diff options
authorJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-05-27 20:32:04 +0000
committerJo-Philipp Wich <>2008-05-27 20:32:04 +0000
commit3f09d369d679d3e4413849cf67f757c647a66965 (patch)
parent6a0da42befb970b56f93c0bf109a9cb7475e8e0c (diff)
* luci/statistics: implement flip, overlay and total options for diagram models, improved/fixed netlink and wireless models
3 files changed, 250 insertions, 89 deletions
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
index b399866a85..783314e8c9 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
@@ -104,65 +104,123 @@ end
function Graph._generic( self, opts )
- local images = { }
+ local images = { }
+ local rrasingle = false -- XXX: fixme
- -- remember images
- table.insert( images, opts.image )
+ -- internal state variables
+ local _stack_neg = { }
+ local _stack_pos = { }
+ local _longest_name = 0
+ local _has_totals = false
- -- insert provided addition rrd options
- self:_push( { "-t", opts.title or "Unknown title" } )
- self:_push( opts.rrd )
+ -- some convenient aliases
+ local _ti = table.insert
+ local _sf = string.format
- -- construct an array of safe instance names
- local inst_names = { }
- for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
- inst_names[i] = i .."[^A-Za-z0-9%-_]","_")
- end
+ -- local helper: create definitions for min, max, avg and create *_nnl (not null) variable from avg
+ function __def(source)
- -- create DEF statements for each instance, find longest instance name
- local longest_name = 0
- for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
- if > longest_name then
- longest_name =
+ local inst = source.sname
+ local rrd = source.rrd
+ local ds = source.ds
+ if not ds or ds:len() == 0 then ds = "value" end
+ local rv = { _sf( "DEF:%s_avg=%s:%s:AVERAGE", inst, rrd, ds ) }
+ if not rrasingle then
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "DEF:%s_min=%s:%s:MIN", inst, rrd, ds ) )
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "DEF:%s_max=%s:%s:MAX", inst, rrd, ds ) )
- local ds = source.ds or "value"
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "CDEF:%s_nnl=%s_avg,UN,0,%s_avg,IF", inst, inst, inst ) )
- self:_push( "DEF:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_min=" ..source.rrd .. ":" .. ds .. ":MIN" )
- self:_push( "DEF:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_avg=" ..source.rrd .. ":" .. ds .. ":AVERAGE" )
- self:_push( "DEF:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_max=" ..source.rrd .. ":" .. ds .. ":MAX" )
- self:_push( "CDEF:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_nnl=" .. inst_names[i] .. "_avg,UN,0," .. inst_names[i] .. "_avg,IF" )
+ return rv
- -- create CDEF statement for last instance name
- self:_push( "CDEF:" .. inst_names[#inst_names] .. "_stk=" .. inst_names[#inst_names] .. "_nnl" )
- -- create CDEF statements for each instance
- for i, source in ipairs(inst_names) do
- if i > 1 then
- self:_push(
- "CDEF:" ..
- inst_names[1 + #inst_names - i] .. "_stk=" ..
- inst_names[1 + #inst_names - i] .. "_nnl," ..
- inst_names[2 + #inst_names - i] .. "_stk,+"
- )
+ -- local helper: create cdefs depending on source options like flip and overlay
+ function __cdef(source)
+ local rv = { }
+ local prev
+ -- find previous source, choose stack depending on flip state
+ if source.flip then
+ prev = _stack_neg[#_stack_neg]
+ else
+ prev = _stack_pos[#_stack_pos]
- end
- -- create LINE and GPRINT statements for each instance
- for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
+ -- is first source in stack or overlay source: source_stk = source_nnl
+ if not prev or source.overlay then
+ -- create cdef statement
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "CDEF:%s_stk=%s_nnl", source.sname, source.sname ) )
- local legend = string.format(
- "%-" .. longest_name .. "s",
- )
+ -- is subsequent source without overlay: source_stk = source_nnl + previous_stk
+ else
+ -- create cdef statement
+ _ti( rv, _sf(
+ "CDEF:%s_stk=%s_nnl,%s_stk,+", source.sname, source.sname, prev
+ ) )
+ end
- local numfmt = opts.number_format or "%6.1lf"
+ -- create multiply by minus one cdef if flip is enabled
+ if source.flip then
+ -- create cdef statement: source_stk = source_stk * -1
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "CDEF:%s_neg=%s_stk,-1,*", source.sname, source.sname ) )
+ -- push to negative stack if overlay is disabled
+ if not source.overlay then
+ _ti( _stack_neg, source.sname )
+ end
