diff options
2 files changed, 330 insertions, 346 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-ddns/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.ddns b/applications/luci-app-ddns/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.ddns
deleted file mode 100755
index b2e60cb3c2..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-ddns/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.ddns
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,346 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env lua
-local json = require "luci.jsonc"
-local nixio = require "nixio"
-local fs = require "nixio.fs"
-local UCI = require "luci.model.uci"
-local sys = require "luci.sys"
-local util = require "luci.util"
-local ddns_package_path = "/usr/share/ddns"
-local luci_helper = "/usr/lib/ddns/"
-local srv_name = "ddns-scripts"
--- convert epoch date to given format
-local function epoch2date(epoch, format)
- if not format or #format < 2 then
- local uci = UCI.cursor()
- format = uci:get("ddns", "global", "ddns_dateformat") or "%F %R"
- uci:unload("ddns")
- end
- format = format:gsub("%%n", "<br />") -- replace newline
- format = format:gsub("%%t", " ") -- replace tab
- return, epoch)
--- function to calculate seconds from given interval and unit
-local function calc_seconds(interval, unit)
- if not tonumber(interval) then
- return nil
- elseif unit == "days" then
- return (tonumber(interval) * 86400) -- 60 sec * 60 min * 24 h
- elseif unit == "hours" then
- return (tonumber(interval) * 3600) -- 60 sec * 60 min
- elseif unit == "minutes" then
- return (tonumber(interval) * 60) -- 60 sec
- elseif unit == "seconds" then
- return tonumber(interval)
- else
- return nil
- end
-local methods = {
- get_services_log = {
- args = { service_name = "service_name" },
- call = function(args)
- local result = "File not found or empty"
- local uci = UCI.cursor()
- local dirlog = uci:get('ddns', 'global', 'ddns_logdir') or "/var/log/ddns"
- -- Fallback to default logdir with unsecure path
- if dirlog:match('%.%.%/') then dirlog = "/var/log/ddns" end
- if args and args.service_name and fs.access("%s/%s.log" % { dirlog, args.service_name }) then
- result = fs.readfile("%s/%s.log" % { dirlog, args.service_name })
- end
- uci.unload()
- return { result = result }
- end
- },
- get_services_status = {
- call = function()
- local uci = UCI.cursor()
- local rundir = uci:get("ddns", "global", "ddns_rundir") or "/var/run/ddns"
- local date_format = uci:get("ddns", "global", "ddns_dateformat")
- local res = {}
- uci:foreach("ddns", "service", function (s)
- local ip, last_update, next_update
- local section = s[".name"]
- if fs.access("%s/%s.ip" % { rundir, section }) then
- ip = fs.readfile("%s/%s.ip" % { rundir, section })
- else
- local dnsserver = s["dns_server"] or ""
- local force_ipversion = tonumber(s["force_ipversion"] or 0)
- local force_dnstcp = tonumber(s["force_dnstcp"] or 0)
- local is_glue = tonumber(s["is_glue"] or 0)
- local command = { luci_helper , [[ -]] }
- local lookup_host = s["lookup_host"] or "_nolookup_"
- if (use_ipv6 == 1) then command[#command+1] = [[6]] end
- if (force_ipversion == 1) then command[#command+1] = [[f]] end
- if (force_dnstcp == 1) then command[#command+1] = [[t]] end
- if (is_glue == 1) then command[#command+1] = [[g]] end
- command[#command+1] = [[l ]]
- command[#command+1] = lookup_host
- command[#command+1] = [[ -S ]]
- command[#command+1] = section
- if (#dnsserver > 0) then command[#command+1] = [[ -d ]] .. dnsserver end
- command[#command+1] = [[ -- get_registered_ip]]
- line = util.exec(table.concat(command))
- end
- local last_update = tonumber(fs.readfile("%s/%s.update" % { rundir, section } ) or 0)
- local next_update, converted_last_update
- local pid = tonumber(fs.readfile("%s/" % { rundir, section } ) or 0)
- if pid > 0 and not nixio.kill(pid, 0) then
- pid = 0
- end
- local uptime = sys.uptime()
