diff options
authorYoshihiro Kaneko <>2013-09-01 21:44:27 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2013-09-02 11:42:30 +0900
commit6a64c9e3aab4a31d089b384238fa5140bb2dfbb7 (patch)
parenta0460efd15e68810bbcc0323d8da2d91c3012510 (diff)
of13: add docstrings for openflow messages
Signed-off-by: Yoshihiro Kaneko <> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
1 files changed, 1674 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ryu/ofproto/ b/ryu/ofproto/
index 1392604b..3b5a4b40 100644
--- a/ryu/ofproto/
+++ b/ryu/ofproto/
@@ -54,6 +54,21 @@ def msg_parser(datapath, version, msg_type, msg_len, xid, buf):
class OFPHello(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Hello message
+ When connection is started, the hello message is exchanged between a
+ switch and a controller.
+ This message is handled by the Ryu framework, so the Ryu application
+ do not need to process this typically.
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== =========================================================
+ elements list of ``OFPHelloElemVersionBitmap`` instance
+ ========== =========================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, elements=[]):
super(OFPHello, self).__init__(datapath)
self.elements = elements
@@ -82,6 +97,15 @@ class OFPHello(MsgBase):
class OFPHelloElemVersionBitmap(StringifyMixin):
+ """
+ Version bitmap Hello Element
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== =========================================================
+ versions list of versions of OpenFlow protocol a device supports
+ ========== =========================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, versions):
super(OFPHelloElemVersionBitmap, self).__init__()
self._type = ofproto_v1_3.OFPHET_VERSIONBITMAP
@@ -118,6 +142,52 @@ class OFPHelloElemVersionBitmap(StringifyMixin):
class OFPErrorMsg(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Error message
+ The switch notifies controller of problems by this message.
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== =========================================================
+ type High level type of error
+ code Details depending on the type
+ data Variable length data depending on the type and code
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Types and codes are defined in ``ryu.ofproto.ofproto_v1_3``.
+ ============================= ===========
+ Type Code
+ ============================= ===========
+ ============================= ===========
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPErrorMsg,
+ def error_msg_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ self.logger.debug('OFPErrorMsg received: type=0x%02x code=0x%02x '
+ 'message=%s',
+ msg.type, msg.code, utils.hex_array(
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, type_=None, code=None, data=None):
super(OFPErrorMsg, self).__init__(datapath)
self.type = type_
@@ -144,6 +214,33 @@ class OFPErrorMsg(MsgBase):
class OFPEchoRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Echo request message
+ This message is handled by the Ryu framework, so the Ryu application
+ do not need to process this typically.
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== =========================================================
+ data An arbitrary length data
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_echo_request(self, datapath, data):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPEchoRequest(datapath, data)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPEchoRequest,
+ def echo_request_handler(self, ev):
+ self.logger.debug('OFPEchoRequest received: data=%s',
+ utils.hex_array(
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, data=None):
super(OFPEchoRequest, self).__init__(datapath) = data
@@ -163,6 +260,33 @@ class OFPEchoRequest(MsgBase):
class OFPEchoReply(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Echo reply message
+ This message is handled by the Ryu framework, so the Ryu application
+ do not need to process this typically.
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ========== =========================================================
+ data An arbitrary length data
+ ========== =========================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_echo_reply(self, datapath, data):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ reply = ofp_parser.OFPEchoReply(datapath, data)
+ datapath.send_msg(reply)
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPEchoReply,
+ def echo_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ self.logger.debug('OFPEchoReply received: data=%s',
+ utils.hex_array(
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, data=None):
super(OFPEchoReply, self).__init__(datapath) = data
@@ -182,6 +306,17 @@ class OFPEchoReply(MsgBase):
class OFPExperimenter(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Experimenter extension message
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ============= =========================================================
+ experimenter Experimenter ID
+ exp_type Experimenter defined
+ data Experimenter defined arbitrary additional data
+ ============= =========================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, experimenter=None, exp_type=None, data=None):
super(OFPExperimenter, self).__init__(datapath)
self.experimenter = experimenter
@@ -203,6 +338,23 @@ class OFPExperimenter(MsgBase):
class OFPFeaturesRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Features request message
+ The controller sends a feature request to the switch upon session
+ establishment.
+ This message is handled by the Ryu framework, so the Ryu application
+ do not need to process this typically.
+ Example::
+ def send_features_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPFeaturesRequest(datapath)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath):
super(OFPFeaturesRequest, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -210,6 +362,28 @@ class OFPFeaturesRequest(MsgBase):
class OFPSwitchFeatures(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Features reply message
+ The switch responds with a features reply message to a features
+ request.
+ This message is handled by the Ryu framework, so the Ryu application
+ do not need to process this typically.
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPSwitchFeatures, CONFIG_DISPATCHER)
+ def switch_features_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ self.logger.debug('OFPSwitchFeatures received: '
+ 'datapath_id=0x%016x n_buffers=%d '
+ 'n_tables=%d auxiliary_id=%d '
+ 'capabilities=0x%08x',
+ msg.datapath_id, msg.n_buffers, msg.n_tables,
+ msg.auxiliary_id, msg.capabilities)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, datapath_id=None, n_buffers=None,
n_tables=None, auxiliary_id=None, capabilities=None):
super(OFPSwitchFeatures, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -236,6 +410,20 @@ class OFPSwitchFeatures(MsgBase):
class OFPGetConfigRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Get config request message
+ The controller sends a get config request to query configuration
+ parameters in the switch.
