path: root/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model
diff options
authorManuel Munz <>2011-10-24 18:18:09 +0000
committerManuel Munz <>2011-10-24 18:18:09 +0000
commitcb82c3276962ad39dcde036cce7a0f7868b66a59 (patch)
tree317bb7164c7df3239ff954f792e572284745e81a /applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model
parent6245ad6a73090ac3668e8f4b9749614592294a08 (diff)
applications/openvpn: Fix column ordering, depends need to be in the last column (but still don't work)
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model')
1 files changed, 165 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua b/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua
index b44ac2b94..eee08eb81 100644
--- a/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-openvpn/luasrc/model/cbi/openvpn-advanced.lua
@@ -18,186 +18,187 @@ require("luci.model.uci")
local knownParams = {
- -- Widget Name Default(s) Option(s) Description
+ -- Widget Name Default(s) Description Option(s)
{ "Service", {
-- initialisation and daemon options
- { ListValue, "verb", { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }, translate("Set output verbosity") },
- { Flag, "mlock", 0, translate("Disable Paging") },
- { Flag, "disable_occ", 0, translate("Disable options consistency check") },
- -- { Value, "user", "root", translate("Set UID to user") },
- -- { Value, "group", "root", translate("Set GID to group") },
- { Value, "cd", "/etc/openvpn", translate("Change to directory before initialization") },
- { Value, "chroot", "/var/run", translate("Chroot to directory after initialization") },
- -- { Value, "daemon", "Instance-Name", translate("Daemonize after initialization") },
- -- { Value, "syslog", "Instance-Name", translate("Output to syslog and do not daemonize") },
- { Flag, "passtos", 0, translate("TOS passthrough (applies to IPv4 only)") },
- -- { Value, "inetd", "nowait Instance-Name", translate("Run as an inetd or xinetd server") },
- { Value, "log", "/var/log/openvpn.log", translate("Write log to file") },
- { Value, "log_append", "/var/log/openvpn.log", translate("Append log to file") },
- { Flag, "suppress_timestamps", 0, translate("Don't log timestamps") },
- -- { Value, "writepid", "/var/run/", translate("Write process ID to file") },
- { Value, "nice", 0, translate("Change process priority") },
- { Flag, "fast_io", 0, translate("Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP writes") },
- { Value, "echo", "some params echoed to log", translate("Echo parameters to log") },
- { ListValue, "remap_usr1", { "SIGHUP", "SIGTERM" }, translate("Remap SIGUSR1 signals") },
- { Value, "status", "/var/run/openvpn.status 5", translate("Write status to file every n seconds") },
- { Value, "status_version", { 1, 2 }, translate("Status file format version") }, -- status
- { Value, "mute", 5, translate("Limit repeated log messages") },
- { Value, "up", "/usr/bin/ovpn-up", translate("Shell cmd to execute after tun device open") },
- { Value, "up_delay", 5, translate("Delay tun/tap open and up script execution") },
- { Value, "down", "/usr/bin/ovpn-down", translate("Shell cmd to run after tun device close") },
- { Flag, "down_pre", 0, translate("Call down cmd/script before TUN/TAP close") },
- { Flag, "up_restart", 0, translate("Run up/down scripts for all restarts") },
- { Value, "route_up", "/usr/bin/ovpn-routeup", translate("Execute shell cmd after routes are added") },
- { Value, "ipchange", "/usr/bin/ovpn-ipchange", { mode="p2p" }, translate("Execute shell command on remote ip change") },
- { DynamicList, "setenv", { "VAR1 value1", "VAR2 value2" }, translate("Pass environment variables to script") },
- { Value, "tls_verify", "/usr/bin/ovpn-tlsverify", translate("Shell command to verify X509 name") },
- { Value, "client_connect", "/usr/bin/ovpn-clientconnect", translate("Run script cmd on client connection") },
- { Flag, "client_disconnect", 0, translate("Run script cmd on client disconnection") },
