path: root/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources')
4 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/shadowsocks-libev.js b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/shadowsocks-libev.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3aaaa50121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/shadowsocks-libev.js
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+'use strict';
+'require uci';
+'require form';
+'require network';
+var names_options_server = [
+ 'server',
+ 'server_port',
+ 'method',
+ 'key',
+ 'password',
+ 'plugin',
+ 'plugin_opts',
+var names_options_client = [
+ 'server',
+ 'local_address',
+ 'local_port',
+var names_options_common = [
+ 'verbose',
+ 'ipv6_first',
+ 'fast_open',
+ 'no_delay',
+ 'reuse_port',
+ 'mode',
+ 'mtu',
+ 'timeout',
+ 'user',
+var modes = [
+ 'tcp_only',
+ 'tcp_and_udp',
+ 'udp_only',
+var methods = [
+ // aead
+ 'aes-128-gcm',
+ 'aes-192-gcm',
+ 'aes-256-gcm',
+ 'chacha20-ietf-poly1305',
+ 'xchacha20-ietf-poly1305',
+ // stream
+ 'table',
+ 'rc4',
+ 'rc4-md5',
+ 'aes-128-cfb',
+ 'aes-192-cfb',
+ 'aes-256-cfb',
+ 'aes-128-ctr',
+ 'aes-192-ctr',
+ 'aes-256-ctr',
+ 'bf-cfb',
+ 'camellia-128-cfb',
+ 'camellia-192-cfb',
+ 'camellia-256-cfb',
+ 'salsa20',
+ 'chacha20',
+ 'chacha20-ietf',
+function ucival_to_bool(val) {
+ return val === 'true' || val === '1' || val === 'yes' || val === 'on';
+return L.Class.extend({
+ values_actions: function(o) {
+ o.value('bypass');
+ o.value('forward');
+ if (o.option !== 'dst_default') {
+ o.value('checkdst');
+ }
+ },
+ values_redir: function(o, xmode) {
+ uci.sections('shadowsocks-libev', 'ss_redir', function(sdata) {
+ var disabled = ucival_to_bool(sdata['disabled']),
+ sname = sdata['.name'],
+ mode = sdata['mode'] || 'tcp_only';
+ if (!disabled && mode.indexOf(xmode) !== -1) {
+ o.value(sname, sname + ' - ' + mode);
+ }
+ });
+ o.value('', '<unset>');
+ o.default = '';
+ },
+ values_serverlist: function(o) {
+ uci.sections('shadowsocks-libev', 'server', function(sdata) {
+ var sname = sdata['.name'],
+ server = sdata['server'],
+ server_port = sdata['server_port'];
+ if (server && server_port) {
+ var disabled = ucival_to_bool(sdata['.disabled']) ? ' - disabled' : '',
+ desc = '%s - %s:%s%s'.format(sname, server, server_port, disabled);
+ o.value(sname, desc);
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ values_ipaddr: function(o, netDevs) {
+ netDevs.forEach(function(v) {
+ v.getIPAddrs().forEach(function(a) {
+ var host = a.split('/')[0];
+ o.value(host, '%s (%s)'.format(host, v.getShortName()));
+ });
+ });
+ },
+ options_client: function(s, tab, netDevs) {
+ var o = s.taboption(tab, form.ListValue, 'server', _('Remote server'));
+ this.values_serverlist(o);
+ o = s.taboption(tab, form.Value, 'local_address', _('Local address'));
+ o.datatype = 'ipaddr';
+ o.placeholder = '';
+ this.values_ipaddr(o, netDevs);
+ o = s.taboption(tab, form.Value, 'local_port', _('Local port'));
+ o.datatype = 'port';
+ },
+ options_server: function(s, opts) {
+ var o, optfunc,
+ tab = opts && || null;
+ if (!tab) {
+ optfunc = function(/* ... */) {
+ var o = s.option.apply(s, arguments);
+ o.editable = true;
+ return o;
+ };
+ } else {
+ optfunc = function(/* ... */) {
+ var o = s.taboption.apply(s, L.varargs(arguments, 0, tab));
+ o.editable = true;
+ return o;
+ };
+ }
+ o = optfunc(form.Value, 'server', _('Server'));
+ o.datatype = 'host';
+ o.size = 16;
+ o = optfunc(form.Value, 'server_port', _('Server port'));
+ o.datatype = 'port';
+ o.size = 5;
+ o = optfunc(form.ListValue, 'method', _('Method'));
