path: root/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua')
1 files changed, 117 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
index 1baca5be4..64659d65e 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
local fs = require("nixio.fs")
local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor()
local http = require("luci.http")
-local val = ""
m = SimpleForm("edit", translate("Edit Wireless Uplink Configuration"))
m.submit = translate("Save")
@@ -27,23 +26,103 @@ if s ~= nil then
bssid = m:field(Value, "bssid", translate("BSSID"))
bssid.datatype = "macaddr"
bssid.default = s.bssid
- if s.identity then
- ident = m:field(Value, "identity", translate("Identity"))
- ident.default = s.identity
- end
- if s.encryption and s.key then
- wkey = m:field(Value, "key", translatef("Passphrase (%s)", s.encryption))
- elseif s.encryption and s.password then
- wkey = m:field(Value, "password", translatef("Passphrase (%s)", s.encryption))
+ if string.match(s.encryption, '\+') and not string.match(s.encryption, '^wep') then
+ s.pos = string.find(s.encryption, '\+')
+ s.cipher = string.sub(s.encryption, s.pos + 1)
+ s.encryption = string.sub(s.encryption, 0, s.pos - 1)
+ else
+ s.cipher = "auto"
- if s.encryption and (s.key or s.password) then
- wkey.password = true
- wkey.default = s.key or s.password
- if s.encryption == "wep" then
+ if s.encryption and s.encryption ~= "none" then
+ if string.match(s.encryption, '^wep') then
+ encr = m:field(ListValue, "encryption", translate("Encryption"))
+ encr:value("wep", "WEP")
+ encr:value("wep+open", "WEP Open System")
+ encr:value("wep+mixed", "WEP mixed")
+ encr:value("wep+shared", "WEP Shared Key")
+ encr.default = s.encryption
+ wkey = m:field(Value, "key", translate("Passphrase"))
wkey.datatype = "wepkey"
- else
+ elseif string.match(s.encryption, '^psk') then
+ encr = m:field(ListValue, "encryption", translate("Encryption"))
+ encr:value("psk", "WPA PSK")
+ encr:value("psk-mixed", "WPA/WPA2 mixed")
+ encr:value("psk2", "WPA2 PSK")
+ encr.default = s.encryption
+ ciph = m:field(ListValue, "cipher", translate("Cipher"))
+ ciph:value("auto", translate("Automatic"))
+ ciph:value("ccmp", translate("Force CCMP (AES)"))
+ ciph:value("tkip", translate("Force TKIP"))
+ ciph:value("tkip+ccmp", translate("Force TKIP and CCMP (AES)"))
+ ciph.default = s.cipher
+ wkey = m:field(Value, "key", translate("Passphrase"))
+ wkey.datatype = "wpakey"
+ elseif string.match(s.encryption, '^wpa') then
+ encr = m:field(ListValue, "encryption", translate("Encryption"))
+ encr:value("wpa", "WPA Enterprise")
+ encr:value("wpa-mixed", "WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed")
+ encr:value("wpa2", "WPA2 Enterprise")
+ encr.default = s.encryption
+ ciph = m:field(ListValue, "cipher", translate("Cipher"))
+ ciph:value("auto", translate("Automatic"))
+ ciph:value("ccmp", translate("Force CCMP (AES)"))
+ ciph:value("tkip", translate("Force TKIP"))
+ ciph:value("tkip+ccmp", translate("Force TKIP and CCMP (AES)"))
+ ciph.default = s.cipher
+ eaptype = m:field(ListValue, "eap_type", translate("EAP-Method"))
+ eaptype:value("tls", "TLS")
+ eaptype:value("ttls", "TTLS")
+ eaptype:value("peap", "PEAP")
+ eaptype:value("fast", "FAST")
+ eaptype.default = s.eap_type or "peap"
+ authentication = m:field(ListValue, "auth", translate("Authentication"))
+ authentication:value("PAP")
+ authentication:value("CHAP")
+ authentication:value("MSCHAP")
+ authentication:value("MSCHAPV2")
+ authentication:value("EAP-GTC")
+ authentication:value("EAP-MD5")
+ authentication:value("EAP-MSCHAPV2")
+ authentication:value("EAP-TLS")
+ authentication.default = s.auth or "EAP-MSCHAPV2"
+ ident = m:field(Value, "identity", translate("Identity"))
+ ident.default = s.identity or ""
+ wkey = m:field(Value, "password", translate("Passphrase"))
wkey.datatype = "wpakey"
+ cacert = m:field(Value, "ca_cert", translate("Path to CA-Certificate"))
+ cacert.rmempty = true
+ cacert.default = s.ca_cert or ""
+ clientcert = m:field(Value, "client_cert", translate("Path to Client-Certificate"))
+ clientcert:depends("eap_type","tls")
+ clientcert.rmempty = true
+ clientcert.default = s.client_cert or ""
+ privkey = m:field(Value, "priv_key", translate("Path to Private Key"))
+ privkey:depends("eap_type","tls")
+ privkey.rmempty = true
+ privkey.default = s.priv_key or ""
+ privkeypwd = m:field(Value, "priv_key_pwd", translate("Password of Private Key"))
+ privkeypwd:depends("eap_type","tls")
+ privkeypwd.datatype = "wpakey"
+ privkeypwd.password = true
+ privkeypwd.rmempty = true
+ privkeypwd.default = s.priv_key_pwd or ""
+ wkey.password = true
+ wkey.default = s.key or s.password
@@ -52,23 +131,31 @@ end
function wssid.write(self, section, value)
uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "ssid", wssid:formvalue(section))
uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "bssid", bssid:formvalue(section))
- if s.identity then
- val = ident:formvalue(section)
- if val == "" then
- val = "changeme"
- end
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "identity", val)
- end
if s.encryption and s.encryption ~= "none" then
- val = wkey:formvalue(section)
- if val == "" then
- val = "changeme"
- end
- if s.key then
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "key", val)
- elseif s.password then
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "password", val)
+ if string.match(s.encryption, '^wep') then
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section))
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "key", wkey:formvalue(section) or "")
+ elseif string.match(s.encryption, '^psk') then
+ if ciph:formvalue(section) ~= "auto" then
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section) .. "+" .. ciph:formvalue(section))
+ else
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section))
+ end
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "key", wkey:formvalue(section) or "")
+ elseif string.match(s.encryption, '^wpa') then
+ if ciph:formvalue(section) ~= "auto" then
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section) .. "+" .. ciph:formvalue(section))
+ else
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section))
+ end
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "eap_type", eaptype:formvalue(section))
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "auth", authentication:formvalue(section))
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "identity", ident:formvalue(section) or "")
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "password", wkey:formvalue(section) or "")
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "ca_cert", cacert:formvalue(section) or "")
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "client_cert", clientcert:formvalue(section) or "")
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "priv_key", privkey:formvalue(section) or "")
+ uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "priv_key_pwd", privkeypwd:formvalue(section) or "")