path: root/libs/httpclient/luasrc
diff options
authorSteven Barth <>2009-02-18 21:46:55 +0000
committerSteven Barth <>2009-02-18 21:46:55 +0000
commitcbc49a3b537e2e7cc49166f9d85e730d0f7d6275 (patch)
treed593ea5a84a8a1590367046074d13e65fb9ac1a2 /libs/httpclient/luasrc
parente062ec6981cc6a351b2a79676bdfc9054db44655 (diff)
More nixio fixes, initial httpclient
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/httpclient/luasrc')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/httpclient/luasrc/httpclient.lua b/libs/httpclient/luasrc/httpclient.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6681f82aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/httpclient/luasrc/httpclient.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface
+Copyright 2009 Steven Barth <>
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+require "nixio.util"
+local nixio = require "nixio"
+local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12"
+local util = require "luci.util"
+local table = require "table"
+local http = require "luci.http.protocol"
+local type, pairs, tonumber, print = type, pairs, tonumber, print
+module "luci.httpclient"
+function chunksource(sock, buffer)
+ buffer = buffer or ""
+ return function()
+ local output
+ local _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+);?.-\r\n")
+ while not count and #buffer <= 1024 do
+ local newblock, code = sock:recv(1024 - #buffer)
+ if not newblock then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ buffer = buffer .. newblock
+ _, endp, count = buffer:find("^([0-9a-fA-F]+);?.-\r\n")
+ end
+ count = tonumber(count, 16)
+ if not count then
+ return nil, -1, "invalid encoding"
+ elseif count == 0 then
+ return nil
+ elseif count + 2 <= #buffer - endp then
+ output = buffer:sub(endp+1, endp+count)
+ buffer = buffer:sub(endp+count+3)
+ return output
+ else
+ output = buffer:sub(endp+1, endp+count)
+ buffer = ""
+ if count - #output > 0 then
+ local remain, code = sock:recvall(count-#output)
+ if not remain then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ output = output .. remain
+ count, code = sock:recvall(2)
+ else
+ count, code = sock:recvall(count+2-#buffer+endp)
+ end
+ if not count then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ return output
+ end
+ end
+function request_to_buffer(uri, options)
+ local source, code, msg = request_to_source(uri, options)
+ local output = {}
+ if not source then
+ return nil, code, msg
+ end
+ source, code = ltn12.pump.all(source, (ltn12.sink.table(output)))
+ if not source then
+ return nil, code
+ end
+ return table.concat(output)
+function request_to_source(uri, options)
+ local status, response, buffer, sock = request_raw(uri, options)
+ if not status then
+ return status, response, buffer
+ elseif status ~= 200 and status ~= 206 then
+ return nil, status, response
+ end
+ if response["Transfer-Encoding"] == "chunked" then
+ return chunksource(sock, buffer)
+ else
+ return, sock:blocksource())
+ end
+-- GET HTTP-resource
+function request_raw(uri, options)
+ options = options or {}
+ local pr, host, port, path = uri:match("(%w+)://([%w-.]+):?([0-9]*)(.*)")
+ if not host then
+ return nil, -1, "unable to parse URI"
+ end
+ if pr ~= "http" then
+ return nil, -2, "protocol not supported"
+ end
+ port = #port > 0 and port or "80"
+ path = #path > 0 and path or "/"
+ options.depth = options.depth or 10
+ local headers = options.headers or {}
+ local protocol = options.protocol or "HTTP/1.1"
+ local method = options.method or "GET"
+ headers["User-Agent"] = headers["User-Agent"] or "LuCI httpclient 0.1"
+ if headers.Connection == nil then
+ headers.Connection = "close"
+ end
+ local sock, code, msg = nixio.connect(host, port)
+ if not sock then
+ return nil, code, msg
+ end
+ sock:setsockopt("socket", "sndtimeo", options.sndtimeo or 15)
+ sock:setsockopt("socket", "rcvtimeo", options.rcvtimeo or 15)
+ -- Pre assemble fixes
+ if protocol == "HTTP/1.1" then
+ headers.Host = headers.Host or host
+ end
+ if type(options.body) == "table" then
+ options.body = http.urlencode_params(options.body)
+ headers["Content-Type"] = headers["Content-Type"] or
+ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
+ end
+ if type(options.body) == "string" then
+ headers["Content-Length"] = headers["Content-Length"] or #options.body
+ end
+ -- Assemble message
+ local message = {method .. " " .. path .. " " .. protocol}
+ for k, v in pairs(headers) do
+ if v then
+ message[#message+1] = k .. ": " .. v
+ end
+ end
+ message[#message+1] = ""
+ message[#message+1] = ""
+ -- Send request
+ sock:sendall(table.concat(message, "\r\n"))
+ if type(options.body) == "string" then
+ sock:sendall(options.body)
+ end
+ -- Create source and fetch response
+ local linesrc = sock:linesource()
+ local line, code, error = linesrc()
+ if not line then
+ return nil, code, error
+ end
+ local protocol, status, msg = line:match("^(HTTP/[0-9.]+) ([0-9]+) (.*)")
+ if not protocol then
+ return nil, -3, "invalid response magic: " .. line
+ end
+ local response = {Status=line}
+ line = linesrc()
+ while line and line ~= "" do
+ local key, val = line:match("^([%w-]+)%s?:%s?(.*)")
+ if key and key ~= "Status" then
+ response[key] = val
+ end
+ line = linesrc()
+ end
+ if not line then
+ return nil, -4, "protocol error"
+ end
+ -- Follow
+ local code = tonumber(status)
+ if code and options.depth > 0 then
+ if code == 301 or code == 302 or code == 307 and response.Location then
+ local nexturi = response.Location
+ if not nexturi:find("https?://") then
+ nexturi = pr .. "://" .. host .. ":" .. port .. nexturi
+ end
+ options.depth = options.depth - 1
+ sock:close()
+ return request_raw(nexturi, options)
+ end
+ end
+ return code, response, linesrc(true), sock
+end \ No newline at end of file