path: root/libs/core/luasrc/util.lua
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authorSteven Barth <>2008-07-22 21:13:04 +0000
committerSteven Barth <>2008-07-22 21:13:04 +0000
commitb4ac19ca76f3d3816f3d92041ed6f38dad0c09eb (patch)
tree847b45a3d895210487dce9a0665bd8679c02078c /libs/core/luasrc/util.lua
parent70b119b8eeda1a256eb54cd58c5070cf4b5a1b56 (diff)
libs/core: Fixed luci.utils, Added missing in-line documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/core/luasrc/util.lua')
1 files changed, 34 insertions, 18 deletions
diff --git a/libs/core/luasrc/util.lua b/libs/core/luasrc/util.lua
index 1e03489463..b2a683772e 100644
--- a/libs/core/luasrc/util.lua
+++ b/libs/core/luasrc/util.lua
@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ module("luci.util", package.seeall)
-- Creates a new class object which can be instantiated by calling itself.
-- Any class functions or shared parameters can be attached to this object.
-- Attaching a table to the class object makes this table shared between
--- all instances of this class. For object paramters use the __init__ function.
+-- all instances of this class. For object parameters use the __init__ function.
-- Classes can inherit member functions and values from a base class.
-- Class can be instantiated by calling them. All parameters will be passed
-- to the __init__ function of this class - if such a function exists.
@@ -94,24 +94,33 @@ end
-- Scope manipulation routines
---- Resets the scope of f doing a shallow copy of its scope into a new table
--- (ToDo: @param and @return)
+--- Replace a function scope with a shallow copy of itself
+-- This is useful if you want to get rid of several unwanted side effects
+-- while changing the scope of a certain Lua function.
+-- @param f Lua function
function resfenv(f)
setfenv(f, clone(getfenv(f)))
---- Store given object associated with given key in the scope associated with
--- the given identifier.
--- @param f Value containing the scope identifier
+--- Store given object associated with given key in the scope of a function
+-- @param f Lua function
-- @param key String value containg the key of the object to store
-- @param obj Object to store in the scope
+-- @see updfenv
+-- @see resfenv
-- @return Always nil
function extfenv(f, key, obj)
local scope = getfenv(f)
scope[key] = obj
---- Updates the scope of f with "extscope" (ToDo: docu)
+--- Extend the scope of a function with the contents of a table
+-- @param f Lua function
+-- @param key String value containg the key of the object to store
+-- @param obj Object to store in the scope
+-- @see extfenv
+-- @see resfenv
+-- @return Always nil
function updfenv(f, extscope)
update(getfenv(f), extscope)
@@ -155,7 +164,7 @@ end
-- @param obj Value to write to stderr
-- @return Boolean indicating wheather the write operation was successful
function perror(obj)
- io.stderr:write(tostring(obj) .. "\n")
+ return io.stderr:write(tostring(obj) .. "\n")
--- Recursively dumps a table to stdout, useful for testing and debugging.
@@ -510,7 +519,16 @@ local oldpcall, oldxpcall = pcall, xpcall
coxpt = {}
setmetatable(coxpt, {__mode = "kv"})
---- (ToDo: docu)
+-- Identity function for copcall
+local function copcall_id(trace, ...)
+ return ...
+--- This is a coroutine-safe drop-in replacement for Lua's "xpcall"-function
+-- @param f Lua function to be called protected
+-- @param err Custom error handler
+-- @param ... parameters passed to the function
+-- @return a boolean whether the function call succeeded and the return values of either the function or the error handler
function coxpcall(f, err, ...)
local res, co = oldpcall(coroutine.create, f)
if not res then
@@ -524,17 +542,15 @@ function coxpcall(f, err, ...)
return performResume(err, co, ...)
---- (ToDo: docu)
+--- This is a coroutine-safe drop-in replacement for Lua's "pcall"-function
+-- @param f Lua function to be called protected
+-- @param ... parameters passed to the function
+-- @return a boolean whether the function call succeeded and the returns values of the function or the error object
function copcall(f, ...)
- return coxpcall(f, id, ...)
---- (ToDo: docu)
-local function id(trace, ...)
- return ...
+ return coxpcall(f, copcall_id, ...)
---- (ToDo: docu)
+-- Handle return value of protected call
function handleReturnValue(err, co, status, ...)
if not status then
return false, err(debug.traceback(co, (...)), ...)
@@ -546,7 +562,7 @@ function handleReturnValue(err, co, status, ...)
---- (ToDo: docu)
+-- Resume execution of protected function call
function performResume(err, co, ...)
return handleReturnValue(err, co, coroutine.resume(co, ...))