+ methods.forEach(function(m) {
+ o.value(m);
+ });
+ o = optfunc(form.Value, 'password', _('Password'));
+ o.password = true;
+ o.size = 12;
+ o = optfunc(form.Value, 'key', _('Key (base64)'));
+ o.datatype = 'base64';
+ o.password = true;
+ o.size = 12;
+ o.modalonly = true;;
+ optfunc(form.Value, 'plugin', _('Plugin')).modalonly = true;
+ optfunc(form.Value, 'plugin_opts', _('Plugin Options')).modalonly = true;
+ },
+ options_common: function(s, tab) {
+ var o = s.taboption(tab, form.ListValue, 'mode', _('Mode of operation'));
+ modes.forEach(function(m) {
+ o.value(m);
+ });
+ o.default = 'tcp_and_udp';
+ o = s.taboption(tab, form.Value, 'mtu', _('MTU'));
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o = s.taboption(tab, form.Value, 'timeout', _('Timeout (sec)'));
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ s.taboption(tab, form.Value, 'user', _('Run as'));
+ s.taboption(tab, form.Flag, 'verbose', _('Verbose'));
+ s.taboption(tab, form.Flag, 'ipv6_first', _('IPv6 First'), _('Prefer IPv6 addresses when resolving names'));
+ s.taboption(tab, form.Flag, 'fast_open', _('Enable TCP Fast Open'));
+ s.taboption(tab, form.Flag, 'no_delay', _('Enable TCP_NODELAY'));
+ s.taboption(tab, form.Flag, 'reuse_port', _('Enable SO_REUSEPORT'));
+ },
+ ucival_to_bool: function(val) {
+ return ucival_to_bool(val);
+ },
+ cfgvalue_overview: function(sdata) {
+ var stype = sdata['.type'],
+ lines = [];
+ if (stype === 'ss_server') {
+ this.cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_server);
+ this.cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_common);
+ this.cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, ['bind_address']);
+ } else if (stype === 'ss_local' || stype === 'ss_redir' || stype === 'ss_tunnel') {
+ this.cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_client);
+ if (stype === 'ss_tunnel') {
+ this.cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, ['tunnel_address']);
+ }
+ this.cfgvalue_overview_(sdata, lines, names_options_common);
+ } else {
+ return [];
+ }
+ return lines;
+ },
+ cfgvalue_overview_: function(sdata, lines, names) {
+ names.forEach(function(n) {
+ var v = sdata[n];
+ if (v) {
+ if (n === 'key' || n === 'password') {
+ v = _('<hidden>');
+ }
+ var fv = E('var', [v]);
+ if (sdata['.type'] !== 'ss_server' && n === 'server') {
+ fv = E('a', {
+ class: 'label',
+ href: L.url('admin/services/shadowsocks-libev/servers') + '#edit=' + v,
+ target: '_blank',
+ rel: 'noopener'
+ }, fv);
+ }
+ lines.push(n + ': ', fv, E('br'));
+ }
+ });
+ },
+ option_install_package: function(s, tab) {
+ var bin = s.sectiontype.replace('_', '-'),
+ opkg_package = 'shadowsocks-libev-' + bin, o;
+ if (tab) {
+ o = s.taboption(tab, form.Button, '_install');
+ } else {
+ o = s.option(form.Button, '_install');
+ }
+ o.title = _('Package is not installed');
+ o.inputtitle = _('Install package ' + opkg_package);
+ o.inputstyle = 'apply';
+ o.onclick = function() {
+'admin/system/opkg') +
+ '?query=' + opkg_package, '_blank', 'noopener');
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/instances.js b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/instances.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..27a2b950c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/instances.js
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+'use strict';
+'require form';
+'require uci';
+'require fs';
+'require network';
+'require rpc';
+'require shadowsocks-libev as ss';
+var conf = 'shadowsocks-libev';