- local force_seconds = calc_seconds(
- tonumber(s["force_interval"]) or 72,
- s["force_unit"] or "hours" )
- local check_seconds = calc_seconds(
- tonumber(s["check_interval"]) or 10,
- s["check_unit"] or "minutes" )
- if last_update > 0 then
- local epoch = os.time() - uptime + last_update
- -- use linux date to convert epoch
- converted_last_update = epoch2date(epoch,date_format)
- next_update = epoch2date(epoch + force_seconds + check_seconds)
- end
- if pid > 0 and ( last_update + force_seconds + check_seconds - uptime ) <= 0 then
- next_update = "Verify"
- -- run once
- elseif force_seconds == 0 then
- next_update = "Run once"
- -- no process running and NOT enabled
- elseif pid == 0 and s['enabled'] == '0' then
- next_update = "Disabled"
- -- no process running and enabled
- elseif pid == 0 and s['enabled'] ~= '0' then
- next_update = "Stopped"
- end
- res[section] = {
- ip = ip and ip:gsub("\n","") or nil,
- last_update = last_update ~= 0 and converted_last_update or nil,
- next_update = next_update or nil,
- pid = pid or nil,
- }
- end
- )
- uci:unload("ddns")
- return res
- end
- },
- get_ddns_state = {
- call = function()
- local uci = UCI.cursor()
- local dateformat = uci:get("ddns", "global", "ddns_dateformat") or "%F %R"
- local services_mtime = fs.stat(ddns_package_path .. "/list", 'mtime')
- uci:unload("ddns")
- local res = {}
- local ver
- local ok, ctrl = pcall(io.lines, "/usr/lib/opkg/info/%s.control" % srv_name)
- if ok then
- for line in ctrl do
- ver = line:match("^Version: (.+)$")
- if ver then
- break
- end
- end
- end
- ver = ver or util.trim(util.exec("%s -V | awk {'print $2'}" % luci_helper))
- res['_version'] = ver and #ver > 0 and ver or nil
- res['_enabled'] = sys.init.enabled("ddns")
- res['_curr_dateformat'] =
- res['_services_list'] = services_mtime and, services_mtime) or 'NO_LIST'
- return res
- end
- },
- get_env = {
- call = function()
- local res = {}
- local cache = {}
- local function has_wget()
- return ( [[command -v wget >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- end
- local function has_wgetssl()
- if cache['has_wgetssl'] then return cache['has_wgetssl'] end
- local res = has_wget() and ( [[wget --version | grep -qF +https >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- cache['has_wgetssl'] = res
- return res
- end
- local function has_curlssl()
- return ( [[$(command -v curl) -V 2>&1 | grep -qF "https"]] ) == 0)
- end
- local function has_fetch()
- if cache['has_fetch'] then return cache['has_fetch'] end
- local res = ( [[command -v uclient-fetch >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- cache['has_fetch'] = res
- return res
- end
- local function has_fetchssl()
- return fs.access("/lib/")
- end
- local function has_curl()
- if cache['has_curl'] then return cache['has_curl'] end
- local res = ( [[command -v curl >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- cache['has_curl'] = res
- return res
- end
- local function has_curlpxy()
- return ( [[grep -i "all_proxy" /usr/lib/* >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- end
- local function has_bbwget()
- return ( [[$(command -v wget) -V 2>&1 | grep -iqF "busybox"]] ) == 0)
- end
- res['has_wget'] = has_wget() or false
- res['has_curl'] = has_curl() or false
- res['has_ssl'] = has_wgetssl() or has_curlssl() or (has_fetch() and has_fetchssl()) or false
- res['has_proxy'] = has_wgetssl() or has_curlpxy() or has_fetch() or has_bbwget or false
- res['has_forceip'] = has_wgetssl() or has_curl() or has_fetch() or false
- res['has_bindnet'] = has_curl() or has_wgetssl() or false
- local function has_bindhost()
- if cache['has_bindhost'] then return cache['has_bindhost'] end
- local res = ( [[command -v host >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- if res then
- cache['has_bindhost'] = res
- return true
- end
- res = ( [[command -v khost >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- if res then
