path: root/applications/luci-app-dockerman/luasrc/model/cbi/dockerman/containers.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-dockerman/luasrc/model/cbi/dockerman/containers.lua')
1 files changed, 195 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-dockerman/luasrc/model/cbi/dockerman/containers.lua b/applications/luci-app-dockerman/luasrc/model/cbi/dockerman/containers.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2187de466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-dockerman/luasrc/model/cbi/dockerman/containers.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2019 lisaac <>
+require "luci.util"
+local http = require "luci.http"
+local uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
+local docker = require "luci.model.docker"
+local dk =
+local images, networks, containers
+local res = dk.images:list()
+if res.code <300 then images = res.body else return end
+res = dk.networks:list()
+if res.code <300 then networks = res.body else return end
+res = dk.containers:list({query = {all=true}})
+if res.code <300 then containers = res.body else return end
+local urlencode = luci.http.protocol and luci.http.protocol.urlencode or luci.util.urlencode
+function get_containers()
+ local data = {}
+ if type(containers) ~= "table" then return nil end
+ for i, v in ipairs(containers) do
+ local index = v.Created .. v.Id
+ data[index]={}
+ data[index]["_selected"] = 0
+ data[index]["_id"] = v.Id:sub(1,12)
+ data[index]["name"] = v.Names[1]:sub(2)
+ data[index]["_name"] = '<a href='..luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/container/"..v.Id)..' class="dockerman_link" title="'..translate("Container detail")..'">'.. v.Names[1]:sub(2).."</a>"
+ data[index]["_status"] = v.Status
+ if v.Status:find("^Up") then
+ data[index]["_status"] = '<font color="green">'.. data[index]["_status"] .. "</font>"
+ else
+ data[index]["_status"] = '<font color="red">'.. data[index]["_status"] .. "</font>"
+ end
+ if (type(v.NetworkSettings) == "table" and type(v.NetworkSettings.Networks) == "table") then
+ for networkname, netconfig in pairs(v.NetworkSettings.Networks) do
+ data[index]["_network"] = (data[index]["_network"] ~= nil and (data[index]["_network"] .." | ") or "").. networkname .. (netconfig.IPAddress ~= "" and (": " .. netconfig.IPAddress) or "")
+ end
+ end
+ -- networkmode = v.HostConfig.NetworkMode ~= "default" and v.HostConfig.NetworkMode or "bridge"
+ -- data[index]["_network"] = v.NetworkSettings.Networks[networkmode].IPAddress or nil
+ -- local _, _, image = v.Image:find("^sha256:(.+)")
+ -- if image ~= nil then
+ -- image=image:sub(1,12)
+ -- end
+ if v.Ports and next(v.Ports) ~= nil then
+ data[index]["_ports"] = nil
+ for _,v2 in ipairs(v.Ports) do
+ data[index]["_ports"] = (data[index]["_ports"] and (data[index]["_ports"] .. ", ") or "")
+ .. ((v2.PublicPort and v2.Type and v2.Type == "tcp") and ('<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="^(.+):\\d+$/) && window.location.origin.match(/^(.+):\\d+$/)[1] || window.location.origin) + \':\' + '.. v2.PublicPort ..', \'_blank\');">') or "")
+ .. (v2.PublicPort and (v2.PublicPort .. ":") or "") .. (v2.PrivatePort and (v2.PrivatePort .."/") or "") .. (v2.Type and v2.Type or "")
+ .. ((v2.PublicPort and v2.Type and v2.Type == "tcp")and "</a>" or "")
+ end
+ end
+ for ii,iv in ipairs(images) do
+ if iv.Id == v.ImageID then
+ data[index]["_image"] = iv.RepoTags and iv.RepoTags[1] or (iv.RepoDigests[1]:gsub("(.-)@.+", "%1") .. ":<none>")
+ end
+ end
+ data[index]["_image_id"] = v.ImageID:sub(8,20)
+ data[index]["_command"] = v.Command
+ end
+ return data
+local c_lists = get_containers()
+-- list Containers
+-- m = Map("docker", translate("Docker"))
+m = SimpleForm("docker", translate("Docker"))
+docker_status = m:section(SimpleSection)