+var cfgtypes = ['ss_local', 'ss_redir', 'ss_server', 'ss_tunnel'];
+var callServiceList = rpc.declare({
+ object: 'service',
+ method: 'list',
+ params: [ 'name' ],
+ expect: { '': {} }
+return L.view.extend({
+ render: function(stats) {
+ var m, s, o;
+ m = new form.Map(conf,
+ _('Local Instances'),
+ _('Instances of shadowsocks-libev components, e.g. ss-local, \
+ ss-redir, ss-tunnel, ss-server, etc. To enable an instance it \
+ is required to enable both the instance itself and the remote \
+ server it refers to.'));
+ s = m.section(form.GridSection);
+ s.addremove = true;
+ s.cfgsections = function() {
+ return
+ .filter(function(s) { return cfgtypes.indexOf(s['.type']) !== -1; })
+ .map(function(s) { return s['.name']; });
+ };
+ s.sectiontitle = function(section_id) {
+ var s = uci.get(conf, section_id);
+ return (s ? s['.type'] + '.' : '') + section_id;
+ };
+ s.renderSectionAdd = function(extra_class) {
+ var el = form.GridSection.prototype.renderSectionAdd.apply(this, arguments),
+ optionEl = [E('option', { value: '_dummy' }, [_('-- instance type --')])];
+ cfgtypes.forEach(function(t) {
+ optionEl.push(E('option', { value: t }, [t.replace('_', '-')]));
+ });
+ var selectEl = E('select', {
+ class: 'cbi-input-select',
+ change: function(ev) {
+ .toggleAttribute('disabled', === '_dummy');
+ }
+ }, optionEl);
+ el.lastElementChild.setAttribute('disabled', '');
+ el.prepend(E('div', {}, selectEl));
+ return el;
+ };
+ s.handleAdd = function(ev, name) {
+ var selectEl =,
+ type = selectEl.value;
+ this.sectiontype = type;
+ var promise = form.GridSection.prototype.handleAdd.apply(this, arguments);
+ this.sectiontype = undefined;
+ return promise;
+ };
+ s.addModalOptions = function(s, section_id, ev) {
+ var sdata = uci.get(conf, section_id),
+ stype = sdata ? sdata['.type'] : null;
+ if (stype) {
+ s.sectiontype = stype;
+ return Promise.all([
+ L.resolveDefault(fs.stat('/usr/bin/' + stype.replace('_', '-')), null),
+ network.getDevices()
+ ]).then(L.bind(function(res) {
+'general', _('General Settings'));
+'advanced', _('Advanced Settings'));
+ s.taboption('general', form.Flag, 'disabled', _('Disable'));
+ if (!res[0]) {
+ ss.option_install_package(s, 'general');
+ }
+ ss.options_common(s, 'advanced');
+ if (stype === 'ss_server') {
+ ss.options_server(s, { tab: 'general' });
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'bind_address',
+ _('Bind address'),
+ _('The address ss-server will initiate connection from'));
+ o.datatype = 'ipaddr';
+ o.placeholder = '';
+ ss.values_ipaddr(o, res[1]);
+ } else {
+ ss.options_client(s, 'general', res[1]);
+ if (stype === 'ss_tunnel') {
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'tunnel_address',
+ _('Tunnel address'),
+ _('The address ss-tunnel will forward traffic to'));
+ o.datatype = 'hostport';
+ }
+ }
+ }, this));
+ }
+ };
+ o = s.option(form.DummyValue, 'overview', _('Overview'));
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o.editable = true;
+ o.rawhtml = true;
+ o.renderWidget = function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) {
+ var sdata = uci.get(conf, section_id);
+ if (sdata) {
+ return, section_id, option_index, ss.cfgvalue_overview(sdata));
+ }
+ return null;
+ };
+ o = s.option(form.DummyValue, 'running', _('Running'));
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o.editable = true;
+ o.default = '';
+ o = s.option(form.Button, 'disabled', _('Enable/Disable'));
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o.editable = true;
+ o.inputtitle = function(section_id) {
+ var s = uci.get(conf, section_id);