- cache['has_bindhost'] = res
- return true
- end
- res = ( [[command -v drill >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- if res then
- cache['has_bindhost'] = res
- return true
- end
- cache['has_bindhost'] = false
- return false
- end
- res['has_bindhost'] = cache['has_bindhost'] or has_bindhost() or false
- local function has_hostip()
- return ( [[command -v hostip >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- end
- local function has_nslookup()
- return ( [[command -v nslookup >/dev/null 2>&1]] ) == 0)
- end
- res['has_dnsserver'] = cache['has_bindhost'] or has_nslookup() or has_hostip() or has_bindhost() or false
- local function check_certs()
- local _, v = fs.glob("/etc/ssl/certs/*.crt")
- if ( v == 0 ) then _, v = fs.glob("/etc/ssl/certs/*.pem") end
- return (v > 0)
- end
- res['has_cacerts'] = check_certs() or false
- res['has_ipv6'] = (fs.access("/proc/net/ipv6_route") and
- (fs.access("/usr/sbin/ip6tables") or fs.access("/usr/sbin/nft")))
- return res
- end
- }
-local function parseInput()
- local parse =
- local done, err
- while true do
- local chunk =
- if not chunk then
- break
- elseif not done and not err then
- done, err = parse:parse(chunk)
- end
- end
- if not done then
- print(json.stringify({ error = err or "Incomplete input" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- return parse:get()
-local function validateArgs(func, uargs)
- local method = methods[func]
- if not method then
- print(json.stringify({ error = "Method not found" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- if type(uargs) ~= "table" then
- print(json.stringify({ error = "Invalid arguments" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- uargs.ubus_rpc_session = nil
- local k, v
- local margs = method.args or {}
- for k, v in pairs(uargs) do
- if margs[k] == nil or
- (v ~= nil and type(v) ~= type(margs[k]))
- then
- print(json.stringify({ error = "Invalid arguments" }))
- os.exit(1)
- end
- end
- return method
-if arg[1] == "list" then
- local _, method, rv = nil, nil, {}
- for _, method in pairs(methods) do rv[_] = method.args or {} end
- print((json.stringify(rv):gsub(":%[%]", ":{}")))
-elseif arg[1] == "call" then
- local args = parseInput()
- local method = validateArgs(arg[2], args)
- local result, code =
- print((json.stringify(result):gsub("^%[%]$", "{}")))
- os.exit(code or 0)
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-ddns/root/usr/share/rpcd/ucode/ddns.uc b/applications/luci-app-ddns/root/usr/share/rpcd/ucode/ddns.uc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a8e5cf50a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-ddns/root/usr/share/rpcd/ucode/ddns.uc
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ucode
+'use strict';
+import { readfile, mkstemp, open, popen, stat, glob } from 'fs';
+import { init_list, init_index, init_enabled, init_action, conntrack_list, process_list } from 'luci.sys';
+import { isnan } from 'math';
+import { cursor } from 'uci';
+const uci = cursor();
+const ddns_log_path = '/var/log/ddns';
+const ddns_package_path = '/usr/share/ddns';
+const ddns_run_path = '/var/run/ddns';
+const luci_helper = '/usr/lib/ddns/';
+const srv_name = 'ddns-scripts';
+const opkg_info_path = '/usr/lib/opkg/info';
+function get_dateformat() {
+ return uci.get('ddns', 'global', 'ddns_dateformat') || '%F %R';
+function uptime() {
+ return split(readfile('/proc/uptime', 256), ' ')?.[0];
+function killcmd(procid, signal) {
+ if (!signal) {
+ signal = 0;
+ }
+ // by default, we simply re-nice a process to check it is running
+ return system(`kill -${signal} ${procid}`);
+function trimnonewline(input) {
+ return replace(trim(input), /\n/g, '');
+function get_date(seconds, format) {
+ return trimnonewline( popen(`date -d @${seconds} "+${format}" 2>/dev/null`, 'r')?.read?.('line') );
+// convert epoch date to given format
