path: root/applications/luci-app-advanced-reboot/root/usr/libexec/rpcd
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-advanced-reboot/root/usr/libexec/rpcd')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 342 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-advanced-reboot/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.advanced_reboot b/applications/luci-app-advanced-reboot/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.advanced_reboot
index a6c7c0e540..c78a61d611 100755
--- a/applications/luci-app-advanced-reboot/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.advanced_reboot
+++ b/applications/luci-app-advanced-reboot/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.advanced_reboot
@@ -1,362 +1,390 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env lua
+# Copyright 2017-2020 Stan Grishin (
+# shellcheck disable=SC2039,SC1091
-local json = require "luci.jsonc"
-local nixio = require "nixio"
-local fs = require "nixio.fs"
-local sys = require "luci.sys"
-local util = require "luci.util"
+readonly devices_dir="/usr/share/advanced-reboot/devices/"
-local devices_dir = "/usr/share/advanced-reboot/devices/"
+. /lib/
+. /usr/share/libubox/
-local function logger(t)
- util.exec("logger -t advanced-reboot '" .. tostring(t) .. "'")
+logger() { /usr/bin/logger -t advanced-reboot "$1"; }
-local function is_alt_mountable(p1_mtd, p2_mtd)
- if p1_mtd:sub(1,3) == "mtd" and
- p2_mtd:sub(1,3) == "mtd" and
- fs.access("/usr/sbin/ubiattach") and
- fs.access("/usr/sbin/ubiblock") and
- fs.access("/bin/mount") then
- return true
+is_alt_mountable() {
+ local p1_mtd="$1" p2_mtd="$2"
+ if [ "${p1_mtd:0:3}" = "mtd" ] && [ "${p2_mtd:0:3}" = "mtd" ] && \
+ [ -x "/usr/sbin/ubiattach" ] && \
+ [ -x "/usr/sbin/ubiblock" ] && \
+ [ -x "/bin/mount" ]; then
+ return 0
- return false
- end
-local function alt_partition_mount(op_ubi)
- local ubi_dev
- util.exec('for i in alt_rom alt_overlay firmware; do [ ! -d "$i" ] && mkdir -p "/alt/${i}"; done')
- ubi_dev = tostring(util.exec("ubiattach -m " .. tostring(op_ubi)))
- _, _, ubi_dev = ubi_dev:find("UBI device number (%d+)")
- if not ubi_dev then
- util.exec("ubidetach -m " .. tostring(op_ubi))
- return
- end
- util.exec("ubiblock --create /dev/ubi" .. ubi_dev .. "_0")
- util.exec("mount -t squashfs -o ro /dev/ubiblock" .. ubi_dev .. "_0 /alt/alt_rom")
- util.exec("mount -t ubifs /dev/ubi" .. ubi_dev .. "_1 /alt/alt_overlay")
--- util.exec("mount -t overlay overlay -o noatime,lowerdir=/alt/rom,upperdir=/alt/overlay/upper,workdir=/alt/overlay/work /alt/firmware")
-local function alt_partition_unmount(op_ubi)
- local i
- local mtdCount = tonumber(util.exec("ubinfo | grep 'Present UBI devices' | grep -c ','"))
- mtdCount = mtdCount and mtdCount + 1 or 10
--- util.exec("[ -d /alt/firmware ] && umount /alt/firmware")
- util.exec("[ -d /alt/alt_overlay ] && umount /alt/alt_overlay")
- util.exec("[ -d /alt/alt_rom ] && umount /alt/alt_rom")
- for i = 0, mtdCount do
- if not fs.access("/sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi" .. tostring(i) .. "/mtd_num") then break end
- ubi_mtd = tonumber(util.trim(util.exec("cat /sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi" .. i .. "/mtd_num")))
- if ubi_mtd and ubi_mtd == op_ubi then
