path: root/tests/
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authorJeff Forcier <>2018-09-17 18:48:29 -0700
committerJeff Forcier <>2018-09-17 18:48:29 -0700
commit30d49449e38cb10a254983605d576d48a76a387b (patch)
tree4b1231b1a8a33c73659ef178878f3016c523b4c3 /tests/
parent75e6c377089c949df19b497fd9ba408ca82628c2 (diff)
parentdc82971c1af0d147433c948dc440ffabdc276a7c (diff)
Merge branch '2.2' into 2.3
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/')
1 files changed, 103 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2b509c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+import logging
+import os
+import shutil
+import threading
+import pytest
+from paramiko import RSAKey, SFTPServer, SFTP, Transport
+from .loop import LoopSocket
+from .stub_sftp import StubServer, StubSFTPServer
+from .util import _support
+# TODO: not a huge fan of files, see if we can move these somewhere
+# 'nicer'.
+# Perform logging by default; pytest will capture and thus hide it normally,
+# presenting it on error/failure. (But also allow turning it off when doing
+# very pinpoint debugging - e.g. using breakpoints, so you don't want output
+# hiding enabled, but also don't want all the logging to gum up the terminal.)
+if not os.environ.get("DISABLE_LOGGING", False):
+ logging.basicConfig(
+ level=logging.DEBUG,
+ # Also make sure to set up timestamping for more sanity when debugging.
+ format="[%(relativeCreated)s]\t%(levelname)s:%(name)s:%(message)s",
+ datefmt="%H:%M:%S",
+ )
+def make_sftp_folder():
+ """
+ Ensure expected target temp folder exists on the remote end.
+ Will clean it out if it already exists.
+ """
+ # TODO: go back to using the sftp functionality itself for folder setup so
+ # we can test against live SFTP servers again someday. (Not clear if anyone
+ # is/was using the old capability for such, though...)
+ # TODO: something that would play nicer with concurrent testing (but
+ # probably e.g. using thread ID or UUIDs or something; not the "count up
+ # until you find one not used!" crap from before...)
+ # TODO: if we want to lock ourselves even harder into localhost-only
+ # testing (probably not?) could use tempdir modules for this for improved
+ # safety. Then again...why would someone have such a folder???
+ path = os.environ.get("TEST_FOLDER", "paramiko-test-target")
+ # Forcibly nuke this directory locally, since at the moment, the below
+ # fixtures only ever run with a locally scoped stub test server.
+ shutil.rmtree(path, ignore_errors=True)
+ # Then create it anew, again locally, for the same reason.
+ os.mkdir(path)
+ return path
+@pytest.fixture # (scope='session')
+def sftp_server():
+ """
+ Set up an in-memory SFTP server thread. Yields the client Transport/socket.
+ The resulting client Transport (along with all the server components) will
+ be the same object throughout the test session; the `sftp` fixture then
+ creates new higher level client objects wrapped around the client
+ Transport, as necessary.
+ """
+ # Sockets & transports
+ socks = LoopSocket()
+ sockc = LoopSocket()
+ tc = Transport(sockc)
+ ts = Transport(socks)
+ # Auth
+ host_key = RSAKey.from_private_key_file(_support("test_rsa.key"))
+ ts.add_server_key(host_key)
+ # Server setup
+ event = threading.Event()
+ server = StubServer()
+ ts.set_subsystem_handler("sftp", SFTPServer, StubSFTPServer)
+ ts.start_server(event, server)
+ # Wait (so client has time to connect? Not sure. Old.)
+ event.wait(1.0)
+ # Make & yield connection.
+ tc.connect(username="slowdive", password="pygmalion")
+ yield tc
+ # TODO: any need for shutdown? Why didn't old suite do so? Or was that the
+ # point of the "join all threads from threading module" crap in
+def sftp(sftp_server):
+ """
+ Yield an SFTP client connected to the global in-session SFTP server thread.
+ """
+ # Client setup
+ client = SFTP.from_transport(sftp_server)
+ # Work in 'remote' folder setup (as it wants to use the client)
+ # TODO: how cleanest to make this available to tests? Doing it this way is
+ # marginally less bad than the previous 'global'-using setup, but not by
+ # much?
+ client.FOLDER = make_sftp_folder()
+ # Yield client to caller
+ yield client
+ # Clean up - as in make_sftp_folder, we assume local-only exec for now.
+ shutil.rmtree(client.FOLDER, ignore_errors=True)