diff options
authorSteven Barth <>2014-10-16 17:19:05 +0200
committerSteven Barth <>2014-10-16 17:19:05 +0200
commitcf90f5ab2d5b4b6cece7d0096df12eb29e7d1568 (patch)
parentf13c624c16a8e3fd30bb47f9ed614c7e2bd6d75e (diff)
Begin rewrite of NDP-relay
3 files changed, 167 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/src/config.c b/src/config.c
index dc1dcdc..ea69066 100644
--- a/src/config.c
+++ b/src/config.c
@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ enum {
@@ -77,14 +76,12 @@ static const struct blobmsg_policy iface_attrs[IFACE_ATTR_MAX] = {
[IFACE_ATTR_RA_ADVROUTER] = { .name = "ra_advrouter", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL },
[IFACE_ATTR_NDPROXY_ROUTING] = { .name = "ndproxy_routing", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL },
[IFACE_ATTR_NDPROXY_SLAVE] = { .name = "ndproxy_slave", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_BOOL },
- [IFACE_ATTR_NDPROXY_STATIC] = { .name = "ndproxy_static", .type = BLOBMSG_TYPE_ARRAY },
static const struct uci_blob_param_info iface_attr_info[IFACE_ATTR_MAX] = {
const struct uci_blob_param_list interface_attr_list = {
@@ -155,7 +152,6 @@ static void clean_interface(struct interface *iface)
- free(iface->static_ndp);
@@ -548,27 +544,6 @@ int config_parse_interface(void *data, size_t len, const char *name, bool overwr
iface->external = blobmsg_get_bool(c);
- if ((c = tb[IFACE_ATTR_NDPROXY_STATIC])) {
- struct blob_attr *cur;
- unsigned rem;
- blobmsg_for_each_attr(cur, c, rem) {
- if (blobmsg_type(cur) != BLOBMSG_TYPE_STRING || !blobmsg_check_attr(cur, NULL))
- continue;
- int len = blobmsg_data_len(cur);
- iface->static_ndp = realloc(iface->static_ndp, iface->static_ndp_len + len);
- if (!iface->static_ndp)
- goto err;
- if (iface->static_ndp_len)
- iface->static_ndp[iface->static_ndp_len - 1] = ' ';
- memcpy(&iface->static_ndp[iface->static_ndp_len], blobmsg_get_string(cur), len);
- iface->static_ndp_len += len;
- }
- }
return 0;
diff --git a/src/ndp.c b/src/ndp.c
index 44884be..fd0134e 100644
--- a/src/ndp.c
+++ b/src/ndp.c
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
#include <signal.h>
#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
@@ -36,18 +37,11 @@ static void handle_solicit(void *addr, void *data, size_t len,
struct interface *iface, void *dest);
static void handle_rtnetlink(void *addr, void *data, size_t len,
struct interface *iface, void *dest);
-static struct ndp_neighbor* find_neighbor(struct in6_addr *addr, bool strict);
-static void modify_neighbor(struct in6_addr *addr, struct interface *iface,
- bool add);
static ssize_t ping6(struct in6_addr *addr,
const struct interface *iface);
-static struct list_head neighbors = LIST_HEAD_INIT(neighbors);
-static size_t neighbor_count = 0;
static uint32_t rtnl_seqid = 0;
static int ping_socket = -1;
-static struct odhcpd_event ndp_event = {{.fd = -1}, handle_solicit};
static struct odhcpd_event rtnl_event = {{.fd = -1}, handle_rtnetlink};
@@ -79,16 +73,6 @@ int init_ndp(void)
setsockopt(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, SOL_NETLINK,
NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &group, sizeof(group));
- // Synthesize initial address events
- struct {
- struct nlmsghdr nh;
- struct ifaddrmsg ifa;
- } req2 = {
- ++rtnl_seqid, 0},
- {.ifa_family = AF_INET6}
- };
- send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req2, sizeof(req2), MSG_DONTWAIT);
