path: root/tests
diff options
authorJeff Forcier <>2013-03-19 13:36:52 -0700
committerJeff Forcier <>2013-03-19 13:36:52 -0700
commita7ee2509e48d7e2bb533ce5e50796b9a887c7a8a (patch)
tree69ac6ffb7193e8b64bd97fd03db70c6a21485480 /tests
parent5f5137414c91c931f04522b1bb8c2800294d6a90 (diff)
parentd5db60329701df2423909773af9cc9aa5df4d4f6 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into 112-int
Conflicts: paramiko/
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 116 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 2eadabcd..f95da69c 100755
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@ a real actual sftp server is contacted, and a new folder is created there to
do test file operations in (so no existing files will be harmed).
+from __future__ import with_statement
from binascii import hexlify
import logging
import os
@@ -188,6 +190,17 @@ class SFTPTest (unittest.TestCase):
sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt')
+ def test_3_sftp_file_can_be_used_as_context_manager(self):
+ """
+ verify that an opened file can be used as a context manager
+ """
+ try:
+ with + '/duck.txt', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(ARTICLE)
+ self.assertEqual(sftp.stat(FOLDER + '/duck.txt').st_size, 1483)
+ finally:
+ sftp.remove(FOLDER + '/duck.txt')
def test_4_append(self):
verify that a file can be opened for append, and tell() still works.
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 093a2157..efda9b2f 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -104,23 +104,32 @@ class UtilTest(ParamikoTest):
f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file)
config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f)
- [ {'identityfile': '~/.ssh/id_rsa', 'host': '*', 'user': 'robey',
- 'crazy': 'something dumb '},
- {'host': '*', 'user': 'bjork', 'port': '3333'},
- {'host': '', 'crazy': 'something else'}])
+ [{'host': ['*'], 'config': {}}, {'host': ['*'], 'config': {'identityfile': ['~/.ssh/id_rsa'], 'user': 'robey'}},
+ {'host': ['*'], 'config': {'user': 'bjork', 'port': '3333'}},
+ {'host': ['*'], 'config': {'crazy': 'something dumb '}},
+ {'host': [''], 'config': {'crazy': 'something else'}}])
def test_3_host_config(self):
global test_config_file
f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file)
config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f)
for host, values in {
- '': {'user': 'robey', 'crazy': 'something dumb '},
- '': {'user': 'bjork', 'crazy': 'something dumb ', 'port': '3333'},
- '': {'user': 'bjork', 'crazy': 'something else', 'port': '3333'}
+ '': {'crazy': 'something dumb ',
+ 'hostname': '',
+ 'user': 'robey'},
+ '': {'crazy': 'something dumb ',
+ 'hostname': '',
+ 'user': 'robey',
+ 'port': '3333'},
+ '': {'crazy': 'something dumb ',
+ 'hostname': '',
+ 'user': 'robey',
+ 'port': '3333'}
values = dict(values,
- identityfile=os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa")
+ identityfile=[os.path.expanduser("~/.ssh/id_rsa")]
paramiko.util.lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config),
@@ -151,8 +160,8 @@ class UtilTest(ParamikoTest):
# just verify that we can pull out 32 bytes and not get an exception.
x =
self.assertEquals(len(x), 32)
- def test_7_host_config_expose_ssh_issue_33(self):
+ def test_7_host_config_expose_issue_33(self):
test_config_file = """
Host www13.*
Port 22
@@ -220,16 +229,16 @@ Host equals-delimited
ProxyCommand should perform interpolation on the value
config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(cStringIO.StringIO("""
-Host *
- Port 25
- ProxyCommand host %h port %p
Host specific
Port 37
ProxyCommand host %h port %p lol
Host portonly
Port 155
+Host *
+ Port 25
+ ProxyCommand host %h port %p
for host, val in (
('', "host port 25"),
@@ -240,3 +249,83 @@ Host portonly
host_config(host, config)['proxycommand'],
+ def test_11_host_config_test_negation(self):
+ test_config_file = """
+Host www13.* !*
+ Port 22
+Host * !www13.*
+ Port 2222
+Host www13.*
+ Port 8080
+Host *
+ Port 3333
+ """
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file)
+ config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f)
+ host = ''
+ self.assertEquals(
+ paramiko.util.lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config),
+ {'hostname': host, 'port': '8080'}
+ )
+ def test_12_host_config_test_proxycommand(self):
+ test_config_file = """
+Host proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-space
+ProxyCommand = foo=bar
+Host proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-no-space
+Host proxy-without-equal-divisor
+ProxyCommand foo=bar:%h-%p
+ """
+ for host, values in {
+ 'proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-space' :{'hostname': 'proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-space',
+ 'proxycommand': 'foo=bar'},
+ 'proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-no-space':{'hostname': 'proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-no-space',
+ 'proxycommand': 'foo=bar'},
+ 'proxy-without-equal-divisor' :{'hostname': 'proxy-without-equal-divisor',
+ 'proxycommand':
+ 'foo=bar:proxy-without-equal-divisor-22'}
+ }.items():
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file)
+ config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f)
+ self.assertEquals(
+ paramiko.util.lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config),
+ values
+ )
+ def test_11_host_config_test_identityfile(self):
+ test_config_file = """
+IdentityFile id_dsa0
+Host *
+IdentityFile id_dsa1
+Host dsa2
+IdentityFile id_dsa2
+Host dsa2*
+IdentityFile id_dsa22
+ """
+ for host, values in {
+ 'foo' :{'hostname': 'foo',
+ 'identityfile': ['id_dsa0', 'id_dsa1']},
+ 'dsa2' :{'hostname': 'dsa2',
+ 'identityfile': ['id_dsa0', 'id_dsa1', 'id_dsa2', 'id_dsa22']},
+ 'dsa22' :{'hostname': 'dsa22',
+ 'identityfile': ['id_dsa0', 'id_dsa1', 'id_dsa22']}
+ }.items():
+ f = cStringIO.StringIO(test_config_file)
+ config = paramiko.util.parse_ssh_config(f)
+ self.assertEquals(
+ paramiko.util.lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config),
+ values
+ )