diff options
authorISHIDA Wataru <>2014-06-02 11:44:34 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2014-06-02 12:01:39 +0900
commit49dcfa5c0deb5097c0e0cce2a4fc666abfe0e176 (patch)
parent44725bce37ec67d84e59d176429eb45d6dadd79e (diff)
packet/bgp: add route distinguisher classes and refine codes
Signed-off-by: ISHIDA Wataru <> Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
3 files changed, 221 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/ryu/lib/packet/ b/ryu/lib/packet/
index 13858db5..045e6f60 100644
--- a/ryu/lib/packet/
+++ b/ryu/lib/packet/
+class _Value(object):
+ _VALUE_FIELDS = ['value']
+ @staticmethod
+ def do_init(cls, self, kwargs, **extra_kwargs):
+ ourfields = {}
+ for f in cls._VALUE_FIELDS:
+ v = kwargs[f]
+ del kwargs[f]
+ ourfields[f] = v
+ kwargs.update(extra_kwargs)
+ super(cls, self).__init__(**kwargs)
+ self.__dict__.update(ourfields)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_value(cls, buf):
+ values = struct.unpack_from(cls._VALUE_PACK_STR, buffer(buf))
+ return dict(zip(cls._VALUE_FIELDS, values))
+ def serialize_value(self):
+ args = []
+ for f in self._VALUE_FIELDS:
+ args.append(getattr(self, f))
+ buf = bytearray()
+ msg_pack_into(self._VALUE_PACK_STR, buf, 0, *args)
+ return buf
+class _TypeDisp(object):
+ _TYPES = {}
+ _REV_TYPES = None
+ @classmethod
+ def register_unknown_type(cls):
+ def _register_type(subcls):
+ cls._UNKNOWN_TYPE = subcls
+ return subcls
+ return _register_type
+ @classmethod
+ def register_type(cls, type_):
+ cls._TYPES = cls._TYPES.copy()
+ def _register_type(subcls):
+ cls._TYPES[type_] = subcls
+ cls._REV_TYPES = None
+ return subcls
+ return _register_type
+ @classmethod
+ def _lookup_type(cls, type_):
+ try:
+ return cls._TYPES[type_]
+ except KeyError:
+ return cls._UNKNOWN_TYPE
+ @classmethod
+ def _rev_lookup_type(cls, targ_cls):
+ if cls._REV_TYPES is None:
+ rev = dict((v, k) for k, v in cls._TYPES.iteritems())
+ cls._REV_TYPES = rev
+ return cls._REV_TYPES[targ_cls]
class BgpExc(Exception):
"""Base bgp exception."""
@@ -505,12 +571,116 @@ RF_IPv4_VPN = RouteFamily(afi.IP, safi.MPLS_VPN)
RF_IPv6_VPN = RouteFamily(afi.IP6, safi.MPLS_VPN)
+_rf_map = {
+ (afi.IP, safi.UNICAST): RF_IPv4_UC,
+ (afi.IP6, safi.UNICAST): RF_IPv6_UC,
+ (afi.IP, safi.MPLS_VPN): RF_IPv4_VPN,
+ (afi.IP6, safi.MPLS_VPN): RF_IPv6_VPN,
def pad(bin, len_):
assert len(bin) <= len_
return bin + (len_ - len(bin)) * '\0'
+class _RouteDistinguisher(StringifyMixin, _TypeDisp, _Value):
+ _PACK_STR = '!H'
+ def __init__(self, type_, admin=0, assigned=0):
+ self.type = type_
+ self.admin = admin
+ self.assigned = assigned
+ @classmethod
+ def parser(cls, buf):
+ assert len(buf) == 8
+ (type_,) = struct.unpack_from(cls._PACK_STR, buffer(buf))
+ rest = buf[struct.calcsize(cls._PACK_STR):]
+ subcls = cls._lookup_type(type_)
+ return subcls(type_=type_, **subcls.parse_value(rest))
+ @classmethod
+ def from_str(cls, str_):
+ assert isinstance(str_, str)
+ first, second = str_.split(':')
+ if '.' in first:
+ type_ = cls.IPV4_ADDRESS
+ elif int(first) > (1 << 16):
+ type_ = cls.FOUR_OCTET_AS
+ first = int(first)
+ else:
+ type_ = cls.TWO_OCTET_AS
+ first = int(first)
+ subcls = cls._lookup_type(type_)
+ return subcls(type_=type_, admin=first, assigned=int(second))
+ def serialize(self):