- util.exec("ubiblock --remove /dev/ubi" .. tostring(i) .. "_0")
- util.exec("ubidetach -m " .. tostring(op_ubi))
- util.exec('rm -rf /alt')
- end
- end
-local function get_partition_os_info(op_ubi)
- local cp_info, op_info
- if fs.access("/etc/os-release") then
- cp_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME"'))
- if cp_info:find("SNAPSHOT") then
- cp_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /etc/os-release && echo "$OPENWRT_RELEASE"'))
- end
- end
- logger(string.format("attempting to mount alternative partition (mtd%s)", tostring(op_ubi)))
- alt_partition_unmount(op_ubi)
- alt_partition_mount(op_ubi)
- if fs.access("/alt/alt_rom/etc/os-release") then
- op_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /alt/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME"'))
- if op_info:find("SNAPSHOT") then
- op_info = util.trim(util.exec('. /alt/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "$OPENWRT_RELEASE"'))
- end
- end
- logger(string.format("attempting to unmount alternative partition (mtd%s)", tostring(op_ubi)))
- alt_partition_unmount(op_ubi)
- return cp_info, op_info
-local function find_device_data(romBoardName)
- local filename
- for filename in fs.dir(devices_dir) do
- local filedata = fs.readfile(devices_dir .. filename)
- local p = json.parse(filedata or {})
- if p then
- local boardName
- if p.boardName then
- boardName = p.boardName:gsub('%p','')
- if romBoardName:match(boardName) then return p end
- end
- if p.boardNames then
- for i, v in pairs(p.boardNames) do
- boardName = v:gsub('%p','')
- if romBoardName:match(boardName) then return p end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return nil
-local methods = {
- obtain_device_info = {
- call = function()
- local ret = {}
- local romBoardName = fs.readfile('/tmp/sysinfo/board_name')
- if not romBoardName then
- ret.error = 'NO_BOARD_NAME'
- return ret
- end
- romBoardName = romBoardName:gsub('\n','')
+ return 1
+ fi
- ret.rom_board_name = romBoardName
+alt_partition_mount() {
+ local ubi_dev op_ubi="$1"
+ for i in alt_rom alt_overlay firmware; do [ ! -d "$i" ] && mkdir -p "/alt/${i}"; done
+ ubi_dev="$(ubiattach -m "$op_ubi")"
+ ubi_dev="$(echo "$ubi_dev" | sed -n "s/^UBI device number\s*\(\d*\),.*$/\1/p")"
+ if [ -z "$ubi_dev" ]; then
+ ubidetach -m "$op_ubi"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ ubiblock --create "/dev/ubi${ubi_dev}_0"
+ mount -t squashfs -o ro "/dev/ubiblock${ubi_dev}_0" /alt/alt_rom
+ mount -t ubifs "/dev/ubi${ubi_dev}_0" /alt/alt_overlay
+ # mount -t overlay overlay -o noatime,lowerdir=/alt/rom,upperdir=/alt/overlay/upper,workdir=/alt/overlay/work /alt/firmware
- romBoardName = romBoardName:gsub('%p','')
+alt_partition_unmount() {
+ local mtdCount i=0 op_ubi="$1"
+ mtdCount="$(ubinfo | grep 'Present UBI devices' | tr ',' '\n' | grep -c 'ubi')"
+ [ -z "$mtdCount" ] && mtdCount=10
+ # [ -d /alt/firmware ] && umount /alt/firmware
+ [ -d /alt/alt_overlay ] && umount /alt/alt_overlay
+ [ -d /alt/alt_rom ] && umount /alt/alt_rom
+ while [ "$i" -le "$mtdCount" ]; do
+ if [ ! -e "/sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi${i}/mtd_num" ]; then
+ break
+ fi
+ ubi_mtd="$(cat /sys/devices/virtual/ubi/ubi${i}/mtd_num)"
+ if [ -n "$ubi_mtd" ] && [ "$ubi_mtd" = "$op_ubi" ]; then
