path: root/applications/luci-coovachilli/root/lib/uci/schema/default/coovachilli
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-coovachilli/root/lib/uci/schema/default/coovachilli')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 642 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-coovachilli/root/lib/uci/schema/default/coovachilli b/applications/luci-coovachilli/root/lib/uci/schema/default/coovachilli
deleted file mode 100644
index 898381a6d5..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-coovachilli/root/lib/uci/schema/default/coovachilli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,642 +0,0 @@
-package coovachilli
-config section
- option name 'general'
- option title 'General configuration'
- option description 'General CoovaChilli settings'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'interval'
- option title 'Config refresh interval'
- option description 'Re-read configuration file and do DNS lookups every interval seconds. This has the same effect as sending the HUP signal. If interval is 0 (zero) this feature is disabled. '
- option section 'coovachilli.general'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'pidfile'
- option title 'Pid file'
- option description 'Filename to put the process id'
- option section 'coovachilli.general'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'statedir'
- option title 'State directory'
- option description 'Directory of non-volatile data'
- option section 'coovachilli.general'
- option datatype 'directory'
-config variable
- option name 'cmdsock'
- option title 'Command socket'
- option description 'UNIX socket used for communication with chilli_query'
- option section 'coovachilli.general'
- option datatype 'string'
-config section
- option name 'tun'
- option title 'TUN/TAP configuration'
- option description 'Network/Tun configuration'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'txqlen'
- option title 'TX queue length'
- option description 'The TX queue length to set on the TUN/TAP interface'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'usetap'
- option title 'Use TAP device'
- option description 'Use the TAP interface instead of TUN'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'tundev'
- option title 'TUN/TAP device'
- option description 'The specific device to use for the TUN/TAP interface'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'net'
- option title 'Uplink subnet'
- option description 'Network address of the uplink interface (CIDR notation)'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'statip'
- option title 'Static IP address pool'
- option description 'Specifies a pool of static IP addresses'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'dynip'
- option title 'Dynamic IP address pool'
- option description 'Specifies a pool of dynamic IP addresses'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'dns1'
- option title 'Primary DNS Server'
- option description 'Is used to inform the client about the DNS address to use for host name resolution'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'dns2'
- option title 'Secondary DNS Server'
- option description 'Is used to inform the client about the DNS address to use for host name resolution'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'domain'
- option title 'Domain name'
- option description 'Is used to inform the client about the domain name to use for DNS lookups'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'ipdown'
- option title 'IP down script'
- option description 'Script executed after the tun network interface has been taken down'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'ipup'
- option title 'IP up script'
- option description 'Script executed after the TUN/TAP network interface has been brought up'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'condown'
- option title 'Network down script'
- option description 'Script executed after a session has moved from authorized state to unauthorized'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'conup'
- option title 'Network up script'
- option description 'Script executed after the tun network interface has been brought up'
- option section 'coovachilli.tun'
- option datatype 'file'
-config section
- option name 'dhcp'
- option title 'DHCP configuration'
- option description 'Set DHCP options for connecting clients'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'dhcpif'
- option title 'DHCP interface'
- option description 'Ethernet interface to listen to for the downlink interface'
- option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
- option datatype 'string'
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'dhcpmac'
- option title 'Listen MAC address'
- option description 'MAC address to listen to. If not specified the MAC address of the interface will be used'
- option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
- option datatype 'macaddr'
-config variable
- option name 'lease'
- option title 'Leasetime'
- option description 'Use a DHCP lease of seconds (default 600)'
- option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'dhcpstart'
- option title 'DHCP start number'
- option description 'Where to start assigning IP addresses (default 10)'
- option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'dhcpend'
- option title 'DHCP end number'
- option description 'Where to stop assigning IP addresses (default 254)'
- option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'eapolenable'
- option title 'Enable IEEE 802.1x'
- option description 'Enable IEEE 802.1x authentication and listen for EAP requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.dhcp'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config section
- option name 'macauth'
- option title 'MAC configuration'
- option description 'Configure MAC authentication'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'macauth'
- option title 'Enable MAC authentification'
- option description 'Try to authenticate all users based on their mac address alone'