+function epoch2date(epoch, format) {
+ if (!format || length(format) < 2) {
+ format = get_dateformat();
+ // uci.unload('ddns'); //don't do this in uci.foreach loops
+ }
+ format = replace(format, /%n/g, '<br />'); // Replace '%n' with '<br />'
+ format = replace(format, /%t/g, ' '); // Replace '%t' with four spaces
+ return get_date(epoch, format);
+// function to calculate seconds from given interval and unit
+function calc_seconds(interval, unit) {
+ let parsedInterval = int(interval);
+ if (isnan(parsedInterval)) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ switch (unit) {
+ case 'days':
+ return parsedInterval * 86400; // 60 sec * 60 min * 24 h
+ case 'hours':
+ return parsedInterval * 3600; // 60 sec * 60 min
+ case 'minutes':
+ return parsedInterval * 60; // 60 sec
+ case 'seconds':
+ return parsedInterval;
+ default:
+ return null;
+ }
+const methods = {
+ get_services_log: {
+ args: { service_name: 'service_name' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ let result = 'File not found or empty';
+ // Get the log directory. Fall back to '/var/log/ddns' if not found
+ let logdir = uci.get('ddns', 'global', 'ddns_logdir') || ddns_log_path;
+ // Fall back to default logdir with insecure path
+ if (match(logdir, /\.\.\//)) {
+ logdir = ddns_log_path;
+ }
+ // Check if service_name is provided and log file exists
+ if (request.args && request.args.service_name && stat(`${logdir}/${request.args.service_name}.log`)?.type == 'file' ) {
+ result = readfile(`${logdir}/${request.args.service_name}.log`);
+ }
+ uci.unload();
+ return { result: result };
+ }
+ },
+ get_services_status: {
+ call: function() {
+ const rundir = uci.get('ddns', 'global', 'ddns_rundir') || ddns_run_path;
+ // const dateFormat = get_dateformat();
+ let res = {};
+ uci.foreach('ddns', 'service', function(s) {
+ /* uci.foreach danger zone: if you inadvertently call uci.unload('ddns')
+ anywhere in this foreach loop, you will produce some spectacular undefined behaviour */
+ let ip, lastUpdate, nextUpdate;
+ const section = s['.name'];
+ if (section == '.anonymous')
+ return;
+ if (stat(`${rundir}/${section}.ip`)?.type == 'file') {
+ ip = readfile(`${rundir}/${section}.ip`);
+ } else {
+ const dnsServer = s['dns_server'] || '';
+ const forceIpVersion = int(s['force_ipversion'] || 0);
+ const forceDnsTcp = int(s['force_dnstcp'] || 0);
+ const isGlue = int(s['is_glue'] || 0);
+ const useIpv6 = int(s['use_ipv6'] || 0);
+ const lookupHost = s['lookup_host'] || '_nolookup_';
+ let command = [luci_helper];
+ if (useIpv6 == 1) push(command, '-6');
+ if (forceIpVersion == 1) push(command, '-f');
+ if (forceDnsTcp == 1) push(command, '-t');
+ if (isGlue == 1) push(command, '-g');
+ push(command, '-l', lookupHost);
+ push(command, '-S', section);
+ if (length(dnsServer) > 0) push(command, '-d', dnsServer);
+ push(command, '-- get_registered_ip');
+ const result = system(`${join(' ', command)}`);
+ }
+ lastUpdate = int(readfile(`${rundir}/${section}.update`) || 0);
+ let pid = int(readfile(`${rundir}/${section}.pid`) || 0);
+ // if killcmd succeeds (0) to re-nice the process, we do not assume the pid is dead
+ if (pid > 0 && killcmd(pid)) {
+ pid = 0;
+ }
+ let _uptime = int(uptime());
+ const forceSeconds = calc_seconds(
+ int(s['force_interval']) || 72,
+ s['force_unit'] || 'hours'
+ );
+ const checkSeconds = calc_seconds(
+ int(s['check_interval']) || 10,
+ s['check_unit'] || 'minutes'
+ );
+ let convertedLastUpdate;
+ if (lastUpdate > 0) {
+ const epoch = time() - _uptime + lastUpdate;
+ convertedLastUpdate = epoch2date(epoch);
+ // convertedLastUpdate = get_date(epoch, dateFormat);
+ nextUpdate = epoch2date(epoch + forceSeconds + checkSeconds);
+ // nextUpdate = get_date(epoch + forceSeconds + checkSeconds, dateFormat);
+ }
+ if (pid > 0 && (lastUpdate + forceSeconds + checkSeconds - _uptime) <= 0) {
+ nextUpdate = 'Verify';
+ } else if (forceSeconds === 0) {
