path: root/modules
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2021-03-18 17:27:31 +0100
committerGitHub <>2021-03-18 17:27:31 +0100
commit4cde2bda732b133d0ea46cecd94f57c3b1eeab05 (patch)
tree270ee49c890cd4e77689a8e315358aca83903f0f /modules
parent1dc16d9d3ffeee30d072c569e9a3c693d303e9fc (diff)
parentbbf1a5343f1d930096cd5ff6b98f3e1f2f0d3c9a (diff)
Merge pull request #4307 from jow-/uci-network-device-support
Introduce support for managing `config device` and `config bridge-vlan` sections
Diffstat (limited to 'modules')
5 files changed, 1331 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/dhcp.js b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/dhcp.js
index bacbf559f9..9a63a107cf 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/dhcp.js
+++ b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/dhcp.js
@@ -34,21 +34,6 @@ return network.registerProtocol('dhcp', {
o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Flag, 'broadcast', _('Use broadcast flag'), _('Required for certain ISPs, e.g. Charter with DOCSIS 3'));
o.default = o.disabled;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Flag, 'defaultroute', _('Use default gateway'), _('If unchecked, no default route is configured'));
- o.default = o.enabled;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Flag, 'peerdns', _('Use DNS servers advertised by peer'), _('If unchecked, the advertised DNS server addresses are ignored'));
- o.default = o.enabled;
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.DynamicList, 'dns', _('Use custom DNS servers'));
- o.depends('peerdns', '0');
- o.datatype = 'ipaddr';
- o.cast = 'string';
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'metric', _('Use gateway metric'));
- o.placeholder = '0';
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'clientid', _('Client ID to send when requesting DHCP'));
o.datatype = 'hexstring';
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/static.js b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/static.js
index 2d70ae681f..82f499d6b9 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/static.js
+++ b/modules/luci-base/htdocs/luci-static/resources/protocol/static.js
@@ -179,28 +179,6 @@ return network.registerProtocol('static', {
s.taboption('general', this.CBINetmaskValue, 'netmask', _('IPv4 netmask'));
s.taboption('general', this.CBIGatewayValue, 'gateway', _('IPv4 gateway'));
s.taboption('general', this.CBIBroadcastValue, 'broadcast', _('IPv4 broadcast'));
- s.taboption('general', form.DynamicList, 'dns', _('Use custom DNS servers'));
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ip6assign', _('IPv6 assignment length'), _('Assign a part of given length of every public IPv6-prefix to this interface'));
- o.value('', _('disabled'));
- o.value('64');
- o.datatype = 'max(64)';
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ip6hint', _('IPv6 assignment hint'), _('Assign prefix parts using this hexadecimal subprefix ID for this interface.'));
- o.placeholder = '0';
- o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
- if (value == null || value == '')
- return true;
- var n = parseInt(value, 16);
- if (!/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(value) || isNaN(n) || n >= 0xffffffff)
- return _('Expecting a hexadecimal assignment hint');
- return true;
- };
- for (var i = 33; i <= 64; i++)
- o.depends('ip6assign', String(i));
o = s.taboption('general', form.DynamicList, 'ip6addr', _('IPv6 address'));
o.datatype = 'ip6addr';
@@ -215,10 +193,6 @@ return network.registerProtocol('static', {
o.datatype = 'ip6addr';
o.depends('ip6assign', '');
- o = s.taboption('general', form.Value, 'ip6ifaceid', _('IPv6 suffix'), _("Optional. Allowed values: 'eui64', 'random', fixed value like '::1' or '::1:2'. When IPv6 prefix (like 'a:b:c:d::') is received from a delegating server, use the suffix (like '::1') to form the IPv6 address ('a:b:c:d::1') for the interface."));
- o.datatype = 'ip6hostid';
- o.placeholder = '::1';
o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'macaddr', _('Override MAC address'));
o.datatype = 'macaddr';
o.placeholder = dev ? (dev.getMAC() || '') : '';
@@ -226,9 +200,5 @@ return network.registerProtocol('static', {
o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'mtu', _('Override MTU'));
o.datatype = 'max(9200)';
o.placeholder = dev ? (dev.getMTU() || '1500') : '1500';
- o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Value, 'metric', _('Use gateway metric'));
- o.placeholder = this.getMetric() || '0';
- o.datatype = 'uinteger';
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/tools/network.js b/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/tools/network.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5eea4c826
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/tools/network.js
@@ -0,0 +1,984 @@
+'use strict';
+'require ui';
+'require uci';
+'require form';
+'require network';
+'require baseclass';
+'require validation';
+'require tools.widgets as widgets';
+function validateAddr(section_id, value) {
+ if (value == '')
+ return true;
+ var ipv6 = /6$/.test(this.section.formvalue(section_id, 'mode')),
+ addr = ipv6 ? validation.parseIPv6(value) : validation.parseIPv4(value);
+ return addr ? true : (ipv6 ? _('Expecting a valid IPv6 address') : _('Expecting a valid IPv4 address'));
+function setIfActive(section_id, value) {
+ if (this.isActive(section_id)) {
+ uci.set('network', section_id, this.ucioption, value);
+ /* Requires */
+ if (false && this.option == 'ifname_multi') {
+ var devname = this.section.formvalue(section_id, 'name_complex'),
+ m = devname ? devname.match(/^br-([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/) : null;
+ if (m && uci.get('network', m[1], 'type') == 'bridge') {
+ uci.set('network', m[1], 'ifname', devname);
+ uci.unset('network', m[1], 'type');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+function validateQoSMap(section_id, value) {
+ if (value == '')
+ return true;
+ var m = value.match(/^(\d+):(\d+)$/);
+ if (!m || +m[1] > 0xFFFFFFFF || +m[2] > 0xFFFFFFFF)
+ return _('Expecting two priority values separated by a colon');
+ return true;
+function deviceSectionExists(section_id, devname) {
+ var exists = false;
+ uci.sections('network', 'device', function(ss) {
+ exists = exists || (ss['.name'] != section_id && == devname /* && !ss.type*/);
+ });
+ /* Until lands,
+ prevent redeclaring interface bridges */
+ if (!exists) {
+ var m = devname.match(/^br-([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/),
+ s = m ? uci.get('network', m[1]) : null;
+ if (s && s['.type'] == 'interface' && s.type == 'bridge')
+ exists = true;
+ }
+ return exists;
+function isBridgePort(dev) {
+ if (!dev)
+ return false;
+ if (dev.isBridgePort())
+ return true;
+ var isPort = false;
+ uci.sections('network', null, function(s) {
+ if (s['.type'] != 'interface' && s['.type'] != 'device')
