path: root/modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2018-11-21 20:16:06 +0100
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2018-11-22 13:07:33 +0100
commit6a0c1d1ab674881f8ebfce3f0ab622e37ff4293e (patch)
treec992fc87a100af01df8e923e39ab5c65d276717d /modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
parenta03ec606967434182450cdbad81d25474eb5cd51 (diff)
luci-mod-status: move index and iptables page JS code into external files
Also adjust the Bootstrap and OpenWrt themes accordingly Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 243 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm b/modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
index b98ba76f89..b11956a8af 100644
--- a/modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
+++ b/modules/luci-mod-status/luasrc/view/admin_status/index.htm
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
Copyright 2008 Steven Barth <>
- Copyright 2008-2011 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+ Copyright 2008-2018 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
@@ -131,248 +131,6 @@
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- {
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- XHR.poll(5, '<%=REQUEST_URI%>', { status: 1 },
- function(x, info)
- {
- var us = document.getElementById('upstream_status_table');
- while (us.lastElementChild)
- us.removeChild(us.lastElementChild);
- var wan_list = info.wan || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < wan_list.length; i++) {
- var ifc = wan_list[i];
- us.appendChild(renderBox(
- '<%:IPv4 Upstream%>',
- (ifc.ifname && ifc.proto != 'none'),
- [ E('div', {}, renderBadge(
- '<%=resource%>' + '/icons/%s.png'.format((ifc && ifc.type) ? ifc.type : 'ethernet_disabled'), null,
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- '<%:MAC-Address%>', (ifc && ifc.ether) ? ifc.mac : null)) ],
- '<%:Protocol%>', ifc.i18n || E('em', '<%:Not connected%>'),
- '<%:Address%>', (ifc.ipaddr) ? ifc.ipaddr : '',
- '<%:Netmask%>', (ifc.netmask && ifc.netmask != ifc.ipaddr) ? ifc.netmask : '',
- '<%:Gateway%>', (ifc.gwaddr) ? ifc.gwaddr : '',
- '<%:DNS%> 1', (ifc.dns) ? ifc.dns[0] : null,
- '<%:DNS%> 2', (ifc.dns) ? ifc.dns[1] : null,
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- '<%:Expires%>', (ifc.expires > -1) ? '%t'.format(ifc.expires) : null,
- '<%:Connected%>', (ifc.uptime > 0) ? '%t'.format(ifc.uptime) : null));
- }
- <% if has_ipv6 then %>
- var wan6_list = info.wan6 || [];
- for (var i = 0; i < wan6_list.length; i++) {
- var ifc6 = wan6_list[i];
- us.appendChild(renderBox(
- '<%:IPv6 Upstream%>',
- (ifc6.ifname && ifc6.proto != 'none'),
- [ E('div', {}, renderBadge(
- '<%=resource%>/icons/%s.png'.format(ifc6.type || 'ethernet_disabled'), null,
- '<%:Device%>', ifc6 ? ( || ifc6.ifname || '-') : '-',
- '<%:MAC-Address%>', (ifc6 && ifc6.ether) ? ifc6.mac : null)) ],
- '<%:Protocol%>', ifc6.i18n ? (ifc6.i18n + (ifc6.proto === 'dhcp' && ifc6.ip6prefix ? '-PD' : '')) : E('em', '<%:Not connected%>'),
- '<%:Prefix Delegated%>', ifc6.ip6prefix,
- '<%:Address%>', (ifc6.ip6prefix) ? (ifc6.ip6addr || null) : (ifc6.ip6addr || '::'),
- '<%:Gateway%>', (ifc6.gw6addr) ? ifc6.gw6addr : '::',
- '<%:DNS%> 1', (ifc6.dns) ? ifc6.dns[0] : null,
- '<%:DNS%> 2', (ifc6.dns) ? ifc6.dns[1] : null,
- '<%:DNS%> 3', (ifc6.dns) ? ifc6.dns[2] : null,
- '<%:DNS%> 4', (ifc6.dns) ? ifc6.dns[3] : null,
- '<%:DNS%> 5', (ifc6.dns) ? ifc6.dns[4] : null,
- '<%:Connected%>', (ifc6.uptime > 0) ? '%t'.format(ifc6.uptime) : null));
- }
- <% end %>
- <% if has_dsl then %>
- var ds = document.getElementById('dsl_status_table');
- while (ds.lastElementChild)
- ds.removeChild(ds.lastElementChild);
- ds.appendChild(renderBox(
- '<%:DSL Status%>',
- (info.dsl.line_state === 'UP'), [ ],
- '<%:Line State%>', '%s [0x%x]'.format(info.dsl.line_state, info.dsl.line_state_detail),
- '<%:Line Mode%>', info.dsl.line_mode_s || '-',
- '<%:Line Uptime%>', info.dsl.line_uptime_s || '-',
- '<%:Annex%>', info.dsl.annex_s || '-',
- '<%:Profile%>', info.dsl.profile_s || '-',
- '<%:Data Rate%>', '%s/s / %s/s'.format(info.dsl.data_rate_down_s, info.dsl.data_rate_up_s),
- '<%:Max. Attainable Data Rate (ATTNDR)%>', '%s/s / %s/s'.format(info.dsl.max_data_rate_down_s, info.dsl.max_data_rate_up_s),
- '<%:Latency%>', '%s / %s'.format(info.dsl.latency_num_down, info.dsl.latency_num_up),
- '<%:Line Attenuation (LATN)%>', '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(info.dsl.line_attenuation_down, info.dsl.line_attenuation_up),
- '<%:Signal Attenuation (SATN)%>', '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(info.dsl.signal_attenuation_down, info.dsl.signal_attenuation_up),
- '<%:Noise Margin (SNR)%>', '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(info.dsl.noise_margin_down, info.dsl.noise_margin_up),
- '<%:Aggregate Transmit Power(ACTATP)%>', '%.1f dB / %.1f dB'.format(info.dsl.actatp_down, info.dsl.actatp_up),
- '<%:Forward Error Correction Seconds (FECS)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_fec_near, info.dsl.errors_fec_far),
- '<%:Errored seconds (ES)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_es_near, info.dsl.errors_es_far),
- '<%:Severely Errored Seconds (SES)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_ses_near, info.dsl.errors_ses_far),
- '<%:Loss of Signal Seconds (LOSS)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_loss_near, info.dsl.errors_loss_far),
- '<%:Unavailable Seconds (UAS)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_uas_near, info.dsl.errors_uas_far),
- '<%:Header Error Code Errors (HEC)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_hec_near, info.dsl.errors_hec_far),
- '<%:Non Pre-emtive CRC errors (CRC_P)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_crc_p_near, info.dsl.errors_crc_p_far),
- '<%:Pre-emtive CRC errors (CRCP_P)%>', '%d / %d'.format(info.dsl.errors_crcp_p_near, info.dsl.errors_crcp_p_far),
- '<%:ATU-C System Vendor ID%>', info.dsl.atuc_vendor_id,
- '<%:Power Management Mode%>', info.dsl.power_mode_s));
- <% end %>
- <% if has_wifi then %>
- var ws = document.getElementById('wifi_status_table');
- if (ws)
- {
- while (ws.lastElementChild)
- ws.removeChild(ws.lastElementChild);
- for (var didx = 0; didx < info.wifinets.length; didx++)
- {
- var dev = info.wifinets[didx];
- var net0 = (dev.networks && dev.networks[0]) ? dev.networks[0] : {};
- var vifs = [];
- for (var nidx = 0; nidx < dev.networks.length; nidx++)
- {
- var net = dev.networks[nidx];
- var is_assoc = (net.bssid != '00:00:00:00:00:00' && && !net.disabled);
- var icon;
- if (net.disabled)
- icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-none.png";
- else if (net.quality <= 0)
- icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-0.png";
- else if (net.quality < 25)
- icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-0-25.png";
- else if (net.quality < 50)
- icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-25-50.png";
- else if (net.quality < 75)
- icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-50-75.png";
- else
- icon = "<%=resource%>/icons/signal-75-100.png";
- vifs.push(renderBadge(
- icon,
- '<%:Signal%>: %d dBm / <%:Quality%>: %d%%'.format(net.signal, net.quality),
- '<%:SSID%>', E('a', { href: }, [ net.ssid || '?' ]),
- '<%:Mode%>', net.mode,
- '<%:BSSID%>', is_assoc ? (net.bssid || '-') : null,
- '<%:Encryption%>', is_assoc ? net.encryption : null,
- '<%:Associations%>', is_assoc ? (net.num_assoc || '-') : null,
- null, is_assoc ? null : E('em', net.disabled ? '<%:Wireless is disabled%>' : '<%:Wireless is not associated%>')));
- }
- ws.appendChild(renderBox(
- dev.device, dev.up || net0.up,
- [ E('div', vifs) ],
- '<%:Type%>',^Generic | Wireless Controller .+$/g, ''),
- '<%:Channel%>', ? '%d (%.3f <%:GHz%>)'.format(, net0.frequency) : '-',
- '<%:Bitrate%>', net0.bitrate ? '%d <%:Mbit/s%>'.format(net0.bitrate) : '-'));
- }
- if (!ws.lastElementChild)
- ws.appendChild(E('<em><%:No information available%></em>'));
- }
- <% end %>
- var e;
- if (e = document.getElementById('localtime'))
- e.innerHTML = info.localtime;
- if (e = document.getElementById('uptime'))
- e.innerHTML = String.format('%t', info.uptime);
- if (e = document.getElementById('loadavg'))
- e.innerHTML = String.format(
- '%.02f, %.02f, %.02f',
- info.loadavg[0] / 65535.0,
- info.loadavg[1] / 65535.0,
- info.loadavg[2] / 65535.0
- );
- progressbar('#memtotal',
- (( + info.memory.buffered) / 1024) + " <%:kB%>",
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>");
- progressbar('#memfree',
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>",
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>");
- progressbar('#membuff',
- (info.memory.buffered / 1024) + " <%:kB%>",
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>");
- progressbar('#swaptotal',
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>",
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>");
- progressbar('#swapfree',
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>",
- ( / 1024) + " <%:kB%>");
- progressbar('#conns',
- info.conncount, info.connmax);
- }
- );
<h2 name="content"><%:Status%></h2>
<div class="cbi-section">
@@ -470,4 +228,6 @@
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