+ if (ss.ucival_to_bool(s['disabled'])) {
+ this.inputstyle = 'reset';
+ return _('Disabled');
+ }
+ this.inputstyle = 'save';
+ return _('Enabled');
+ }
+ o.onclick = function(ev) {
+ var inputEl =;
+ inputEl.value = ss.ucival_to_bool(inputEl.value) ? '0' : '1';
+ return;
+ }
+ return m.render().finally(function() {
+ L.Poll.add(function() {
+ return L.resolveDefault(callServiceList(conf), {})
+ .then(function(res) {
+ var instances = null;
+ try {
+ instances = res[conf]['instances'];
+ } catch (e) {}
+ if (!instances) return;
+ uci.sections(conf)
+ .filter(function(s) { return cfgtypes.indexOf(s['.type']) !== -1; })
+ .forEach(function(s) {
+ var el = document.getElementById('cbi-shadowsocks-libev-' + s['.name'] + '-running');
+ if (el) {
+ var name = s['.type'] + '.' + s['.name'],
+ running = instances.hasOwnProperty(name)? instances[name].running : false;
+ el.innerText = running ? 'yes' : 'no';
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ },
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/rules.js b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/rules.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..798237adbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/rules.js
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+'use strict';
+'require uci';
+'require fs';
+'require form';
+'require tools.widgets as widgets';
+'require shadowsocks-libev as ss';
+var conf = 'shadowsocks-libev';
+function src_dst_option(s /*, ... */) {
+ var o = s.taboption.apply(s, L.varargs(arguments, 1));
+ o.datatype = 'or(ipaddr,cidr)';
+return L.view.extend({
+ load: function() {
+ return Promise.all([
+ L.resolveDefault(fs.stat('/usr/lib/iptables/'), {}),
+ L.resolveDefault(fs.stat('/usr/bin/ss-rules'), null),
+ uci.load(conf).then(function() {
+ if (!uci.get_first(conf, 'ss_rules')) {
+ uci.set(conf, uci.add(conf, 'ss_rules', 'ss_rules'), 'disabled', '1');
+ }
+ })
+ ]);
+ },
+ render: function(stats) {
+ var m, s, o;
+ m = new form.Map(conf, _('Redir Rules'),
+ _('On this page you can configure how traffics are to be \
+ forwarded to ss-redir instances. \
+ If enabled, packets will first have their src ip addresses checked \
+ against <em>Src ip/net bypass</em>, <em>Src ip/net forward</em>, \
+ <em>Src ip/net checkdst</em> and if none matches <em>Src default</em> \
+ will give the default action to be taken. \
+ If the prior check results in action <em>checkdst</em>, packets will continue \
+ to have their dst addresses checked.'));
+ s = m.section(form.NamedSection, 'ss_rules', 'ss_rules');
+'general', _('General Settings'));
+'src', _('Source Settings'));
+'dst', _('Destination Settings'));
+ s.taboption('general', form.Flag, 'disabled', _('Disable'));
+ if (!stats[1]) {
+ ss.option_install_package(s, 'general');
+ }
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'redir_tcp',
+ _('ss-redir for TCP'));
+ ss.values_redir(o, 'tcp');
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'redir_udp',
+ _('ss-redir for UDP'));
+ ss.values_redir(o, 'udp');
+ o = s.taboption('general', form.ListValue, 'local_default',
+ _('Local-out default'),
+ _('Default action for locally generated TCP packets'));
+ ss.values_actions(o);
+ o = s.taboption('general', widgets.DeviceSelect, 'ifnames',
+ _('Ingress interfaces'),
+ _('Only apply rules on packets from these network interfaces'));
+ o.multiple = true;
+ o.noaliases = true;
+ o.noinactive = true;
+ s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ipt_args',
+ _('Extra arguments'),
+ _('Passes additional arguments to iptables. Use with care!'));
