path: root/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag
diff options
authorHannu Nyman <>2018-01-20 15:42:53 +0200
committerHannu Nyman <>2018-01-20 15:42:53 +0200
commit6a8ee26207a8d085c91919d4b056bc2fae524069 (patch)
tree6252a633461e0a7fa6bd0241f47aec295868d8b1 /applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag
parent5cc9df99e5dafb14c509afb53be5ad9bd99bd3b8 (diff)
luci-app-diag-devinfo: remove from repo
Remove luci-app-diag-devinfo as it has been BROKEN since 2015 due to several dependencies to packages in oldpackages or abandoned Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>
Diffstat (limited to 'applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag')
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 424 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/devinfo_common.lua b/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/devinfo_common.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 93f735c692..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/devinfo_common.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2009 Daniel Dickinson
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-module("luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common", package.seeall)
-local translate = luci.i18n.translate
-local DummyValue = luci.cbi.DummyValue
-local SimpleSection = luci.cbi.SimpleSection
-function index()
- return -- no-op
-function run_processes(outnets, cmdfunc)
- i = next(outnets, nil)
- while (i) do
- outnets[i]["output"] = luci.sys.exec(cmdfunc(outnets, i))
- i = next(outnets, i)
- end
-function parse_output(devmap, outnets, haslink, type, mini, debug)
- local curnet = next(outnets, nil)
- while (curnet) do
- local output = outnets[curnet]["output"]
- local subnet = outnets[curnet]["subnet"]
- local ports = outnets[curnet]["ports"]
- local interface = outnets[curnet]["interface"]
- local netdevs = {}
- devlines = luci.util.split(output)
- if not devlines then
- devlines = {}
- table.insert(devlines, output)
- end
- local j = nil
- j = next(devlines, j)
- local found_a_device = false
- while (j) do
- if devlines[j] and ( devlines[j] ~= "" ) then
- found_a_device = true
- local devtable
- local row = {}
- devtable = luci.util.split(devlines[j], ' | ')
- row["ip"] = devtable[1]
- if (not mini) then
- row["mac"] = devtable[2]
- end
- if ( devtable[4] == 'unknown' ) then
- row["vendor"] = devtable[3]
- else
- row["vendor"] = devtable[4]
- end
- row["type"] = devtable[5]
- if (not mini) then
- row["model"] = devtable[6]
- end
- if (haslink) then
- row["config_page"] = devtable[7]
- end
- if (debug) then
- row["raw"] = devlines[j]
- end
- table.insert(netdevs, row)
- end
- j = next(devlines, j)
- end
- if not found_a_device then
- local row = {}
- row["ip"] = curnet
- if (not mini) then
- row["mac"] = ""
- end
- if (type == "smap") then
- row["vendor"] = luci.i18n.translate("No SIP devices")
- else
- row["vendor"] = luci.i18n.translate("No devices detected")
- end
- row["type"] = luci.i18n.translate("check other networks")
- if (not mini) then
- row["model"] = ""
- end
- if (haslink) then
- row["config_page"] = ""
- end
- if (debug) then
- row["raw"] = output
- end
- table.insert(netdevs, row)
- end
- local s
- if (type == "smap") then
- if (mini) then
- s = devmap:section(luci.cbi.Table, netdevs, luci.i18n.translate("SIP devices discovered for") .. " " .. curnet)
- else
- local interfacestring = ""
- if ( interface ~= "" ) then
- interfacestring = ", " .. interface
- end
- s = devmap:section(luci.cbi.Table, netdevs, luci.i18n.translate("SIP devices discovered for") .. " " .. curnet .. " (" .. subnet .. ":" .. ports .. interfacestring .. ")")
- end
- s.template = "diag/smapsection"
- else
- if (mini) then
- s = devmap:section(luci.cbi.Table, netdevs, luci.i18n.translate("Devices discovered for") .. " " .. curnet)
- else
- local interfacestring = ""
- if ( interface ~= "" ) then
- interfacestring = ", " .. interface
- end
- s = devmap:section(luci.cbi.Table, netdevs, luci.i18n.translate("Devices discovered for") .. " " .. curnet .. " (" .. subnet .. interfacestring .. ")")
- end
- end
- s:option(DummyValue, "ip", translate("IP Address"))
- if (not mini) then
- s:option(DummyValue, "mac", translate("MAC Address"))
- end
- s:option(DummyValue, "vendor", translate("Vendor"))
- s:option(DummyValue, "type", translate("Device Type"))
- if (not mini) then
- s:option(DummyValue, "model", translate("Model"))
- end
- if (haslink) then
- s:option(DummyValue, "config_page", translate("Link to Device"))
- end
- if (debug) then
- s:option(DummyValue, "raw", translate("Raw"))
- end
- curnet = next(outnets, curnet)
- end
-function get_network_device(interface)
- local state = luci.model.uci.cursor_state()
- state:load("network")
- local dev
- return state:get("network", interface, "ifname")
-function cbi_add_networks(field)
- uci.cursor():foreach("network", "interface",
- function (section)
- if section[".name"] ~= "loopback" then
