path: root/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/
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1 files changed, 596 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/ b/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/
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index 00000000..320db03e
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+++ b/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/
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+# Copyright (C) 2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+ BGP protocol implementation.
+import logging
+import socket
+import struct
+import traceback
+from import Activity
+from import add_bgp_error_metadata
+from import BGPSException
+from import CORE_ERROR_CODE
+from import BGP_FSM_CONNECT
+from import BGP_FSM_OPEN_SENT
+from import BGP_VERSION_NUM
+from import Protocol
+from import \
+ EnhancedRouteRefreshCap
+from import \
+ MultiprotocolExtentionCap
+from import \
+ RouteRefreshCap
+import as exceptions
+from import BgpExc
+from import messages
+from import Keepalive
+from import Notification
+from import Open
+from import RouteRefresh
+from import Update
+from import nlri
+from import RF_RTC_UC
+from import is_valid_old_asn
+LOG = logging.getLogger('bgpspeaker.speaker')
+# BGP min. and max. message lengths as per RFC.
+# Keep-alive singleton.
+_KEEP_ALIVE = Keepalive()
+@add_bgp_error_metadata(code=CORE_ERROR_CODE, sub_code=2,
+ def_desc='Unknown error occurred related to Speaker.')
+class BgpProtocolException(BGPSException):
+ """Base exception related to peer connection management.
+ """
+ pass
+def nofitication_factory(code, subcode):
+ """Returns a `Notification` message corresponding to given codes.
+ Parameters:
+ - `code`: (int) BGP error code
+ - `subcode`: (int) BGP error sub-code
+ """
+ reason = Notification.REASONS.get((code, subcode))
+ if not reason:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid code/sub-code.')
+ return Notification(code, subcode)
+class BgpProtocol(Protocol, Activity):
+ """Protocol that handles BGP messages.
+ """
+ MESSAGE_MARKER = ('\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff'
+ '\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff')
+ def __init__(self, socket, signal_bus, is_reactive_conn=False):
+ # Validate input.
+ if socket is None:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid arguments passed.')
+ activity_name = ('BgpProtocol %s, %s, %s' % (
+ is_reactive_conn, socket.getpeername(), socket.getsockname())
+ )
+ Activity.__init__(self, name=activity_name)
+ # Intialize instance variables.
+ self._peer = None
+ self._recv_buff = ''
+ self._socket = socket
+ self._signal_bus = signal_bus
+ self._holdtime = None
+ self._keepalive = None
+ self._expiry = None
+ # Add socket to Activity's socket container for managing it.
+ if is_reactive_conn:
+ self._asso_socket_map['passive_conn'] = self._socket
+ else:
+ self._asso_socket_map['active_conn'] = self._socket
+ self._open_msg = None
+ self.state = BGP_FSM_CONNECT
+ self._is_reactive = is_reactive_conn
+ self.sent_open_msg = None
+ self.recv_open_msg = None
+ self._is_bound = False
+ def get_peername(self):
+ return self._socket.getpeername()
+ def get_sockname(self):
+ return self._socket.getsockname()
+ @property
+ def is_reactive(self):
+ return self._is_reactive
+ @property
+ def holdtime(self):
+ return self._holdtime
+ @property
+ def keepalive(self):
+ return self._keepalive
+ def is_colliding(self, other_protocol):
+ if not isinstance(other_protocol, BgpProtocol):
+ raise ValueError('Currently only support comparing with '
+ '`BgpProtocol`')
+ # Compare protocol connection end point's addresses
+ if (self.get_peername()[0] == other_protocol.get_peername()[0] and
+ self.get_sockname()[0] == other_protocol.get_sockname()[0]):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def is_local_router_id_greater(self):
+ """Compares *True* if local router id is greater when compared to peer
+ bgp id.
+ Should only be called after protocol has reached OpenConfirm state.