+ Example::
+ def send_get_config_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPGetConfigRequest(datapath)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath):
super(OFPGetConfigRequest, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -243,6 +431,46 @@ class OFPGetConfigRequest(MsgBase):
class OFPGetConfigReply(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Get config reply message
+ The switch responds to a configuration request with a get config reply
+ message.
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ============= =========================================================
+ flags One of the following configuration flags.
+ miss_send_len Max bytes of new flow that datapath should send to the
+ controller
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPGetConfigReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def get_config_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ dp = msg.datapath
+ ofp = dp.ofproto
+ if msg.flags == ofp.OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL:
+ flags = 'NORMAL'
+ elif msg.flags == ofp.OFPC_FRAG_DROP:
+ flags = 'DROP'
+ elif msg.flags == ofp.OFPC_FRAG_REASM:
+ flags = 'REASM'
+ elif msg.flags == ofp.OFPC_FRAG_MASK:
+ flags = 'MASK'
+ else:
+ flags = 'unknown'
+ self.logger.debug('OFPGetConfigReply received: '
+ 'flags=%s miss_send_len=%d',
+ flags, msg.miss_send_len)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags=None, miss_send_len=None):
super(OFPGetConfigReply, self).__init__(datapath)
self.flags = flags
@@ -260,6 +488,33 @@ class OFPGetConfigReply(MsgBase):
class OFPSetConfig(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Set config request message
+ The controller sends a set config request message to set configuraion
+ parameters.
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ============= =========================================================
+ flags One of the following configuration flags.
+ miss_send_len Max bytes of new flow that datapath should send to the
+ controller
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_set_config(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPSetConfig(datapath, ofp.OFPC_FRAG_NORMAL, 256)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags=0, miss_send_len=0):
super(OFPSetConfig, self).__init__(datapath)
self.flags = flags
@@ -1668,6 +1923,50 @@ class MTIPv6ExtHdr(OFPMatchField):
class OFPPacketIn(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Packet-In message
+ The switch sends the packet that received to the controller by this
+ message.
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ============= =========================================================
+ buffer_id ID assigned by datapath
+ total_len Full length of frame
+ reason Reason packet is being sent.
+ table_id ID of the table that was looked up
+ cookie Cookie of the flow entry that was looked up
+ match Instance of ``OFPMatch``
+ data Ethernet frame
+ ============= =========================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPacketIn, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def packet_in_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ ofp = dp.ofproto
+ if msg.reason == ofp.OFPR_NO_MATCH:
+ reason = 'NO MATCH'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPR_ACTION:
+ reason = 'ACTION'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPR_INVALID_TTL:
+ reason = 'INVALID TTL'
+ else:
+ reason = 'unknown'
+ self.logger.debug('OFPPacketIn received: '
+ 'buffer_id=%x total_len=%d reason=%s '
+ 'table_id=%d cookie=%d match=%s data=%s',
+ msg.buffer_id, msg.total_len, reason,
+ msg.table_id, msg.cookie, msg.match,
+ utils.hex_array(
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, buffer_id=None, total_len=None, reason=None,
table_id=None, cookie=None, match=None, data=None):
super(OFPPacketIn, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -1705,6 +2004,61 @@ class OFPPacketIn(MsgBase):
class OFPFlowRemoved(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Flow removed message
+ When flow entries time out or are deleted, the switch notifies controller
+ with this message.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier
+ priority Priority level of flow entry
+ reason One of the following values.
+ table_id ID of the table
+ duration_sec Time flow was alive in seconds
+ duration_nsec Time flow was alive in nanoseconds beyond duration_sec
+ idle_timeout Idle timeout from original flow mod
+ hard_timeout Hard timeout from original flow mod
+ packet_count Number of packets that was associated with the flow
+ byte_count Number of bytes that was associated with the flow
+ match Instance of ``OFPMatch``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPFlowRemoved, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def flow_removed_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ dp = msg.datapath
+ ofp = dp.ofproto
+ if msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT:
+ reason = 'IDLE TIMEOUT'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_HARD_TIMEOUT:
+ reason = 'HARD TIMEOUT'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_DELETE:
+ reason = 'DELETE'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPRR_GROUP_DELETE:
+ reason = 'GROUP DELETE'
+ else:
+ reason = 'unknown'
+ self.logger.debug('OFPFlowRemoved received: '
+ 'cookie=%d priority=%d reason=%s table_id=%d '
+ 'duration_sec=%d duration_nsec=%d '
+ 'idle_timeout=%d hard_timeout=%d '
+ 'packet_count=%d byte_count=%d match.fields=%s',
+ msg.cookie, msg.priority, reason, msg.table_id,
+ msg.duration_sec, msg.duration_nsec,
+ msg.idle_timeout, msg.hard_timeout,
+ msg.packet_count, msg.byte_count, msg.match)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, cookie=None, priority=None, reason=None,
table_id=None, duration_sec=None, duration_nsec=None,
idle_timeout=None, hard_timeout=None, packet_count=None,
@@ -1772,6 +2126,41 @@ class OFPPort(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPPort', (
class OFPPortStatus(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Port status message
+ The switch notifies controller of change of ports.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ reason One of the following values.
