path: root/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
diff options
authorDirk Brenken <>2020-09-19 00:01:07 +0200
committerDirk Brenken <>2020-09-19 00:01:07 +0200
commite3b357ac0eb2b3942fd3c948fce9cecbf0ed30cc (patch)
tree35b0de93f3f0e9edcf43d7639f3f304c79895c98 /applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
parent45c914a016499f297a754f00b48c5d782cbc2124 (diff)
luci-app-travelmate: release 2.0
- sync with travelmate 2.0 - app migrated to client side JS Signed-off-by: Dirk Brenken <>
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua b/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 066dccacfd..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-travelmate/luasrc/model/cbi/travelmate/wifi_edit.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,207 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2017-2019 Dirk Brenken (
--- This is free software, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-local fs = require("nixio.fs")
-local uci = require("luci.model.uci").cursor()
-local http = require("luci.http")
-local util = require("luci.util")
-local scripts = util.split(util.trim(util.exec("ls /etc/travelmate/*.login 2>/dev/null")), "\n", nil, true) or {}
-m = SimpleForm("edit", translate("Edit Wireless Uplink Configuration"))
-m.submit = translate("Save")
-m.cancel = translate("Back to overview")
-m.reset = false
-function m.on_cancel()
- http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/services/travelmate/stations"))
-m.hidden = {
- cfg = http.formvalue("cfg")
-local s = uci:get_all("wireless", m.hidden.cfg)
-if s ~= nil then
- wssid = m:field(Value, "ssid", translate("SSID"))
- wssid.datatype = "rangelength(1,32)"
- wssid.default = s.ssid or ""
- bssid = m:field(Value, "bssid", translate("BSSID"))
- bssid.datatype = "macaddr"
- bssid.default = s.bssid or ""
- if string.match(s.encryption, '%+') and not string.match(s.encryption, '^wep') then
- s.pos = string.find(s.encryption, '%+')
- s.cipher = string.sub(s.encryption, s.pos + 1)
- s.encryption = string.sub(s.encryption, 0, s.pos - 1)
- end
- if s.encryption and s.encryption ~= "none" then
- if string.match(s.encryption, '^wep') then
- encr = m:field(ListValue, "encryption", translate("Encryption"))
- encr:value("wep", "WEP")
- encr:value("wep+open", "WEP Open System")
- encr:value("wep+mixed", "WEP mixed")
- encr:value("wep+shared", "WEP Shared Key")
- encr.default = s.encryption
- wkey = m:field(Value, "key", translate("Passphrase"))
- wkey.datatype = "wepkey"
- wkey.password = true
- wkey.default = s.key
- elseif string.match(s.encryption, '^wpa') then
- encr = m:field(ListValue, "encryption", translate("Encryption"))
- encr:value("wpa", "WPA Enterprise")
- encr:value("wpa-mixed", "WPA/WPA2 Enterprise mixed")
- encr:value("wpa2", "WPA2 Enterprise")
- encr.default = s.encryption
- ciph = m:field(ListValue, "cipher", translate("Cipher"))
- ciph:value("auto", translate("Automatic"))
- ciph:value("ccmp", translate("Force CCMP (AES)"))
- ciph:value("tkip", translate("Force TKIP"))
- ciph:value("tkip+ccmp", translate("Force TKIP and CCMP (AES)"))
- ciph.default = s.cipher
- eaptype = m:field(ListValue, "eap_type", translate("EAP-Method"))
- eaptype:value("tls", "TLS")
- eaptype:value("ttls", "TTLS")
- eaptype:value("peap", "PEAP")
- eaptype:value("fast", "FAST")
- eaptype.default = s.eap_type or "peap"
- authentication = m:field(ListValue, "auth", translate("Authentication"))
- authentication:value("PAP")
- authentication:value("CHAP")
- authentication:value("MSCHAP")
- authentication:value("MSCHAPV2")
- authentication:value("EAP-GTC")
- authentication:value("EAP-MD5")
- authentication:value("EAP-MSCHAPV2")
- authentication:value("EAP-TLS")
- authentication:value("auth=PAP")
- authentication:value("auth=MSCHAPV2")
- authentication.default = s.auth or "EAP-MSCHAPV2"
- ident = m:field(Value, "identity", translate("Identity"))
- ident.default = s.identity or ""
- wkey = m:field(Value, "password", translate("Passphrase"))
- wkey.datatype = "wpakey"
- wkey.password = true
- wkey.default = s.password
- cacert = m:field(Value, "ca_cert", translate("Path to CA-Certificate"))
- cacert.rmempty = true
- cacert.default = s.ca_cert or ""
- clientcert = m:field(Value, "client_cert", translate("Path to Client-Certificate"))
- clientcert:depends("eap_type","tls")
- clientcert.rmempty = true
- clientcert.default = s.client_cert or ""
- privkey = m:field(Value, "priv_key", translate("Path to Private Key"))
