path: root/applications/luci-app-pbr/root
diff options
authorStan Grishin <>2022-12-03 02:32:45 +0000
committerStan Grishin <>2022-12-03 19:46:53 +0000
commit11073e5ee5141387b35cf7598007308cdc175185 (patch)
tree400f910925b320241e65fc41538155adf9abde18 /applications/luci-app-pbr/root
parentc87ff603e8cd6514e50299239e1ce50e4d1c038c (diff)
luci-app-pbr: initial commit
Depends on Signed-off-by: Stan Grishin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-pbr/root')
4 files changed, 421 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-pbr b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-pbr
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..080086891a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/etc/uci-defaults/40_luci-pbr
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+rm -rf /var/luci-modulecache/; rm -f /var/luci-indexcache;
+[ -x /etc/init.d/rpcd ] && /etc/init.d/rpcd reload;
+exit 0
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.pbr b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.pbr
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..bd7700c277
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/libexec/rpcd/luci.pbr
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+# Copyright 2022 Stan Grishin (
+# shellcheck disable=SC1091,SC2018,SC2019,SC2039,SC3043,SC3057,SC3060
+# TechRef:
+# ubus -v list luci.pbr
+# ubus -S call luci.pbr getInitList '{"name": "pbr" }'
+# ubus -S call luci.pbr getInitStatus '{"name": "pbr" }'
+# ubus -S call luci.pbr getPlatformSupport '{"name": "pbr" }'
+# ubus -S call luci.pbr getGateways '{"name": "pbr" }'
+# ubus -S call luci.pbr getInterfaces '{"name": "pbr" }'
+. /lib/
+. /lib/functions/
+. /usr/share/libubox/
+readonly packageName="pbr"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155
+readonly ipset="$(command -v ipset)"
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155
+readonly agh="$(command -v AdGuardHome)"
+readonly aghConfigFile='/etc/adguardhome.yaml'
+# shellcheck disable=SC2155
+readonly nft="$(command -v nft)"
+is_enabled() { uci -q get "${1}.config.enabled"; }
+is_running_iptables() { iptables -t mangle -L | grep -q PBR_PREROUTING >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+is_running_nft() { "$nft" list table inet fw4 | grep chain | grep -q pbr_mark_ >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+is_running() { is_running_iptables || is_running_nft; }
+get_version() { grep -m1 -A2 -w "^Package: $1$" /usr/lib/opkg/status | sed -n 's/Version: //p'; }
+print_json_bool() { json_init; json_add_boolean "$1" "$2"; json_dump; json_cleanup; }
+print_json_string() { json_init; json_add_string "$1" "$2"; json_dump; json_cleanup; }
+logger() { /usr/bin/logger -t "$packageName" "$@"; }
+ubus_get_status() { ubus call service list "{ 'name': '$packageName' }" | jsonfilter -e "@['${packageName}']${1}"; }
+ubus_get_gateway() { ubus call service list "{ 'name': '$packageName' }" | jsonfilter -e "@['${packageName}']['${1}']${2:+.$2}"; }
+is_greater_or_equal() { test "$(printf '%s\n' "$@" | sort -V | head -n 1)" = "$2"; }
+get_init_list() {
+ local name
+ name="$(basename "$1")"
+ name="${name:-$packageName}"
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "$name"
+ json_add_boolean 'enabled' "$(is_enabled "$name")"
+ if is_running "$name"; then
+ json_add_boolean 'running' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'running' '0'
+ fi
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump
+ json_cleanup
+set_init_action() {
+ local name action="$2" cmd
+ name="$(basename "$1")"
+ name="${name:-$packageName}"
+ if [ ! -f "/etc/init.d/$name" ]; then
+ print_json_string 'error' 'Init script not found!'