+ ubiblock --remove /dev/ubi${i}_0
+ ubidetach -m "$op_ubi"
+ rm -rf /alt
+ fi
+ i=$((i + 1))
+ done
- local p, boardName, n, p1_label, p1_version, p2_label, p2_version, p1_os, p2_os
- local current_partition
- local op_ubi, cp_info, op_info, zyxelFlagPartition
+ local cp_info
+ if [ -s "/etc/os-release" ]; then
+ cp_info="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")"
+ if [ "${cp_info//SNAPSHOT}" != "$cp_info" ]; then
+ cp_info="$(. /etc/os-release && echo "${OPENWRT_RELEASE%%-*}")"
+ fi
+ fi
+ echo "$cp_info"
- p = find_device_data(romBoardName)
+ local op_info op_ubi="$1"
+ logger "attempting to mount alternative partition (mtd${op_ubi})"
+ alt_partition_unmount "$op_ubi"
+ alt_partition_mount "$op_ubi"
+ if [ -s "/alt/alt_rom/etc/os-release" ]; then
+ op_info="$(. /alt/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "$PRETTY_NAME")"
+ if [ "${op_info//SNAPSHOT}" != "$op_info" ]; then
+ op_info="$(. /alt/alt_rom/etc/os-release && echo "${OPENWRT_RELEASE%%-*}")"
+ fi
+ fi
+ logger "attempting to unmount alternative partition (mtd${op_ubi})"
+ alt_partition_unmount "$op_ubi"
+ echo "$op_info"
- if p then
- if p.labelOffset then
- if p.partition1MTD then
- p1_label = util.trim(util.exec("dd if=/dev/" .. p.partition1MTD .. " bs=1 skip=" .. p.labelOffset .. " count=128" .. " 2>/dev/null"))
- n, p1_version = p1_label:match('(Linux)-([%d|.]+)')
- end
+ local boardNames filename i romBoardName="$1"
+ for filename in "${devices_dir}"*.json; do
+ [ "$filename" = "${devices_dir}*.json" ] && return
+ json_load_file "$filename"
+ json_get_values boardNames 'boardNames'
+ json_cleanup
+ for i in $boardNames; do
+ if [ "$i" = "$romBoardName" ]; then
+ echo "$filename"
+ return
+ fi
+ done
+ done
- if p1_label then
- if p1_label:find("LEDE") then p1_os = "LEDE" end
- if p1_label:find("OpenWrt") then p1_os = "OpenWrt" end
- if p.vendorName and p1_label:find(p.vendorName) then p1_os = p.vendorName end
- end
+print_json() { json_init; json_add_string "$1" "$2"; json_dump; json_cleanup; }
- if not p1_os then
- p1_os = (p.vendorName and p.vendorName or 'Unknown') .. "/" .. "Unknown"
- end
- if p1_os and p1_version then p1_os = p1_os .. " (Linux " .. p1_version .. ")" end
+ local romBoardName p zyxelFlagPartition
+ local vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset
+ local bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value
+ local bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value
+ local p1_label p1_version p2_label p2_version p1_os p2_os
+ local current_partition op_ubi cp_info op_info
- if p.partition2MTD then
- p2_label = util.trim(util.exec("dd if=/dev/" .. p.partition2MTD .. " bs=1 skip=" .. p.labelOffset .. " count=128" .. " 2>/dev/null"))
- n, p2_version = p2_label:match('(Linux)-([%d|.]+)')
- end
+ romBoardName="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)"
+ if [ -z "$romBoardName" ]; then
+ print_json 'error' 'NO_BOARD_NAME'
+ return
+ fi
- if p2_label then
- if p2_label:find("LEDE") then p2_os = "LEDE" end
- if p2_label:find("OpenWrt") then p2_os = "OpenWrt" end
- if p.vendorName and p2_label:find(p.vendorName) then p2_os = p.vendorName end
- end
+ p="$(find_device_data "$romBoardName")"
+ if [ -z "$p" ] || [ ! -s "$p" ]; then
+ print_json 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ return