- field:value(section[".name"])
- end
- end
- )
- field.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "network", "network")
-function config_devinfo_scan(map, scannet)
- local o
- o = scannet:option(luci.cbi.Flag, "enable", translate("Enable"))
- o.optional = false
- o.rmempty = false
- o = scannet:option(luci.cbi.Value, "interface", translate("Interface"))
- o.optional = false
- luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.cbi_add_networks(o)
- local scansubnet
- scansubnet = scannet:option(luci.cbi.Value, "subnet", translate("Subnet"))
- scansubnet.optional = false
- o = scannet:option(luci.cbi.Value, "timeout", translate("Timeout"), translate("Time to wait for responses in seconds (default 10)"))
- o.optional = true
- o = scannet:option(luci.cbi.Value, "repeat_count", translate("Repeat Count"), translate("Number of times to send requests (default 1)"))
- o.optional = true
- o = scannet:option(luci.cbi.Value, "sleepreq", translate("Sleep Between Requests"), translate("Milliseconds to sleep between requests (default 100)"))
- o.optional = true
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/luci_diag_devinfo.lua b/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/luci_diag_devinfo.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index ebba03fb4c..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/luci_diag_devinfo.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2009 Daniel Dickinson
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-module("luci.controller.luci_diag.luci_diag_devinfo", package.seeall)
-function index()
- local e
- e = entry({"admin", "voice", "diag", "phones"}, arcombine(cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo"), cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo_config")), _("Phones"), 10)
- e.leaf = true
- e.subindex = true
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"admin", "voice", "diag", "phones", "config"}, cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo_config"), _("Configure"), 10)
- e = entry({"admin", "status", "smap_devinfo"}, cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo"), _("SIP Devices on Network"), 120)
- e.leaf = true
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"admin", "network", "diag_config", "netdiscover_devinfo_config"}, cbi("luci_diag/netdiscover_devinfo_config"), _("Network Device Scan"), 100)
- e.leaf = true
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"admin", "network", "diag_config", "smap_devinfo_config"}, cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo_config"), _("SIP Device Scan"))
- e.leaf = true
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"admin", "status", "netdiscover_devinfo"}, cbi("luci_diag/netdiscover_devinfo"), _("Devices on Network"), 90)
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"admin", "network", "mactodevinfo"}, cbi("luci_diag/mactodevinfo"), _("MAC Device Info Overrides"), 190)
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"mini", "diag", "phone_scan"}, cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo_mini"), _("Phone Scan"), 100)
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"mini", "voice", "phones", "phone_scan_config"}, cbi("luci_diag/smap_devinfo_config_mini"), _("Config Phone Scan"), 90)
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"mini", "diag", "netdiscover_devinfo"}, cbi("luci_diag/netdiscover_devinfo_mini"), _("Network Device Scan"), 10)
- e.dependent = true
- e = entry({"mini", "network", "netdiscover_devinfo_config"}, cbi("luci_diag/netdiscover_devinfo_config_mini"), _("Device Scan Config"))
- e.dependent = true
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/netdiscover_common.lua b/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/netdiscover_common.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e879a6fed..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/netdiscover_common.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2009 Daniel Dickinson
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-module("luci.controller.luci_diag.netdiscover_common", package.seeall)
-local translate = luci.i18n.translate
-local DummyValue = luci.cbi.DummyValue
-local SimpleSection = luci.cbi.SimpleSection
-function index()
- return -- no-op
-function get_params()
- local netdiscover_uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
- netdiscover_uci:load("luci_devinfo")
- local nettable = netdiscover_uci:get_all("luci_devinfo")
- local i
- local subnet
- local netdout
- local outnets = {}
- i = next(nettable, nil)
- while (i) do
- if (netdiscover_uci:get("luci_devinfo", i) == "netdiscover_scannet") then
- local scannet = netdiscover_uci:get_all("luci_devinfo", i)
- if scannet["subnet"] and (scannet["subnet"] ~= "") and scannet["enable"] and ( scannet["enable"] == "1") then
- local output = ""
- local outrow = {}
- outrow["interface"] = scannet["interface"]
- outrow["timeout"] = 10
- local timeout = tonumber(scannet["timeout"])