+ src_dst_option(s, 'src', form.DynamicList, 'src_ips_bypass',
+ _('Src ip/net bypass'),
+ _('Bypass ss-redir for packets with src address in this list'));
+ src_dst_option(s, 'src', form.DynamicList, 'src_ips_forward',
+ _('Src ip/net forward'),
+ _('Forward through ss-redir for packets with src address in this list'));
+ src_dst_option(s, 'src', form.DynamicList, 'src_ips_checkdst',
+ _('Src ip/net checkdst'),
+ _('Continue to have dst address checked for packets with src address in this list'));
+ o = s.taboption('src', form.ListValue, 'src_default',
+ _('Src default'),
+ _('Default action for packets whose src address do not match any of the src ip/net list'));
+ ss.values_actions(o);
+ src_dst_option(s, 'dst', form.DynamicList, 'dst_ips_bypass',
+ _('Dst ip/net bypass'),
+ _('Bypass ss-redir for packets with dst address in this list'));
+ src_dst_option(s, 'dst', form.DynamicList, 'dst_ips_forward',
+ _('Dst ip/net forward'),
+ _('Forward through ss-redir for packets with dst address in this list'));
+ var dir = '/etc/shadowsocks-libev';
+ o = s.taboption('dst', form.FileUpload, 'dst_ips_bypass_file',
+ _('Dst ip/net bypass file'),
+ _('File containing ip/net for the purposes as with <em>Dst ip/net bypass</em>'));
+ o.root_directory = dir;
+ o = s.taboption('dst', form.FileUpload, 'dst_ips_forward_file',
+ _('Dst ip/net forward file'),
+ _('File containing ip/net for the purposes as with <em>Dst ip/net forward</em>'));
+ o.root_directory = dir;
+ o = s.taboption('dst', form.ListValue, 'dst_default',
+ _('Dst default'),
+ _('Default action for packets whose dst address do not match any of the dst ip list'));
+ ss.values_actions(o);
+ if (stats[0].type === 'file') {
+ o = s.taboption('dst', form.Flag, 'dst_forward_recentrst');
+ } else {
+ uci.set(conf, 'ss_rules', 'dst_forward_recentrst', '0');
+ o = s.taboption('dst', form.Button, '_install');
+ o.inputtitle = _('Install package iptables-mod-conntrack-extra');
+ o.inputstyle = 'apply';
+ o.onclick = function() {
+'admin/system/opkg') +
+ '?query=iptables-mod-conntrack-extra', '_blank', 'noopener');
+ }
+ }
+ o.title = _('Forward recentrst');
+ o.description = _('Forward those packets whose dst have recently sent to us multiple tcp-rst');
+ return m.render();
+ },
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/servers.js b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/servers.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d46bfb0aa7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-shadowsocks-libev/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/shadowsocks-libev/servers.js
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+'use strict';
+'require form';
+'require shadowsocks-libev as ss';
+function startsWith(str, search) {
+ return str.substring(0, search.length) === search;
+return L.view.extend({
+ render: function() {
+ var m, s, o;
+ m = new form.Map('shadowsocks-libev', _('Remote Servers'),
+ _('Definition of remote shadowsocks servers. \
+ Disable any of them will also disable instances referring to it.'));
+ s = m.section(form.GridSection, 'server');
+ s.addremove = true;
+ o = s.option(form.Flag, 'disabled', _('Disable'));
+ o.editable = true;
+ ss.options_server(s);
+ return m.render();
+ },
+ addFooter: function() {
+ var p = '#edit=';
+ if (startsWith(location.hash, p)) {
+ var section_id = location.hash.substring(p.length);
+ var editBtn = document.querySelector('#cbi-shadowsocks-libev-' + section_id + ' button.cbi-button-edit');
+ if (editBtn)
+ }
+ return this.super('addFooter', arguments);
+ }