+ """
+ from import from_inet_ptoi
+ if not self.state == BGP_FSM_OPEN_CONFIRM:
+ raise BgpProtocolException(desc='Can access remote router id only'
+ ' after open message is received')
+ remote_id = self.recv_open_msg.bgpid
+ local_id = self.sent_open_msg.bgpid
+ return from_inet_ptoi(local_id) > from_inet_ptoi(remote_id)
+ def is_enhanced_rr_cap_valid(self):
+ """Checks is enhanced route refresh capability is enabled/valid.
+ Checks sent and received `Open` messages to see if this session with
+ peer is capable of enhanced route refresh capability.
+ """
+ if not self.recv_open_msg:
+ raise ValueError('Did not yet receive peers open message.')
+ err_cap_enabled = False
+ local_cap = self.sent_open_msg.caps
+ peer_cap = self.recv_open_msg.caps
+ # Both local and peer should advertise ERR capability for it to be
+ # enabled.
+ if (local_cap.get(EnhancedRouteRefreshCap.CODE) and
+ peer_cap.get(EnhancedRouteRefreshCap.CODE)):
+ err_cap_enabled = True
+ return err_cap_enabled
+ def _check_route_fmly_adv(self, open_msg, route_family):
+ match_found = False
+ local_caps = open_msg.caps
+ mbgp_cap = local_caps.get(MultiprotocolExtentionCap.CODE)
+ # Check MP_BGP capability was advertised.
+ if mbgp_cap:
+ # Iterate over all advertised mp_bgp caps to find a match.
+ for peer_cap in mbgp_cap:
+ if (route_family.afi == peer_cap.route_family.afi and
+ route_family.safi == peer_cap.route_family.safi):
+ match_found = True
+ return match_found
+ def is_route_family_adv(self, route_family):
+ """Checks if `route_family` was advertised to peer as per MP_BGP cap.
+ Returns:
+ - True: if given address family was advertised.
+ - False: if given address family was not advertised.
+ """
+ return self._check_route_fmly_adv(self.sent_open_msg, route_family)
+ def is_route_family_adv_recv(self, route_family):
+ """Checks if `route_family` was advertised by peer as per MP_BGP cap.
+ Returns:
+ - True: if given address family was advertised.
+ - False: if given address family was not advertised.
+ """
+ return self._check_route_fmly_adv(self.recv_open_msg, route_family)
+ @property
+ def negotiated_afs(self):
+ local_caps = self.sent_open_msg.caps
+ remote_caps = self.recv_open_msg.caps
+ local_mbgp_cap = local_caps.get(MultiprotocolExtentionCap.CODE)
+ remote_mbgp_cap = remote_caps.get(MultiprotocolExtentionCap.CODE)
+ # Check MP_BGP capabilities were advertised.
+ if local_mbgp_cap and remote_mbgp_cap:
+ local_families = {
+ (peer_cap.route_family.afi, peer_cap.route_family.safi)
+ for peer_cap in local_mbgp_cap
+ }
+ remote_families = {
+ (peer_cap.route_family.afi, peer_cap.route_family.safi)
+ for peer_cap in remote_mbgp_cap
+ }
+ afi_safi = local_families.intersection(remote_families)
+ else:
+ afi_safi = set()
+ afs = []
+ for afi, safi in afi_safi:
+ afs.append(nlri.get_rf(afi, safi))
+ return afs
+ def is_mbgp_cap_valid(self, route_family):
+ """Returns true if both sides of this protocol have advertise
+ capability for this address family.
+ """
+ return (self.is_route_family_adv(route_family) and
+ self.is_route_family_adv_recv(route_family))
+ def _run(self, peer):
+ """Sends open message to peer and handles received messages.
+ Parameters:
+ - `peer`: the peer to which this protocol instance is connected to.
+ """
+ # We know the peer we are connected to, we send open message.
+ self._peer = peer
+ self.connection_made()
+ # We wait for peer to send messages.
+ self._recv_loop()
+ def data_received(self, next_bytes):
+ try:
+ self._data_received(next_bytes)
+ except BgpExc as exc:
+ LOG.error(
+ "BGPExc Exception while receiving data: "
+ "%s \n Traceback %s \n"
+ % (str(exc), traceback.format_exc())
+ )
+ if exc.SEND_ERROR:
+ self.send_notification(exc.CODE, exc.SUB_CODE)
+ else:
+ self._socket.close()
+ raise exc
+ @staticmethod
+ def parse_msg_header(buff):
+ """Parses given `buff` into bgp message header format.