+ desc instance of ``OFPPort``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatus, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def port_status_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ dp = msg.datapath
+ ofp = dp.ofproto
+ if msg.reason == ofp.OFPPR_ADD:
+ reason = 'ADD'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPPR_DELETE:
+ reason = 'DELETE'
+ elif msg.reason == ofp.OFPPR_MODIFY:
+ reason = 'MODIFY'
+ else:
+ reason = 'unknown'
+ self.logger.debug('OFPPortStatus received: reason=%s desc=%s',
+ reason, msg.desc)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, reason=None, desc=None):
super(OFPPortStatus, self).__init__(datapath)
self.reason = reason
@@ -1791,6 +2180,32 @@ class OFPPortStatus(MsgBase):
class OFPPacketOut(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Packet-Out message
+ The controller uses this message to send a packet out throught the
+ switch.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ buffer_id ID assigned by datapath (0xffffffff if none)
+ in_port Packet's input port or ``OFPP_CONTROLLER``
+ actions list of OpenFlow action class
+ data Packet data
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_packet_out(self, datapath, buffer_id, in_port):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ actions = [ofp_parser.OFPActionOutput(ofp.OFPP_FLOOD, 0)]
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPPacketOut(datapath, buffer_id,
+ in_port, actions)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, buffer_id=None, in_port=None, actions=None,
assert in_port is not None
@@ -1821,6 +2236,67 @@ class OFPPacketOut(MsgBase):
class OFPFlowMod(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Modify Flow entry message
+ The controller sends this message to modify the flow table.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ cookie Opaque controller-issued identifier
+ cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match
+ when the command is ``OPFFC_MODIFY*`` or
+ table_id ID of the table to put the flow in
+ command One of the following values.
+ idle_timeout Idle time before discarding (seconds)
+ hard_timeout Max time before discarding (seconds)
+ priority Priority level of flow entry
+ buffer_id Buffered packet to apply to (or 0xffffffff)
+ out_port For ``OFPFC_DELETE*`` commands, require matching
+ entries to include this as an output port
+ out_group For ``OFPFC_DELETE*`` commands, require matching
+ entries to include this as an output group
+ flags One of the following values.
+ match Instance of ``OFPMatch``
+ instructions list of ``OFPInstruction*`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_flow_mod(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ cookie = cookie_mask = 0
+ table_id = 0
+ idle_timeout = hard_timeout = 0
+ priority = 32768
+ buffer_id = 0xffffffff
+ match = ofp_parser.OFPMatch(in_port=1, eth_dst='ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
+ actions = [ofp_parser.OFPActionOutput(ofp.OFPP_NORMAL, 0)]
+ inst = [ofp_parser.OFPInstructionActions(ofp.OFPIT_APPLY_ACTIONS,
+ actions)]
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPFlowMod(datapath, cookie, cookie_mask,
+ table_id, ofp.OFPFC_ADD,
+ idle_timeout, hard_timeout,
+ priority, buffer_id,
+ ofp.OFPP_ANY, ofp.OFPG_ANY,
+ match, inst)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, cookie=0, cookie_mask=0, table_id=0,
idle_timeout=0, hard_timeout=0, priority=0,
@@ -1884,6 +2360,17 @@ class OFPInstruction(object):
class OFPInstructionGotoTable(StringifyMixin):
+ """
+ Goto table instruction
+ This instruction indicates the next table in the processing pipeline.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ table_id Next table
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
_base_attributes = ['type', 'len']
def __init__(self, table_id):
@@ -1906,6 +2393,18 @@ class OFPInstructionGotoTable(StringifyMixin):
class OFPInstructionWriteMetadata(StringifyMixin):
+ """
+ Write metadata instruction
+ This instruction writes the masked metadata value into the metadata field.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ metadata Metadata value to write
+ metadata_mask Metadata write bitmask
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
_base_attributes = ['type', 'len']
def __init__(self, metadata, metadata_mask):
@@ -1932,6 +2431,21 @@ class OFPInstructionWriteMetadata(StringifyMixin):
class OFPInstructionActions(StringifyMixin):
+ """
+ Actions instruction
+ This instruction writes/applies/clears the actions.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ type One of following values.
+ actions list of OpenFlow action class
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
_base_attributes = ['len']
def __init__(self, type_, actions=None):
@@ -1976,6 +2490,17 @@ class OFPInstructionActions(StringifyMixin):
class OFPInstructionMeter(StringifyMixin):
+ """
+ Meter instruction
+ This instruction applies the meter.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ meter_id Meter instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
_base_attributes = ['type', 'len']
def __init__(self, meter_id):
@@ -2037,6 +2562,18 @@ class OFPAction(OFPActionHeader):
class OFPActionOutput(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Output action
+ This action indicates output a packet to the switch port.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ port Output port
+ max_len Max length to send to controller
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, port, max_len=0):
super(OFPActionOutput, self).__init__()
self.port = port
@@ -2056,6 +2593,17 @@ class OFPActionOutput(OFPAction):
class OFPActionGroup(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Group action
+ This action indicates the group used to process the packet.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ group_id Group identifier
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, group_id):
super(OFPActionGroup, self).__init__()
self.group_id = group_id
@@ -2074,6 +2622,18 @@ class OFPActionGroup(OFPAction):
class OFPActionSetQueue(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Set queue action
+ This action sets the queue id that will be used to map a flow to an
+ already-configured queue on a port.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ queue_id Queue ID for the packets
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, queue_id):
super(OFPActionSetQueue, self).__init__()
self.queue_id = queue_id
@@ -2092,6 +2652,17 @@ class OFPActionSetQueue(OFPAction):
class OFPActionSetMplsTtl(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Set MPLS TTL action