- privkey:depends("eap_type","tls")
- privkey.rmempty = true
- privkey.default = s.priv_key or ""
- privkeypwd = m:field(Value, "priv_key_pwd", translate("Password of Private Key"))
- privkeypwd:depends("eap_type","tls")
- privkeypwd.datatype = "wpakey"
- privkeypwd.password = true
- privkeypwd.rmempty = true
- privkeypwd.default = s.priv_key_pwd or ""
- else
- encr = m:field(ListValue, "encryption", translate("Encryption"))
- encr:value("psk", "WPA-PSK")
- encr:value("psk2", "WPA2-PSK")
- encr:value("psk-mixed", "WPA/WPA2 mixed")
- encr:value("sae", "WPA3-SAE")
- encr:value("owe", "OWE (open network)")
- encr:value("sae-mixed", "WPA2/WPA3 mixed")
- encr.default = s.encryption
- ciph = m:field(ListValue, "cipher", translate("Cipher"))
- ciph:value("auto", translate("Automatic"))
- ciph:value("ccmp", translate("Force CCMP (AES)"))
- ciph:value("tkip", translate("Force TKIP"))
- ciph:value("tkip+ccmp", translate("Force TKIP and CCMP (AES)"))
- ciph:depends("encryption", "psk")
- ciph:depends("encryption", "psk2")
- ciph:depends("encryption", "psk-mixed")
- ciph.default = s.cipher or "auto"
- wkey = m:field(Value, "key", translate("Passphrase"))
- wkey.datatype = "wpakey"
- wkey.password = true
- wkey:depends("encryption", "psk")
- wkey:depends("encryption", "psk2")
- wkey:depends("encryption", "psk-mixed")
- wkey:depends("encryption", "sae")
- wkey:depends("encryption", "sae-mixed")
- wkey.default = s.key
- end
- end
- m.on_cancel()
-local login_section = (s.device or "") .. "_" .. (s.ssid or "") .. "_" .. (s.bssid or "")
-login_section = login_section:gsub("[^%w_]", "_")
-local cmd = uci:get("travelmate", login_section, "command")
-local cmd_args_default = uci:get("travelmate", login_section, "command_args")
-cmd_list = m:field(ListValue, "cmdlist", translate("Auto Login Script"),
- translate("External script reference which will be called for automated captive portal logins."))
-cmd_args = m:field(Value, "cmdargs", translate("Optional Arguments"),
- translate("Space separated list of additional arguments passed to the Auto Login Script, i.e. username and password"))
-for _, z in ipairs(scripts) do
- cmd_list:value(z)
- cmd_args:depends("cmdlist", z)
-cmd_list.default = cmd or "none"
-cmd_args.default = cmd_args_default
-function wssid.write(self, section, value)
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "ssid", wssid:formvalue(section))
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "bssid", bssid:formvalue(section))
- if encr then
- if string.find(encr:formvalue(section), '^wep') then
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section))
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "key", wkey:formvalue(section) or "")
- elseif string.find(encr:formvalue(section), '^wpa') then
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "eap_type", eaptype:formvalue(section))
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "auth", authentication:formvalue(section))
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "identity", ident:formvalue(section) or "")
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "password", wkey:formvalue(section) or "")
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "ca_cert", cacert:formvalue(section) or "")
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "client_cert", clientcert:formvalue(section) or "")
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "priv_key", privkey:formvalue(section) or "")
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "priv_key_pwd", privkeypwd:formvalue(section) or "")
- elseif encr:formvalue(section) ~= "owe" then
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "key", wkey:formvalue(section) or "")
- end
- if ciph and ciph:formvalue(section) and ciph:formvalue(section) ~= "auto" then
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section) .. "+" .. ciph:formvalue(section))
- else
- uci:set("wireless", m.hidden.cfg, "encryption", encr:formvalue(section))
- end
- end
- if not uci:get("travelmate", login_section) and cmd_list:formvalue(section) ~= "none" then
- uci:set("travelmate", login_section, "login")
- end
- if uci:get("travelmate", login_section) then
- uci:set("travelmate", login_section, "command", cmd_list:formvalue(section))
- uci:set("travelmate", login_section, "command_args", cmd_args:formvalue(section))
- uci:save("travelmate")
- uci:commit("travelmate")
- end
- uci:save("wireless")
- uci:commit("wireless")
-"env -i /bin/ubus call network reload >/dev/null 2>&1")
- m.on_cancel()
-return m