// Open ICMPv6 socket
@@ -116,105 +100,102 @@ int init_ndp(void)
setsockopt(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, SOL_NETLINK, NETLINK_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &group, sizeof(group));
- // Synthesize initial neighbor events
+ return 0;
+static void dump_neigh_table(bool proxy)
struct {
struct nlmsghdr nh;
struct ndmsg ndm;
} req = {
++rtnl_seqid, 0},
- {.ndm_family = AF_INET6}
+ {.ndm_family = AF_INET6, .ndm_flags = (proxy) ? NTF_PROXY : 0}
send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT);
- return 0;
int setup_ndp_interface(struct interface *iface, bool enable)
- struct packet_mreq mreq = {iface->ifindex, PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI, ETH_ALEN, {0}};
- setsockopt(ndp_event.uloop.fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_DROP_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
- struct ndp_neighbor *c, *n;
- list_for_each_entry_safe(c, n, &neighbors, head)
- if (c->iface == iface && (c->timeout == 0 || iface->ndp != RELAYD_RELAY || !enable))
- modify_neighbor(&c->addr, c->iface, false);
- if (enable && iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY) {
- setsockopt(ndp_event.uloop.fd, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
- if (iface->static_ndp_len) {
- char *entry = alloca(iface->static_ndp_len), *saveptr;
- if (!entry) {
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Alloca failed for static NDP list");
- return -1;
- }
- memcpy(entry, iface->static_ndp, iface->static_ndp_len);
- for (entry = strtok_r(entry, " ", &saveptr); entry; entry = strtok_r(NULL, " ", &saveptr)) {
- char *sep;
- struct ndp_neighbor *n = malloc(sizeof(*n));
- if (!n) {
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Malloc failed for static NDP-prefix %s", entry);
- return -1;
- }
- n->iface = iface;
- n->timeout = 0;
- sep = strchr(entry, '/');
- if (!sep) {
- free(n);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid static NDP-prefix %s", entry);
- return -1;
- }
- *sep = 0;
- n->len = atoi(sep + 1);
- if (inet_pton(AF_INET6, entry, &n->addr) != 1 || n->len > 128) {
- free(n);
- syslog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid static NDP-prefix %s/%s", entry, sep + 1);
- return -1;
- }
- list_add(&n->head, &neighbors);
- }
- }
+ char procbuf[64];
+ snprintf(procbuf, sizeof(procbuf), "/proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/%s/proxy_ndp", iface->ifname);
+ int procfd = open(procbuf, O_WRONLY);
+ bool dump_neigh = false;
+ if (iface->ndp_event.uloop.fd >= 0) {
+ uloop_fd_delete(&iface->ndp_event.uloop);
+ close(iface->ndp_event.uloop.fd);
+ iface->ndp_event.uloop.fd = -1;
+ write(procfd, "0\n", 2);
+ dump_neigh = true;
- bool enable_packet = false;
- struct interface *i;
- list_for_each_entry(i, &interfaces, head) {
- if (i == iface && !enable)
- continue;
- if (i->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY)
- enable_packet = true;
+ if (enable && (iface->ra == RELAYD_SERVER || iface->dhcpv6 == RELAYD_SERVER)) {
+ // Synthesize initial address events
+ struct {
+ struct nlmsghdr nh;
+ struct ifaddrmsg ifa;
+ } req2 = {
+ ++rtnl_seqid, 0},
+ {.ifa_family = AF_INET6, .ifa_index = iface->ifindex}
+ };
+ send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req2, sizeof(req2), MSG_DONTWAIT);
- if (enable_packet && ndp_event.uloop.fd < 0) {
- // Create socket for intercepting NDP