+ return;
+ if (s.type == 'bridge' && L.toArray(s.ifname).indexOf(dev.getName()) > -1)
+ isPort = true;
+ });
+ return isPort;
+function renderDevBadge(dev) {
+ var type = dev.getType(), up = dev.isUp();
+ return E('span', { 'class': 'ifacebadge', 'style': 'font-weight:normal' }, [
+ E('img', {
+ 'class': 'middle',
+ 'src': L.resource('icons/%s%s.png').format(type, up ? '' : '_disabled')
+ }),
+ ' ', dev.getName()
+ ]);
+function lookupDevName(s, section_id) {
+ var typeui = s.getUIElement(section_id, 'type'),
+ typeval = typeui ? typeui.getValue() : s.cfgvalue(section_id, 'type'),
+ ifnameui = s.getUIElement(section_id, 'ifname_single'),
+ ifnameval = ifnameui ? ifnameui.getValue() : s.cfgvalue(section_id, 'ifname_single');
+ return (typeval == 'bridge') ? 'br-%s'.format(section_id) : ifnameval;
+function lookupDevSection(s, section_id, autocreate) {
+ var devname = lookupDevName(s, section_id),
+ devsection = null;
+ uci.sections('network', 'device', function(ds) {
+ if ( == devname)
+ devsection = ds['.name'];
+ });
+ if (autocreate && !devsection) {
+ devsection = uci.add('network', 'device');
+ uci.set('network', devsection, 'name', devname);
+ }
+ return devsection;
+function getDeviceValue(dev, method) {
+ if (dev && dev.getL3Device)
+ dev = dev.getL3Device();
+ if (dev && typeof(dev[method]) == 'function')
+ return dev[method].apply(dev);
+ return '';
+function deviceCfgValue(section_id) {
+ if (arguments.length == 2)
+ return;
+ var ds = lookupDevSection(this.section, section_id, false);
+ return (ds ? uci.get('network', ds, this.option) : null) ||
+ uci.get('network', section_id, this.option) ||
+ this.default;
+function deviceWrite(section_id, formvalue) {
+ var ds = lookupDevSection(this.section, section_id, true);
+ uci.set('network', ds, this.option, formvalue);
+ uci.unset('network', section_id, this.option);
+function deviceRemove(section_id) {
+ var ds = lookupDevSection(this.section, section_id, false),
+ sv = ds ? uci.get('network', ds) : null;
+ if (sv) {
+ var empty = true;
+ for (var opt in sv) {
+ if (opt.charAt(0) == '.' || opt == 'name' || opt == this.option)
+ continue;
+ empty = false;
+ }
+ if (empty)
+ uci.remove('network', ds);
+ }
+ uci.unset('network', section_id, this.option);
+function deviceRefresh(section_id) {
+ var dev = network.instantiateDevice(lookupDevName(this.section, section_id)),
+ uielem = this.getUIElement(section_id);
+ if (uielem) {
+ switch (this.option) {
+ case 'mtu':
+ case 'mtu6':
+ uielem.setPlaceholder(dev.getMTU());
+ break;
+ case 'macaddr':
+ uielem.setPlaceholder(dev.getMAC());
+ break;
+ }
+ uielem.setValue(this.cfgvalue(section_id));
+ }
+var cbiTagValue = form.Value.extend({
+ renderWidget: function(section_id, option_index, cfgvalue) {
+ var widget = new ui.Dropdown(cfgvalue || ['-'], {
+ '-': E([], [
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-open', 'style': 'font-family:monospace' }, [ '—' ]),
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-close' }, [ _('Do not participate', 'VLAN port state') ])
+ ]),
+ 'u': E([], [
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-open', 'style': 'font-family:monospace' }, [ 'u' ]),
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-close' }, [ _('Egress untagged', 'VLAN port state') ])
+ ]),
+ 't': E([], [
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-open', 'style': 'font-family:monospace' }, [ 't' ]),
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-close' }, [ _('Egress tagged', 'VLAN port state') ])
+ ]),
+ '*': E([], [
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-open', 'style': 'font-family:monospace' }, [ '*' ]),
+ E('span', { 'class': 'hide-close' }, [ _('Primary VLAN ID', 'VLAN port state') ])
+ ])
+ }, {
+ id: this.cbid(section_id),
+ sort: [ '-', 'u', 't', '*' ],
+ optional: false,
+ multiple: true
+ });
+ var field = this;
+ widget.toggleItem = function(sb, li, force_state) {
+ var lis = li.parentNode.querySelectorAll('li'),
+ toggle = ui.Dropdown.prototype.toggleItem;
+ toggle.apply(this, [sb, li, force_state]);
+ if (force_state != null)
+ return;
+ switch (li.getAttribute('data-value'))
+ {
+ case '-':
+ if (li.hasAttribute('selected')) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) {
+ switch (lis[i].getAttribute('data-value')) {
+ case '-':
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ toggle.apply(this, [sb, lis[i], false]);
+ lis[i].setAttribute('unselectable', '');
+ break;
+ default:
+ toggle.apply(this, [sb, lis[i], false]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 't':
+ case 'u':
+ if (li.hasAttribute('selected')) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < lis.length; i++) {
+ switch (lis[i].getAttribute('data-value')) {
+ case li.getAttribute('data-value'):
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ lis[i].removeAttribute('unselectable');
+ break;
+ default:
+ toggle.apply(this, [sb, lis[i], false]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ toggle.apply(this, [sb, li, true]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '*':
+ if (li.hasAttribute('selected')) {
+ var section_ids = field.section.cfgsections();
+ for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) {
+ var other_widget = field.getUIElement(section_ids[i]),
+ other_value = L.toArray(other_widget.getValue());
+ if (other_widget === this)
+ continue;
+ var new_value = other_value.filter(function(v) { return v != '*' });
+ if (new_value.length == other_value.length)
+ continue;
+ other_widget.setValue(new_value);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ var node = widget.render();
+ = '4em';
+ if (cfgvalue == '-')
+ node.querySelector('li[data-value="*"]').setAttribute('unselectable', '');
+ return node;
+ },
+ cfgvalue: function(section_id) {
+ var pname = this.port,
+ spec = L.toArray(uci.get('network', section_id, 'ports')).filter(function(p) { return p.replace(/:[ut*]+$/, '') == pname })[0];
+ if (spec && spec.match(/t/))
+ return spec.match(/\*/) ? ['t', '*'] : ['t'];
+ else if (spec)
+ return spec.match(/\*/) ? ['u', '*'] : ['u'];
+ else
+ return ['-'];
+ },
+ write: function(section_id, value) {
+ var ports = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.section.children.length; i++) {
+ var opt = this.section.children[i];
+ if (opt.port) {
+ var val = L.toArray(opt.formvalue(section_id)).join('');
+ switch (val) {
+ case '-':
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ ports.push(opt.port);
+ break;
+ default:
+ ports.push('%s:%s'.format(opt.port, val));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ uci.set('network', section_id, 'ports', ports);
+ },
+ remove: function() {}
+return baseclass.extend({
+ replaceOption: function(s, tabName, optionClass, optionName, optionTitle, optionDescription) {
+ var o = s.getOption(optionName);
+ if (o) {
+ if ( {
+ s.tabs[].children = s.tabs[].children.filter(function(opt) {
+ return opt.option != optionName;
+ });
+ }
+ s.children = s.children.filter(function(opt) {
+ return opt.option != optionName;
+ });
+ }
+ return s.taboption(tabName, optionClass, optionName, optionTitle, optionDescription);
+ },
+ addOption: function(s, tabName, optionClass, optionName, optionTitle, optionDescription) {
+ var o = this.replaceOption(s, tabName, optionClass, optionName, optionTitle, optionDescription);
+ if (s.sectiontype == 'interface' && optionName != 'type' && optionName != 'vlan_filtering') {
+ o.cfgvalue = deviceCfgValue;
+ o.write = deviceWrite;
+ o.remove = deviceRemove;
+ o.refresh = deviceRefresh;
+ }
+ return o;
+ },
+ addDeviceOptions: function(s, dev, isNew) {
+ var isIface = (s.sectiontype == 'interface'),
+ ifc = isIface ? network.instantiateNetwork(s.section) : null,
+ gensection = ifc ? 'physical' : 'devgeneral',
+ advsection = ifc ? 'physical' : 'devadvanced',
+ simpledep = ifc ? { type: '', ifname_single: /^[^@]/ } : { type: '' },
+ o, ss;
+ if (isIface) {
+ var type;
+ type = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Flag, 'type', _('Bridge interfaces'), _('Creates a bridge over specified interface(s)'));
+ type.modalonly = true;
+ type.disabled = '';
+ type.enabled = 'bridge';
+ type.write = type.remove = function(section_id, value) {
+ var protoname = this.section.formvalue(section_id, 'proto'),
+ protocol = network.getProtocol(protoname),
+ new_ifnames = this.isActive(section_id) ? L.toArray(this.section.formvalue(section_id, value ? 'ifname_multi' : 'ifname_single')) : [];
+ if (!protocol.isVirtual() && !this.isActive(section_id))
+ return;
+ var old_ifnames = [],
+ devs = ifc.getDevices() || L.toArray(ifc.getDevice());
+ for (var i = 0; i < devs.length; i++)
+ old_ifnames.push(devs[i].getName());
+ if (!value)
+ new_ifnames.length = Math.max(new_ifnames.length, 1);
+ old_ifnames.sort();
+ new_ifnames.sort();
+ for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(old_ifnames.length, new_ifnames.length); i++) {
+ if (old_ifnames[i] != new_ifnames[i]) {
+ // backup_ifnames()
+ for (var j = 0; j < old_ifnames.length; j++)
+ ifc.deleteDevice(old_ifnames[j]);
+ for (var j = 0; j < new_ifnames.length; j++)
+ ifc.addDevice(new_ifnames[j]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (value)
+ uci.set('network', section_id, 'type', 'bridge');
+ else
+ uci.unset('network', section_id, 'type');
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+'devgeneral', _('General device options'));
+'devadvanced', _('Advanced device options'));
+'brport', _('Bridge port specific options'));
+'bridgevlan', _('Bridge VLAN filtering'));
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.ListValue, 'type', _('Device type'));
+ o.readonly = !isNew;
+ o.value('', _('Network device'));
+ o.value('bridge', _('Bridge device'));
+ o.value('8021q', _('VLAN (802.1q)'));
+ o.value('8021ad', _('VLAN (802.1ad)'));
+ o.value('macvlan', _('MAC VLAN'));
+ o.value('veth', _('Virtual Ethernet'));
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, widgets.DeviceSelect, 'name_simple', _('Existing device'));
+ o.readonly = !isNew;
+ o.rmempty = false;
+ o.noaliases = true;
+ o.default = (dev ? dev.getName() : '');
+ o.ucioption = 'name';
+ o.write = o.remove = setIfActive;
+ o.filter = function(section_id, value) {
+ return !deviceSectionExists(section_id, value);
+ };
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ return deviceSectionExists(section_id, value) ? _('A configuration for the device "%s" already exists').format(value) : true;
+ };
+ o.depends('type', '');
+ }
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, widgets.DeviceSelect, 'ifname_single', isIface ? _('Interface') : _('Base device'));
+ o.readonly = !isNew;
+ o.rmempty = false;
+ o.noaliases = !isIface;
+ o.default = (dev ? dev.getName() : '').match(/^.+\.\d+$/) ? dev.getName().replace(/\.\d+$/, '') : '';
+ o.ucioption = 'ifname';
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ var type = this.section.formvalue(section_id, 'type'),
+ name = this.section.getUIElement(section_id, 'name_complex');
+ if (type == 'macvlan' && value && name && !name.isChanged()) {
+ var i = 0;
+ while (deviceSectionExists(section_id, '%smac%d'.format(value, i)))
+ i++;
+ name.setValue('%smac%d'.format(value, i));
+ name.triggerValidation();
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ if (isIface) {
+ o.write = o.remove = function() {};
+ o.cfgvalue = function(section_id) {
+ return (ifc.getDevices() || L.toArray(ifc.getDevice())).map(function(dev) {
+ return dev.getName();
+ });
+ };
+ o.onchange = function(ev, section_id, values) {
+ for (var i = 0, co; (co = this.section.children[i]) != null; i++)
+ if (co !== this && co.refresh)
+ co.refresh(section_id);
+ };
+ o.depends('type', '');
+ }
+ else {
+ o.write = o.remove = setIfActive;
+ o.depends('type', '8021q');
+ o.depends('type', '8021ad');
+ o.depends('type', 'macvlan');
+ }
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'vid', _('VLAN ID'));
+ o.readonly = !isNew;
+ o.datatype = 'range(1, 4094)';
+ o.rmempty = false;
+ o.default = (dev ? dev.getName() : '').match(/^.+\.\d+$/) ? dev.getName().replace(/^.+\./, '') : '';
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ var base = this.section.formvalue(section_id, 'ifname_single'),
+ vid = this.section.formvalue(section_id, 'vid'),
+ name = this.section.getUIElement(section_id, 'name_complex');
+ if (base && vid && name && !name.isChanged()) {
+ name.setValue('%s.%d'.format(base, vid));
+ name.triggerValidation();
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ o.depends('type', '8021q');
+ o.depends('type', '8021ad');
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.ListValue, 'mode', _('Mode'));
+ o.value('vepa', _('VEPA (Virtual Ethernet Port Aggregator)', 'MACVLAN mode'));
+ o.value('private', _('Private (Prevent communication between MAC VLANs)', 'MACVLAN mode'));
+ o.value('bridge', _('Bridge (Support direct communication between MAC VLANs)', 'MACVLAN mode'));
+ o.value('passthru', _('Pass-through (Mirror physical device to single MAC VLAN)', 'MACVLAN mode'));
+ o.depends('type', 'macvlan');
+ if (!isIface) {
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'name_complex', _('Device name'));
+ o.rmempty = false;
+ o.datatype = 'maxlength(15)';
+ o.readonly = !isNew;
+ o.ucioption = 'name';
+ o.write = o.remove = setIfActive;
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ return deviceSectionExists(section_id, value) ? _('The device name "%s" is already taken').format(value) : true;
+ };
+ o.depends({ type: '', '!reverse': true });
+ }
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.DynamicList, 'ingress_qos_mapping', _('Ingress QoS mapping'), _('Defines a mapping of VLAN header priority to the Linux internal packet priority on incoming frames'));
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o.validate = validateQoSMap;
+ o.depends('type', '8021q');
+ o.depends('type', '8021ad');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.DynamicList, 'egress_qos_mapping', _('Egress QoS mapping'), _('Defines a mapping of Linux internal packet priority to VLAN header priority but for outgoing frames'));
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o.validate = validateQoSMap;
+ o.depends('type', '8021q');
+ o.depends('type', '8021ad');
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, widgets.DeviceSelect, 'ifname_multi', _('Bridge ports'));
+ o.size = 10;
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o.multiple = true;
+ o.noaliases = true;
+ o.nobridges = true;
+ o.ucioption = 'ifname';
+ if (isIface) {
+ o.write = o.remove = function() {};
+ o.cfgvalue = function(section_id) {
+ return (ifc.getDevices() || L.toArray(ifc.getDevice())).map(function(dev) { return dev.getName() });
+ };
+ }
+ else {
+ o.write = o.remove = setIfActive;
+ o.default = L.toArray(dev ? dev.getPorts() : null).filter(function(p) { return p.getType() != 'wifi' || p.isUp() }).map(function(p) { return p.getName() });
+ o.filter = function(section_id, device_name) {
+ var d = network.instantiateDevice(device_name);
+ return d.getType() != 'wifi' || d.isUp();
+ };
+ }
+ o.onchange = function(ev, section_id, values) {
+ ss.updatePorts(values);
+ return ss.parse().then(function() {
+ ss.redraw();
+ });
+ };
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Flag, 'bridge_empty', _('Bring up empty bridge'), _('Bring up the bridge interface even if no ports are attached'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'priority', _('Priority'));
+ o.placeholder = '32767';
+ o.datatype = 'range(0, 65535)';
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'ageing_time', _('Ageing time'), _('Timeout in seconds for learned MAC addresses in the forwarding database'));
+ o.placeholder = '30';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'stp', _('Enable <abbr title="Spanning Tree Protocol">STP</abbr>'), _('Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol on this bridge'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'hello_time', _('Hello interval'), _('Interval in seconds for STP hello packets'));
+ o.placeholder = '2';
+ o.datatype = 'range(1, 10)';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', stp: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'forward_delay', _('Forward delay'), _('Time in seconds to spend in listening and learning states'));
+ o.placeholder = '15';
+ o.datatype = 'range(2, 30)';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', stp: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'max_age', _('Maximum age'), _('Timeout in seconds until topology updates on link loss'));
+ o.placeholder = '20';
+ o.datatype = 'range(6, 40)';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', stp: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'igmp_snooping', _('Enable <abbr title="Internet Group Management Protocol">IGMP</abbr> snooping'), _('Enables IGMP snooping on this bridge'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'hash_max', _('Maximum snooping table size'));
+ o.placeholder = '512';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', igmp_snooping: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'multicast_querier', _('Enable multicast querier'));
+ o.defaults = { '1': [{'igmp_snooping': '1'}], '0': [{'igmp_snooping': '0'}] };
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'robustness', _('Robustness'), _('The robustness value allows tuning for the expected packet loss on the network. If a network is expected to be lossy, the robustness value may be increased. IGMP is robust to (Robustness-1) packet losses'));
+ o.placeholder = '2';
+ o.datatype = 'min(1)';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', multicast_querier: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'query_interval', _('Query interval'), _('Interval in centiseconds between multicast general queries. By varying the value, an administrator may tune the number of IGMP messages on the subnet; larger values cause IGMP Queries to be sent less often'));
+ o.placeholder = '12500';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', multicast_querier: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'query_response_interval', _('Query response interval'), _('The max response time in centiseconds inserted into the periodic general queries. By varying the value, an administrator may tune the burstiness of IGMP messages on the subnet; larger values make the traffic less bursty, as host responses are spread out over a larger interval'));
+ o.placeholder = '1000';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ var qiopt = L.toArray('query_interval', section_id))[0],
+ qival = qiopt ? (qiopt.formvalue(section_id) || qiopt.placeholder) : '';
+ if (value != '' && qival != '' && +value >= +qival)
+ return _('The query response interval must be lower than the query interval value');
+ return true;
+ };
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', multicast_querier: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'last_member_interval', _('Last member interval'), _('The max response time in centiseconds inserted into group-specific queries sent in response to leave group messages. It is also the amount of time between group-specific query messages. This value may be tuned to modify the "leave latency" of the network. A reduced value results in reduced time to detect the loss of the last member of a group'));
+ o.placeholder = '100';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends({ type: 'bridge', multicast_querier: '1' });
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'mtu', _('MTU'));
+ o.placeholder = getDeviceValue(ifc || dev, 'getMTU');
+ o.datatype = 'max(9200)';
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'macaddr', _('MAC address'));
+ o.placeholder = getDeviceValue(ifc || dev, 'getMAC');
+ o.datatype = 'macaddr';
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o.depends('type', 'macvlan');
+ o.depends('type', 'veth');
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'peer_name', _('Peer device name'));
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o.datatype = 'maxlength(15)';
+ o.depends('type', 'veth');
+ o.load = function(section_id) {
+ var sections = uci.sections('network', 'device'),
+ idx = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < sections.length; i++)
+ if (sections[i]['.name'] == section_id)
+ break;
+ else if (sections[i].type == 'veth')
+ idx++;
+ this.placeholder = 'veth%d'.format(idx);
+ return form.Value.prototype.load.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'peer_macaddr', _('Peer MAC address'));
+ o.rmempty = true;
+ o.datatype = 'macaddr';
+ o.depends('type', 'veth');
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'txqueuelen', _('TX queue length'));
+ o.placeholder = dev ? dev._devstate('qlen') : '';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'promisc', _('Enable promiscious mode'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.ListValue, 'rpfilter', _('Reverse path filter'));
+ o.default = '';
+ o.value('', _('disabled'));
+ o.value('loose', _('Loose filtering'));
+ o.value('strict', _('Strict filtering'));
+ o.cfgvalue = function(section_id) {
+ var val = form.ListValue.prototype.cfgvalue.apply(this, [section_id]);
+ switch (val || '') {
+ case 'loose':
+ case '1':
+ return 'loose';
+ case 'strict':
+ case '2':
+ return 'strict';
+ default:
+ return '';
+ }
+ };
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'acceptlocal', _('Accept local'), _('Accept packets with local source addresses'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'sendredirects', _('Send ICMP redirects'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'neighreachabletime', _('Neighbour cache validity'), _('Time in milliseconds'));
+ o.placeholder = '30000';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'neighgcstaletime', _('Stale neighbour cache timeout'), _('Timeout in seconds'));
+ o.placeholder = '60';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Value, 'neighlocktime', _('Minimum ARP validity time'), _('Minimum required time in seconds before an ARP entry may be replaced. Prevents ARP cache thrashing.'));
+ o.placeholder = '0';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Flag, 'ipv6', _('Enable IPv6'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'mtu6', _('IPv6 MTU'));
+ o.placeholder = getDeviceValue(ifc || dev, 'getMTU');
+ o.datatype = 'max(9200)';
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ ipv6: '1' }, simpledep));
+ o = this.addOption(s, gensection, form.Value, 'dadtransmits', _('DAD transmits'), _('Amount of Duplicate Address Detection probes to send'));
+ o.placeholder = '1';
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ ipv6: '1' }, simpledep));
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.Flag, 'multicast', _('Enable multicast support'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.ListValue, 'igmpversion', _('Force IGMP version'));
+ o.value('', _('No enforcement'));
+ o.value('1', _('Enforce IGMPv1'));
+ o.value('2', _('Enforce IGMPv2'));
+ o.value('3', _('Enforce IGMPv3'));
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ multicast: '1' }, simpledep));
+ o = this.addOption(s, advsection, form.ListValue, 'mldversion', _('Force MLD version'));
+ o.value('', _('No enforcement'));
+ o.value('1', _('Enforce MLD version 1'));
+ o.value('2', _('Enforce MLD version 2'));
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ multicast: '1' }, simpledep));
+ if (isBridgePort(dev)) {
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'brport', form.Flag, 'learning', _('Enable MAC address learning'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'brport', form.Flag, 'unicast_flood', _('Enable unicast flooding'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'brport', form.Flag, 'isolated', _('Port isolation'), _('Only allow communication with non-isolated bridge ports when enabled'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends(simpledep);
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'brport', form.ListValue, 'multicast_router', _('Multicast routing'));
+ o.value('', _('Never'));
+ o.value('1', _('Learn'));
+ o.value('2', _('Always'));
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ multicast: '1' }, simpledep));
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'brport', form.Flag, 'multicast_to_unicast', _('Multicast to unicast'), _('Forward multicast packets as unicast packets on this device.'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ multicast: '1' }, simpledep));
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'brport', form.Flag, 'multicast_fast_leave', _('Enable multicast fast leave'));
+ o.default = o.disabled;
+ o.depends(Object.assign({ multicast: '1' }, simpledep));
+ }
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'bridgevlan', form.Flag, 'vlan_filtering', _('Enable VLAN filterering'));
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o.updateDefaultValue = function(section_id) {
+ var device = isIface ? 'br-%s'.format(s.section) : uci.get('network', s.section, 'name'),
+ uielem = this.getUIElement(section_id),
+ has_vlans = false;
+ uci.sections('network', 'bridge-vlan', function(bvs) {
+ has_vlans = has_vlans || (bvs.device == device);
+ });
+ this.default = has_vlans ? this.enabled : this.disabled;
+ if (uielem && !uielem.isChanged())
+ uielem.setValue(this.default);
+ };
+ o = this.addOption(s, 'bridgevlan', form.SectionValue, 'bridge-vlan', form.TableSection, 'bridge-vlan');
+ o.depends('type', 'bridge');
+ o.renderWidget = function(/* ... */) {
+ return form.SectionValue.prototype.renderWidget.apply(this, arguments).then(L.bind(function(node) {
+ = 'auto';
+ = 'visible';
+ = '100px';
+ = '-100px';
+ return node;
+ }, this));
+ };
+ ss = o.subsection;
+ ss.addremove = true;
+ ss.anonymous = true;
+ ss.renderHeaderRows = function(/* ... */) {
+ var node = form.TableSection.prototype.renderHeaderRows.apply(this, arguments);
+ node.querySelectorAll('.th').forEach(function(th) {
+ th.classList.add('middle');
+ });
+ return node;
+ };
+ ss.filter = function(section_id) {
+ var devname = isIface ? 'br-%s'.format(s.section) : uci.get('network', s.section, 'name');
+ return (uci.get('network', section_id, 'device') == devname);
+ };
+ ss.render = function(/* ... */) {
+ return form.TableSection.prototype.render.apply(this, arguments).then(L.bind(function(node) {
+ if (this.node)
+ this.node.parentNode.replaceChild(node, this.node);
+ this.node = node;
+ return node;
+ }, this));
+ };
+ ss.redraw = function() {
+ return this.load().then(L.bind(this.render, this));
+ };
+ ss.updatePorts = function(ports) {
+ var devices = {
+ return network.instantiateDevice(port)
+ }).filter(function(dev) {
+ return dev.getType() != 'wifi' || dev.isUp();
+ });
+ this.children = this.children.filter(function(opt) { return !opt.option.match(/^port_/) });
+ for (var i = 0; i < devices.length; i++) {
+ o = ss.option(cbiTagValue, 'port_%s'.format(sfh(devices[i].getName())), renderDevBadge(devices[i]));
+ o.port = devices[i].getName();
+ }
+ var section_ids = this.cfgsections(),
+ device_names = devices.reduce(function(names, dev) { names[dev.getName()] = true; return names }, {});
+ for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) {
+ var old_spec = L.toArray(uci.get('network', section_ids[i], 'ports')),
+ new_spec = old_spec.filter(function(spec) { return device_names[spec.replace(/:[ut*]+$/, '')] });
+ if (old_spec.length != new_spec.length)
+ uci.set('network', section_ids[i], 'ports', new_spec.length ? new_spec : null);
+ }
+ };
+ ss.handleAdd = function(ev) {
+ return s.parse().then(L.bind(function() {
+ var device = isIface ? 'br-%s'.format(s.section) : uci.get('network', s.section, 'name'),
+ section_ids = this.cfgsections(),
+ section_id = null,
+ max_vlan_id = 0;
+ if (!device)
+ return;
+ for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) {
+ var vid = +uci.get('network', section_ids[i], 'vlan');
+ if (vid > max_vlan_id)
+ max_vlan_id = vid;
+ }
+ section_id = uci.add('network', 'bridge-vlan');
+ uci.set('network', section_id, 'device', device);
+ uci.set('network', section_id, 'vlan', max_vlan_id + 1);
+ s.children.forEach(function(opt) {
+ switch (opt.option) {
+ case 'type':
+ case 'name_complex':
+ var input ='id', 'widget.%s'.format(opt.cbid(s.section)));
+ if (input)
+ input.disabled = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ s.getOption('vlan_filtering').updateDefaultValue(s.section);
+ return this.redraw();
+ }, this));
+ };
+ o = ss.option(form.Value, 'vlan', _('VLAN ID'));
+ o.datatype = 'range(1, 4094)';
+ o.renderWidget = function(/* ... */) {
+ var node = form.Value.prototype.renderWidget.apply(this, arguments);
+ = '5em';
+ return node;
+ };
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ var section_ids = this.section.cfgsections();
+ for (var i = 0; i < section_ids.length; i++) {
+ if (section_ids[i] == section_id)
+ continue;
+ if (uci.get('network', section_ids[i], 'vlan') == value)
+ return _('The VLAN ID must be unique');
+ }
+ return true;
+ };
+ o = ss.option(form.Flag, 'local', _('Local'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ var ports = isIface
+ ? (ifc.getDevices() || L.toArray(ifc.getDevice())).map(function(dev) { return dev.getName() })
+ : L.toArray(uci.get('network', s.section, 'ifname'));
+ ss.updatePorts(ports);
+ }
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js b/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js
index 80b02c96fb..0829a92fdd 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-network/htdocs/luci-static/resources/view/network/interfaces.js
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
'require network';
'require firewall';
'require tools.widgets as widgets';
+'require as nettools';
var isReadonlyView = !L.hasViewPermission() || null;
@@ -212,21 +213,19 @@ function iface_updown(up, id, ev, force) {
function get_netmask(s, use_cfgvalue) {
var readfn = use_cfgvalue ? 'cfgvalue' : 'formvalue',
- addropt = s.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'ipaddr'})[0],
- addrvals = addropt ? L.toArray(addropt[readfn](s.section)) : [],
- maskopt = s.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'netmask'})[0],
- maskval = maskopt ? maskopt[readfn](s.section) : null,
- firstsubnet = maskval ? addrvals[0] + '/' + maskval : addrvals.filter(function(a) { return a.indexOf('/') > 0 })[0];
+ addrs = L.toArray(s[readfn](s.section, 'ipaddr')),
+ mask = s[readfn](s.section, 'netmask'),
+ firstsubnet = mask ? addrs[0] + '/' + mask : addrs.filter(function(a) { return a.indexOf('/') > 0 })[0];
if (firstsubnet == null)
return null;
- var mask = firstsubnet.split('/')[1];
+ var subnetmask = firstsubnet.split('/')[1];
- if (!isNaN(mask))
- mask = network.prefixToMask(+mask);
+ if (!isNaN(subnetmask))
+ subnetmask = network.prefixToMask(+subnetmask);
- return mask;
+ return subnetmask;
return view.extend({
@@ -293,14 +292,24 @@ return view.extend({
load: function() {
return Promise.all([
+ network.getDevices(),
+ fs.lines('/etc/iproute2/rt_tables'),
render: function(data) {
var dslModemType = data[0],
+ netDevs = data[1],
m, s, o;
+ var rtTables = data[2].map(function(l) {
+ var m = l.trim().match(/^(\d+)\s+(\S+)$/);
+ return m ? [ +m[1], m[2] ] : null;
+ }).filter(function(e) {
+ return e && e[0] > 0;
+ });
m = new form.Map('network');
m.tabbed = true;
@@ -323,6 +332,8 @@ return view.extend({'general', _('General Settings'));'advanced', _('Advanced Settings'));'physical', _('Physical Settings'));
+'brport', _('Bridge port specific options'));
+'bridgevlan', _('Bridge VLAN filtering'));'firewall', _('Firewall Settings'));'dhcp', _('DHCP Server'));
@@ -413,80 +424,6 @@ return view.extend({
o.modalonly = true;
o.default = o.enabled;
- type = s.taboption('physical', form.Flag, 'type', _('Bridge interfaces'), _('Creates a bridge over specified interface(s)'));
- type.modalonly = true;
- type.disabled = '';
- type.enabled = 'bridge';
- type.write = type.remove = function(section_id, value) {
- var protocol = network.getProtocol(proto_select.formvalue(section_id)),
- ifnameopt = this.section.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == (value ? 'ifname_multi' : 'ifname_single') })[0];
- if (!protocol.isVirtual() && !this.isActive(section_id))
- return;
- var old_ifnames = [],
- devs = ifc.getDevices() || L.toArray(ifc.getDevice());
- for (var i = 0; i < devs.length; i++)
- old_ifnames.push(devs[i].getName());
- var new_ifnames = L.toArray(ifnameopt.formvalue(section_id));
- if (!value)
- new_ifnames.length = Math.max(new_ifnames.length, 1);
- old_ifnames.sort();
- new_ifnames.sort();
- for (var i = 0; i < Math.max(old_ifnames.length, new_ifnames.length); i++) {
- if (old_ifnames[i] != new_ifnames[i]) {
- // backup_ifnames()
- for (var j = 0; j < old_ifnames.length; j++)
- ifc.deleteDevice(old_ifnames[j]);
- for (var j = 0; j < new_ifnames.length; j++)
- ifc.addDevice(new_ifnames[j]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (value)
- uci.set('network', section_id, 'type', 'bridge');
- else
- uci.unset('network', section_id, 'type');
- };
- stp = s.taboption('physical', form.Flag, 'stp', _('Enable <abbr title="Spanning Tree Protocol">STP</abbr>'), _('Enables the Spanning Tree Protocol on this bridge'));
- igmp = s.taboption('physical', form.Flag, 'igmp_snooping', _('Enable <abbr title="Internet Group Management Protocol">IGMP</abbr> snooping'), _('Enables IGMP snooping on this bridge'));
- ifname_single = s.taboption('physical', widgets.DeviceSelect, 'ifname_single', _('Interface'));
- ifname_single.nobridges = ifc.isBridge();
- ifname_single.noaliases = false;
- ifname_single.optional = false;
- = ifc.getName();
- ifname_single.write = ifname_single.remove = function() {};
- ifname_multi = s.taboption('physical', widgets.DeviceSelect, 'ifname_multi', _('Interface'));
- ifname_multi.nobridges = ifc.isBridge();
- ifname_multi.noaliases = true;
- ifname_multi.multiple = true;
- ifname_multi.optional = true;
- = ifc.getName();
- ifname_multi.display_size = 6;
- ifname_multi.write = ifname_multi.remove = function() {};
- ifname_single.cfgvalue = ifname_multi.cfgvalue = function(section_id) {
- var devs = ifc.getDevices() || L.toArray(ifc.getDevice()),
- ifnames = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < devs.length; i++)
- ifnames.push(devs[i].getName());
- return ifnames;
- };
if (L.hasSystemFeature('firewall')) {
o = s.taboption('firewall', widgets.ZoneSelect, '_zone', _('Create / Assign firewall-zone'), _('Choose the firewall zone you want to assign to this interface. Select <em>unspecified</em> to remove the interface from the associated zone or fill out the <em>custom</em> field to define a new zone and attach the interface to it.')); = ifc.getName();
@@ -530,14 +467,6 @@ return view.extend({
if (protocols[i].getProtocol() != uci.get('network', s.section, 'proto'))
proto_switch.depends('proto', protocols[i].getProtocol());
- if (!protocols[i].isVirtual()) {
- type.depends('proto', protocols[i].getProtocol());
- stp.depends({ type: 'bridge', proto: protocols[i].getProtocol() });
- igmp.depends({ type: 'bridge', proto: protocols[i].getProtocol() });
- ifname_single.depends({ type: '', proto: protocols[i].getProtocol() });
- ifname_multi.depends({ type: 'bridge', proto: protocols[i].getProtocol() });
- }
if (L.hasSystemFeature('dnsmasq') || L.hasSystemFeature('odhcpd')) {
@@ -610,9 +539,9 @@ return view.extend({
so.validate = function(section_id, value) {
- var node ='id', this.cbid(section_id));
- if (node)
- node.querySelector('input').setAttribute('placeholder', get_netmask(s, false));
+ var uielem = this.getUIElement(section_id);
+ if (uielem)
+ uielem.setPlaceholder(get_netmask(s, false));
return form.Value.prototype.validate.apply(this, [ section_id, value ]);
@@ -660,25 +589,127 @@ return view.extend({
+ nettools.addDeviceOptions(s, null, true);
+ // Common interface options
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Flag, 'defaultroute', _('Use default gateway'), _('If unchecked, no default route is configured'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Flag, 'peerdns', _('Use DNS servers advertised by peer'), _('If unchecked, the advertised DNS server addresses are ignored'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.DynamicList, 'dns', _('Use custom DNS servers'));
+ o.depends('peerdns', '0');
+ o.datatype = 'ipaddr';
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.DynamicList, 'dns_search', _('DNS search domains'));
+ o.depends('peerdns', '0');
+ o.datatype = 'hostname';
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'dns_metric', _('DNS weight'), _('The DNS server entries in the local resolv.conf are primarily sorted by the weight specified here'));
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.placeholder = '0';
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'metric', _('Use gateway metric'));
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.placeholder = '0';
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'ip4table', _('Override IPv4 routing table'));
+ o.datatype = 'or(uinteger, string)';
+ for (var i = 0; i < rtTables.length; i++)
+ o.value(rtTables[i][1], '%s (%d)'.format(rtTables[i][1], rtTables[i][0]));
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'ip6table', _('Override IPv6 routing table'));
+ o.datatype = 'or(uinteger, string)';
+ for (var i = 0; i < rtTables.length; i++)
+ o.value(rtTables[i][1], '%s (%d)'.format(rtTables[i][0], rtTables[i][1]));
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Flag, 'delegate', _('Delegate IPv6 prefixes'), _('Enable downstream delegation of IPv6 prefixes available on this interface'));
+ o.default = o.enabled;
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'ip6assign', _('IPv6 assignment length'), _('Assign a part of given length of every public IPv6-prefix to this interface'));
+ o.value('', _('disabled'));
+ o.value('64');
+ o.datatype = 'max(128)';
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'ip6hint', _('IPv6 assignment hint'), _('Assign prefix parts using this hexadecimal subprefix ID for this interface.'));
+ o.placeholder = '0';
+ o.validate = function(section_id, value) {
+ if (value == null || value == '')
+ return true;
+ var n = parseInt(value, 16);
+ if (!/^(0x)?[0-9a-fA-F]+$/.test(value) || isNaN(n) || n >= 0xffffffff)
+ return _('Expecting a hexadecimal assignment hint');
+ return true;
+ };
+ for (var i = 33; i <= 64; i++)
+ o.depends('ip6assign', String(i));
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.DynamicList, 'ip6class', _('IPv6 prefix filter'), _('If set, downstream subnets are only allocated from the given IPv6 prefix classes.'));
+ o.value('local', 'local (%s)'.format(_('Local ULA')));
+ var prefixClasses = {};
+ this.networks.forEach(function(net) {
+ var prefixes = net._ubus('ipv6-prefix');
+ if (Array.isArray(prefixes)) {
+ prefixes.forEach(function(pfx) {
+ if (L.isObject(pfx) && typeof(pfx['class']) == 'string') {
+ prefixClasses[pfx['class']] = prefixClasses[pfx['class']] || {};
+ prefixClasses[pfx['class']][net.getName()] = true;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ Object.keys(prefixClasses).sort().forEach(function(c) {
+ var networks = Object.keys(prefixClasses[c]).sort().join(', ');
+ o.value(c, (c != networks) ? '%s (%s)'.format(c, networks) : c);
+ });
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'ip6ifaceid', _('IPv6 suffix'), _("Optional. Allowed values: 'eui64', 'random', fixed value like '::1' or '::1:2'. When IPv6 prefix (like 'a:b:c:d::') is received from a delegating server, use the suffix (like '::1') to form the IPv6 address ('a:b:c:d::1') for the interface."));
+ o.datatype = 'ip6hostid';
+ o.placeholder = '::1';
+ o = nettools.replaceOption(s, 'advanced', form.Value, 'ip6weight', _('IPv6 preference'), _('When delegating prefixes to multiple downstreams, interfaces with a higher preference value are considered first when allocating subnets.'));
+ o.datatype = 'uinteger';
+ o.placeholder = '0';
for (var i = 0; i < s.children.length; i++) {
o = s.children[i];
switch (o.option) {
case 'proto':
- case 'delegate':
case 'auto':
- case 'type':
- case 'stp':
- case 'igmp_snooping':
- case 'ifname_single':
- case 'ifname_multi':
case '_dhcp':
case '_zone':
case '_switch_proto':
case '_ifacestat_modal':
+ case 'ifname_multi':
+ case 'ifname_single':
+ case 'igmp_snooping':
+ case 'stp':
+ case 'type':
+ var deps = [];
+ for (var j = 0; j < protocols.length; j++) {
+ if (!protocols[j].isVirtual()) {
+ if (o.deps.length)
+ for (var k = 0; k < o.deps.length; k++)
+ deps.push(Object.assign({ proto: protocols[j].getProtocol() }, o.deps[k]));
+ else
+ deps.push({ proto: protocols[j].getProtocol() });
+ }
+ }
+ o.deps = deps;
+ break;
if (o.deps.length)
for (var j = 0; j < o.deps.length; j++)
@@ -687,9 +718,23 @@ return view.extend({
o.depends('proto', protoval);
+ this.activeSection = s.section;
}, this));
+ s.handleModalCancel = function(/* ... */) {
+ var type = uci.get('network', this.activeSection || this.addedSection, 'type'),
+ ifname = (type == 'bridge') ? 'br-%s'.format(this.activeSection || this.addedSection) : null;
+ uci.sections('network', 'bridge-vlan', function(bvs) {
+ if (ifname != null && bvs.device == ifname)
+ uci.remove('network', bvs['.name']);
+ });
+ return form.GridSection.prototype.handleModalCancel.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
