path: root/modules/base/luasrc/model/uci.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'modules/base/luasrc/model/uci.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 404 deletions
diff --git a/modules/base/luasrc/model/uci.lua b/modules/base/luasrc/model/uci.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index a394563047..0000000000
--- a/modules/base/luasrc/model/uci.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,404 +0,0 @@
-LuCI - UCI model
-Generalized UCI model
-Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-local os = require "os"
-local uci = require "uci"
-local util = require "luci.util"
-local table = require "table"
-local setmetatable, rawget, rawset = setmetatable, rawget, rawset
-local require, getmetatable = require, getmetatable
-local error, pairs, ipairs = error, pairs, ipairs
-local type, tostring, tonumber, unpack = type, tostring, tonumber, unpack
---- LuCI UCI model library.
--- The typical workflow for UCI is: Get a cursor instance from the
--- cursor factory, modify data (via Cursor.add, Cursor.delete, etc.),
--- save the changes to the staging area via and finally
--- Cursor.commit the data to the actual config files.
--- LuCI then needs to Cursor.apply the changes so deamons etc. are
--- reloaded.
--- @cstyle instance
-module "luci.model.uci"
---- Create a new UCI-Cursor.
--- @class function
--- @name cursor
--- @return UCI-Cursor
-cursor = uci.cursor
---- Create a new Cursor initialized to the state directory.
--- @return UCI cursor
-function cursor_state()
- return cursor(nil, "/var/state")
-inst = cursor()
-inst_state = cursor_state()
-local Cursor = getmetatable(inst)
---- Applies UCI configuration changes
--- @param configlist List of UCI configurations
--- @param command Don't apply only return the command
-function Cursor.apply(self, configlist, command)
- configlist = self:_affected(configlist)
- if command then
- return { "/sbin/luci-reload", unpack(configlist) }
- else
- return os.execute("/sbin/luci-reload %s >/dev/null 2>&1"
- % table.concat(configlist, " "))
- end
---- Delete all sections of a given type that match certain criteria.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param type UCI section type
--- @param comparator Function that will be called for each section and
--- returns a boolean whether to delete the current section (optional)
-function Cursor.delete_all(self, config, stype, comparator)
- local del = {}
- if type(comparator) == "table" then
- local tbl = comparator
- comparator = function(section)
- for k, v in pairs(tbl) do
- if section[k] ~= v then
- return false
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- end
- local function helper (section)
- if not comparator or comparator(section) then
- del[#del+1] = section[".name"]
- end
- end
- self:foreach(config, stype, helper)
- for i, j in ipairs(del) do
- self:delete(config, j)
- end
---- Create a new section and initialize it with data.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param type UCI section type
--- @param name UCI section name (optional)
--- @param values Table of key - value pairs to initialize the section with
--- @return Name of created section
-function Cursor.section(self, config, type, name, values)
- local stat = true
- if name then
- stat = self:set(config, name, type)
- else
- name = self:add(config, type)
- stat = name and true
- end
- if stat and values then
- stat = self:tset(config, name, values)
- end
- return stat and name
---- Updated the data of a section using data from a table.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name (optional)
--- @param values Table of key - value pairs to update the section with
-function Cursor.tset(self, config, section, values)
- local stat = true
- for k, v in pairs(values) do
- if k:sub(1, 1) ~= "." then
- stat = stat and self:set(config, section, k, v)
- end
- end
- return stat
---- Get a boolean option and return it's value as true or false.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name
--- @param option UCI option
--- @return Boolean
-function Cursor.get_bool(self, ...)
- local val = self:get(...)
- return ( val == "1" or val == "true" or val == "yes" or val == "on" )
---- Get an option or list and return values as table.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name
--- @param option UCI option
--- @return UCI value
-function Cursor.get_list(self, config, section, option)
- if config and section and option then
- local val = self:get(config, section, option)
- return ( type(val) == "table" and val or { val } )
- end
- return nil
---- Get the given option from the first section with the given type.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param type UCI section type
--- @param option UCI option (optional)
--- @param default Default value (optional)
--- @return UCI value
-function Cursor.get_first(self, conf, stype, opt, def)
- local rv = def
- self:foreach(conf, stype,
- function(s)
- local val = not opt and s['.name'] or s[opt]
- if type(def) == "number" then
- val = tonumber(val)
- elseif type(def) == "boolean" then
- val = (val == "1" or val == "true" or
- val == "yes" or val == "on")
- end
- if val ~= nil then
- rv = val
- return false
- end
- end)
- return rv
---- Set given values as list.