- htons(ETH_P_ALL)); // ETH_P_ALL for ingress + egress
+ if (enable && iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY) {
+ write(procfd, "1\n", 2);
+ int sock = socket(AF_PACKET, SOCK_DGRAM | SOCK_CLOEXEC, htons(ETH_P_IPV6));
if (sock < 0) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to open packet socket: %s",
return -1;
+ int pktt = 1 << PACKET_MULTICAST;
+ setsockopt(sock, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_RECV_TYPE, &pktt, sizeof(pktt));
if (setsockopt(sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ATTACH_FILTER,
&bpf_prog, sizeof(bpf_prog))) {
syslog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to set BPF: %s", strerror(errno));
return -1;
- ndp_event.uloop.fd = sock;
- odhcpd_register(&ndp_event);
- } else if (!enable_packet && ndp_event.uloop.fd >= 0) {
- close(ndp_event.uloop.fd);
- ndp_event.uloop.fd = -1;
+ struct sockaddr_ll ll = {
+ .sll_family = AF_PACKET,
+ .sll_ifindex = iface->ifindex,
+ .sll_protocol = htons(ETH_P_IPV6),
+ .sll_hatype = 0,
+ .sll_pkttype = 0,
+ .sll_halen = 0,
+ .sll_addr = {0},
+ };
+ bind(sock, (struct sockaddr*)&ll, sizeof(ll));
+ struct packet_mreq mreq = {iface->ifindex, PACKET_MR_ALLMULTI, ETH_ALEN, {0}};
+ setsockopt(sock, SOL_PACKET, PACKET_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, &mreq, sizeof(mreq));
+ iface->ndp_event.uloop.fd = sock;
+ iface->ndp_event.handle_dgram = handle_solicit;
+ odhcpd_register(&iface->ndp_event);
+ // If we already were enabled dump is unnecessary, if not do dump
+ if (!dump_neigh)
+ dump_neigh_table(false);
+ else
+ dump_neigh = false;
+ close(procfd);
+ if (dump_neigh)
+ dump_neigh_table(true);
return 0;
@@ -266,61 +247,14 @@ static void handle_solicit(void *addr, void *data, size_t len,
uint8_t mac[6];
odhcpd_get_mac(iface, mac);
- if (!memcmp(ll->sll_addr, mac, sizeof(mac)) &&
- ll->sll_pkttype != PACKET_OUTGOING)
+ if (!memcmp(ll->sll_addr, mac, sizeof(mac)))
return; // Looped back
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- struct ndp_neighbor *n = find_neighbor(&req->nd_ns_target, false);
- if (n && (n->iface || abs(n->timeout - now) < 5)) {
- syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s is on %s", ipbuf,
- (n->iface) ? n->iface->ifname : "<pending>");
- if (!n->iface || n->iface == iface)
- return;
- // Found on other interface, answer with advertisement
- struct {
- struct nd_neighbor_advert body;
- struct nd_opt_hdr opt_ll_hdr;
- uint8_t mac[6];
- } advert = {
- .body = {
- .nd_na_hdr = {ND_NEIGHBOR_ADVERT,
- 0, 0, {{0}}},
- .nd_na_target = req->nd_ns_target,
- },
- .opt_ll_hdr = {ND_OPT_TARGET_LINKADDR, 1},
- };
- memcpy(advert.mac, mac, sizeof(advert.mac));
- advert.body.nd_na_flags_reserved = ND_NA_FLAG_ROUTER |
- struct sockaddr_in6 dest = {AF_INET6, 0, 0, ALL_IPV6_NODES, 0};
- if (!ns_is_dad) // If not DAD, then unicast to source
- dest.sin6_addr = ip6->ip6_src;
- // Linux seems to not honor IPV6_PKTINFO on raw-sockets, so work around
- setsockopt(ping_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BINDTODEVICE,
- iface->ifname, sizeof(iface->ifname));
- struct iovec iov = {&advert, sizeof(advert)};
- odhcpd_send(ping_socket, &dest, &iov, 1, iface);
- } else {
- // Send echo to all other interfaces to see where target is on
- // This will trigger neighbor discovery which is what we want.
- // We will observe the neighbor cache to see results.