+docker_status.template = "dockerman/apply_widget"
+docker_status.err=docker_status.err and docker_status.err:gsub("\n","<br>"):gsub(" ","&nbsp;")
+if docker_status.err then docker:clear_status() end
+c_table = m:section(Table, c_lists, translate("Containers"))
+-- v.template = "cbi/tblsection"
+-- v.sortable = true
+container_selecter = c_table:option(Flag, "_selected","")
+container_selecter.disabled = 0
+container_selecter.enabled = 1
+container_selecter.default = 0
+container_id = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_id", translate("ID"))
+container_name = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_name", translate("Container Name"))
+container_name.rawhtml = true
+container_status = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_status", translate("Status"))
+container_ip = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_network", translate("Network"))
+container_ports = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_ports", translate("Ports"))
+container_ports.rawhtml = true
+container_image = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_image", translate("Image"))
+container_command = c_table:option(DummyValue, "_command", translate("Command"))
+container_selecter.write=function(self, section, value)
+ c_lists[section]._selected = value
+local start_stop_remove = function(m,cmd)
+ local c_selected = {}
+ -- 遍历table中sectionid
+ local c_table_sids = c_table:cfgsections()
+ for _, c_table_sid in ipairs(c_table_sids) do
+ -- 得到选中项的名字
+ if c_lists[c_table_sid]._selected == 1 then
+ c_selected[#c_selected+1] = c_lists[c_table_sid].name --container_name:cfgvalue(c_table_sid)
+ end
+ end
+ if #c_selected >0 then
+ docker:clear_status()
+ local success = true
+ for _,cont in ipairs(c_selected) do
+ docker:append_status("Containers: " .. cmd .. " " .. cont .. "...")
+ local res = dk.containers[cmd](dk, {id = cont})
+ if res and res.code >= 300 then
+ success = false
+ docker:append_status("code:" .. res.code.." ".. (res.body.message and res.body.message or res.message).. "\n")
+ else
+ docker:append_status("done\n")
+ end
+ end
+ if success then docker:clear_status() end
+ luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/containers"))
+ end
+action_section = m:section(Table,{{}})
+btnnew=action_section:option(Button, "_new")
+btnnew.inputtitle= translate("New")
+btnnew.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton"
+btnnew.inputstyle = "add"
+btnnew.forcewrite = true
+btnstart=action_section:option(Button, "_start")
+btnstart.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton"
+btnstart.inputstyle = "apply"
+btnstart.forcewrite = true
+btnrestart=action_section:option(Button, "_restart")
+btnrestart.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton"
+btnrestart.inputstyle = "reload"
+btnrestart.forcewrite = true
+btnstop=action_section:option(Button, "_stop")
+btnstop.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton"
+btnstop.inputstyle = "reset"
+btnstop.forcewrite = true
+btnkill=action_section:option(Button, "_kill")
+btnkill.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton"
+btnkill.inputstyle = "reset"
+btnkill.forcewrite = true
+btnremove=action_section:option(Button, "_remove")
+btnremove.template = "dockerman/cbi/inlinebutton"
+btnremove.inputstyle = "remove"
+btnremove.forcewrite = true
+btnnew.write = function(self, section)
+ luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/docker/newcontainer"))
+btnstart.write = function(self, section)
+ start_stop_remove(m,"start")
+btnrestart.write = function(self, section)
+ start_stop_remove(m,"restart")
+btnremove.write = function(self, section)
+ start_stop_remove(m,"remove")
+btnstop.write = function(self, section)
+ start_stop_remove(m,"stop")
+btnkill.write = function(self, section)
+ start_stop_remove(m,"kill")
+return m