- { Value, "learn_address", "/usr/bin/ovpn-learnaddress", translate("Executed in server mode whenever an IPv4 address/route or MAC address is added to OpenVPN's internal routing table") },
- { Value, "auth_user_pass_verify", "/usr/bin/ovpn-userpass via-env", translate("Executed in server mode on new client connections, when the client is still untrusted") },
- { ListValue, "script_security", { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, {mode="server" }, translate("Policy level over usage of external programs and scripts") },
+ { ListValue, "verb", { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 }, translate("Set output verbosity") },
+ { Flag, "mlock", 0, translate("Disable Paging") },
+ { Flag, "disable_occ", 0, translate("Disable options consistency check") },
+ -- { Value, "user", "root", translate("Set UID to user") },
+ -- { Value, "group", "root", translate("Set GID to group") },
+ { Value, "cd", "/etc/openvpn", translate("Change to directory before initialization") },
+ { Value, "chroot", "/var/run", translate("Chroot to directory after initialization") },
+ -- { Value, "daemon", "Instance-Name", translate("Daemonize after initialization") },
+ -- { Value, "syslog", "Instance-Name", translate("Output to syslog and do not daemonize") },
+ { Flag, "passtos", 0, translate("TOS passthrough (applies to IPv4 only)") },
+ -- { Value, "inetd", "nowait Instance-Name", translate("Run as an inetd or xinetd server") },
+ { Value, "log", "/var/log/openvpn.log", translate("Write log to file") },
+ { Value, "log_append", "/var/log/openvpn.log", translate("Append log to file") },
+ { Flag, "suppress_timestamps", 0, translate("Don't log timestamps") },
+ -- { Value, "writepid", "/var/run/", translate("Write process ID to file") },
+ { Value, "nice", 0, translate("Change process priority") },
+ { Flag, "fast_io", 0, translate("Optimize TUN/TAP/UDP writes") },
+ { Value, "echo", "some params echoed to log", translate("Echo parameters to log") },
+ { ListValue, "remap_usr1", { "SIGHUP", "SIGTERM" }, translate("Remap SIGUSR1 signals") },
+ { Value, "status", "/var/run/openvpn.status 5", translate("Write status to file every n seconds") },
+ { Value, "status_version", { 1, 2 }, translate("Status file format version") }, -- status
+ { Value, "mute", 5, translate("Limit repeated log messages") },
+ { Value, "up", "/usr/bin/ovpn-up", translate("Shell cmd to execute after tun device open") },
+ { Value, "up_delay", 5, translate("Delay tun/tap open and up script execution") },
+ { Value, "down", "/usr/bin/ovpn-down", translate("Shell cmd to run after tun device close") },
+ { Flag, "down_pre", 0, translate("Call down cmd/script before TUN/TAP close") },
+ { Flag, "up_restart", 0, translate("Run up/down scripts for all restarts") },
+ { Value, "route_up", "/usr/bin/ovpn-routeup", translate("Execute shell cmd after routes are added") },
+ { Value, "ipchange", "/usr/bin/ovpn-ipchange", translate("Execute shell command on remote ip change"), { mode="p2p" } },
+ { DynamicList, "setenv", { "VAR1 value1", "VAR2 value2" }, translate("Pass environment variables to script") },
+ { Value, "tls_verify", "/usr/bin/ovpn-tlsverify", translate("Shell command to verify X509 name") },
+ { Value, "client_connect", "/usr/bin/ovpn-clientconnect", translate("Run script cmd on client connection") },
+ { Flag, "client_disconnect", 0, translate("Run script cmd on client disconnection") },
+ { Value, "learn_address", "/usr/bin/ovpn-learnaddress", translate("Executed in server mode whenever an IPv4 address/route or MAC address is added to OpenVPN's internal routing table") },
+ { Value, "auth_user_pass_verify", "/usr/bin/ovpn-userpass via-env", translate("Executed in server mode on new client connections, when the client is still untrusted") },
+ { ListValue, "script_security", { 0, 1, 2, 3 }, translate("Policy level over usage of external programs and scripts"), {mode="server" } },
} },
{ "Networking", {
-- socket config
- { ListValue, "mode", { "p2p", "server" }, translate("Major mode") },
- { Value, "local", "", translate("Local host name or ip address") },