- ssize_t sent = 0;
- struct interface *c;
- list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head)
- if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && iface != c &&
- (!ns_is_dad || !c->external == false))
- sent += ping6(&req->nd_ns_target, c);
- if (sent > 0) // Sent a ping, add pending neighbor entry
- modify_neighbor(&req->nd_ns_target, NULL, true);
- }
+ struct interface *c;
+ list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head)
+ if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && iface != c &&
+ (!ns_is_dad || !c->external == false))
+ ping6(&req->nd_ns_target, c);
@@ -384,74 +318,15 @@ static void setup_route(struct in6_addr *addr, struct interface *iface,
odhcpd_setup_route(addr, 128, iface, NULL, add);
-static void free_neighbor(struct ndp_neighbor *n)
- setup_route(&n->addr, n->iface, false);
- list_del(&n->head);
- free(n);
- --neighbor_count;
-static struct ndp_neighbor* find_neighbor(struct in6_addr *addr, bool strict)
- time_t now = time(NULL);
- struct ndp_neighbor *n, *e;
- list_for_each_entry_safe(n, e, &neighbors, head) {
- if ((!strict && !odhcpd_bmemcmp(&n->addr, addr, n->len)) ||
- (n->len == 128 && IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&n->addr, addr)))
- return n;
- if (!n->iface && abs(n->timeout - now) >= 5)
- free_neighbor(n);
- }
- return NULL;
-// Modified our own neighbor-entries
-static void modify_neighbor(struct in6_addr *addr,
- struct interface *iface, bool add)
- if (!addr || (void*)addr == (void*)iface)
- return;
- struct ndp_neighbor *n = find_neighbor(addr, true);
- if (!add) { // Delete action
- if (n && (!n->iface || n->iface == iface))
- free_neighbor(n);
- } else if (!n) { // No entry yet, add one if possible
- if (neighbor_count >= NDP_MAX_NEIGHBORS ||
- !(n = malloc(sizeof(*n))))
- return;
- n->len = 128;
- n->addr = *addr;
- n->iface = iface;
- if (!n->iface)
- time(&n->timeout);
- list_add(&n->head, &neighbors);
- ++neighbor_count;
- setup_route(addr, n->iface, add);
- } else if (n->iface == iface) {
- if (!n->iface)
- time(&n->timeout);
- } else if (iface && (!n->iface ||
- (!iface->external && n->iface->external))) {
- setup_route(addr, n->iface, false);
- n->iface = iface;
- setup_route(addr, n->iface, add);
- }
- // TODO: In case a host switches interfaces we might want
- // to set its old neighbor entry to NUD_STALE and ping it
- // on the old interface to confirm if the MACs match.
// Handler for neighbor cache entries from the kernel. This is our source
// to learn and unlearn hosts on interfaces.
static void handle_rtnetlink(_unused void *addr, void *data, size_t len,
_unused struct interface *iface, _unused void *dest)
+ bool dump_neigh = false;
+ struct in6_addr last_solicited = IN6ADDR_ANY_INIT;
for (struct nlmsghdr *nh = data; NLMSG_OK(nh, len);
nh = NLMSG_NEXT(nh, len)) {
struct rtmsg *rtm = NLMSG_DATA(nh);
@@ -506,35 +381,103 @@ static void handle_rtnetlink(_unused void *addr, void *data, size_t len,
- if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY)
- modify_neighbor(addr, iface, add);
+ if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY) {
+ // Replay change to all neighbor cache
+ struct {
+ struct nlmsghdr nh;
+ struct ndmsg ndm;
+ struct nlattr nla_dst;
+ struct in6_addr dst;
+ } req = {
+ {sizeof(req), RTM_DELNEIGH, NLM_F_REQUEST,
+ ++rtnl_seqid, 0},
+ {.ndm_family = AF_INET6, .ndm_flags = NTF_PROXY},
+ {sizeof(struct nlattr) + sizeof(struct in6_addr), NDA_DST},
+ *addr
+ };
+ if (ndm->ndm_flags & NTF_PROXY) {
+ // Dump & flush proxy entries
+ if (nh->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWNEIGH) {
+ req.ndm.ndm_ifindex = iface->ifindex;
+ send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ dump_neigh = true;
+ }
+ } else if (add) {
+ struct interface *c;