+ return
+ fi
+ case $action in
+ enable)
+ cmd="uci -q set ${name}.config.enabled=1 && uci commit $name";;
+ disable)
+ cmd="uci -q set ${name}.config.enabled=0 && uci commit $name";;
+ start|stop|reload|restart)
+ cmd="/etc/init.d/${name} ${action}";;
+ esac
+ if [ -n "$cmd" ] && eval "${cmd}" 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then
+ print_json_bool "result" '1'
+ else
+ print_json_bool "result" '0'
+ fi
+get_init_status() {
+ local name
+ name="$(basename "$1")"
+ name="${name:-$packageName}"
+ local version gateways warnings errors
+ [ -z "$version" ] && version="$(get_version "$name")"
+ [ -z "$version" ] && version="$(get_version "${name}-iptables")"
+ [ -z "$version" ] && version="$(get_version "${name}-netifd")"
+ gateways="$(ubus_get_status gateways | sed "s|\\\n|<br />|g;s|\(\\\033[^<]*\)|✓|g;")"
+ warnings="$(ubus_get_status warnings)"
+ errors="$(ubus_get_status errors)"
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "$name"
+ json_add_boolean 'enabled' "$(is_enabled "$name")"
+ if is_running "$name"; then
+ json_add_boolean 'running' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'running' '0'
+ fi
+ if is_running_iptables "$name"; then
+ json_add_boolean 'running_iptables' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'running_iptables' '0'
+ fi
+ if is_running_nft "$name"; then
+ json_add_boolean 'running_nft' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'running_nft' '0'
+ fi
+ json_add_string 'version' "$version"
+ json_add_string 'gateways' "$gateways"
+ json_add_array 'errors'
+ if [ -n "$errors" ]; then
+ while read -r line; do
+ if str_contains "$line" ' '; then
+ error_id="${line% *}"
+ error_extra="${line#* }"
+ else
+ error_id="$line"
+ unset error_extra
+ fi
+ json_add_object
+ json_add_string 'id' "$error_id"
+ json_add_string 'extra' "$error_extra"
+ json_close_object
+ done <<EOF
+$(echo "$errors" | tr \# \\n)
+ fi
+ json_close_array
+ json_add_array 'warnings'
+ if [ -n "$warnings" ]; then
+ while read -r line; do
+ if str_contains "$line" ' '; then
+ error_id="${line% *}"
+ error_extra="${line#* }"
+ else
+ error_id="$line"
+ unset error_extra
+ fi
+ json_add_object
+ json_add_string 'id' "$error_id"
+ json_add_string 'extra' "$error_extra"
+ json_close_object
+ done <<EOF
+$(echo "$warnings" | tr \# \\n)
+ fi
+ json_close_array
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump
+ json_cleanup
+check_ipset() { { [ -n "$ipset" ] && "$ipset" help hash:net; } >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+check_nft() { [ -n "$nft" ]; }
+check_agh() { [ -n "$agh" ] && [ -s "$aghConfigFile" ]; }
+check_dnsmasq() { command -v dnsmasq >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+check_unbound() { command -v unbound >/dev/null 2>&1; }
+check_agh_ipset() {
+ check_ipset || return 1
+ check_agh || return 1
+ is_greater_or_equal "$($agh --version | sed 's|AdGuard Home, version v\(.*\)|\1|')" '0.107.13'
+check_dnsmasq_ipset() {
+ local o;
+ check_ipset || return 1
+ check_dnsmasq || return 1
+ o="$(dnsmasq -v 2>/dev/null)"
+ ! echo "$o" | grep -q 'no-ipset' && echo "$o" | grep -q 'ipset'
+check_dnsmasq_nftset() {
+ local o;
+ check_nft || return 1
+ check_dnsmasq || return 1
+ o="$(dnsmasq -v 2>/dev/null)"
+ ! echo "$o" | grep -q 'no-nftset' && echo "$o" | grep -q 'nftset'
+get_platform_support() {
+ local name
+ name="$(basename "$1")"
+ name="${name:-$packageName}"
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "$name"
+ if check_ipset; then
+ json_add_boolean 'ipset_installed' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'ipset_installed' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_nft; then