- { Value, "port", 1194, translate("TCP/UDP port # for both local and remote") },
- { Value, "lport", 1194, translate("TCP/UDP port # for local (default=1194)") },
- { Value, "rport", 1194, translate("TCP/UDP port # for remote (default=1194)") },
- { Flag, "float", 0, translate("Allow remote to change its IP or port") },
- { Flag, "nobind", 0, translate("Do not bind to local address and port") },
- { Value, "dev", "tun0", translate("tun/tap device") },
- { ListValue, "dev_type", { "tun", "tap" }, translate("Type of used device") },
- { Value, "dev_node", "/dev/net/tun", translate("Use tun/tap device node") },
- { Flag, "tun_ipv6", 0, translate("Make tun device IPv6 capable") },
- { Value, "ifconfig", "", translate("Set tun/tap adapter parameters") },
- { Flag, "ifconfig_noexec", 0, translate("Don't actually execute ifconfig") },
- { Flag, "ifconfig_nowarn", 0, translate("Don't warn on ifconfig inconsistencies") },
- { DynamicList, "route", "", translate("Add route after establishing connection") },
- { Value, "route_gateway", "", translate("Specify a default gateway for routes") },
- { Value, "route_delay", 0, translate("Delay n seconds after connection") },
- { Flag, "route_noexec", 0, translate("Don't add routes automatically") },
- { ListValue, "mtu_disc", { "yes", "maybe", "no" }, translate("Enable Path MTU discovery") },
- { Flag, "mtu_test", 0, translate("Empirically measure MTU") },
- { Flag, "comp_lzo", 0, translate("Use fast LZO compression") },
- { Flag, "comp_noadapt", 0, { comp_lzo=1 }, translate("Don't use adaptive lzo compression") },
- { Value, "link_mtu", 1500, translate("Set TCP/UDP MTU") },
- { Value, "tun_mtu", 1500, translate("Set tun/tap device MTU") },
- { Value, "tun_mtu_extra", 1500, translate("Set tun/tap device overhead") },
- { Value, "fragment", 1500, { proto="udp" }, translate("Enable internal datagram fragmentation") },
- { Value, "mssfix", 1500, { proto="udp" }, translate("Set upper bound on TCP MSS") },
- { Value, "sndbuf", 65536, translate("Set the TCP/UDP send buffer size") },
- { Value, "rcvbuf", 65536, translate("Set the TCP/UDP receive buffer size") },
- { Value, "txqueuelen", 100, translate("Set tun/tap TX queue length") },
- { Value, "shaper", 10240, translate("Shaping for peer bandwidth") },
- { Value, "inactive", 240, translate("tun/tap inactivity timeout") },
- { Value, "keepalive", "10 60", translate("Helper directive to simplify the expression of --ping and --ping-restart in server mode configurations") },
- { Value, "ping", 30, translate("Ping remote every n seconds over TCP/UDP port") },
- { Value, "ping_exit", 120, translate("Remote ping timeout") },
- { Value, "ping_restart", 60, translate("Restart after remote ping timeout") },
- { Flag, "ping_timer_rem", 0, translate("Only process ping timeouts if routes exist") },
- { Flag, "persist_tun", 0, translate("Keep tun/tap device open on restart") },
- { Flag, "persist_key", 0, translate("Don't re-read key on restart") },
- { Flag, "persist_local_ip", 0, translate("Keep local IP address on restart") },
- { Flag, "persist_remote_ip", 0, translate("Keep remote IP address on restart") },
+ { ListValue, "mode", { "p2p", "server" }, translate("Major mode") },
+ { Value, "local", "", translate("Local host name or ip address") },
+ { Value, "port", 1194, translate("TCP/UDP port # for both local and remote") },
+ { Value, "lport", 1194, translate("TCP/UDP port # for local (default=1194)") },
+ { Value, "rport", 1194, translate("TCP/UDP port # for remote (default=1194)") },
+ { Flag, "float", 0, translate("Allow remote to change its IP or port") },
+ { Flag, "nobind", 0, translate("Do not bind to local address and port") },
+ { Value, "dev", "tun0", translate("tun/tap device") },
+ { ListValue, "dev_type", { "tun", "tap" }, translate("Type of used device") },
+ { Value, "dev_node", "/dev/net/tun", translate("Use tun/tap device node") },
+ { Flag, "tun_ipv6", 0, translate("Make tun device IPv6 capable") },