+ fi
+ json_load_file "$p"
+ for i in vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset \
+ bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value \
+ bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value; do
+ json_get_var $i "$i"
+ done
+ json_cleanup
+ if [ -n "$labelOffset" ]; then
+ if [ -n "$partition1MTD" ]; then
+ p1_label="$(dd if="/dev/${partition1MTD}" bs=1 skip="${labelOffset}" count=64 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -n "$p1_label" ]; then
+ p1_version="$(echo "$p1_label" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)Linux-\([0-9.]\+\).*$/\2/p")"
+ if [ "${p1_label//LEDE}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="LEDE"; fi
+ if [ "${p1_label//OpenWrt}" != "$p1_label" ]; then p1_os="OpenWrt"; fi
+ if [ -n "$vendorName" ] && [ "${p1_label//$vendorName}" != "$p1_label" ]; then
+ p1_os="$vendorName"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$p1_os" ]; then
+ p1_os="${vendorName:-Unknown}/Unknown"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$partition2MTD" ]; then
+ p2_label="$(dd if="/dev/${partition2MTD}" bs=1 skip="${labelOffset}" count=64 2>/dev/null)"
+ if [ -n "$p2_label" ]; then
+ p2_version="$(echo "$p2_label" | sed -n "s/\(.*\)Linux-\([0-9.]\+\).*$/\2/p")"
+ if [ "${p2_label//LEDE}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="LEDE"; fi
+ if [ "${p2_label//OpenWrt}" != "$p2_label" ]; then p2_os="OpenWrt"; fi
+ if [ -n "$vendorName" ] && [ "${p2_label//$vendorName}" != "$p2_label" ]; then
+ p2_os="$vendorName"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$p2_os" ]; then
+ p2_os="${vendorName:-Unknown}/Unknown"
+ fi
+ fi
+ else
+ p1_os="${vendorName}/Unknown (Compressed)"
+ p2_os="${vendorName}/Unknown (Compressed)"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$bootEnv1" ]; then
+ if [ -x "/usr/sbin/fw_printenv" ] && [ -x "/usr/sbin/fw_setenv" ]; then
+ current_partition="$(/usr/sbin/fw_printenv -n "${bootEnv1}")"
+ fi
+ else
+ if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
+ zyxelFlagPartition="$(find_mtd_part 0:DUAL_FLAG 2>/dev/null)"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
+ current_partition="$(dd if="${zyxelFlagPartition}" bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 "%d"')"
+ else
+ print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG'
+ logger "Unable to find Dual Boot Environment or Dual Boot Flag Partition."
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ if is_alt_mountable "$partition1MTD" "$partition2MTD"; then
+ if [ "$current_partition" = "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" ]; then
+ op_ubi=$(( ${partition2MTD:3:3} + 1 ))
+ else
+ op_ubi=$(( ${partition1MTD:3:3} + 1 ))
+ fi
+ cp_info="$(get_main_partition_os_info $op_ubi)"
+ op_info="$(get_alt_partition_os_info $op_ubi)"
+ if [ "$current_partition" = "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" ]; then
+ p1_os="${cp_info:-$p1_os}"
+ p2_os="${op_info:-$p2_os}"
+ else
+ p1_os="${op_info:-$p1_os}"
+ p2_os="${cp_info:-$p2_os}"
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$p1_os" ] && [ -n "$p1_version" ]; then
+ p1_os="$p1_os (Linux ${p1_version})"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$p2_os" ] && [ -n "$p2_version" ]; then
+ p2_os="$p2_os (Linux ${p2_version})"
