path: root/applications/luci-app-usteer/htdocs/luci-static
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-24luci-app-usteer: Added 2 missing parameters, updated 2 defaults, updated help...Ramon Van Gorkom
2024-04-02luci-app-usteer: Escaped more strings to hardenRamon Van Gorkom
2024-02-15luci-app-usteer: filter repeated SSIDs in configMiguel Angel Mulero Martinez
2024-02-13luci-app-usteer: Fix no wireless defined setupMiguel Angel Mulero Martinez
2024-02-06luci-app-usteer: retrieve SSIDs to be used in the configMiguel Angel Mulero Martinez
2024-01-29luci-app-usteer: added nslookup/hosthint lookup of AP IP addressRamon Van Gorkom
2023-12-28luci-app-usteer: Added tooltip while hovering over connected client showing m...Ramon Van Gorkom
2023-12-17luci-app-usteer: Removed save/apply button on status pages, and added "friend...Ramon Van Gorkom
2023-11-30Luci-app-usteer: First version of luci-app-usteerRamon00