+ { Value, "ifconfig", "", translate("Set tun/tap adapter parameters") },
+ { Flag, "ifconfig_noexec", 0, translate("Don't actually execute ifconfig") },
+ { Flag, "ifconfig_nowarn", 0, translate("Don't warn on ifconfig inconsistencies") },
+ { DynamicList, "route", "", translate("Add route after establishing connection") },
+ { Value, "route_gateway", "", translate("Specify a default gateway for routes") },
+ { Value, "route_delay", 0, translate("Delay n seconds after connection") },
+ { Flag, "route_noexec", 0, translate("Don't add routes automatically") },
+ { ListValue, "mtu_disc", { "yes", "maybe", "no" }, translate("Enable Path MTU discovery") },
+ { Flag, "mtu_test", 0, translate("Empirically measure MTU") },
+ { Flag, "comp_lzo", 0, translate("Use fast LZO compression") },
+ { Flag, "comp_noadapt", 0, translate("Don't use adaptive lzo compression"), { comp_lzo=1 } },
+ { Value, "link_mtu", 1500, translate("Set TCP/UDP MTU") },
+ { Value, "tun_mtu", 1500, translate("Set tun/tap device MTU") },
+ { Value, "tun_mtu_extra", 1500, translate("Set tun/tap device overhead") },
+ { Value, "fragment", 1500, translate("Enable internal datagram fragmentation"), { proto="udp" } },
+ { Value, "mssfix", 1500, translate("Set upper bound on TCP MSS"), { proto="udp" } },
+ { Value, "sndbuf", 65536, translate("Set the TCP/UDP send buffer size") },
+ { Value, "rcvbuf", 65536, translate("Set the TCP/UDP receive buffer size") },
+ { Value, "txqueuelen", 100, translate("Set tun/tap TX queue length") },
+ { Value, "shaper", 10240, translate("Shaping for peer bandwidth") },
+ { Value, "inactive", 240, translate("tun/tap inactivity timeout") },
+ { Value, "keepalive", "10 60", translate("Helper directive to simplify the expression of --ping and --ping-restart in server mode configurations") },
+ { Value, "ping", 30, translate("Ping remote every n seconds over TCP/UDP port") },
+ { Value, "ping_exit", 120, translate("Remote ping timeout") },
+ { Value, "ping_restart", 60, translate("Restart after remote ping timeout") },
+ { Flag, "ping_timer_rem", 0, translate("Only process ping timeouts if routes exist") },
+ { Flag, "persist_tun", 0, translate("Keep tun/tap device open on restart") },
+ { Flag, "persist_key", 0, translate("Don't re-read key on restart") },
+ { Flag, "persist_local_ip", 0, translate("Keep local IP address on restart") },
+ { Flag, "persist_remote_ip", 0, translate("Keep remote IP address on restart") },
-- management channel
- { Value, "management", " 31194 /etc/openvpn/mngmt-pwds", translate("Enable management interface on <em>IP</em> <em>port</em>") },
- { Flag, "management_query_passwords", 0, translate("Query management channel for private key") }, -- management
- { Flag, "management_hold", 0, translate("Start OpenVPN in a hibernating state") }, -- management
- { Value, "management_log_cache", 100, translate("Number of lines for log file history") }, -- management
- { ListValue, "topology", { "net30", "p2p", "subnet" }, {dev_type="tun" }, translate("'net30', 'p2p', or 'subnet'") },
+ { Value, "management", " 31194 /etc/openvpn/mngmt-pwds", translate("Enable management interface on <em>IP</em> <em>port</em>") },
+ { Flag, "management_query_passwords", 0, translate("Query management channel for private key") }, -- management
+ { Flag, "management_hold", 0, translate("Start OpenVPN in a hibernating state") }, -- management
+ { Value, "management_log_cache", 100, translate("Number of lines for log file history") }, -- management
+ { ListValue, "topology", { "net30", "p2p", "subnet" }, translate("'net30', 'p2p', or 'subnet'"), {dev_type="tun" } },
} },
{ "VPN", {
- { Value, "server", "", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Configure server mode") },
- { Value, "server_bridge", "", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Configure server bridge") },
- { DynamicList, "push", { "redirect-gateway", "comp-lzo" }, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Push options to peer") },
- { Flag, "push_reset", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Don't inherit global push options") },