+ fi
+ json_init
+ json_add_int 'current_partition' "$current_partition"
+ json_add_string 'device_name' "$vendorName $deviceName"
+ json_add_array 'partitions'
+ json_add_object
+ if [ "$bootEnv1Partition1Value" = "$current_partition" ]; then
+ json_add_string 'state' "Current"
+ else
+ json_add_string 'state' "Alternative"
+ fi
+ json_add_string 'os' "$p1_os"
+ json_add_int 'number' "$bootEnv1Partition1Value"
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object
+ if [ "$bootEnv1Partition2Value" = "$current_partition" ]; then
+ json_add_string 'state' "Current"
+ else
+ json_add_string 'state' "Alternative"
+ fi
+ json_add_string 'os' "$p2_os"
+ json_add_int 'number' "$bootEnv1Partition2Value"
+ json_close_object
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
- if not p2_os then
- p2_os = (p.vendorName and p.vendorName or 'Unknown') .. "/" .. "Unknown"
- end
- if p2_os and p2_version then p2_os = p2_os .. " (Linux " .. p2_version .. ")" end
- else
- p1_os = p.vendorName .. "/" .. "Unknown" .. " (" .. "Compressed" .. ")"
- p2_os = p.vendorName .. "/" .. "Unknown" .. " (" .. "Compressed" .. ")"
- end
+ local zyxelFlagPartition zyxelBootFlag zyxelNewBootFlag curEnvSetting newEnvSetting
+ local romBoardName p
+ local bev1 bev2 bev1p1 bev1p2 bev2p1 bev2p2
+ local vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset
+ local bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value
+ local bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value
+ romBoardName="$(cat /tmp/sysinfo/board_name)"
+ if [ -z "$romBoardName" ]; then
+ print_json 'error' 'NO_BOARD_NAME'
+ return
+ fi
- if p.bootEnv1 then
- if fs.access("/usr/sbin/fw_printenv") and fs.access("/usr/sbin/fw_setenv") then
- current_partition = tonumber(util.trim(util.exec("fw_printenv -n " .. p.bootEnv1)))
- end
+ p="$(find_device_data "$romBoardName")"
+ if [ -z "$p" ] || [ ! -s "$p" ]; then
+ print_json 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ return
+ fi
+ json_load_file "$p"
+ for i in vendorName deviceName partition1MTD partition2MTD labelOffset \
+ bootEnv1 bootEnv1Partition1Value bootEnv1Partition2Value \
+ bootEnv2 bootEnv2Partition1Value bootEnv2Partition2Value; do
+ json_get_var $i "$i"
+ done
+ json_cleanup
+ bev1="$bootEnv1"
+ bev2="$bootEnv2"
+ if [ -n "${bev1}${bev2}" ]; then # Linksys devices
+ if [ -n "$bev1" ]; then
+ curEnvSetting="$(fw_printenv -n "${bev1}")"
+ if [ -z "$curEnvSetting" ]; then
+ logger "$(printf "Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s." "$bev1")"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string 'error' 'NO_FIRM_ENV'
+ json_add_array 'args'
+ json_add_string "$bev1"
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ return
+ else
+ bev1p1="$bootEnv1Partition1Value"
+ bev1p2="$bootEnv1Partition2Value"
+ if [ "$curEnvSetting" = "$bev1p1" ]; then
+ newEnvSetting="$bev1p2"
- if not zyxelFlagPartition then zyxelFlagPartition = util.trim(util.exec(". /lib/; find_mtd_part 0:DUAL_FLAG")) end
- if zyxelFlagPartition then
- current_partition = tonumber(util.exec("dd if=" .. zyxelFlagPartition .. " bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 \"%d\"'"))
- else
- ret.error = 'NO_DUAL_FLAG'
- logger("Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition.")