+ json_add_boolean 'nft_installed' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'nft_installed' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_agh; then
+ json_add_boolean 'adguardhome_installed' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'adguardhome_installed' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_dnsmasq; then
+ json_add_boolean 'dnsmasq_installed' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'dnsmasq_installed' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_unbound; then
+ json_add_boolean 'unbound_installed' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'unbound_installed' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_agh_ipset; then
+ json_add_boolean 'adguardhome_ipset_support' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'adguardhome_ipset_support' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_dnsmasq_ipset; then
+ json_add_boolean 'dnsmasq_ipset_support' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'dnsmasq_ipset_support' '0'
+ fi
+ if check_dnsmasq_nftset; then
+ json_add_boolean 'dnsmasq_nftset_support' '1'
+ else
+ json_add_boolean 'dnsmasq_nftset_support' '0'
+ fi
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump
+ json_cleanup
+# shellcheck disable=SC3037
+get_gateways() {
+ local name="${1:-$packageName}"
+ echo -en "{\"$name\":{\"gateways\":"
+ ubus call service list "{ 'name': '$name' }" | jsonfilter -e "@.${name}"
+ echo -en "}}"
+str_contains() { [ -n "$1" ] &&[ -n "$2" ] && [ "${1//$2}" != "$1" ]; }
+str_contains_word() { echo "$1" | grep -q -w "$2"; }
+str_to_lower() { echo "$1" | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'; }
+str_to_upper() { echo "$1" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'; }
+is_ignore_target() { [ "$(str_to_lower "$1")" = 'ignore' ]; }
+is_dslite() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:6}" = "dslite" ]; }
+is_l2tp() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:4}" = "l2tp" ]; }
+is_oc() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:11}" = "openconnect" ]; }
+is_ovpn() { local dev; network_get_device dev "$1"; [ "${dev:0:3}" = "tun" ] || [ "${dev:0:3}" = "tap" ] || [ -f "/sys/devices/virtual/net/${dev}/tun_flags" ]; }
+is_pptp() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:4}" = "pptp" ]; }
+is_softether() { local dev; network_get_device dev "$1"; [ "${dev:0:4}" = "vpn_" ]; }
+is_tor() { [ "$(str_to_lower "$1")" = "tor" ]; }
+is_wg() { local proto; proto=$(uci -q get network."$1".proto); [ "${proto:0:9}" = "wireguard" ]; }
+is_tunnel() { is_dslite "$1" || is_l2tp "$1" || is_oc "$1" || is_ovpn "$1" || is_pptp "$1" || is_softether "$1" || is_tor "$1" || is_wg "$1"; }
+is_wan() { [ "$1" = "$wanIface4" ] || { [ "${1##wan}" != "$1" ] && [ "${1##wan6}" = "$1" ]; } || [ "${1%%wan}" != "$1" ]; }
+is_wan6() { [ -n "$wanIface6" ] && [ "$1" = "$wanIface6" ] || [ "${1/#wan6}" != "$1" ] || [ "${1/%wan6}" != "$1" ]; }
+is_ignored_interface() { str_contains_word "$ignored_interface" "$1"; }
+is_supported_interface() { str_contains_word "$supported_interface" "$1" || { ! is_ignored_interface "$1" && { is_wan "$1" || is_wan6 "$1" || is_tunnel "$1"; }; } || is_ignore_target "$1"; }
+pbr_find_iface() {
+ local iface i param="$2"
+ [ "$param" = 'wan6' ] || param='wan'
+ "network_find_${param}" iface
+ is_tunnel "$iface" && unset iface
+ if [ -z "$iface" ]; then
+ for i in $ifacesAll; do
+ if "is_${param}" "$i"; then break; else unset i; fi
+ done
+ fi
+ eval "$1"='${iface:-$i}'
+_build_ifaces_all() { ifacesAll="${ifacesAll}${1} "; }
+_build_ifaces_supported() { is_supported_interface "$1" && ifacesSupported="${ifacesSupported}${1} "; }
+get_supported_interfaces() {
+ local name i
+ name="$(basename "$1")"
+ name="${name:-$packageName}"