- { Flag, "disable", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Client is disabled") },
- { Value, "ifconfig_pool", "", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Set aside a pool of subnets") },
- { Value, "ifconfig_pool_persist", "/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt 600", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Persist/unpersist ifconfig-pool") },
--- { Flag, "ifconfig_pool_linear", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Use individual addresses rather than /30 subnets") }, -- deprecated and replaced by --topology p2p
- { Value, "ifconfig_push", "", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Push an ifconfig option to remote") },
- { Value, "iroute", "", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Route subnet to client") },
- { Flag, "client_to_client", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Allow client-to-client traffic") },
- { Flag, "duplicate_cn", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Allow multiple clients with same certificate") },
- { Value, "client_config_dir", "/etc/openvpn/ccd", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Directory for custom client config files") },
- { Flag, "ccd_exclusive", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Refuse connection if no custom client config") },
- { Value, "tmp_dir", "/var/run/openvpn", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Temporary directory for client-connect return file") },
- { Value, "hash_size", "256 256", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Set size of real and virtual address hash tables") },
- { Value, "bcast_buffers", 256, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Number of allocated broadcast buffers") },
- { Value, "tcp_queue_limit", 64, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Maximum number of queued TCP output packets") },
- { Value, "max_clients", 10, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Allowed maximum of connected clients") },
- { Value, "max_routes_per_client", 256, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Allowed maximum of internal") },
- { Value, "connect_freq", "3 10", { server_mode="1" }, translate("Allowed maximum of new connections") },
- { Flag, "client_cert_not_required", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Don't require client certificate") },
- { Flag, "username_as_common_name", 0, { server_mode="1" }, translate("Use username as common name") },
- { Flag, "client", 0, { server_mode="0" }, { server_mode="" }, translate("Configure client mode") },
- { Flag, "pull", 0, { client="1" }, translate("Accept options pushed from server") },
- { Value, "auth_user_pass", "/etc/openvpn/userpass.txt", { client="1" }, translate("Authenticate using username/password") },
- { ListValue, "auth_retry", { "none", "nointeract", "interact" }, { client="1" }, translate("Handling of authentication failures") },
- { Value, "explicit_exit_notify", 1, { client="1" }, translate("Send notification to peer on disconnect") },
- { DynamicList, "remote", "", { client="1" }, translate("Remote host name or ip address") }, -- client
- { Flag, "remote_random", 1, { client="1" }, translate("Randomly choose remote server") }, -- client
- { ListValue, "proto", { "udp", "tcp-client", "tcp-server" }, { client="1" }, translate("Use protocol") },
- { Value, "connect_retry", 5, { proto="tcp-client" }, { client="1" }, translate("Connection retry interval") }, -- client && proto=tcp-client
- { Value, "http_proxy", " 8080", { client="1" }, translate("Connect to remote host through an HTTP proxy") }, -- client
- { Flag, "http_proxy_retry", 0, { client="1" }, translate("Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors") }, -- client && http_proxy
- { Value, "http_proxy_timeout", 5, { client="1" }, translate("Proxy timeout in seconds") }, -- client && http_proxy
- { DynamicList, "http_proxy_option", { "VERSION 1.0", "AGENT OpenVPN/2.0.9" }, { client="1" }, translate("Set extended HTTP proxy options") }, -- client && http_proxy