+ value = self.serialize_value()
+ buf = bytearray()
+ msg_pack_into(self._PACK_STR, buf, 0, self.type)
+ return buf + value
+ @property
+ def formatted_str(self):
+ return "%s:%s" % (str(self.admin), str(self.assigned))
+class BGPTwoOctetAsRD(_RouteDistinguisher):
+ _VALUE_FIELDS = ['admin', 'assigned']
+ def __init__(self, type_=_RouteDistinguisher.TWO_OCTET_AS, **kwargs):
+ self.do_init(BGPTwoOctetAsRD, self, kwargs, type_=type_)
+class BGPIPv4AddressRD(_RouteDistinguisher):
+ _VALUE_PACK_STR = '!4sH'
+ _VALUE_FIELDS = ['admin', 'assigned']
+ _TYPE = {
+ 'ascii': [
+ 'admin'
+ ]
+ }
+ def __init__(self, type_=_RouteDistinguisher.IPV4_ADDRESS, **kwargs):
+ self.do_init(BGPIPv4AddressRD, self, kwargs, type_=type_)
+ @classmethod
+ def parse_value(cls, buf):
+ d_ = super(BGPIPv4AddressRD, cls).parse_value(buf)
+ d_['admin'] = addrconv.ipv4.bin_to_text(d_['admin'])
+ return d_
+ def serialize_value(self):
+ args = []
+ for f in self._VALUE_FIELDS:
+ v = getattr(self, f)
+ if f == 'admin':
+ v = bytes(addrconv.ipv4.text_to_bin(v))
+ args.append(v)
+ buf = bytearray()
+ msg_pack_into(self._VALUE_PACK_STR, buf, 0, *args)
+ return buf
+class BGPFourOctetAsRD(_RouteDistinguisher):
+ _VALUE_FIELDS = ['admin', 'assigned']
+ def __init__(self, type_=_RouteDistinguisher.FOUR_OCTET_AS,
+ **kwargs):
+ self.do_init(BGPFourOctetAsRD, self, kwargs, type_=type_)
class _AddrPrefix(StringifyMixin):
_PACK_STR = '!B' # length
@@ -690,6 +860,10 @@ class _VPNAddrPrefix(_AddrPrefix):
addr = addr[1:]
length += struct.calcsize(self._RD_PACK_STR) * 8
+ if isinstance(route_dist, str):
+ route_dist = _RouteDistinguisher.from_str(route_dist)
prefixes = prefixes + (route_dist,)
super(_VPNAddrPrefix, self).__init__(prefixes=prefixes,
@@ -699,15 +873,14 @@ class _VPNAddrPrefix(_AddrPrefix):
def _prefix_to_bin(cls, addr):
rd = addr[0]
rest = addr[1:]
- binrd = bytearray()
- msg_pack_into(cls._RD_PACK_STR, binrd, 0, rd)
+ binrd = rd.serialize()
return binrd + super(_VPNAddrPrefix, cls)._prefix_to_bin(rest)
def _prefix_from_bin(cls, binaddr):
binrd = binaddr[:8]
binrest = binaddr[8:]
- (rd,) = struct.unpack_from(cls._RD_PACK_STR, buffer(binrd))
+ rd = _RouteDistinguisher.parser(binrd)
return (rd,) + super(_VPNAddrPrefix, cls)._prefix_from_bin(binrest)
@@ -741,11 +914,13 @@ class LabelledVPNIPAddrPrefix(_LabelledAddrPrefix, _VPNAddrPrefix,
def prefix(self):
- return self.addr[-1] + '/{0}'.format(self.length)
+ masklen = self.length - struct.calcsize(self._RD_PACK_STR) * 8 \
+ - struct.calcsize(self._LABEL_PACK_STR) * 8 * len(self.addr[:-2])
+ return self.addr[-1] + '/{0}'.format(masklen)
- def route_disc(self):
- return self.addr[-2]
+ def route_dist(self):
+ return self.addr[-2].formatted_str
def label_list(self):
@@ -762,11 +937,13 @@ class LabelledVPNIP6AddrPrefix(_LabelledAddrPrefix, _VPNAddrPrefix,
def prefix(self):
- return self.addr[-1] + '/{0}'.format(self.length)
+ masklen = self.length - struct.calcsize(self._RD_PACK_STR) * 8 \
+ - struct.calcsize(self._LABEL_PACK_STR) * 8 * len(self.addr[:-2])
+ return self.addr[-1] + '/{0}'.format(masklen)
- def route_disc(self):
- return self.addr[-2]
+ def route_dist(self):
+ return self.addr[-2].formatted_str
def label_list(self):
@@ -861,27 +1038,7 @@ class RouteTargetMembershipNLRI(StringifyMixin):