- return ret
- end
- end
- ret.current_partition = current_partition
- if is_alt_mountable(p.partition1MTD, p.partition2MTD) then
- if current_partition == p.bootEnv1Partition1Value then
- op_ubi = tonumber(p.partition2MTD:sub(4)) + 1
- else
- op_ubi = tonumber(p.partition1MTD:sub(4)) + 1
- end
- local cp_info, op_info = get_partition_os_info(op_ubi)
- if current_partition == p.bootEnv1Partition1Value then
- p1_os = cp_info or p1_os
- p2_os = op_info or p2_os
- else
- p1_os = op_info or p1_os
- p2_os = cp_info or p2_os
- end
- end
- ret.device_name = (p.vendorName and p.vendorName or "") .. " " .. p.deviceName
- ret.partitions = {
- {
- os = p1_os,
- state = p.bootEnv1Partition1Value == current_partition and 'Current' or 'Alternative',
- number = p.bootEnv1Partition1Value
- },
- {
- os = p2_os,
- state = p.bootEnv1Partition2Value == current_partition and 'Current' or 'Alternative',
- number = p.bootEnv1Partition2Value
- }
- }
- end
- return ret
- end
- },
- toggle_boot_partition = {
- call = function()
- local ret = {}
- local zyxelFlagPartition, zyxelBootFlag, zyxelNewBootFlag, errorCode, curEnvSetting, newEnvSetting
- local romBoardName = fs.readfile('/tmp/sysinfo/board_name')
- if not romBoardName then
- ret.error = 'NO_BOARD_NAME'
- return ret
- end
- romBoardName = romBoardName:gsub('\n',''):gsub('%p','')
- p = find_device_data(romBoardName)
- local bev1, bev2 = p.bootEnv1, p.bootEnv2
- if bev1 or bev2 then -- Linksys devices
- if bev1 then
- curEnvSetting = tonumber(util.trim(util.exec("fw_printenv -n " .. bev1)))
- if not curEnvSetting then
- logger(string.format("Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s.", bev1))
- ret.error = 'NO_FIRM_ENV'
- ret.args = { bev1 }
- return ret
- else
- local bev1p1, bev1p2 = p.bootEnv1Partition1Value, p.bootEnv1Partition2Value
- newEnvSetting = curEnvSetting == bev1p1 and bev1p2 or bev1p1
- errorCode ="fw_setenv " .. bev1 .. " " .. newEnvSetting)
- if errorCode ~= 0 then
- logger(string.format("Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s.", bev1, newEnvSetting))
- ret.error = 'ERR_SET_ENV'
- ret.args = { bev1, newEnvSetting }
- return ret
- end
- end
- end
- if bev2 then
- curEnvSetting = util.trim(util.exec("fw_printenv -n " .. bev2))
- if not curEnvSetting then
- logger(string.format("Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s.", bev2))
- ret.error = 'NO_FIRM_ENV'
- ret.args = { bev2 }
- return ret
- else
- local bev2p1, bev2p2 = p.bootEnv2Partition1Value, p.bootEnv2Partition1Value
- newEnvSetting = curEnvSetting == bev2p1 and bev2p2 or bev2p1
- errorCode ="fw_setenv " .. bev2 .. " '" .. newEnvSetting .. "'")
- if errorCode ~= 0 then
- logger(string.format("Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s.", bev2, newEnvSetting))
- ret.error = 'ERR_SET_ENV'
- ret.args = { bev2, newEnvSetting }
- return ret
- end
- end
- end
- else -- NetGear device
- if not zyxelFlagPartition then zyxelFlagPartition = util.trim(util.exec(". /lib/; find_mtd_part 0:DUAL_FLAG")) end
- if not zyxelFlagPartition then
- logger("Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition.")