- { Value, "socks_proxy", " 1080", { client="1" }, translate("Connect through Socks5 proxy") }, -- client
- { Value, "socks_proxy_retry", 5, { client="1" }, translate("Retry indefinitely on Socks proxy errors") }, -- client && socks_proxy
- { Value, "resolv_retry", "infinite", { client="1" }, translate("If hostname resolve fails, retry") }, -- client
- { ListValue, "redirect_gateway", { "", "local", "def1", "local def1" }, { client="1" }, translate("Automatically redirect default route") }, -- client
+ { Value, "server", "", translate("Configure server mode"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "server_bridge", "", translate("Configure server bridge"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { DynamicList, "push", { "redirect-gateway", "comp-lzo" }, translate("Push options to peer"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "push_reset", 0, translate("Don't inherit global push options"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "disable", 0, translate("Client is disabled"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "ifconfig_pool", "", translate("Set aside a pool of subnets"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "ifconfig_pool_persist", "/etc/openvpn/ipp.txt 600", translate("Persist/unpersist ifconfig-pool"), { server_mode="1" } },
+-- { Flag, "ifconfig_pool_linear", 0, translate("Use individual addresses rather than /30 subnets"), { server_mode="1" } }, -- deprecated and replaced by --topology p2p
+ { Value, "ifconfig_push", "", translate("Push an ifconfig option to remote"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "iroute", "", translate("Route subnet to client"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "client_to_client", 0, translate("Allow client-to-client traffic"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "duplicate_cn", 0, translate("Allow multiple clients with same certificate"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "client_config_dir", "/etc/openvpn/ccd", translate("Directory for custom client config files"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "ccd_exclusive", 0, translate("Refuse connection if no custom client config"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "tmp_dir", "/var/run/openvpn", translate("Temporary directory for client-connect return file"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "hash_size", "256 256", translate("Set size of real and virtual address hash tables"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "bcast_buffers", 256, translate("Number of allocated broadcast buffers"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "tcp_queue_limit", 64, translate("Maximum number of queued TCP output packets"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "max_clients", 10, translate("Allowed maximum of connected clients"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "max_routes_per_client", 256, translate("Allowed maximum of internal"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Value, "connect_freq", "3 10", translate("Allowed maximum of new connections"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "client_cert_not_required", 0, translate("Don't require client certificate"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "username_as_common_name", 0, translate("Use username as common name"), { server_mode="1" } },
+ { Flag, "client", 0, translate("Configure client mode"), { server_mode="0" }, { server_mode="" } },
+ { Flag, "pull", 0, translate("Accept options pushed from server"), { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "auth_user_pass", "/etc/openvpn/userpass.txt", translate("Authenticate using username/password"), { client="1" } },
+ { ListValue, "auth_retry", { "none", "nointeract", "interact" }, translate("Handling of authentication failures"), { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "explicit_exit_notify", 1, translate("Send notification to peer on disconnect"), { client="1" } },
