path: root/applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn
diff options
authorAnton Kikin <>2020-01-25 01:14:12 +0300
committerAnton Kikin <>2020-01-25 01:14:12 +0300
commitcac2248bcfeaefd616debada88886b675a2eb970 (patch)
treef9e1bc80f1556debbe159d209485ac89052237e6 /applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn
parent3e36a45dbf0c4ada9dd3dbfe8af31de9db320b03 (diff)
luci-app-openvpn: fix advanced mode page switcher translation
Translation of page titles in the advanced configuration mode is done in such a way that the strings to be translated are not visible for '' script. This commit fixes this and makes page titles visible for the ''. Signed-off-by: Anton Kikin <>
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn/pageswitch.htm b/applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn/pageswitch.htm
index 7d88b844ab..0792763085 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn/pageswitch.htm
+++ b/applications/luci-app-openvpn/luasrc/view/openvpn/pageswitch.htm
@@ -12,17 +12,17 @@
<%=luci.i18n.translatef("Instance \"%s\"", self.instance)%>
<% if self.mode == "basic" then %>
- <a href="<%=url('admin/vpn/openvpn/advanced', self.instance, "Service")%>"><%:Switch to advanced configuration%> &#187;</a><p/>
+ <a href="<%=url('admin/vpn/openvpn/advanced', self.instance)%>"><%:Switch to advanced configuration%> &#187;</a><p/>
<hr />
<% elseif self.mode == "advanced" then %>
<a href="<%=url('admin/vpn/openvpn/basic', self.instance)%>"><%:Switch to basic configuration%> &#187;</a><p/>
<hr />
<%:Configuration category%>:
<% for i, c in ipairs(self.categories) do %>
- <% if c == self.category then %>
- <strong><%=translate(c)%></strong>
+ <% if == self.category then %>
+ <strong><%=c.title%></strong>
<% else %>
- <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "vpn", "openvpn", "advanced", self.instance, c)%>"><%=translate(c)%></a>
+ <a href="<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "vpn", "openvpn", "advanced", self.instance,>"><%=c.title%></a>
<% end %>
<% if next(self.categories, i) then %>|<% end %>
<% end %>