- ret.error = 'NO_DUAL_FLAG'
+ newEnvSetting="$bev1p1"
+ fi
+ if ! fw_setenv "$bev1" "$newEnvSetting"; then
+ logger "$(printf "Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s." "$bev1" "$newEnvSetting")"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_ENV'
+ json_add_array 'args'
+ json_add_string "$bev1"
+ json_add_string "$newEnvSetting"
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$bev2" ]; then
+ curEnvSetting="$(fw_printenv -n "${bev2}")"
+ if [ -z "$curEnvSetting" ]; then
+ logger "$(printf "Unable to obtain firmware environment variable: %s." "$bev2")"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string 'error' 'NO_FIRM_ENV'
+ json_add_array 'args'
+ json_add_string "$bev2"
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ return
+ else
+ bev2p1="$bootEnv2Partition1Value"
+ bev2p2="$bootEnv2Partition2Value"
+ if [ "$curEnvSetting" = "$bev2p1" ]; then
+ newEnvSetting="$bev2p2"
- zyxelBootFlag = tonumber(util.exec("dd if=" .. zyxelFlagPartition .. " bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 \"%d\"'"))
- zyxelNewBootFlag = zyxelBootFlag and zyxelBootFlag == 1 and "\\xff" or "\\x01"
- if zyxelNewBootFlag then
- errorCode ="printf \"" .. zyxelNewBootFlag .. "\" >" .. zyxelFlagPartition )
- if errorCode ~= 0 then
- logger(string.format("Unable to set Dual Boot Flag Partition entry for partition: %s.", zyxelFlagPartition))
- ret.error = 'ERR_SET_DUAL_FLAG'
- ret.args = { zyxelFlagPartition }
- return ret
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return ret
- end
- }
+ newEnvSetting="$bev2p1"
+ fi
+ if ! fw_setenv "$bev2" "$newEnvSetting"; then
+ logger "$(printf "Unable to set firmware environment variable: %s to %s." "$bev2" "$newEnvSetting")"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_ENV'
+ json_add_array 'args'
+ json_add_string "$bev2"
+ json_add_string "$newEnvSetting"
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ json_init
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ else # NetGear device
+ if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
+ zyxelFlagPartition="$(find_mtd_part 0:DUAL_FLAG 2>/dev/null)"
+ fi
+ if [ -z "$zyxelFlagPartition" ]; then
+ logger "Unable to find Dual Boot Flag Partition."
+ print_json 'error' 'NO_DUAL_FLAG'
+ return
+ else
+ zyxelBootFlag="$(dd if="${zyxelFlagPartition}" bs=1 count=1 2>/dev/null | hexdump -n 1 -e '1/1 "%d"')"
+ if [ "$zyxelBootFlag" = "1" ]; then
+ zyxelNewBootFlag="\\xff"
+ else
+ zyxelNewBootFlag="\\x01"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$zyxelNewBootFlag" ]; then
+ if ! printf "%b" "$zyxelNewBootFlag" > "$zyxelFlagPartition"; then
+ logger "$(printf "Unable to set Dual Boot Flag Partition entry for partition: %s." "$zyxelFlagPartition")"
+ json_init
+ json_add_string 'error' 'ERR_SET_DUAL_FLAG'
+ json_add_array 'args'
+ json_add_string "$zyxelFlagPartition"
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_string 'rom_board_name' "$romBoardName"
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ return
+ fi
+ fi
+ fi
+ json_init
+ json_dump; json_cleanup;
+ fi
-local function parseInput()
- local parse =
- local done, err
- while true do
- local chunk =
- if not chunk then
- break
- elseif not done and not err then
- done, err = parse:parse(chunk)
- end
- end
- if not done then
- print(json.stringify({ error = err or "Incomplete input" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- return parse:get()
-local function validateArgs(func, uargs)
- local method = methods[func]
- if not method then
- print(json.stringify({ error = "Method not found" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- if type(uargs) ~= "table" then
- print(json.stringify({ error = "Invalid arguments" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- uargs.ubus_rpc_session = nil
- local k, v
- local margs = method.args or {}
- for k, v in pairs(uargs) do
- if margs[k] == nil or
- (v ~= nil and type(v) ~= type(margs[k]))
- then
- print(json.stringify({ error = "Invalid arguments" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- end
- return method
-if arg[1] == "list" then
- local _, method, rv = nil, nil, {}
- for _, method in pairs(methods) do rv[_] = method.args or {} end
- print((json.stringify(rv):gsub(":%[%]", ":{}")))
-elseif arg[1] == "call" then
- local args = parseInput()
- local method = validateArgs(arg[2], args)
- local result, code =
- print((json.stringify(result):gsub("^%[%]$", "{}")))
- os.exit(code or 0)
+case "$1" in
+ list)
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "obtain_device_info"
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object "toggle_boot_partition"
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump
+ json_cleanup
+ ;;
+ call)
+ case "$2" in
+ obtain_device_info)
+ obtain_device_info;;
+ toggle_boot_partition)
+ toggle_boot_partition;;
+ esac
+ ;;