- if timeout and ( timeout > 0 ) then
- outrow["timeout"] = scannet["timeout"]
- end
- outrow["repeat_count"] = 1
- local repcount = tonumber(scannet["repeat_count"])
- if repcount and ( repcount > 0 ) then
- outrow["repeat_count"] = scannet["repeat_count"]
- end
- outrow["sleepreq"] = 100
- local repcount = tonumber(scannet["sleepreq"])
- if repcount and ( repcount > 0 ) then
- outrow["sleepreq"] = scannet["sleepreq"]
- end
- outrow["subnet"] = scannet["subnet"]
- outrow["output"] = output
- outnets[i] = outrow
- end
- end
- i = next(nettable, i)
- end
- return outnets
-function command_function(outnets, i)
- local interface = luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.get_network_device(outnets[i]["interface"])
- return "/usr/bin/netdiscover-to-devinfo " .. outnets[i]["subnet"] .. " " .. interface .. " " .. outnets[i]["timeout"] .. " -r " .. outnets[i]["repeat_count"] .. " -s " .. outnets[i]["sleepreq"] .. " </dev/null"
-function action_links(netdiscovermap, mini)
- s = netdiscovermap:section(SimpleSection, "", translate("Actions"))
- b = s:option(DummyValue, "_config", translate("Configure Scans"))
- b.value = ""
- if (mini) then
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("mini", "network", "netdiscover_devinfo_config")
- else
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "network", "diag_config", "netdiscover_devinfo_config")
- end
- b = s:option(DummyValue, "_scans", translate("Repeat Scans (this can take a few minutes)"))
- b.value = ""
- if (mini) then
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("mini", "diag", "netdiscover_devinfo")
- else
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "status", "netdiscover_devinfo")
- end
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/smap_common.lua b/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/smap_common.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a1e052e3..0000000000
--- a/applications/luci-app-diag-devinfo/luasrc/controller/luci_diag/smap_common.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
--- Copyright 2009 Daniel Dickinson
--- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
-module("luci.controller.luci_diag.smap_common", package.seeall)
-local translate = luci.i18n.translate
-local DummyValue = luci.cbi.DummyValue
-local SimpleSection = luci.cbi.SimpleSection
-function index()
- return -- no-op
-function get_params()
- local smapnets_uci = luci.model.uci.cursor()
- smapnets_uci:load("luci_devinfo")
- local nettable = smapnets_uci:get_all("luci_devinfo")
- local i
- local subnet
- local smapout
- local outnets = {}
- i = next(nettable, nil)
- while (i) do
- if (smapnets_uci:get("luci_devinfo", i) == "smap_scannet") then
- local scannet = smapnets_uci:get_all("luci_devinfo", i)
- if scannet["subnet"] and (scannet["subnet"] ~= "") and scannet["enable"] and ( scannet["enable"] == "1") then
- local output = ""
- local outrow = {}
- outrow["subnet"] = scannet["subnet"]
- ports = "5060"
- if scannet["ports"] and ( scannet["ports"] ~= "" ) then
- ports = scannet["ports"]
- end
- outrow["timeout"] = 10
- local timeout = tonumber(scannet["timeout"])
- if timeout and ( timeout > 0 ) then
- outrow["timeout"] = scannet["timeout"]
- end
- outrow["repeat_count"] = 1
- local repcount = tonumber(scannet["repeat_count"])
- if repcount and ( repcount > 0 ) then
- outrow["repeat_count"] = scannet["repeat_count"]
- end
- outrow["sleepreq"] = 100
- local repcount = tonumber(scannet["sleepreq"])
- if repcount and ( repcount > 0 ) then
- outrow["sleepreq"] = scannet["sleepreq"]
- end
- if scannet["interface"] and ( scannet["interface"] ~= "" ) then
- outrow["interface"] = scannet["interface"]
- else
- outrow["interface"] = ""
- end
- outrow["ports"] = ports
- outrow["output"] = output
- outnets[i] = outrow
- end
- end
- i = next(nettable, i)
- end
- return outnets
-function command_function(outnets, i)
- local interface = luci.controller.luci_diag.devinfo_common.get_network_device(outnets[i]["interface"])
- return "/usr/bin/netsmap-to-devinfo -r " .. outnets[i]["subnet"] .. " -t " .. outnets[i]["timeout"] .. " -i " .. interface .. " -x -p " .. outnets[i]["ports"] .. " -c " .. outnets[i]["repeat_count"] .. " -s " .. outnets[i]["sleepreq"] .. " </dev/null"
-function action_links(smapmap, mini)
- s = smapmap:section(SimpleSection, "", translate("Actions"))
- b = s:option(DummyValue, "_config", translate("Configure Scans"))
- b.value = ""
- if (mini) then
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("mini", "voice", "phones", "phone_scan_config")
- else
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "network", "diag_config", "smap_devinfo_config")
- end
- b = s:option(DummyValue, "_scans", translate("Repeat Scans (this can take a few minutes)"))
- b.value = ""
- if (mini) then
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("mini", "diag", "phone_scan")
- else
- b.titleref = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "status", "smap_devinfo")
- end