+ list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head) {
+ if (iface == c)
+ continue;
+ if (c->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY) {
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_NEWNEIGH;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE;
+ req.ndm.ndm_ifindex = c->ifindex;
+ send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ } else { // Delete NDP cache from interfaces without relay
+ req.nh.nlmsg_type = RTM_DELNEIGH;
+ req.nh.nlmsg_flags &= ~(NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE);
+ req.ndm.ndm_ifindex = c->ifindex;
+ send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ }
+ }
+ setup_route(addr, iface, true);
+ } else {
+ if (nh->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWNEIGH) {
+ // might be locally originating
+ if (!IN6_ARE_ADDR_EQUAL(&last_solicited, addr)) {
+ last_solicited = *addr;
+ struct interface *c;
+ list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head)
+ if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && iface != c &&
+ !c->external == false)
+ ping6(addr, c);
+ }
+ } else {
+ struct interface *c;
+ list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head) {
+ if (c->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && iface != c) {
+ req.ndm.ndm_ifindex = c->ifindex;
+ send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, &req, sizeof(req), MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ }
+ }
+ setup_route(addr, iface, false);
+ // also: dump to add proxies back in case it moved elsewhere
+ dump_neigh = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (is_addr && iface->ra == RELAYD_SERVER)
- raise(SIGUSR1); // Inform about a change in addresses
+ if (is_addr) {
+ if (iface->ra == RELAYD_SERVER)
+ raise(SIGUSR1); // Inform about a change in addresses
- if (is_addr && iface->dhcpv6 == RELAYD_SERVER)
- iface->ia_reconf = true;
+ if (iface->dhcpv6 == RELAYD_SERVER)
+ iface->ia_reconf = true;
- if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && is_addr && iface->master) {
- // Replay address changes on all slave interfaces
- nh->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST;
+ if (iface->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && iface->master) {
+ // Replay address changes on all slave interfaces
+ nh->nlmsg_flags = NLM_F_REQUEST;
- if (nh->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR)
- nh->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE;
+ if (nh->nlmsg_type == RTM_NEWADDR)
+ nh->nlmsg_flags |= NLM_F_CREATE | NLM_F_REPLACE;
- struct interface *c;
- list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head) {
- if (c->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && !c->master) {
- ifa->ifa_index = c->ifindex;
- send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, nh, nh->nlmsg_len, MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ struct interface *c;
+ list_for_each_entry(c, &interfaces, head) {
+ if (c->ndp == RELAYD_RELAY && !c->master) {
+ ifa->ifa_index = c->ifindex;
+ send(rtnl_event.uloop.fd, nh, nh->nlmsg_len, MSG_DONTWAIT);
+ }
- /* TODO: See if this is required for optimal operation
- // Keep neighbor entries alive so we don't loose routes
- */
- if (add && (ndm->ndm_state & NUD_STALE))
- ping6(addr, iface);
+ if (dump_neigh)
+ dump_neigh_table(false);
diff --git a/src/odhcpd.h b/src/odhcpd.h
index 2cadccb..91c4f94 100644
--- a/src/odhcpd.h
+++ b/src/odhcpd.h
@@ -118,6 +118,7 @@ struct interface {
// DHCPv4
struct odhcpd_event dhcpv6_event;
struct odhcpd_event dhcpv4_event;
+ struct odhcpd_event ndp_event;
struct list_head dhcpv4_assignments;
// Managed PD
@@ -163,9 +164,6 @@ struct interface {
void *dhcpv6_raw;
size_t dhcpv6_raw_len;
- char* static_ndp;
- size_t static_ndp_len;
char *upstream;
size_t upstream_len;