### 6.8. `exp(n)`
Return the value of e (the base of natural logarithms) raised to the power
of n.
-#### 6.10. `filter(arr, fn)`
+#### 6.9. `filter(arr, fn)`
Filter the array passed as first argument by invoking the function specified
in the second argument for each array item.
@@ -598,15 +609,15 @@ a = filter(["foo", 1, true, null, 2.2], function(v) {
// a = [1, 2.2]
-#### 6.11. `getenv(name)`
+#### 6.10. `getenv(name)`
Return the value of the given environment variable.
-#### 6.12. `hex(x)`
+#### 6.11. `hex(x)`
Convert the given hexadecimal string into a number.
-#### 6.13. `index(arr_or_str, needle)`
+#### 6.12. `index(arr_or_str, needle)`
Find the given value passed as second argument within the array or string
specified in the first argument.
@@ -616,28 +627,28 @@ if the value was not found.
Returns `null` if the first argument was neither an array, nor a string.
-#### 6.14. `int(x)`
+#### 6.13. `int(x)`
Convert the given value to an integer. Returns `NaN` if the value is not
-#### 6.15. `join(sep, arr)`
+#### 6.14. `join(sep, arr)`
Join the array passed as 2nd argument into a string, using the separator passed
in the first argument as glue. Returns `null` if the second argument is not an
-#### 6.16. `keys(obj)`
+#### 6.15. `keys(obj)`
Return an array of all key names present in the passed object. Returns `null`
if the given argument is no object.
-#### 6.17. `lc(s)`
+#### 6.16. `lc(s)`
Convert the given string to lowercase and return the resulting string.
Returns `null` if the given argument could not be converted to a string.
-#### 6.18. `length(x)`
+#### 6.17. `length(x)`
Return the length of the given object, array or string. Returns `null` if
the given argument is neither an object, array, nor a string.
@@ -655,11 +666,11 @@ length(true) // null
length(10.0) // null
-#### 6.19. `log(x)`
+#### 6.18. `log(x)`
Return the natural logarithm of x.
-#### 6.20. `ltrim(s, c)`
+#### 6.19. `ltrim(s, c)`
Trim any of the specified characters in `c` from the start of `str`.
If the second argument is omitted, trims the characters, ` ` (space), `\t`,
@@ -670,7 +681,7 @@ ltrim(" foo \n") // "foo \n"
ltrim("--bar--", "-") // "bar--"
-#### 6.21. `map(arr, fn)`
+#### 6.20. `map(arr, fn)`
Transform the array passed as first argument by invoking the function specified
in the second argument for each array item.
@@ -694,7 +705,7 @@ a = map(["foo", 1, true, null, 2.2], type);
// a = ["string", "int", "bool", null, "double"]
-#### 6.22. `ord(s, ...)`
+#### 6.21. `ord(s, ...)`
Without further arguments, this function returns the byte value of the first
character in the given string.
@@ -713,35 +724,35 @@ ord("Abc", 2, 1, 0); // [ 99, 98, 65 ]
ord("Abc", 10, -10, "nan"); // [ null, null, null ]
-#### 6.23. `pop(arr)`
+#### 6.22. `pop(arr)`
Pops the last item from the given array and returns it. Returns `null` if the
array was empty or if a non-array argument was passed.
-#### 6.24. `print(x, ...)`
+#### 6.23. `print(x, ...)`
Print any of the given values to stdout. Arrays and objects are converted to
their JSON representation.
Returns the amount of bytes printed.
-#### 6.25. `push(arr, v1, ...)`
+#### 6.24. `push(arr, v1, ...)`
Push the given argument(s) to the given array. Returns the last pushed value.
-#### 6.26. `rand()`
+#### 6.25. `rand()`
Returns a random number. If `srand()` has not been called already, it is
automatically invoked passing the current time as seed.
-#### 6.27. `reverse(arr_or_str)`
+#### 6.26. `reverse(arr_or_str)`
If an array is passed, returns the array in reverse order. If a string is
passed, returns the string with the sequence of the characters reversed.
Returns `null` if neither an array nor a string were passed.
-#### 6.28. `rindex(arr_or_str, needle)`
+#### 6.27. `rindex(arr_or_str, needle)`
Find the given value passed as second argument within the array or string
specified in the first argument.
@@ -751,7 +762,7 @@ if the value was not found.
Returns `null` if the first argument was neither an array, nor a string.
-#### 6.29. `rtrim(str, c)`
+#### 6.28. `rtrim(str, c)`
Trim any of the specified characters in `c` from the end of `str`.
If the second argument is omitted, trims the characters, ` ` (space), `\t`,
@@ -762,16 +773,16 @@ rtrim(" foo \n") // " foo"
rtrim("--bar--", "-") // "--bar"
-#### 6.30. `shift(arr)`
+#### 6.29. `shift(arr)`
Pops the first item from the given array and returns it. Returns `null` if the
array was empty or if a non-array argument was passed.
-#### 6.31. `sin(x)`
+#### 6.30. `sin(x)`
Return the sine of x, where x is given in radians.
-#### 6.32. `sort(arr, fn)`
+#### 6.31. `sort(arr, fn)`
Sort the given array according to the given sort function. If no sort
function is provided, a default ascending sort order is applied.
@@ -783,7 +794,7 @@ sort(["Bean", "Orange", "Apple"], function(a, b) {
}) // ["Bean", "Apple", "Orange"]
-#### 6.33. `splice(arr, off, len, ...)`
+#### 6.32. `splice(arr, off, len, ...)`
Removes the elements designated by `off` and `len` from the given an array,
and replaces them with the additional arguments passed, if any. Returns the
@@ -794,7 +805,7 @@ If `off` is negative then it starts that far from the end of the array. If
removes the elements from `off` onward except for `-len` elements at the end of
the array. If both `off` and `len` are omitted, removes everything.
-#### 6.34. `split(str, sep)`
+#### 6.33. `split(str, sep)`
Split the given string using the separator passed as second argument and return
an array containing the resulting pieces.
@@ -807,15 +818,15 @@ split("foobar", "") // ["f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r"]
split("foo,bar,baz", /[ao]/) // ["f", "", ",b", "r,b", "z"]
-#### 6.35. `sqrt(x)`
+#### 6.34. `sqrt(x)`
Return the nonnegative square root of x.
-#### 6.36. `srand(n)`
+#### 6.35. `srand(n)`
Seed the PRNG using the given number.
-#### 6.37. `substr(str, off, len)`
+#### 6.36. `substr(str, off, len)`
Extracts a substring out of `str` and returns it. First character is at offset
zero. If `off` is negative, starts that far back from the end of the string.
@@ -832,7 +843,7 @@ substr(s, -4); // tree
substr(s, -4, 2); // tr
-#### 6.38. `time()`
+#### 6.37. `time()`
Returns the current UNIX epoch.
@@ -840,7 +851,7 @@ Returns the current UNIX epoch.
time(); // 1598043054
-#### 6.39. `trim()`
+#### 6.38. `trim()`
Trim any of the specified characters in `c` from the start and end of `str`.
If the second argument is omitted, trims the characters, ` ` (space), `\t`,
@@ -851,14 +862,14 @@ ltrim(" foo \n") // "foo"
ltrim("--bar--", "-") // "bar"
-#### 6.40. `type(x)`
+#### 6.39. `type(x)`
Returns the type of the given value as string which might be one of
`"function"`, `"object"`, `"array"`, `"double"`, `"int"` or `"bool"`.
Returns `null` when no value or `null` is passed.
-#### 6.41. `uchr(n1, ...)`
+#### 6.40. `uchr(n1, ...)`
Converts each given numeric value to an utf8 escape sequence and returns the
resulting string. Invalid numeric values or values outside the range `0` ..
@@ -869,17 +880,17 @@ uchr(0x2600, 0x26C6, 0x2601); // "☀⛆☁"
uchr(-1, 0x20ffff, "foo"); // "���"
-#### 6.42. `uc(str)`
+#### 6.41. `uc(str)`
Converts the given string to uppercase and return the resulting string.
Returns `null` if the given argument could not be converted to a string.
-#### 6.43. `unshift(arr, v1, ...)`
+#### 6.42. `unshift(arr, v1, ...)`
Add the given values to the beginning of the array passed as first argument.
Returns the last value added to the array.
-#### 6.44. `values(obj)`
+#### 6.43. `values(obj)`
Returns an array containing all values of the given object. Returns `null` if
no object was passed.
@@ -888,7 +899,7 @@ no object was passed.
values({ foo: true, bar: false }); // [true, false]
-#### 6.45. `printf(fmt, ...)`
+#### 6.44. `printf(fmt, ...)`
Formats the given arguments according to the given format string and outputs the
result to stdout.
@@ -932,14 +943,14 @@ well.
-#### 6.46. `sprintf(fmt, ...)`
+#### 6.45. `sprintf(fmt, ...)`
Formats the given arguments according to the given format string and returns the
resulting string.
See `printf()` for details.
-#### 6.47. `match(str, /pattern/)`
+#### 6.46. `match(str, /pattern/)`
Match the given string against the regular expression pattern specified as
second argument.
@@ -955,7 +966,7 @@ match("foobarbaz", /b.(.)/) // ["bar", "r"]
match("foobarbaz", /b.(.)/g) // [["bar", "r"], ["baz", "z"]]
-#### 6.48. `replace(str, /pattern/, replace)`
+#### 6.47. `replace(str, /pattern/, replace)`
Replace occurences of the specified pattern in the string passed as first
argument. The pattern value may be either a regular expression or a plain
@@ -988,7 +999,7 @@ replace("barfoobaz", /(.)(.)(.)/g, function(m, c1, c2, c3) {
}) // raboofzab
-#### 6.49. `json(str)`
+#### 6.48. `json(str)`
Parse the given string as JSON and return the resulting value. Throws an
exception on parse errors, trailing garbage or premature EOF.
@@ -998,7 +1009,7 @@ json('{"a":true, "b":123}') // { "a": true, "b": 123 }
json('[1,2,') // Throws exception
-#### 6.50. `include(path[, scope])`
+#### 6.49. `include(path[, scope])`
Evaluate and include the file at the given path and optionally override the
execution scope with the given scope object.
@@ -1041,14 +1052,14 @@ include("./untrusted.uc", proto({
}, {}))
-#### 6.51. `warn(x, ...)`
+#### 6.50. `warn(x, ...)`
Print any of the given values to stderr. Arrays and objects are converted to
their JSON representation.
Returns the amount of bytes printed.
-#### 6.52. `system(command, timeout)`
+#### 6.51. `system(command, timeout)`
Executes the given command, waits for completion and returns the resulting
exit code.
@@ -1078,7 +1089,7 @@ system(["/usr/bin/date", "+%s"]); // prints the UNIX timestamp to stdou
system("sleep 3 && echo 'Success'", 1000); // returns -9
-#### 6.53. `trace(level)`
+#### 6.52. `trace(level)`
Enables or disables VM opcode tracing. When invoked with a positive non-zero
level, opcode tracing is enabled and debug information is printed to stderr
@@ -1091,7 +1102,7 @@ implementation might provide different different verbosity levels or treat
the level argument as bit mask to enable or disable individual debug
-#### 6.54. `proto(val[, proto])`
+#### 6.53. `proto(val[, proto])`
Get or set the prototype of the array or object value `val`.
@@ -1104,23 +1115,23 @@ set as prototype on the array or object in `val`.
Throws an exception if the given prototype value is not an object.
-#### 6.55. `sleep(milliseconds)`
+#### 6.54. `sleep(milliseconds)`
Pause execution for the given amount of milliseconds. Returns `false` if
an invalid value was passed, otherwise `true`.
-#### 6.56. `assert(cond[, message])`
+#### 6.55. `assert(cond[, message])`
Raise an exception with the given `message` parameter if the value in `cond`
is not truish. When `message` is omitted, the default value is `Assertion failed`.
-#### 6.57. `render(path[, scope])`
+#### 6.56. `render(path[, scope])`
Like `include()` but capture output of included file as string and return it.
See `include()` for details on scoping.
-#### 6.58. `regexp(source[, flags])`
+#### 6.57. `regexp(source[, flags])`
Construct a regular expression instance from the given `source` pattern string
and any flags optionally specified by the `flags` argument.
@@ -1138,3 +1149,13 @@ regexp('foo.*bar', 'is'); // equivalent to /foo.*bar/is
regexp('foo.*bar', 'x'); // throws "Type error: Unrecognized flag character 'x'"
regexp('foo.*('); // throws "Syntax error: Unmatched ( or \("
+#### 6.58. `wildcard(subject, pattern[, nocase])`
+Match the given subject against the supplied wildcard (file glob) pattern.
+If a truish value is supplied as 3rd argument, case insensitive matching is
+performed. If a non-string value is supplied as subject, it is converted into
+a string before being matched.
+Returns `true` when the subject matches the pattern or `false` when not.