+ This action sets the MPLS TTL.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ mpls_ttl MPLS TTL
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, mpls_ttl):
super(OFPActionSetMplsTtl, self).__init__()
self.mpls_ttl = mpls_ttl
@@ -2110,6 +2681,11 @@ class OFPActionSetMplsTtl(OFPAction):
class OFPActionDecMplsTtl(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Decrement MPLS TTL action
+ This action decrements the MPLS TTL.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(OFPActionDecMplsTtl, self).__init__()
@@ -2117,6 +2693,17 @@ class OFPActionDecMplsTtl(OFPAction):
class OFPActionSetNwTtl(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Set IP TTL action
+ This action sets the IP TTL.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ nw_ttl IP TTL
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, nw_ttl):
super(OFPActionSetNwTtl, self).__init__()
self.nw_ttl = nw_ttl
@@ -2135,6 +2722,11 @@ class OFPActionSetNwTtl(OFPAction):
class OFPActionDecNwTtl(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Decrement IP TTL action
+ This action decrements the IP TTL.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(OFPActionDecNwTtl, self).__init__()
@@ -2147,6 +2739,12 @@ class OFPActionDecNwTtl(OFPAction):
class OFPActionCopyTtlOut(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Copy TTL Out action
+ This action copies the TTL from the next-to-outermost header with TTL to
+ the outermost header with TTL.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(OFPActionCopyTtlOut, self).__init__()
@@ -2159,6 +2757,12 @@ class OFPActionCopyTtlOut(OFPAction):
class OFPActionCopyTtlIn(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Copy TTL In action
+ This action copies the TTL from the outermost header with TTL to the
+ next-to-outermost header with TTL.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(OFPActionCopyTtlIn, self).__init__()
@@ -2171,6 +2775,17 @@ class OFPActionCopyTtlIn(OFPAction):
class OFPActionPushVlan(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Push VLAN action
+ This action pushes a new VLAN tag to the packet.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ ethertype Ether type
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, ethertype):
super(OFPActionPushVlan, self).__init__()
self.ethertype = ethertype
@@ -2189,6 +2804,17 @@ class OFPActionPushVlan(OFPAction):
class OFPActionPushMpls(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Push MPLS action
+ This action pushes a new MPLS header to the packet.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ ethertype Ether type
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, ethertype):
super(OFPActionPushMpls, self).__init__()
self.ethertype = ethertype
@@ -2207,6 +2833,11 @@ class OFPActionPushMpls(OFPAction):
class OFPActionPopVlan(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Pop VLAN action
+ This action pops the outermost VLAN tag from the packet.
+ """
def __init__(self):
super(OFPActionPopVlan, self).__init__()
@@ -2219,6 +2850,11 @@ class OFPActionPopVlan(OFPAction):
class OFPActionPopMpls(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Pop MPLS action
+ This action pops the MPLS header from the packet.
+ """
def __init__(self, ethertype):
super(OFPActionPopMpls, self).__init__()
self.ethertype = ethertype
@@ -2237,6 +2873,17 @@ class OFPActionPopMpls(OFPAction):
class OFPActionSetField(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Set field action
+ This action modifies a header field in the packet.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ field Instance of ``OFPMatchField``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, field=None, **kwargs):
# old api
# OFPActionSetField(field)
@@ -2350,6 +2997,17 @@ class OFPActionSetField(OFPAction):
class OFPActionExperimenter(OFPAction):
+ """
+ Experimenter action
+ This action is an extensible action for the experimenter.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ experimenter Experimenter ID
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, experimenter):
super(OFPActionExperimenter, self).__init__()
self.experimenter = experimenter
@@ -2407,6 +3065,48 @@ class OFPBucket(StringifyMixin):
class OFPGroupMod(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Modify group entry message
+ The controller sends this message to modify the group table.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ command One of the following values.
+ type One of the following values.
+ group_id Group identifier
+ buckets list of ``OFPBucket``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_group_mod(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ port = 1
+ max_len = 2000
+ actions = [ofp_parser.OFPActionOutput(port, max_len)]
+ weight = 100
+ watch_port = 0
+ watch_group = 0
+ buckets = [ofp_parser.OFPBucket(weight, watch_port, watch_group,
+ actions)]
+ group_id = 1
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPGroupMod(datapath, ofp.OFPFC_ADD,
+ ofp.OFPGT_SELECT, group_id, buckets)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, command, type_, group_id, buckets):
super(OFPGroupMod, self).__init__(datapath)
self.command = command
@@ -2427,6 +3127,61 @@ class OFPGroupMod(MsgBase):
class OFPPortMod(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Port modification message
+ The controller sneds this message to modify the behavior of the port.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ port_no Port number to modify
+ hw_addr The hardware address that must be the same as hw_addr
+ of ``OFPPort`` of ``OFPSwitchFeatures``
+ config Bitmap of configuration flags.
+ mask Bitmap of configuration flags above to be changed
+ advertise Bitmap of the following flags.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_port_mod(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ port_no = 3
+ hw_addr = 'fa:c8:e8:76:1d:7e'
+ config = 0
+ mask = (ofp.OFPPC_PORT_DOWN | ofp.OFPPC_NO_RECV |
+ advertise = (ofp.OFPPF_10MB_HD | ofp.OFPPF_100MB_FD |
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPPortMod(datapath, port_no, hw_addr, config,
+ mask, advertise)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
_TYPE = {
'ascii': [
@@ -2452,6 +3207,30 @@ class OFPPortMod(MsgBase):
class OFPMeterMod(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Meter modification message
+ The controller sends this message to modify the meter.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ command One of the following values.
+ flags One of the following flags.
+ meter_id Meter instance
+ bands list of the following class instance.