- option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'macallowlocal'
- option title 'Authenticate locally allowed MACs'
- option description 'Authenticate allowed MAC addresses without the use of RADIUS'
- option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'macallowed'
- option title 'Allowed MAC addresses'
- option description 'List of MAC addresses for which MAC authentication will be performed'
- option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
- option datatype 'string'
- option type 'lazylist'
-config variable
- option name 'macpasswd'
- option title 'Password'
- option description 'Password used when performing MAC authentication'
- option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'macsuffix'
- option title 'Suffix'
- option description 'Suffix to add to the MAC address in order to form the User-Name, which is sent to the radius server'
- option section 'coovachilli.macauth'
- option datatype 'string'
-config section
- option name 'radius'
- option title 'RADIUS configuration'
- option description 'RADIUS configuration'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'acctupdate'
- option title 'Allow session update through RADIUS'
- option description 'Allow updating of session parameters with RADIUS attributes sent in Accounting-Response'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusoriginalurl'
- option title 'Send RADIUS VSA'
- option description 'Send the ChilliSpot-OriginalURL RADIUS VSA in Access-Request'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'swapoctets'
- option title 'Swap octets'
- option description 'Swap the meaning of "input octets" and "output octets" as it related to RADIUS attribtues'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'openidauth'
- option title 'Allow OpenID authentication'
- option description 'Allows OpenID authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-openidauth in RADIUS Access-Requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'wpaguests'
- option title 'Allow WPA guests'
- option description 'Allows WPA Guest authentication by sending ChilliSpot-Config=allow-wpa-guests in RADIUS Access-Requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusacctport'
- option title 'RADIUS accounting port'
- option description 'The UDP port number to use for radius accounting requests (default 1813)'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusauthport'
- option title 'RADIUS authentication port'
- option description 'The UDP port number to use for radius authentication requests (default 1812)'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'radiuscalled'
- option title 'Option radiuscalled'
- option description ''
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'radiuslisten'
- option title 'RADIUS listen address'
- option description 'Local interface IP address to use for the radius interface'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'radiuslocationid'
- option title 'RADIUS location ID'
- option description 'WISPr Location ID'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'radiuslocationname'
- option title 'RADIUS location name'
- option description 'WISPr Location Name'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusnasid'
- option title 'NAS ID'
- option description 'Network access server identifier'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusnasip'
- option title 'Option radiusnasip'
- option description ''
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusnasporttype'
- option title 'NAS port type'
- option description 'Value of NAS-Port-Type attribute. Defaults to 19 (Wireless-IEEE-802.11)'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'radiussecret'
- option title 'RADIUS secret'
- option description 'Radius shared secret for both servers'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusserver1'
- option title 'RADIUS server 1'
- option description 'The IP address of radius server 1'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'radiusserver2'
- option title 'RADIUS server 2'
- option description 'The IP address of radius server 2'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'nasip'
- option title 'NAS IP'
- option description 'Value to use in RADIUS NAS-IP-Address attribute'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'nasmac'
- option title 'NAS MAC'
- option description 'MAC address value to use in RADIUS Called-Station-ID attribute'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'macaddr'
-config variable
- option name 'adminuser'
- option title 'Admin user'
- option description 'User-name to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up chilli configurations and establish a device "system" session'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'adminpasswd'
- option title 'Admin password'
- option description 'Password to use for Administrative-User authentication in order to pick up chilli configurations and establish a device "system" session'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'coaport'
- option title 'RADIUS disconnect port'
- option description 'UDP port to listen to for accepting radius disconnect requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'coanoipcheck'
- option title 'Do not check disconnection requests'
- option description 'Do not check the source IP address of radius disconnect requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.radius'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config section
- option name 'proxy'
- option title 'RADIUS proxy settings'
- option description 'RADIUS proxy settings'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'proxyclient'
- option title 'Proxy client'
- option description 'IP address from which radius requests are accepted. If omitted the server will not accept radius requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'proxylisten'
- option title 'Proxy listen address'
- option description 'Local interface IP address to use for accepting radius requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'proxyport'
- option title 'Proxy port'