idx += 4
# Extract route target.
- route_target = ''
- etype, esubtype, payload = struct.unpack_from('BB6s', buf, idx)
- # RFC says: The value of the high-order octet of the Type field for the
- # Route Target Community can be 0x00, 0x01, or 0x02. The value of the
- # low-order octet of the Type field for this community is 0x02.
- # TODO(PH): Remove this exception when it breaks something Here we make
- # exception as Routem packs lower-order octet as 0x00
- if etype in (0, 2) and esubtype in (0, 2):
- # If we have route target community in AS number format.
- asnum, i = struct.unpack('!HI', payload)
- route_target = ('%s:%s' % (asnum, i))
- elif etype == 1 and esubtype == 2:
- # If we have route target community in IP address format.
- ip_addr, i = struct.unpack('!4sH', payload)
- ip_addr = socket.inet_ntoa(ip_addr)
- route_target = ('%s:%s' % (ip_addr, i))
- elif etype == 0 and esubtype == 1:
- # TODO(PH): Parsing of RtNlri 1:1:100:1
- asnum, i = struct.unpack('!HI', payload)
- route_target = ('%s:%s' % (asnum, i))
+ route_target = _ExtendedCommunity(buf[idx:])
return cls(origin_as, route_target)
def serialize(self):
@@ -889,12 +1046,7 @@ class RouteTargetMembershipNLRI(StringifyMixin):
if not self.is_default_rtnlri():
rt_nlri += struct.pack('!I', self.origin_as)
# Encode route target
- first, second = self.route_target.split(':')
- if '.' in first:
- ip_addr = socket.inet_aton(first)
- rt_nlri += struct.pack('!BB4sH', 1, 2, ip_addr, int(second))
- else:
- rt_nlri += struct.pack('!BBHI', 0, 2, int(first), int(second))
+ rt_nlri += self.route_target.serialize()
# RT Nlri is 12 octets
return struct.pack('B', (8 * 12)) + rt_nlri
@@ -917,72 +1069,6 @@ def _get_addr_class(afi, safi):
return _BinAddrPrefix
-class _Value(object):
- _VALUE_FIELDS = ['value']
- @staticmethod
- def do_init(cls, self, kwargs, **extra_kwargs):
- ourfields = {}
- for f in cls._VALUE_FIELDS:
- v = kwargs[f]
- del kwargs[f]
- ourfields[f] = v
- kwargs.update(extra_kwargs)
- super(cls, self).__init__(**kwargs)
- self.__dict__.update(ourfields)
- @classmethod
- def parse_value(cls, buf):
- values = struct.unpack_from(cls._VALUE_PACK_STR, buffer(buf))
- return dict(zip(cls._VALUE_FIELDS, values))
- def serialize_value(self):
- args = []
- for f in self._VALUE_FIELDS:
- args.append(getattr(self, f))
- buf = bytearray()
- msg_pack_into(self._VALUE_PACK_STR, buf, 0, *args)
- return buf
-class _TypeDisp(object):
- _TYPES = {}
- _REV_TYPES = None
- @classmethod
- def register_unknown_type(cls):
- def _register_type(subcls):
- cls._UNKNOWN_TYPE = subcls
- return subcls
- return _register_type
- @classmethod
- def register_type(cls, type_):
- cls._TYPES = cls._TYPES.copy()
- def _register_type(subcls):
- cls._TYPES[type_] = subcls
- cls._REV_TYPES = None
- return subcls
- return _register_type
- @classmethod
- def _lookup_type(cls, type_):
- try:
- return cls._TYPES[type_]
- except KeyError:
- return cls._UNKNOWN_TYPE
- @classmethod
- def _rev_lookup_type(cls, targ_cls):
- if cls._REV_TYPES is None:
- rev = dict((v, k) for k, v in cls._TYPES.iteritems())
- cls._REV_TYPES = rev
- return cls._REV_TYPES[targ_cls]
class _OptParam(StringifyMixin, _TypeDisp, _Value):
_PACK_STR = '!BB' # type, length
@@ -1549,6 +1635,26 @@ class BGPPathAttributeExtendedCommunities(_PathAttribute):
buf += comm.serialize()
return buf
+ def _community_list(self, subtype):
+ _list = []
+ for comm in (c for c in self.communities
+ if hasattr(c, "subtype") and c.subtype == subtype):
+ if comm.type == 0 or comm.type == 2:
+ _list.append('%d:%d' % (comm.as_number,
+ comm.local_administrator))
+ elif comm.type == 1:
+ _list.append('%s:%d' % (comm.ipv4_address,
+ comm.local_administrator))
+ return _list
+ @property
+ def rt_list(self):
+ return self._community_list(2)
+ @property
+ def soo_list(self):
+ return self._community_list(3)
class _ExtendedCommunity(StringifyMixin, _TypeDisp, _Value):
_PACK_STR = '!B7s' # type high (+ type low) + value
@@ -1716,6 +1822,10 @@ class BGPPathAttributeMpReachNLRI(_PathAttribute):
buf += binnlri
return buf
+ @property
+ def route_family(self):
+ return _rf_map[(self.afi, self.safi)]
class BGPPathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI(_PathAttribute):
@@ -1759,6 +1869,10 @@ class BGPPathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI(_PathAttribute):
buf += binnlri
return buf
+ @property
+ def route_family(self):
+ return _rf_map[(self.afi, self.safi)]
class BGPNLRI(IPAddrPrefix):
diff --git a/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/info_base/ b/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/info_base/
index c735c309..9d177c59 100644
--- a/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/info_base/
+++ b/ryu/services/protocols/bgp/info_base/
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@ class Path(object):
if extcomm_attr is None:
rts = []
- rts = extcomm_attr.rt_list[:]
+ rts = extcomm_attr.rt_list
return rts
def has_rts_in(self, interested_rts):
diff --git a/ryu/tests/unit/packet/ b/ryu/tests/unit/packet/
index 6ae8dca4..00804dd2 100644
--- a/ryu/tests/unit/packet/
+++ b/ryu/tests/unit/packet/
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ class Test_bgp(unittest.TestCase):
mp_nlri = [
bgp.LabelledVPNIPAddrPrefix(24, '',
- route_dist=100,
+ route_dist='100:100',
labels=[1, 2, 3]),
bgp.LabelledVPNIPAddrPrefix(26, '',
- route_dist=4000000000,
+ route_dist='',
labels=[5, 6, 7, 8]),
communities = [
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ class Test_bgp(unittest.TestCase):
mp_nlri = [
bgp.LabelledVPNIPAddrPrefix(24, '',
- route_dist=100,
+ route_dist='100:100',
labels=[1, 2, 3]),
bgp.LabelledVPNIPAddrPrefix(26, '',
- route_dist=4000000000,
+ route_dist='',
labels=[5, 6, 7, 8]),
communities = [