+ local ifacesAll ifacesSupported
+ local webui_show_ignore_target
+ local ignored_interface supported_interface
+ local wanIface4 wanIface6
+ config_load "$name"
+ config_get_bool webui_show_ignore_target 'config' 'webui_show_ignore_target' '0'
+ config_get ignored_interface 'config' 'ignored_interface'
+ config_get supported_interface 'config' 'supported_interface'
+ config_load 'network'
+ config_foreach _build_ifaces_all 'interface'
+ pbr_find_iface wanIface4 'wan'
+ pbr_find_iface wanIface6 'wan6'
+ config_foreach _build_ifaces_supported 'interface'
+ if [ "$webui_show_ignore_target" -eq "1" ]; then
+ ifacesSupported="$ifacesSupported ignore"
+ fi
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "$name"
+ json_add_array 'interfaces'
+ for i in $ifacesSupported; do
+ json_add_string '' "$i"
+ done
+ json_close_array
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump
+ json_cleanup
+case "$1" in
+ list)
+ json_init
+ json_add_object "getGateways"
+ json_add_string 'name' 'name'
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object "getInitList"
+ json_add_string 'name' 'name'
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object "getInitStatus"
+ json_add_string 'name' 'name'
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object "getInterfaces"
+ json_add_string 'name' 'name'
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object "getPlatformSupport"
+ json_add_string 'name' 'name'
+ json_close_object
+ json_add_object "setInitAction"
+ json_add_string 'name' 'name'
+ json_add_string 'action' 'action'
+ json_close_object
+ json_dump
+ json_cleanup
+ ;;
+ call)
+ case "$2" in
+ getGateways)
+ read -r input
+ json_load "$input"
+ json_get_var name 'name'
+ json_cleanup
+ get_gateways "$name"
+ ;;
+ getInitList)
+ read -r input
+ json_load "$input"
+ json_get_var name 'name'
+ json_cleanup
+ get_init_list "$name"
+ ;;
+ getInitStatus)
+ read -r input
+ json_load "$input"
+ json_get_var name 'name'
+ json_cleanup
+ get_init_status "$name"
+ ;;
+ getInterfaces)
+ read -r input
+ json_load "$input"
+ json_get_var name 'name'
+ json_cleanup
+ get_supported_interfaces "$name"
+ ;;
+ getPlatformSupport)
+ read -r input
+ json_load "$input"
+ json_get_var name 'name'
+ json_cleanup
+ get_platform_support "$name"
+ ;;
+ setInitAction)
+ read -r input
+ json_load "$input"
+ json_get_var name 'name'
+ json_get_var action 'action'
+ json_cleanup
+ set_init_action "$name" "$action"
+ ;;
+ esac
+ ;;
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-pbr.json b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-pbr.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a764ac82b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/share/luci/menu.d/luci-app-pbr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ "admin/services/pbr": {
+ "title": "Policy Routing",
+ "order": 90,
+ "action": {
+ "type": "view",
+ "path": "pbr/overview"
+ },
+ "depends": {
+ "acl": [
+ "luci-app-pbr"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-app-pbr.json b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-app-pbr.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..39178f3790
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/luci-app-pbr/root/usr/share/rpcd/acl.d/luci-app-pbr.json
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ "luci-app-pbr": {
+ "description": "Grant UCI and file access for luci-app-pbr",
+ "read": {
+ "ubus": {
+ "luci.pbr": [
+ "getGateways",
+ "getInitList",
+ "getInitStatus",
+ "getInterfaces",
+ "getPlatformSupport"
+ ]
+ },
+ "uci": [
+ "pbr"
+ ]
+ },
+ "write": {
+ "uci": [
+ "pbr"
+ ],
+ "ubus": {
+ "luci.pbr": [
+ "setInitAction"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }