path: root/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share
diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2022-09-13 23:50:12 +0200
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2022-10-25 01:03:37 +0200
commit673f38246ac3548caefec41183e3dd7477d9f6f6 (patch)
treeb3b7682b14d8a81286f8b7fe2aa5239e5dfbf4b7 /modules/luci-base/root/usr/share
parentded8ccf93ec5163be35c41501869110e5dab30d1 (diff)
treewide: separate Lua runtime resources
Move classes required for Lua runtime support into a new `luci-lua-runtime` package. Also replace the `luci.http` and `luci.util` classes in `luci-lib-base` with stubbed versions interacting with the ucode based runtime environment. Finally merge `luci-base-ucode` into the remainders of `luci-base`. Signed-off-by: Jo-Philipp Wich <>
Diffstat (limited to 'modules/luci-base/root/usr/share')
2 files changed, 520 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-base.json b/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-base.json
index 605c7ab777..000c368151 100644
--- a/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-base.json
+++ b/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-base.json
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"admin/translations/*": {
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.index",
"function": "action_translations"
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
"admin/ubus/*": {
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.index",
"function": "action_ubus"
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"title": "Logout",
"order": 999,
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.index",
"function": "action_logout"
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
"admin/uci/revert": {
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.uci",
"function": "action_revert",
"post": true
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
"admin/uci/apply_rollback": {
"cors": true,
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.uci",
"function": "action_apply_rollback",
"post": true
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
"admin/uci/apply_unchecked": {
"cors": true,
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.uci",
"function": "action_apply_unchecked",
"post": true
@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@
"admin/uci/confirm": {
"cors": true,
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.uci",
"function": "action_confirm"
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"admin/menu": {
"action": {
- "type": "call",
+ "type": "function",
"module": "luci.controller.admin.index",
"function": "action_menu"
diff --git a/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/rpcd/ucode/luci b/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/rpcd/ucode/luci
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..794676abc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/luci-base/root/usr/share/rpcd/ucode/luci
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+// Copyright 2022 Jo-Philipp Wich <>
+// Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
+'use strict';
+import { stdin, access, dirname, basename, open, popen, glob, lsdir, readfile, readlink, error } from 'fs';
+import { cursor } from 'uci';
+import { init_list, init_index, init_enabled, init_action, conntrack_list, process_list } from 'luci.sys';
+import { statvfs } from 'luci.core';
+import timezones from 'luci.zoneinfo';
+function shellquote(s) {
+ return `'${replace(s, "'", "'\\''")}'`;
+const methods = {
+ getInitList: {
+ args: { name: 'name' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ let scripts = {};
+ for (let name in filter(init_list(), i => ! || i == {
+ let idx = init_index(name);
+ scripts[name] = {
+ index: idx[0],
+ stop: idx[1],
+ enabled: init_enabled(name)
+ };
+ }
+ return length(scripts) ? scripts : { error: 'No such init script' };
+ }
+ },
+ setInitAction: {
+ args: { name: 'name', action: 'action' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ switch (request.args.action) {
+ case 'enable':
+ case 'disable':
+ case 'start':
+ case 'stop':
+ case 'restart':
+ case 'reload':
+ const rc = init_action(, request.args.action);
+ if (rc === false)
+ return { error: 'No such init script' };
+ return { result: rc == 0 };
+ default:
+ return { error: 'Invalid action' };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getLocaltime: {
+ call: function(request) {
+ return { result: time() };
+ }
+ },
+ setLocaltime: {
+ args: { localtime: 0 },
+ call: function(request) {
+ let t = localtime(request.args.localtime);
+ if (t) {
+ system(sprintf('date -s "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d" >/dev/null', t.year, t.mon, t.mday, t.hour, t.min, t.sec));
+ system('/etc/init.d/sysfixtime restart >/dev/null');
+ }
+ return { result: request.args.localtime };
+ }
+ },
+ getTimezones: {
+ call: function(request) {
+ let tz = trim(readfile('/etc/TZ'));
+ let zn = cursor()?.get?.('system', '@system[0]', 'zonename');
+ let result = {};
+ for (let zone, tzstring in timezones) {
+ result[zone] = { tzstring };
+ if (zn == zone)
+ result[zone].active = true;
+ };
+ return result;
+ }
+ },
+ getLEDs: {
+ call: function() {
+ let result = {};
+ for (let led in lsdir('/sys/class/leds')) {
+ let s;
+ result[led] = { triggers: [] };
+ s = trim(readfile(`/sys/class/leds/${led}/trigger`));
+ for (let trigger in split(s, ' ')) {
+ push(result[led].triggers, trim(trigger, '[]'));
+ if (trigger != result[led].triggers[-1])
+ result[led].active_trigger = result[led].triggers[-1];
+ }
+ s = readfile(`/sys/class/leds/${led}/brightness`);
+ result[led].brightness = +s;
+ s = readfile(`/sys/class/leds/${led}/max_brightness`);
+ result[led].max_brightness = +s;
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ },
+ getUSBDevices: {
+ call: function() {
+ let result = { devices: [], ports: [] };
+ for (let path in glob('/sys/bus/usb/devices/[0-9]*/manufacturer')) {
+ let id = basename(dirname(path));
+ push(result.devices, {
+ id,
+ vid: trim(readfile(`/sys/bus/usb/devices/${id}/idVendor`)),
+ pid: trim(readfile(`/sys/bus/usb/devices/${id}/idProduct`)),
+ vendor: trim(readfile(path)),
+ product: trim(readfile(`/sys/bus/usb/devices/${id}/product`)),
+ speed: +readfile(`/sys/bus/usb/devices/${id}/speed`)
+ });
+ }
+ for (let path in glob('/sys/bus/usb/devices/*/*-port[0-9]*')) {
+ let port = basename(path);
+ let link = readlink(`${path}/device`);
+ push(result.ports, {
+ port,
+ device: basename(link)
+ });
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ },
+ getConntrackHelpers: {
+ call: function() {
+ const uci = cursor();
+ let helpers = [];
+ uci.load('/usr/share/firewall4/helpers');
+ uci.load('/usr/share/fw3/helpers.conf');
+ uci.foreach('helpers', 'helper', (s) => {
+ push(helpers, {
+ name:,
+ description: s.description,
+ module: s.module,
+ family:,
+ proto: s.proto,
+ port: s.port
+ });
+ });
+ return { result: helpers };
+ }
+ },
+ getFeatures: {
+ call: function() {
+ let result = {
+ firewall: access('/sbin/fw3') == true,
+ firewall4: access('/sbin/fw4') == true,
+ opkg: access('/bin/opkg') == true,
+ offloading: access('/sys/module/xt_FLOWOFFLOAD/refcnt') == true || access('/sys/module/nft_flow_offload/refcnt') == true,
+ br2684ctl: access('/usr/sbin/br2684ctl') == true,
+ swconfig: access('/sbin/swconfig') == true,
+ odhcpd: access('/usr/sbin/odhcpd') == true,
+ zram: access('/sys/class/zram-control') == true,
+ sysntpd: readlink('/usr/sbin/ntpd') != null,
+ ipv6: access('/proc/net/ipv6_route') == true,
+ dropbear: access('/usr/sbin/dropbear') == true,
+ cabundle: access('/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt') == true,
+ relayd: access('/usr/sbin/relayd') == true,
+ };
+ const wifi_features = [ 'eap', '11n', '11ac', '11r', 'acs', 'sae', 'owe', 'suiteb192', 'wep', 'wps' ];
+ if (access('/usr/sbin/hostapd')) {
+ result.hostapd = { cli: access('/usr/sbin/hostapd_cli') == true };
+ for (let feature in wifi_features)
+ result.hostapd[feature] = system(`/usr/sbin/hostapd -v${feature} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`) == 0;
+ }
+ if (access('/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant')) {
+ result.wpasupplicant = { cli: access('/usr/sbin/wpa_cli') == true };
+ for (let feature in wifi_features)
+ result.wpasupplicant[feature] = system(`/usr/sbin/wpa_supplicant -v${feature} >/dev/null 2>/dev/null`) == 0;
+ }
+ let fd = popen('dnsmasq --version 2>/dev/null');
+ if (fd) {
+ const m = match('all'), /^Compile time options: (.+)$/s);
+ for (let opt in split(m?.[1], ' ')) {
+ let f = replace(opt, 'no-', '', 1);
+ result.dnsmasq ??= {};
+ result.dnsmasq[lc(f)] = (f == opt);
+ }
+ fd.close();
+ }
+ fd = popen('ipset --help 2>/dev/null');
+ if (fd) {
+ for (let line ='line'), flag = false; length(line); line ='line')) {
+ if (line == 'Supported set types:\n') {
+ flag = true;
+ }
+ else if (flag) {
+ const m = match(line, /^ +([\w:,]+)\t+([0-9]+)\t/);
+ if (m) {
+ result.ipset ??= {};
+ result.ipset[m[1]] ??= +m[2];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fd.close();
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ },
+ getSwconfigFeatures: {
+ args: { switch: 'switch0' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ // Parse some common switch properties from swconfig help output.