+ Returns a tuple of marker, length, type of bgp message.
+ """
+ return struct.unpack('!16sHB', buff)
+ def _data_received(self, next_bytes):
+ """Maintains buffer of bytes received from peer and extracts bgp
+ message from this buffer if enough data is received.
+ Validates bgp message marker, length, type and data and constructs
+ appropriate bgp message instance and calls handler.
+ :Parameters:
+ - `next_bytes`: next set of bytes received from peer.
+ """
+ # Append buffer with received bytes.
+ self._recv_buff += next_bytes
+ while True:
+ # If current buffer size is less then minimum bgp message size, we
+ # return as we do not have a complete bgp message to work with.
+ if len(self._recv_buff) < BGP_MIN_MSG_LEN:
+ return
+ # Parse message header into elements.
+ auth, length, ptype = BgpProtocol.parse_msg_header(
+ self._recv_buff[:BGP_MIN_MSG_LEN])
+ # Check if we have valid bgp message marker.
+ # We should get default marker since we are not supporting any
+ # authentication.
+ if (auth != BgpProtocol.MESSAGE_MARKER):
+ LOG.error('Invalid message marker received: %s' % auth)
+ raise exceptions.NotSync()
+ # Check if we have valid bgp message length.
+ check = lambda: length < BGP_MIN_MSG_LEN\
+ or length > BGP_MAX_MSG_LEN
+ # RFC says: The minimum length of the OPEN message is 29
+ # octets (including the message header).
+ check2 = lambda: ptype == Open.TYPE_CODE\
+ and length < Open.MIN_LENGTH
+ # RFC says: A KEEPALIVE message consists of only the
+ # message header and has a length of 19 octets.
+ check3 = lambda: ptype == Keepalive.TYPE_CODE\
+ and length != BGP_MIN_MSG_LEN
+ # RFC says: The minimum length of the UPDATE message is 23
+ # octets.
+ check4 = lambda: ptype == Update.TYPE_CODE\
+ and length < Update.MIN_LENGTH
+ if check() or check2() or check3() or check4():
+ raise exceptions.BadLen(ptype, length)
+ # If we have partial message we wait for rest of the message.
+ if len(self._recv_buff) < length:
+ return
+ # If we have full message, we get its payload/data.
+ payload = self._recv_buff[BGP_MIN_MSG_LEN:length]
+ # Update buffer to not contain any part of the current message.
+ self._recv_buff = self._recv_buff[length:]
+ # Try to decode payload into specified message type.
+ # If we have any error parsing the message, we send appropriate
+ # bgp notification message.
+ msg = messages.decode(ptype, payload, length)
+ # If we have a valid bgp message we call message handler.
+ self._handle_msg(msg)
+ def send_notification(self, code, subcode):
+ """Utility to send notification message.
+ Closes the socket after sending the message.
+ :Parameters:
+ - `socket`: (socket) - socket over which to send notification
+ message.
+ - `code`: (int) - BGP Notification code
+ - `subcode`: (int) - BGP Notification sub-code
+ RFC ref:
+ """
+ reason = Notification.REASONS.get((code, subcode))
+ if not reason:
+ # Not checking for type of parameters to allow some flexibility
+ # via. duck-typing.
+ raise ValueError('Unsupported code/sub-code given.')
+ notification = Notification(code, subcode, reason)
+ self._socket.sendall(notification.encode())
+ self._signal_bus.bgp_error(self._peer, code, subcode, reason)
+ LOG.error(
+ 'Sent notification to %r>> %s' %
+ (self._socket.getpeername(), notification)
+ )
+ self._socket.close()
+ def send(self, msg):
+ if not self.started:
+ raise BgpProtocolException('Tried to send message to peer when '
+ 'this protocol instance is not started'
+ ' or is no longer is started state.')