+ OFPMeterBandDrop
+ OFPMeterBandDscpRemark
+ OFPMeterBandExperimenter
+ ================ ======================================================
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, command, flags, meter_id, bands):
super(OFPMeterMod, self).__init__(datapath)
self.command = command
@@ -2472,6 +3251,28 @@ class OFPMeterMod(MsgBase):
class OFPTableMod(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Flow table configuration message
+ The controller sends this message to configure table state.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ table_id ID of the table (OFPTT_ALL indicates all tables)
+ config Bitmap of the following flags.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_table_mod(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPTableMod(datapath, 1, 3)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, table_id, config):
super(OFPTableMod, self).__init__(datapath)
self.table_id = table_id
@@ -2604,6 +3405,26 @@ class OFPDescStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPDescStats', (
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_DESC, OFPDescStats)
class OFPDescStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Description statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query description of the switch.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_desc_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPDescStatsRequest(datapath, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags):
super(OFPDescStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
@@ -2612,6 +3433,29 @@ class OFPDescStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_DESC, OFPDescStats)
class OFPDescStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Description statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a description statistics
+ request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body Instance of ``OFPDescStats``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPDescStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def desc_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ body = ev.msg.body
+ self.logger.debug('DescStats: mfr_desc=%s hw_desc=%s sw_desc=%s '
+ 'serial_num=%s dp_desc=%s',
+ body.mfr_desc, body.hw_desc, body.sw_desc,
+ body.serial_num, body.dp_desc)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPDescStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2690,6 +3534,40 @@ class OFPFlowStatsRequestBase(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_FLOW, OFPFlowStats)
class OFPFlowStatsRequest(OFPFlowStatsRequestBase):
+ """
+ Individual flow statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query individual flow statistics.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ table_id ID of table to read
+ out_port Require matching entries to include this as an output
+ port
+ out_group Require matching entries to include this as an output
+ group
+ cookie Require matching entries to contain this cookie value
+ cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match
+ match Instance of ``OFPMatch``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_flow_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ cookie = cookie_mask = 0
+ match = ofp_parser.OFPMatch(in_port=1)
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPFlowStatsRequest(datapath, 0,
+ ofp.OFPTT_ALL,
+ ofp.OFPP_ANY, ofp.OFPG_ANY,
+ cookie, cookie_mask,
+ match)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, table_id, out_port, out_group,
cookie, cookie_mask, match):
super(OFPFlowStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags, table_id,
@@ -2701,6 +3579,38 @@ class OFPFlowStatsRequest(OFPFlowStatsRequestBase):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_FLOW, OFPFlowStats)
class OFPFlowStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Individual flow statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to an individual flow statistics
+ request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPFlowStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPFlowStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def flow_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ flows = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ flows.append('table_id=%s '
+ 'duration_sec=%d duration_nsec=%d '
+ 'priority=%d '
+ 'idle_timeout=%d hard_timeout=%d flags=0x%04x '
+ 'cookie=%d packet_count=%d byte_count=%d '
+ 'match=%s instructions=%s' %
+ (stat.table_id,
+ stat.duration_sec, stat.duration_nsec,
+ stat.priority,
+ stat.idle_timeout, stat.hard_timeout, stat.flags,
+ stat.cookie, stat.packet_count, stat.byte_count,
+ stat.match, stat.instructions))
+ self.logger.debug('FlowStats: %s', flows)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPFlowStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2719,6 +3629,41 @@ class OFPAggregateStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPAggregateStats', (
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_AGGREGATE, OFPAggregateStats)
class OFPAggregateStatsRequest(OFPFlowStatsRequestBase):
+ """
+ Aggregate flow statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query aggregate flow statictics.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ table_id ID of table to read
+ out_port Require matching entries to include this as an output
+ port
+ out_group Require matching entries to include this as an output
+ group
+ cookie Require matching entries to contain this cookie value
+ cookie_mask Mask used to restrict the cookie bits that must match
+ match Instance of ``OFPMatch``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_aggregate_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ cookie = cookie_mask = 0
+ match = ofp_parser.OFPMatch(in_port=1)
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPAggregateStatsRequest(datapath, 0,
+ ofp.OFPTT_ALL,
+ ofp.OFPP_ANY,
+ ofp.OFPG_ANY,
+ cookie, cookie_mask,
+ match)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, table_id, out_port, out_group,
cookie, cookie_mask, match):
super(OFPAggregateStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath,
@@ -2735,6 +3680,29 @@ class OFPAggregateStatsRequest(OFPFlowStatsRequestBase):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_AGGREGATE, OFPAggregateStats)
class OFPAggregateStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Aggregate flow statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to an aggregate flow statistics
+ request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body Instance of ``OFPAggregateStats``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPAggregateStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def aggregate_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ body = ev.msg.body
+ self.logger.debug('AggregateStats: packet_count=%d byte_count=%d '
+ 'flow_count=%d',
+ body.packet_count, body.byte_count,
+ body.flow_count)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPAggregateStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2754,6 +3722,26 @@ class OFPTableStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPTableStats', (
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_TABLE, OFPTableStats)
class OFPTableStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Table statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query flow table statictics.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_table_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPTableStatsRequest(datapath, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags):
super(OFPTableStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
@@ -2762,6 +3750,29 @@ class OFPTableStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_TABLE, OFPTableStats)
class OFPTableStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Table statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a table statistics request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPTableStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPTableStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def table_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ tables = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ tables.append('table_id=%d active_count=%d lookup_count=%d '
+ ' matched_count=%d' %
+ (stat.table_id, stat.active_count,