+ { DynamicList, "remote", "", translate("Remote host name or ip address"), { client="1" } },
+ { Flag, "remote_random", 1, translate("Randomly choose remote server"), { client="1" } },
+ { ListValue, "proto", { "udp", "tcp-client", "tcp-server" }, translate("Use protocol"), { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "connect_retry", 5, translate("Connection retry interval"), { proto="tcp-client" }, { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "http_proxy", " 8080", translate("Connect to remote host through an HTTP proxy"), { client="1" } },
+ { Flag, "http_proxy_retry", 0, translate("Retry indefinitely on HTTP proxy errors"), { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "http_proxy_timeout", 5, translate("Proxy timeout in seconds"), { client="1" } },
+ { DynamicList, "http_proxy_option", { "VERSION 1.0", "AGENT OpenVPN/2.0.9" }, translate("Set extended HTTP proxy options"), { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "socks_proxy", " 1080", translate("Connect through Socks5 proxy"), { client="1" } },
+ { Value, "socks_proxy_retry", 5, translate("Retry indefinitely on Socks proxy errors"), { client="1" } }, -- client && socks_proxy
+ { Value, "resolv_retry", "infinite", translate("If hostname resolve fails, retry"), { client="1" } },
+ { ListValue, "redirect_gateway", { "", "local", "def1", "local def1" }, translate("Automatically redirect default route"), { client="1" } },
} },
{ "Cryptography", {
- { Value, "secret", "/etc/openvpn/secret.key 1", translate("Enable Static Key encryption mode (non-TLS)") },
- { Value, "auth", "SHA1", translate("HMAC authentication for packets") }, -- parse
- { Value, "cipher", "BF-CBC", translate("Encryption cipher for packets") }, -- parse
- { Value, "keysize", 1024, translate("Size of cipher key") }, -- parse
- { Value, "engine", "dynamic", translate("Enable OpenSSL hardware crypto engines") }, -- parse
- { Flag, "no_replay", 0, translate("Disable replay protection") },
- { Value, "replay_window", "64 15", translate("Replay protection sliding window size") },
- { Flag, "mute_replay_warnings", 0, translate("Silence the output of replay warnings") },
- { Value, "replay_persist", "/var/run/openvpn-replay-state", translate("Persist replay-protection state") },
- { Flag, "no_iv", 0, translate("Disable cipher initialisation vector") },
- { Flag, "tls_server", 0, { tls_client="" }, { tls_client="0" }, translate("Enable TLS and assume server role") },
- { Flag, "tls_client", 0, { tls_server="" }, { tls_server="0" }, translate("Enable TLS and assume client role") },
- { FileUpload, "ca", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt", translate("Certificate authority") },
- { FileUpload, "dh", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/dh1024.pem", translate("Diffie Hellman parameters") },
- { FileUpload, "cert", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/some-client.crt", translate("Local certificate") },
- { FileUpload, "key", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/some-client.key", translate("Local private key") },
- { FileUpload, "pkcs12", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/some-client.pk12", translate("PKCS#12 file containing keys") },
- { ListValue, "key_method", { 1, 2 }, translate("Enable TLS and assume client role") },
- { Value, "tls_timeout", 2, translate("Retransmit timeout on TLS control channel") },
- { Value, "reneg_bytes", 1024, translate("Renegotiate data chan. key after bytes") },
- { Value, "reneg_pkts", 100, translate("Renegotiate data chan. key after packets") },
- { Value, "reneg_sec", 3600, translate("Renegotiate data chan. key after seconds") },
- { Value, "hand_window", 60, translate("Timeframe for key exchange") },
- { Value, "tran_window", 3600, translate("Key transition window") },
- { Flag, "single_session", 0, translate("Allow only one session") },
- { Flag, "tls_exit", 0, translate("Exit on TLS negotiation failure") },