+ self._socket.sendall(msg.encode())
+ if msg.MSG_NAME == Notification.MSG_NAME:
+ LOG.error('Sent notification to %s>> %s' %
+ (self.get_peername(), msg))
+ self._signal_bus.bgp_notification_sent(self._peer, msg)
+ else:
+ LOG.debug('Sent msg. %s to %s>> %s' %
+ (msg.MSG_NAME, self.get_peername(), msg))
+ def stop(self):
+ Activity.stop(self)
+ def _validate_open_msg(self, open_msg):
+ """Validates BGP OPEN message according from application context.
+ Parsing modules takes care of validating OPEN message that need no
+ context. But here we validate it according to current application
+ settings. RTC or RR/ERR are MUST capability if peer does not support
+ either one of them we have to end session.
+ """
+ assert open_msg.TYPE_CODE == Open.TYPE_CODE
+ # Validate remote ASN.
+ remote_asnum = open_msg.asnum
+ # Since 4byte AS is not yet supported, we validate AS as old style AS.
+ if (not is_valid_old_asn(remote_asnum) or
+ remote_asnum != self._peer.remote_as):
+ raise exceptions.BadPeerAs()
+ # Validate bgp version number.
+ if open_msg.version != BGP_VERSION_NUM:
+ raise exceptions.UnsupportedVersion(BGP_VERSION_NUM)
+ adv_caps = open_msg.caps
+ rr_cap_adv = adv_caps.get(RouteRefreshCap.CODE)
+ err_cap_adv = adv_caps.get(EnhancedRouteRefreshCap.CODE)
+ # If either RTC or RR/ERR are MUST capability if peer does not support
+ # either one of them we have to end session as we have to request peer
+ # to send prefixes for new VPNs that may be created automatically.
+ # TODO(PH): Check with experts if error is suitable in this case
+ if not (rr_cap_adv or err_cap_adv or
+ self._check_route_fmly_adv(open_msg, RF_RTC_UC)):
+ raise exceptions.UnsupportedOptParam()
+ def _handle_msg(self, msg):
+ """When a BGP message is received, send it to peer.
+ Open messages are validated here. Peer handler is called to handle each
+ message except for *Open* and *Notification* message. On receiving
+ *Notification* message we close connection with peer.
+ """
+ LOG.debug('Received %s msg. from %s<< \n%s' %
+ (msg.MSG_NAME, str(self.get_peername()), msg))
+ # If we receive open message we try to bind to protocol
+ if (msg.MSG_NAME == Open.MSG_NAME):
+ if self.state == BGP_FSM_OPEN_SENT:
+ # Validate open message.
+ self._validate_open_msg(msg)
+ self.recv_open_msg = msg
+ self.state = BGP_FSM_OPEN_CONFIRM
+ self._peer.state.bgp_state = self.state
+ # Try to bind this protocol to peer.
+ self._is_bound = self._peer.bind_protocol(self)
+ # If this protocol failed to bind to peer.
+ if not self._is_bound:
+ # Failure to bind to peer indicates connection collision
+ # resolution choose different instance of protocol and this
+ # instance has to close. Before closing it sends
+ # appropriate notification msg. to peer.
+ raise exceptions.CollisionResolution()
+ # If peer sends Hold Time as zero, then according to RFC we do
+ # not set Hold Time and Keep Alive timer.
+ if msg.holdtime == 0:
+'The Hold Time sent by the peer is zero, hence '
+ 'not setting any Hold Time and Keep Alive'
+ ' timers.')
+ else:
+ # Start Keep Alive timer considering Hold Time preference
+ # of the peer.
+ self._start_timers(msg.holdtime)
+ self._send_keepalive()
+ # Peer does not see open message.
+ return
+ else:
+ # If we receive a Open message out of order
+ LOG.error('Open message received when current state is not '
+ 'OpenSent')
+ # Received out-of-order open message
+ # We raise Finite state machine error
+ raise exceptions.FiniteStateMachineError()
+ elif msg.MSG_NAME == Notification.MSG_NAME:
+ if self._peer:
+ self._signal_bus.bgp_notification_received(self._peer, msg)
+ # If we receive notification message
+ LOG.error('Received notification message, hence closing '
+ 'connection %s' % msg)
+ self._socket.close()
+ return
+ # If we receive keepalive or update message, we reset expire timer.