s.handleAdd = function(ev) {
var m2 = new form.Map('network'),
s2 = m2.section(form.NamedSection, '_new_'),
@@ -793,8 +838,9 @@ return view.extend({
- }).then(L.bind(m.children[0].renderMoreOptionsModal, m.children[0], nameval));
+ m.children[0].addedSection = section_id;
+ }).then(L.bind(m.children[0].renderMoreOptionsModal, m.children[0], nameval));
}, _('Create interface'))
@@ -865,14 +911,208 @@ return view.extend({
o = s.taboption('advanced', form.Flag, 'force_link', _('Force link'), _('Set interface properties regardless of the link carrier (If set, carrier sense events do not invoke hotplug handlers).'));
o.modalonly = true;
- o.render = function(option_index, section_id, in_table) {
- var protoopt = this.section.children.filter(function(o) { return o.option == 'proto' })[0],
- protoval = protoopt ? protoopt.cfgvalue(section_id) : null;
+ o.defaults = {
+ '1': [{ proto: 'static' }],
+ '0': []
+ };
- this.default = (protoval == 'static') ? this.enabled : this.disabled;
- return this.super('render', [ option_index, section_id, in_table ]);
+ // Device configuration
+ s = m.section(form.GridSection, 'device', _('Devices'));
+ s.addremove = true;
+ s.anonymous = true;
+ s.addbtntitle = _('Add device configuration…');
+ s.cfgsections = function() {
+ var sections = uci.sections('network', 'device'),
+ section_ids = sections.sort(function(a, b) { return > }).map(function(s) { return s['.name'] });
+ for (var i = 0; i < netDevs.length; i++) {
+ if (sections.filter(function(s) { return == netDevs[i].getName() }).length)
+ continue;
+ if (netDevs[i].getType() == 'wifi' && !netDevs[i].isUp())
+ continue;
+ /* Unless is implemented,
+ we cannot properly redefine bridges as devices, so filter them away for now... */
+ var m = netDevs[i].isBridge() ? netDevs[i].getName().match(/^br-([A-Za-z0-9_]+)$/) : null,
+ s = m ? uci.get('network', m[1]) : null;
+ if (s && s['.type'] == 'interface' && s.type == 'bridge')
+ continue;
+ section_ids.push('dev:%s'.format(netDevs[i].getName()));
+ }
+ return section_ids;
+ };
+ s.renderMoreOptionsModal = function(section_id, ev) {
+ var m = section_id.match(/^dev:(.+)$/);
+ if (m) {
+ var devtype = getDevType(section_id);
+ section_id = uci.add('network', 'device');
+ uci.set('network', section_id, 'name', m[1]);
+ uci.set('network', section_id, 'type', (devtype != 'ethernet') ? devtype : null);
+ this.addedSection = section_id;
+ }
+ return this.super('renderMoreOptionsModal', [section_id, ev]);
+ };
+ s.renderRowActions = function(section_id) {
+ var trEl = this.super('renderRowActions', [ section_id, _('Configure…') ]),
+ deleteBtn = trEl.querySelector('button:last-child');
+ = _('Reset');
+ deleteBtn.disabled = section_id.match(/^dev:/) ? true : null;
+ return trEl;
+ };
+ s.modaltitle = function(section_id) {
+ var m = section_id.match(/^dev:(.+)$/),
+ name = m ? m[1] : uci.get('network', section_id, 'name');
+ return name ? '%s: %q'.format(getDevTypeDesc(section_id), name) : _('Add device configuration');
+ s.addModalOptions = function(s) {
+ var isNew = (uci.get('network', s.section, 'name') == null),
+ dev = getDevice(s.section);
+ nettools.addDeviceOptions(s, dev, isNew);
+ };
+ s.handleModalCancel = function(/* ... */) {
+ var name = uci.get('network', this.addedSection, 'name')
+ uci.sections('network', 'bridge-vlan', function(bvs) {
+ if (name != null && bvs.device == name)
+ uci.remove('network', bvs['.name']);
+ });
+ return form.GridSection.prototype.handleModalCancel.apply(this, arguments);
+ };
+ function getDevice(section_id) {
+ var m = section_id.match(/^dev:(.+)$/),
+ name = m ? m[1] : uci.get('network', section_id, 'name');
+ return netDevs.filter(function(d) { return d.getName() == name })[0];
+ }
+ function getDevType(section_id) {
+ var cfgtype = uci.get('network', section_id, 'type'),
+ dev = getDevice(section_id);
+ switch (cfgtype || (dev ? dev.getType() : '')) {
+ case '':
+ return null;
+ case 'vlan':
+ case '8021q':
+ return '8021q';
+ case '8021ad':
+ return '8021ad';
+ case 'bridge':
+ return 'bridge';
+ case 'tunnel':
+ return 'tunnel';
+ case 'macvlan':
+ return 'macvlan';
+ case 'veth':
+ return 'veth';
+ case 'wifi':
+ case 'alias':
+ case 'switch':
+ case 'ethernet':
+ default:
+ return 'ethernet';
+ }
+ }
+ function getDevTypeDesc(section_id) {
+ switch (getDevType(section_id) || '') {
+ case '':
+ return E('em', [ _('Device not present') ]);
+ case '8021q':
+ return _('VLAN (802.1q)');
+ case '8021ad':
+ return _('VLAN (802.1ad)');
+ case 'bridge':
+ return _('Bridge device');
+ case 'tunnel':
+ return _('Tunnel device');
+ case 'macvlan':
+ return _('MAC VLAN');
+ case 'veth':
+ return _('Virtual Ethernet');
+ default:
+ return _('Network device');
+ }
+ }
+ o = s.option(form.DummyValue, 'name', _('Device'));
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
+ var dev = getDevice(section_id),
+ ext = section_id.match(/^dev:/);
+ return E('span', {
+ 'class': 'ifacebadge',
+ 'style': ext ? 'opacity:.5' : null
+ }, [
+ render_iface(dev), ' ', dev ? dev.getName() : (uci.get('network', section_id, 'name') || '?')
+ ]);
+ };
+ o = s.option(form.DummyValue, 'type', _('Type'));
+ o.textvalue = getDevTypeDesc;
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o = s.option(form.DummyValue, 'macaddr', _('MAC Address'));
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
+ var dev = getDevice(section_id),
+ val = uci.get('network', section_id, 'macaddr'),
+ mac = dev ? dev.getMAC() : null;
+ return val ? E('strong', {
+ 'data-tooltip': _('The value is overridden by configuration. Original: %s').format(mac || _('unknown'))
+ }, [ val.toUpperCase() ]) : (mac || '-');
+ };
+ o = s.option(form.DummyValue, 'mtu', _('MTU'));
+ o.modalonly = false;
+ o.textvalue = function(section_id) {
+ var dev = getDevice(section_id),
+ val = uci.get('network', section_id, 'mtu'),
+ mtu = dev ? dev.getMTU() : null;
+ return val ? E('strong', {
+ 'data-tooltip': _('The value is overridden by configuration. Original: %s').format(mtu || _('unknown'))
+ }, [ val ]) : (mtu || '-').toString();
+ };
s = m.section(form.TypedSection, 'globals', _('Global network options'));
s.addremove = false;
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-network/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-mod-network.json b/modules/luci-mod-network/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-mod-network.json
index d6c84bab27..5d7888f765 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-network/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-mod-network.json
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-network/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-mod-network.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"read": {
"cgi-io": [ "exec" ],
"file": {
+ "/etc/iproute2/rt_tables": [ "read" ],
"/usr/libexec/luci-peeraddr": [ "exec" ]
"ubus": {