+ stat.lookup_count, stat.matched_count))
+ self.logger.debug('TableStats: %s', tables)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPTableStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2783,6 +3794,28 @@ class OFPPortStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPPortStats', (
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_PORT_STATS, OFPPortStats)
class OFPPortStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Port statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query information about ports
+ statistics.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ port_no Port number to read (OFPP_ANY to all ports)
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_port_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPPortStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofp.OFPP_ANY)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, port_no):
super(OFPPortStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
self.port_no = port_no
@@ -2798,6 +3831,40 @@ class OFPPortStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_PORT_STATS, OFPPortStats)
class OFPPortStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Port statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a port statistics request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPPortStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def port_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ ports = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ ports.append('port_no=%d '
+ 'rx_packets=%d tx_packets=%d '
+ 'rx_bytes=%d tx_bytes=%d '
+ 'rx_dropped=%d tx_dropped=%d '
+ 'rx_errors=%d tx_errors=%d '
+ 'rx_frame_err=%d rx_over_err=%d rx_crc_err=%d '
+ 'collisions=%d duration_sec=%d duration_nsec=%d' %
+ (stat.port_no,
+ stat.rx_packets, stat.tx_packets,
+ stat.rx_bytes, stat.tx_bytes,
+ stat.rx_dropped, stat.tx_dropped,
+ stat.rx_errors, stat.tx_errors,
+ stat.rx_frame_err, stat.rx_over_err,
+ stat.rx_crc_err, stat.collisions,
+ stat.duration_sec, stat.duration_nsec))
+ self.logger.debug('PortStats: %s', ports)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPPortStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2817,6 +3884,29 @@ class OFPQueueStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPQueueStats', (
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_QUEUE, OFPQueueStats)
class OFPQueueStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Queue statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query queue statictics.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ port_no Port number to read
+ queue_id ID of queue to read
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_queue_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPQueueStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofp.OFPP_ANY,
+ ofp.OFPQ_ALL)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, port_no, queue_id):
super(OFPQueueStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
self.port_no = port_no
@@ -2833,6 +3923,32 @@ class OFPQueueStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_QUEUE, OFPQueueStats)
class OFPQueueStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Queue statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to an aggregate flow statistics
+ request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPQueueStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPQueueStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def queue_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ queues = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ queues.append('port_no=%d queue_id=%d '
+ 'tx_bytes=%d tx_packets=%d tx_errors=%d '
+ 'duration_sec=%d duration_nsec=%d' %
+ (stat.port_no, stat.queue_id,
+ stat.tx_bytes, stat.tx_packets, stat.tx_errors,
+ stat.duration_sec, stat.duration_nsec))
+ self.logger.debug('QueueStats: %s', queues)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPQueueStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2852,6 +3968,28 @@ class OFPGroupStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPGroupStats', (
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_GROUP, OFPGroupStats)
class OFPGroupStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Group statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query statistics of one or more
+ groups.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ group_id ID of group to read (OFPG_ALL to all groups)
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_group_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPGroupStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofp.OFPG_ALL)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, group_id):
super(OFPGroupStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
self.group_id = group_id
@@ -2867,6 +4005,32 @@ class OFPGroupStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_GROUP, OFPGroupStats)
class OFPGroupStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Group statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a group statistics request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPGroupStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPGroupStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def group_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ groups = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ groups.append('length=%d group_id=%d '
+ 'ref_count=%d packet_count=%d byte_count=%d '
+ 'duration_sec=%d duration_nsec=%d' %
+ (stat.length, stat.group_id,
+ stat.ref_count, stat.packet_count,
+ stat.byte_count, stat.duration_sec,
+ stat.duration_nsec))
+ self.logger.debug('GroupStats: %s', groups)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath):
super(OFPGroupStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -2901,6 +4065,26 @@ class OFPGroupDescStats(StringifyMixin):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_GROUP_DESC, OFPGroupDescStats)
class OFPGroupDescStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Group description request message
+ The controller uses this message to list the set of groups on a switch.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_group_desc_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPGroupDescStatsRequest(datapath, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags):
super(OFPGroupDescStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
@@ -2909,6 +4093,29 @@ class OFPGroupDescStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_GROUP_DESC, OFPGroupDescStats)
class OFPGroupDescStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Group description reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a group description request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPGroupDescStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPGroupDescStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def group_desc_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ descs = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ descs.append('length=%d type=%d group_id=%d '
+ 'buckets=%s' %
+ (stat.length, stat.type, stat.group_id,
+ stat.bucket))
+ self.logger.debug('GroupDescStats: %s', groups)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPGroupDescStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2932,6 +4139,27 @@ class OFPGroupFeaturesStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPGroupFeaturesStats',
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_GROUP_FEATURES, OFPGroupFeaturesStats)
class OFPGroupFeaturesStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Group features request message
+ The controller uses this message to list the capabilities of groups on
+ a switch.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_group_features_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPGroupFeaturesStatsRequest(datapath, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags):
super(OFPGroupFeaturesStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
@@ -2940,6 +4168,29 @@ class OFPGroupFeaturesStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_GROUP_FEATURES, OFPGroupFeaturesStats)
class OFPGroupFeaturesStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Group features reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a group features request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body Instance of ``OFPGroupFeaturesStats``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPGroupFeaturesStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def group_features_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ body = ev.msg.body
+ self.logger.debug('GroupFeaturesStats: types=%d '
+ 'capabilities=0x%08x max_groups=%s '
+ 'actions=%s',
+ body.types, body.capabilities,
+ body.max_groups, body.actions)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPGroupFeaturesStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -2995,6 +4246,28 @@ class OFPMeterStats(StringifyMixin):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_METER, OFPMeterStats)
class OFPMeterStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Meter statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query statistics for one or more
+ meters.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ meter_id ID of meter to read (OFPM_ALL to all meters)
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_meter_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPMeterStatsRequest(datapath, 0, ofp.OFPM_ALL)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, meter_id):
super(OFPMeterStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
self.meter_id = meter_id
@@ -3010,6 +4283,33 @@ class OFPMeterStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_METER, OFPMeterStats)
class OFPMeterStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Meter statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a meter statistics request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPMeterStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPMeterStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def meter_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ meters = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ meters.append('meter_id=0x%08x len=%d flow_count=%d '
+ 'packet_in_count=%d byte_in_count=%d '
+ 'duration_sec=%d duration_nsec=%d '
+ 'band_stats=%s' %
+ (stat.meter_id, stat.len, stat.flow_count,
+ stat.packet_in_count, stat.byte_in_count,
+ stat.duration_sec, stat.duration_nsec,
+ stat.band_stats))
+ self.logger.debug('MeterStats: %s', meters)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPMeterStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -3147,6 +4447,29 @@ class OFPMeterConfigStats(StringifyMixin):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_METER_CONFIG, OFPMeterConfigStats)
class OFPMeterConfigStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Meter configuration statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query configuration for one or more
+ meters.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ meter_id ID of meter to read (OFPM_ALL to all meters)
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_meter_config_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPMeterConfigStatsRequest(datapath, 0,
+ ofp.OFPM_ALL)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags, meter_id):
super(OFPMeterConfigStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
self.meter_id = meter_id
@@ -3162,6 +4485,30 @@ class OFPMeterConfigStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_METER_CONFIG, OFPMeterConfigStats)
class OFPMeterConfigStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Meter configuration statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a meter configuration
+ statistics request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPMeterConfigStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPMeterConfigStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def meter_config_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ configs = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ configs.append('length=%d flags=0x%04x meter_id=0x%08x '
+ 'bands=%s' %
+ (stat.length, stat.flags, stat.meter_id,
+ stat.bands))
+ self.logger.debug('MeterConfigStats: %s', configs)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPMeterConfigStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -3181,6 +4528,26 @@ class OFPMeterFeaturesStats(ofproto_parser.namedtuple('OFPMeterFeaturesStats',
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_METER_FEATURES, OFPMeterFeaturesStats)
class OFPMeterFeaturesStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Meter features statistics request message
+ The controller uses this message to query the set of features of the
+ metering subsystem.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_meter_features_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPMeterFeaturesStatsRequest(datapath, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags):
super(OFPMeterFeaturesStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
@@ -3189,6 +4556,32 @@ class OFPMeterFeaturesStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_METER_FEATURES, OFPMeterFeaturesStats)
class OFPMeterFeaturesStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Meter features statistics reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a meter features statistics
+ request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPMeterFeaturesStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPMeterFeaturesStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def meter_features_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ features = []
+ for stat in ev.msg.body:
+ features.append('max_meter=%d band_types=0x%08x '
+ 'capabilities=0x%08x max_band=%d '
+ 'max_color=%d' %
+ (stat.max_meter, stat.band_types,
+ stat.capabilities, stat.max_band,
+ stat.max_color))
+ self.logger.debug('MeterFeaturesStats: %s', configs)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPMeterFeaturesStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -3256,6 +4649,25 @@ class OFPTableFeaturesStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_PORT_DESC, OFPPort)
class OFPPortDescStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
+ """
+ Port description request message
+ The controller uses this message to query description of all the ports.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ flags Zero or ``OFPMPF_REQ_MORE``
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_port_desc_stats_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPPortDescStatsRequest(datapath, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, flags):
super(OFPPortDescStatsRequest, self).__init__(datapath, flags)
@@ -3264,6 +4676,34 @@ class OFPPortDescStatsRequest(OFPMultipartRequest):
@_set_stats_type(ofproto_v1_3.OFPMP_PORT_DESC, OFPPort)
class OFPPortDescStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
+ """
+ Port description reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a port description request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ body List of ``OFPPortDescStats`` instance
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPPortDescStatsReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def port_desc_stats_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ ports = []
+ for p in ev.msg.body:
+ ports.append('port_no=%d hw_addr=%s name=%s config=0x%08x '
+ 'state=0x%08x curr=0x%08x advertised=0x%08x '
+ 'supported=0x%08x peer=0x%08x curr_speed=%d '
+ 'max_speed=%d' %
+ (p.port_no, p.hw_addr,
+, p.config,
+ p.state, p.curr, p.advertised,
+ p.supported, p.peer, p.curr_speed,
+ p.max_speed))
+ self.logger.debug('OFPPortDescStatsReply received: %s', ports)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, **kwargs):
super(OFPPortDescStatsReply, self).__init__(datapath, **kwargs)
@@ -3273,6 +4713,20 @@ class OFPPortDescStatsReply(OFPMultipartReply):
class OFPBarrierRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Barrier request message
+ The controller sends this message to ensure message dependencies have
+ been met or receive notifications for completed operations.
+ Example::
+ def send_barrier_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPBarrierRequest(datapath)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath):
super(OFPBarrierRequest, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -3280,12 +4734,41 @@ class OFPBarrierRequest(MsgBase):
class OFPBarrierReply(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Barrier reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a barrier request.