- option description 'UDP Port to listen to for accepting radius requests'
- option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'proxysecret'
- option title 'Proxy secret'
- option description 'Radius shared secret for clients'
- option section 'coovachilli.proxy'
- option datatype 'string'
-config section
- option name 'uam'
- option title 'UAM settings'
- option description 'Unified Configuration Method settings'
- option package 'coovachilli'
- option unique true
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'uamanydns'
- option title 'Allow any DNS server'
- option description 'Allow any DNS server for unauthenticated clients'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'uamanyip'
- option title 'Allow any IP address'
- option description 'Allow clients to use any IP settings they wish by spoofing ARP (experimental)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'dnsparanoia'
- option title 'Inspect DNS traffic'
- option description 'Inspect DNS packets and drop responses with any non- A, CNAME, SOA, or MX records to prevent dns tunnels (experimental)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'nouamsuccess'
- option title 'Do not redirect to UAM server'
- option description 'Do not return to UAM server on login success, just redirect to original URL'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'nouamwispr'
- option title 'Do not do WISPr'
- option description 'Do not do any WISPr XML, assume the back-end is doing this instead'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'usestatusfile'
- option title 'Use status file'
- option description 'Write the status of clients in a non-volatile state file (experimental)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'chillixml'
- option title 'Use Chilli XML'
- option description 'Return the so-called Chilli XML along with WISPr XML'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'boolean'
-config variable
- option name 'uamui'
- option title 'UAM user interface'
- option description 'An init.d style program to handle local content on the uamuiport web server'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'uamallowed'
- option title 'Allowed resources'
- option description 'List of resources the client can access without first authenticating'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'string'
- option type 'list'
-config variable
- option name 'uamdomain'
- option title 'Allowed domains'
- option description 'Defines a list of domain names to automatically add to the walled garden'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'string'
- option type 'list'
-config variable
- option name 'uamhomepage'
- option title 'UAM homepage'
- option description 'URL of homepage to redirect unauthenticated users to'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'uamlisten'
- option title 'UAM listening address'
- option description 'IP address to listen to for authentication of clients'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'host'
-config variable
- option name 'uamport'
- option title 'UAM listening port'
- option description 'TCP port to bind to for authenticating clients (default 3990)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'uamiport'
- option title 'UAM static content port'
- option description 'TCP port to bind to for only serving embedded content'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'port'
-config variable
- option name 'uamsecret'
- option title 'UAM secret'
- option description 'Shared secret between uamserver and chilli'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'string'
- option required true
-config variable
- option name 'uamserver'
- option title 'UAM server'
- option description 'URL of web server to use for authenticating clients'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'uamlogoutip'
- option title 'UAM logout IP'
- option description 'Use this IP address to instantly logout a client accessing it (defaults to'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'ip4addr'
-config variable
- option name 'wisprlogin'
- option title 'WISPr login url'
- option description 'Specific URL to be given in WISPr XML LoginURL'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'string'
-config variable
- option name 'defsessiontimeout'
- option title 'Default session timeout'
- option description 'Default session timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'defidletimeout'
- option title 'Default idle timeout'
- option description 'Default idle timeout unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'definteriminterval'
- option title 'Default interim interval'
- option description 'Default interim-interval for RADIUS accounting unless otherwise set by RADIUS (defaults to 0)'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'uint'
-config variable
- option name 'wwwdir'
- option title 'Web content directory'
- option description 'Directory where embedded local web content is placed'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'directory'
-config variable
- option name 'wwwbin'
- option title 'CGI program'
- option description 'Executable to run as a CGI type program (like haserl) for URLs with extention .chi'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'localusers'
- option title 'Local users file'
- option description 'A colon seperated file containing usernames and passwords of locally authenticated users'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'postauthproxy'
- option title 'Post auth proxy'
- option description 'Used with postauthproxyport to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'postauthproxyport'
- option title 'Post auth proxy port'
- option description 'Used with postauthproxy to define a post authentication HTTP proxy server'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'file'
-config variable
- option name 'locationname'
- option title 'Location name'
- option description 'Human readable location name used in JSON interface'
- option section 'coovachilli.uam'
- option datatype 'file'