- { Value, "tls_auth", "/etc/openvpn/tlsauth.key 1", translate("Additional authentication over TLS") },
- --{ Value, "askpass", "[file]", translate("Get PEM password from controlling tty before we daemonize") },
- { Flag, "auth_nocache", 0, translate("Don't cache --askpass or --auth-user-pass passwords") },
- { Value, "tls_remote", "remote_x509_name", translate("Only accept connections from given X509 name") },
- { ListValue, "ns_cert_type", { "client", "server" }, translate("Require explicit designation on certificate") },
- { ListValue, "remote_cert_tls", { "client", "server" }, translate("Require explicit key usage on certificate") },
- { Value, "crl_verify", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/crl.pem", translate("Check peer certificate against a CRL") },
+ { Value, "secret", "/etc/openvpn/secret.key 1", translate("Enable Static Key encryption mode (non-TLS)") },
+ { Value, "auth", "SHA1", translate("HMAC authentication for packets") }, -- parse
+ { Value, "cipher", "BF-CBC", translate("Encryption cipher for packets") }, -- parse
+ { Value, "keysize", 1024, translate("Size of cipher key") }, -- parse
+ { Value, "engine", "dynamic", translate("Enable OpenSSL hardware crypto engines") }, -- parse
+ { Flag, "no_replay", 0, translate("Disable replay protection") },
+ { Value, "replay_window", "64 15", translate("Replay protection sliding window size") },
+ { Flag, "mute_replay_warnings", 0, translate("Silence the output of replay warnings") },
+ { Value, "replay_persist", "/var/run/openvpn-replay-state", translate("Persist replay-protection state") },
+ { Flag, "no_iv", 0, translate("Disable cipher initialisation vector") },
+ { Flag, "tls_server", 0, translate("Enable TLS and assume server role"), { tls_client="" }, { tls_client="0" } },
+ { Flag, "tls_client", 0, translate("Enable TLS and assume client role"), { tls_server="" }, { tls_server="0" } },
+ { FileUpload, "ca", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/ca.crt", translate("Certificate authority") },
+ { FileUpload, "dh", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/dh1024.pem", translate("Diffie Hellman parameters") },
+ { FileUpload, "cert", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/some-client.crt", translate("Local certificate") },
+ { FileUpload, "key", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/some-client.key", translate("Local private key") },
+ { FileUpload, "pkcs12", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/some-client.pk12", translate("PKCS#12 file containing keys") },
+ { ListValue, "key_method", { 1, 2 }, translate("Enable TLS and assume client role") },
+ translate("TLS cipher") },
+ { Value, "tls_timeout", 2, translate("Retransmit timeout on TLS control channel") },
+ { Value, "reneg_bytes", 1024, translate("Renegotiate data chan. key after bytes") },
+ { Value, "reneg_pkts", 100, translate("Renegotiate data chan. key after packets") },
+ { Value, "reneg_sec", 3600, translate("Renegotiate data chan. key after seconds") },
+ { Value, "hand_window", 60, translate("Timeframe for key exchange") },
+ { Value, "tran_window", 3600, translate("Key transition window") },
+ { Flag, "single_session", 0, translate("Allow only one session") },
+ { Flag, "tls_exit", 0, translate("Exit on TLS negotiation failure") },
+ { Value, "tls_auth", "/etc/openvpn/tlsauth.key 1", translate("Additional authentication over TLS") },
+ --{ Value, "askpass", "[file]", translate("Get PEM password from controlling tty before we daemonize") },
+ { Flag, "auth_nocache", 0, translate("Don't cache --askpass or --auth-user-pass passwords") },
+ { Value, "tls_remote", "remote_x509_name", translate("Only accept connections from given X509 name") },
+ { ListValue, "ns_cert_type", { "client", "server" }, translate("Require explicit designation on certificate") },
+ { ListValue, "remote_cert_tls", { "client", "server" }, translate("Require explicit key usage on certificate") },
+ { Value, "crl_verify", "/etc/easy-rsa/keys/crl.pem", translate("Check peer certificate against a CRL") },
} }