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPBarrierReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def barrier_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ self.logger.debug('OFPBarrierReply received')
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath):
super(OFPBarrierReply, self).__init__(datapath)
class OFPQueueGetConfigRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Queue configuration request message
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ port Port to be queried (OFPP_ANY to all configured queues)
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_queue_get_config_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPQueueGetConfigRequest(datapath, ofp.OFPP_ANY)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, port):
super(OFPQueueGetConfigRequest, self).__init__(datapath)
self.port = port
@@ -3392,6 +4875,28 @@ class OFPPacketQueue(StringifyMixin):
class OFPQueueGetConfigReply(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Queue configuration reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a queue configuration request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ queues list of ``OFPPacketQueue`` instance
+ port Port which was queried
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPQueueGetConfigReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def queue_get_config_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ self.logger.debug('OFPQueueGetConfigReply received: '
+ 'port=%s queues=%s',
+ msg.port, msg.queues)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, queues=None, port=None):
super(OFPQueueGetConfigReply, self).__init__(datapath)
self.queues = queues
@@ -3418,6 +4923,31 @@ class OFPQueueGetConfigReply(MsgBase):
class OFPRoleRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Role request message
+ The controller uses this message to change its role.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ role One of the following values.
+ generation_id Master Election Generation ID
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_role_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPRoleRequest(datapath, ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL, 0)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, role=None, generation_id=None):
super(OFPRoleRequest, self).__init__(datapath)
self.role = role
@@ -3434,6 +4964,44 @@ class OFPRoleRequest(MsgBase):
class OFPRoleReply(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Role reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a role request.
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================ ======================================================
+ role One of the following values.
+ generation_id Master Election Generation ID
+ ================ ======================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPRoleReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def role_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ ofp = dp.ofproto
+ if msg.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_NOCHANGE:
+ role = 'NOCHANGE'
+ elif msg.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_EQUAL:
+ role = 'EQUAL'
+ elif msg.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_MASTER:
+ role = 'MASTER'
+ elif msg.role == ofp.OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE:
+ role = 'SLAVE'
+ else:
+ role = 'unknown'
+ self.logger.debug('OFPRoleReply received: '
+ 'role=%s generation_id=%d',
+ role, msg.generation_id)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, role=None, generation_id=None):
super(OFPRoleReply, self).__init__(datapath)
self.role = role
@@ -3452,6 +5020,19 @@ class OFPRoleReply(MsgBase):
class OFPGetAsyncRequest(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Get asynchronous configuration request message
+ The controller uses this message to query the asynchronous message.
+ Example::
+ def send_get_async_request(self, datapath):
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPGetAsyncRequest(datapath)
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath):
super(OFPGetAsyncRequest, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -3459,6 +5040,52 @@ class OFPGetAsyncRequest(MsgBase):
class OFPGetAsyncReply(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Get asynchronous configuration reply message
+ The switch responds with this message to a get asynchronous configuration
+ request.
+ ================== ====================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================== ====================================================
+ packet_in_mask 2-element array: element 0, when the controller has a
+ OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE role controller.
+ Bitmasks of following values.
+ port_status_mask 2-element array.
+ Bitmasks of following values.
+ flow_removed_mask 2-element array.
+ Bitmasks of following values.
+ ================== ====================================================
+ Example::
+ @set_ev_cls(ofp_event.EventOFPGetAsyncReply, MAIN_DISPATCHER)
+ def get_async_reply_handler(self, ev):
+ msg = ev.msg
+ self.logger.debug('OFPGetAsyncReply received: '
+ 'packet_in_mask=0x%08x:0x%08x '
+ 'port_status_mask=0x%08x:0x%08x '
+ 'flow_removed_mask=0x%08x:0x%08x',
+ msg.packet_in_mask[0],
+ msg.packet_in_mask[1],
+ msg.port_status_mask[0],
+ msg.port_status_mask[1],
+ msg.flow_removed_mask[0],
+ msg.flow_removed_mask[1])
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath, packet_in_mask=None, port_status_mask=None,
super(OFPGetAsyncReply, self).__init__(datapath)
@@ -3484,6 +5111,53 @@ class OFPGetAsyncReply(MsgBase):
class OFPSetAsync(MsgBase):
+ """
+ Set asynchronous configuration message
+ The controller sends this message to set the asynchronous messages that
+ it wants to receive on a given OpneFlow channel.
+ ================== ====================================================
+ Attribute Description
+ ================== ====================================================
+ packet_in_mask 2-element array: element 0, when the controller has a
+ OFPCR_ROLE_SLAVE role controller.
+ Bitmasks of following values.
+ port_status_mask 2-element array.
+ Bitmasks of following values.
+ flow_removed_mask 2-element array.
+ Bitmasks of following values.
+ ================== ====================================================
+ Example::
+ def send_set_async(self, datapath):
+ ofp = datapath.ofproto
+ ofp_parser = datapath.ofproto_parser
+ packet_in_mask = ofp.OFPR_ACTION | ofp.OFPR_INVALID_TTL
+ port_status_mask = (ofp.OFPPR_ADD | ofp.OFPPR_DELETE |
+ flow_removed_mask = (ofp.OFPRR_IDLE_TIMEOUT |
+ req = ofp_parser.OFPSetAsync(datapath,
+ [packet_in_mask, 0],
+ [port_status_mask, 0],
+ [flow_removed_mask, 0])
+ datapath.send_msg(req)
+ """
def __init__(self, datapath,
packet_in_mask, port_status_mask, flow_removed_mask):
super(OFPSetAsync, self).__init__(datapath)