+ nextUpdate = 'Run once';
+ } else if (pid == 0 && s['enabled'] == '0') {
+ nextUpdate = 'Disabled';
+ } else if (pid == 0 && s['enabled'] != '0') {
+ nextUpdate = 'Stopped';
+ }
+ res[section] = {
+ ip: ip ? replace(ip, '\n', '') : null,
+ last_update: lastUpdate !== 0 ? convertedLastUpdate : null,
+ next_update: nextUpdate || null,
+ pid: pid || null,
+ };
+ });
+ uci.unload('ddns');
+ return res;
+ }
+ },
+ get_ddns_state: {
+ call: function() {
+ // const dateFormat = get_dateformat();
+ const services_mtime = stat(ddns_package_path + '/list')?.mtime;
+ // uci.unload('ddns');
+ let res = {};
+ let ver, control;
+ if (stat(opkg_info_path + `/${srv_name}.control`)?.type == 'file') {
+ control = readfile(opkg_info_path + `/${srv_name}.control`);
+ }
+ for (let line in split(control, '\n')) {
+ ver = match(line, /^Version: (.+)$/)?.[1];
+ if ( ver && length(ver) > 0 )
+ break;
+ }
+ ver = ver || trimnonewline(popen(`${luci_helper} -V | awk {'print $2'}`, 'r')?.read?.('line'));
+ res['_version'] = ver;
+ res['_enabled'] = init_enabled('ddns');
+ // res['_curr_dateformat'] = get_date(time(), dateFormat);
+ res['_curr_dateformat'] = epoch2date(time());
+ res['_services_list'] = (services_mtime && epoch2date(services_mtime)) || 'NO_LIST';
+ uci.unload('ddns');
+ return res;
+ }
+ },
+ get_env: {
+ call: function () {
+ let res = {};
+ let cache = {};
+ const hasCommand = (command) => {
+ if (system(`command -v ${command}`) == 0)
+ return true;
+ else
+ return false;
+ };
+ const hasWget = () => hasCommand('wget');
+ const hasWgetSsl = () => {
+ if (cache['has_wgetssl']) return cache['has_wgetssl'];
+ const result = hasWget() && system(`wget 2>&1 | grep -iqF 'https'`) == 0 ? true: false;
+ cache['has_wgetssl'] = result;
+ return result;
+ };
+ const hasCurl = () => {
+ if (cache['has_curl']) return cache['has_curl'];
+ const result = hasCommand('curl');
+ cache['has_curl'] = result;
+ return result;
+ };
+ const hasCurlSsl = () => {
+ return system(`curl -V 2>&1 | grep -qF 'https'`) == 0 ? true: false;
+ };
+ const hasFetch = () => {
+ if (cache['has_fetch']) return cache['has_fetch'];
+ const result = hasCommand('uclient-fetch');
+ cache['has_fetch'] = result;
+ return result;
+ };
+ const hasFetchSsl = () => {
+ return stat('/lib/') == 0 ? true: false;
+ };
+ const hasCurlPxy = () => {
+ return system(`grep -i 'all_proxy' /usr/lib/*`) == 0 ? true: false;
+ };
+ const hasBbwget = () => {
+ return system(`wget -V 2>&1 | grep -iqF 'busybox'`) == 0 ? true: false;
+ };
+ res['has_wget'] = hasWget();
+ res['has_curl'] = hasCurl();
+ res['has_ssl'] = hasWgetSsl() || hasCurlSsl() || (hasFetch() && hasFetchSsl());
+ res['has_proxy'] = hasWgetSsl() || hasCurlPxy() || hasFetch() || hasBbwget();
+ res['has_forceip'] = hasWgetSsl() || hasCurl() || hasFetch();
+ res['has_bindnet'] = hasCurl() || hasWgetSsl();
+ const hasBindHost = () => {
+ if (cache['has_bindhost']) return cache['has_bindhost'];
+ const commands = ['host', 'khost', 'drill'];
+ for (let command in commands) {
+ if (hasCommand(command)) {
+ cache['has_bindhost'] = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ cache['has_bindhost'] = false;
+ return false;
+ };
+ res['has_bindhost'] = cache['has_bindhost'] || hasBindHost();
+ const hasHostIp = () => {
+ return hasCommand('hostip');
+ };
+ const hasNslookup = () => {
+ return hasCommand('nslookup');
+ };
+ res['has_dnsserver'] = cache['has_bindhost'] || hasNslookup() || hasHostIp() || hasBindHost();
+ const checkCerts = () => {
+ let present = false;
+ for (let cert in glob('/etc/ssl/certs/*.crt', '/etc/ssl/certs/*.pem')) {
+ if (cert != null)
+ present = true;
+ }
+ return present;
+ };
+ res['has_cacerts'] = checkCerts();
+ res['has_ipv6'] = (stat('/proc/net/ipv6_route')?.type == 'file' &&
+ (stat('/usr/sbin/ip6tables')?.type == 'file' || stat('/usr/sbin/nft')?.type == 'file'));
+ return res;
+ }
+ }
+return { 'luci.ddns': methods };