+ const swc = popen(`swconfig dev ${shellquote(request.args.switch)} help 2>/dev/null`);
+ if (swc) {
+ let is_port_attr = false;
+ let is_vlan_attr = false;
+ let result = {};
+ for (let line ='line'); length(line); line ='line')) {
+ if (match(line, /^\s+--vlan/)) {
+ is_vlan_attr = true;
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /^\s+--port/)) {
+ is_vlan_attr = false;
+ is_port_attr = true;
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /cpu @/)) {
+ result.switch_title = match(line, /^switch[0-9]+: \w+\((.+)\)/)?.[1];
+ result.num_vlans = match(line, /vlans: ([0-9]+)/)?.[1] ?? 16;
+ result.min_vid = 1;
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /: (pvid|tag|vid)/)) {
+ if (is_vlan_attr)
+ result.vid_option = match(line, /: (\w+)/)?.[1];
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /: enable_vlan4k/)) {
+ result.vlan4k_option = 'enable_vlan4k';
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /: enable_vlan/)) {
+ result.vlan_option = 'enable_vlan';
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /: enable_learning/)) {
+ result.learning_option = 'enable_learning';
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /: enable_mirror_rx/)) {
+ result.mirror_option = 'enable_mirror_rx';
+ }
+ else if (match(line, /: max_length/)) {
+ result.jumbo_option = 'max_length';
+ }
+ }
+ swc.close();
+ if (!length(result))
+ return { error: 'No such switch' };
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ return { error: error() };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getSwconfigPortState: {
+ args: { switch: 'switch0' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ const swc = popen(`swconfig dev ${shellquote(request.args.switch)} show 2>/dev/null`);
+ if (swc) {
+ let ports = [], port;
+ for (let line ='line'); length(line); line ='line')) {
+ if (match(line, /^VLAN [0-9]+:/) && length(ports))
+ break;
+ let pnum = match(line, /^Port ([0-9]+):/)?.[1];
+ if (pnum) {
+ port = {
+ port: +pnum,
+ duplex: false,
+ speed: 0,
+ link: false,
+ auto: false,
+ rxflow: false,
+ txflow: false
+ };
+ push(ports, port);
+ }
+ if (port) {
+ let m;
+ if (match(line, /full[ -]duplex/))
+ port.duplex = true;
+ if ((m = match(line, / speed:([0-9]+)/)) != null)
+ port.speed = +m[1];
+ if ((m = match(line, /([0-9]+) Mbps/)) != null && !port.speed)
+ port.speed = +m[1];
+ if ((m = match(line, /link: ([0-9]+)/)) != null && !port.speed)
+ port.speed = +m[1];
+ if (match(line, /(link|status): ?up/))
+ = true;
+ if (match(line, /auto-negotiate|link:.*auto/))
+ = true;
+ if (match(line, /link:.*rxflow/))
+ port.rxflow = true;
+ if (match(line, /link:.*txflow/))
+ port.txflow = true;
+ }
+ }
+ swc.close();
+ if (!length(ports))
+ return { error: 'No such switch' };
+ return { result: ports };
+ }
+ else {
+ return { error: error() };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setPassword: {
+ args: { username: 'root', password: 'password' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ const u = shellquote(request.args.username);
+ const p = shellquote(request.args.password);
+ return {
+ result: system(`(echo ${p}; sleep 1; echo ${p}) | /bin/busybox passwd ${u} >/dev/null 2>&1`) == 0
+ };
+ }
+ },
+ getBlockDevices: {
+ call: function() {
+ const block = popen('/sbin/block info 2>/dev/null');
+ if (block) {
+ let result = {};
+ for (let line ='line'); length(line); line ='line')) {
+ let dev = match(line, /^\/dev\/([^:]+):/)?.[1];
+ if (dev) {
+ let e = result[dev] = {
+ dev: `/dev/${dev}`,
+ size: +readfile(`/sys/class/block/${dev}/size`) * 512
+ };
+ for (m in match(line, / (\w+)="([^"]+)"/g))
+ e[lc(m[1])] = m[2];
+ }
+ }
+ block.close();
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ return { error: 'Unable to execute block utility' };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ setBlockDetect: {
+ call: function() {
+ return { result: system('/sbin/block detect > /etc/config/fstab') == 0 };
+ }
+ },
+ getMountPoints: {
+ call: function() {
+ const fd = open('/proc/mounts', 'r');
+ if (fd) {
+ let result = [];
+ for (let line ='line'); length(line); line ='line')) {
+ const m = split(line, ' ');
+ const device = replace(m[0], /\\([0-9][0-9][0-9])/g, (m, n) => char(int(n, 8)));
+ const mount = replace(m[1], /\\([0-9][0-9][0-9])/g, (m, n) => char(int(n, 8)));
+ const stat = statvfs(mount);
+ if (stat?.blocks > 0) {
+ push(result, {
+ device, mount,
+ size: stat.bsize * stat.blocks,
+ avail: stat.bsize * stat.bavail,
+ free: stat.bsize * stat.bfree
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ fd.close();
+ return { result };
+ }
+ else {
+ return { error: error() };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getRealtimeStats: {
+ args: { mode: 'interface', device: 'eth0' },
+ call: function(request) {
+ let flags;
+ if (request.args.mode == 'interface')
+ flags = `-i ${shellquote(request.args.device)}`;
+ else if (request.args.mode == 'wireless')
+ flags = `-r ${shellquote(request.args.device)}`;
+ else if (request.args.mode == 'conntrack')
+ flags = '-c';
+ else if (request.args.mode == 'load')
+ flags = '-l';
+ else
+ return { error: 'Invalid mode' };
+ const fd = popen(`luci-bwc ${flags}`, 'r');
+ if (fd) {
+ let result;
+ try {
+ result = { result: json(`[${'all')}]`) };
+ }
+ catch (err) {
+ result = { error: err };
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ else {
+ return { error: error() };
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ getConntrackList: {
+ call: function() {
+ return { result: conntrack_list() };
+ }
+ },
+ getProcessList: {
+ call: function() {
+ return { result: process_list() };
+ }
+ }
+return { luci: methods };