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name
--- @param option UCI option
--- @param value UCI value
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
-function Cursor.set_list(self, config, section, option, value)
- if config and section and option then
- return self:set(
- config, section, option,
- ( type(value) == "table" and value or { value } )
- )
- end
- return false
--- Return a list of initscripts affected by configuration changes.
-function Cursor._affected(self, configlist)
- configlist = type(configlist) == "table" and configlist or {configlist}
- local c = cursor()
- c:load("ucitrack")
- -- Resolve dependencies
- local reloadlist = {}
- local function _resolve_deps(name)
- local reload = {name}
- local deps = {}
- c:foreach("ucitrack", name,
- function(section)
- if section.affects then
- for i, aff in ipairs(section.affects) do
- deps[#deps+1] = aff
- end
- end
- end)
- for i, dep in ipairs(deps) do
- for j, add in ipairs(_resolve_deps(dep)) do
- reload[#reload+1] = add
- end
- end
- return reload
- end
- -- Collect initscripts
- for j, config in ipairs(configlist) do
- for i, e in ipairs(_resolve_deps(config)) do
- if not util.contains(reloadlist, e) then
- reloadlist[#reloadlist+1] = e
- end
- end
- end
- return reloadlist
---- Create a sub-state of this cursor. The sub-state is tied to the parent
--- curser, means it the parent unloads or loads configs, the sub state will
--- do so as well.
--- @return UCI state cursor tied to the parent cursor
-function Cursor.substate(self)
- Cursor._substates = Cursor._substates or { }
- Cursor._substates[self] = Cursor._substates[self] or cursor_state()
- return Cursor._substates[self]
-local _load = Cursor.load
-function Cursor.load(self, ...)
- if Cursor._substates and Cursor._substates[self] then
- _load(Cursor._substates[self], ...)
- end
- return _load(self, ...)
-local _unload = Cursor.unload
-function Cursor.unload(self, ...)
- if Cursor._substates and Cursor._substates[self] then
- _unload(Cursor._substates[self], ...)
- end
- return _unload(self, ...)
---- Add an anonymous section.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.add
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param type UCI section type
--- @return Name of created section
---- Get a table of saved but uncommitted changes.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.changes
--- @param config UCI config
--- @return Table of changes
--- @see
---- Commit saved changes.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.commit
--- @param config UCI config
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
--- @see Cursor.revert
--- @see
---- Deletes a section or an option.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.delete
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name
--- @param option UCI option (optional)
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
---- Call a function for every section of a certain type.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.foreach
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param type UCI section type
--- @param callback Function to be called
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
---- Get a section type or an option
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.get
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name
--- @param option UCI option (optional)
--- @return UCI value
---- Get all sections of a config or all values of a section.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.get_all
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name (optional)
--- @return Table of UCI sections or table of UCI values
---- Manually load a config.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.load
--- @param config UCI config
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
--- @see
--- @see Cursor.unload
---- Revert saved but uncommitted changes.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.revert
--- @param config UCI config
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
--- @see Cursor.commit
--- @see
---- Saves changes made to a config to make them committable.
--- @class function
--- @name
--- @param config UCI config
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
--- @see Cursor.load
--- @see Cursor.unload
---- Set a value or create a named section.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.set
--- @param config UCI config
--- @param section UCI section name
--- @param option UCI option or UCI section type
--- @param value UCI value or nil if you want to create a section
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
---- Get the configuration directory.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.get_confdir
--- @return Configuration directory
---- Get the directory for uncomitted changes.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.get_savedir
--- @return Save directory
---- Set the configuration directory.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.set_confdir
--- @param directory UCI configuration directory
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
---- Set the directory for uncommited changes.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.set_savedir
--- @param directory UCI changes directory
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
---- Discard changes made to a config.
--- @class function
--- @name Cursor.unload
--- @param config UCI config
--- @return Boolean whether operation succeeded
--- @see Cursor.load
--- @see