+ if (msg.MSG_NAME == Keepalive.MSG_NAME or
+ msg.MSG_NAME == Update.MSG_NAME):
+ if self._expiry:
+ self._expiry.reset()
+ # Call peer message handler for appropriate messages.
+ if (msg.MSG_NAME in
+ (Keepalive.MSG_NAME, Update.MSG_NAME, RouteRefresh.MSG_NAME)):
+ self._peer.handle_msg(msg)
+ # We give chance to other threads to run.
+ self.pause(0)
+ def _start_timers(self, peer_holdtime):
+ """Starts keepalive and expire timers.
+ Hold time is set to min. of peer and configured/default hold time.
+ Starts keep alive timer and expire timer based on this value.
+ """
+ neg_timer = min(self._holdtime, peer_holdtime)
+ if neg_timer < self._holdtime:
+'Negotiated hold time (%s) is lower then '
+ 'configured/default (%s).' % (neg_timer, self._holdtime))
+ # We use negotiated timer value.
+ self._holdtime = neg_timer
+ self._keepalive = self._create_timer('Keepalive Timer',
+ self._send_keepalive)
+ interval = self._holdtime / 3
+ self._keepalive.start(interval, now=False)
+ # Setup the expire timer.
+ self._expiry = self._create_timer('Holdtime Timer', self._expired)
+ self._expiry.start(self._holdtime, now=False)
+ LOG.debug('Started keep-alive and expire timer for negotiated hold'
+ 'time %s' % self._holdtime)
+ def _expired(self):
+ """Hold timer expired event handler.
+ """
+'Negotiated hold time %s expired.' % self._holdtime)
+ code = exceptions.HoldTimerExpired.CODE
+ subcode = exceptions.HoldTimerExpired.SUB_CODE
+ self.send_notification(code, subcode)
+ self.connection_lost('Negotiated hold time %s expired.' %
+ self._holdtime)
+ self.stop()
+ def _send_keepalive(self):
+ self.send(_KEEP_ALIVE)
+ def _recv_loop(self):
+ """Sits in tight loop collecting data received from peer and
+ processing it.
+ """
+ required_len = BGP_MIN_MSG_LEN
+ conn_lost_reason = "Connection lost as protocol is no longer active"
+ try:
+ while True:
+ next_bytes = self._socket.recv(required_len)
+ if len(next_bytes) == 0:
+ conn_lost_reason = 'Peer closed connection'
+ break
+ self.data_received(next_bytes)
+ except socket.error as err:
+ conn_lost_reason = 'Connection to peer lost: %s.' % err
+ except BgpExc as ex:
+ conn_lost_reason = 'Connection to peer lost, reason: %s.' % ex
+ except Exception as e:
+ LOG.debug(traceback.format_exc())
+ conn_lost_reason = str(e)
+ finally:
+ self.connection_lost(conn_lost_reason)
+ def connection_made(self):
+ """Connection to peer handler.
+ We send bgp open message to peer and intialize related attributes.
+ """
+ assert self.state == BGP_FSM_CONNECT
+ # We have a connection with peer we send open message.
+ open_msg = self._peer.create_open_msg()
+ self._holdtime = open_msg.holdtime
+ self.state = BGP_FSM_OPEN_SENT
+ if not self.is_reactive:
+ self._peer.state.bgp_state = self.state
+ self.sent_open_msg = open_msg
+ self.send(open_msg)
+ self._peer.connection_made()
+ LOG.debug('Sent open message %s' % open_msg)
+ def connection_lost(self, reason):
+ """Stops all timers and notifies peer that connection is lost.
+ """
+ if self._peer:
+ state = self._peer.state.bgp_state
+ if self._is_bound or state == BGP_FSM_OPEN_SENT:
+ self._peer.connection_lost(reason)
+ self._peer = None
+ if reason:
+ else:
+'Connection to peer closed for unknown reasons.')