+ -- no flipping, push to positive stack if overlay is disabled
+ elseif not source.overlay then
+ -- push to positive stack
+ _ti( _stack_pos, source.sname )
+ end
+ -- calculate total amount of data if requested
+ if then
+ _ti( rv, _sf(
+ "CDEF:%s_avg_sample=%s_avg,UN,0,%s_avg,IF,sample_len,*",
+ source.sname, source.sname, source.sname
+ ) )
+ _ti( rv, _sf(
+ "CDEF:%s_avg_sum=PREV,UN,0,PREV,IF,%s_avg_sample,+",
+ source.sname, source.sname, source.sname
+ ) )
+ end
+ return rv
+ end
+ -- local helper: create cdefs required for calculating total values
+ function __cdef_totals()
+ if _has_totals then
+ return {
+ _sf( "CDEF:mytime=%s_avg,TIME,TIME,IF", opts.sources[1].sname ),
+ "CDEF:sample_len_raw=mytime,PREV(mytime),-",
+ "CDEF:sample_len=sample_len_raw,UN,0,sample_len_raw,IF"
+ }
+ else
+ return { }
+ end
+ end
+ -- local helper: create line and area statements
+ function __area(source)
local line_color
local area_color
+ local legend
+ local var
- -- find color: try source, then opts.colors; fall back to random color
+ -- find colors: try source, then opts.colors; fall back to random color
if type(source.color) == "string" then
line_color = source.color
area_color = self.colors:from_string( line_color )
@@ -177,13 +235,98 @@ function Graph._generic( self, opts )
-- derive area background color from line color
area_color = self.colors:to_string( self.colors:faded( area_color ) )
+ -- choose source_stk or source_neg variable depending on flip state
+ if source.flip then
+ var = "neg"
+ else
+ var = "stk"
+ end
+ -- create legend
+ legend = _sf( "%-" .. _longest_name .. "s", )
+ -- create area and line1 statement
+ return {
+ _sf( "AREA:%s_%s#%s", source.sname, var, area_color ),
+ _sf( "LINE1:%s_%s#%s:%s", source.sname, var, line_color, legend )
+ }
+ end
- self:_push( "AREA:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_stk#" .. area_color )
- self:_push( "LINE1:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_stk#" .. line_color .. ":" .. legend )
- self:_push( "GPRINT:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_min:MIN:" .. numfmt .. " Min" )
- self:_push( "GPRINT:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_avg:AVERAGE:" .. numfmt .. " Avg" )
- self:_push( "GPRINT:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_max:MAX:" .. numfmt .. " Max" )
- self:_push( "GPRINT:" .. inst_names[i] .. "_avg:LAST:" .. numfmt .. " Last\\l" )
+ -- local helper: create gprint statements
+ function __gprint(source)
+ local rv = { }
+ local numfmt = opts.number_format or "%6.1lf"
+ local totfmt = opts.totals_format or "%5.1lf%s"
+ -- don't include MIN if rrasingle is enabled
+ if not rrasingle then
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "GPRINT:%s_min:MIN:%s Min", source.sname, numfmt ) )
+ end
+ -- always include AVERAGE
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "GPRINT:%s_avg:AVERAGE:%s Avg", source.sname, numfmt ) )
+ -- don't include MAX if rrasingle is enabled
+ if not rrasingle then
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "GPRINT:%s_max:MAX:%s Max", source.sname, numfmt ) )
+ end
+ -- include total count if requested else include LAST
+ if then
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "GPRINT:%s_avg_sum:LAST:(ca. %s Total)", source.sname, totfmt ) )
+ else
+ _ti( rv, _sf( "GPRINT:%s_avg:LAST:%s Last", source.sname, numfmt ) )
+ end
+ -- end label line
+ rv[#rv] = rv[#rv] .. "\\l"
+ return rv
+ end
+ -- remember images
+ _ti( images, opts.image )
+ -- insert provided addition rrd options
+ self:_push( { "-t", opts.title or "Unknown title" } )
+ self:_push( opts.rrd )
+ -- store index and safe instance name within each source object,
+ -- find longest instance name
+ for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
+ if > _longest_name then
+ _longest_name =
+ end
+ if then
+ _has_totals = true
+ end
+ source.index = i
+ source.sname = i .."[^A-Za-z0-9%-_]","_")
+ end
+ -- create DEF statements for each instance, find longest instance name
+ for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
+ self:_push( __def( source ) )
+ end
+ -- create CDEF required for calculating totals
+ self:_push( __cdef_totals() )
+ -- create CDEF statements for each instance in reversed order
+ for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
+ self:_push( __cdef( opts.sources[1 + #opts.sources - i] ) )
+ end
+ -- create LINE1, AREA and GPRINT statements for each instance
+ for i, source in ipairs(opts.sources) do
+ self:_push( __area( source ) )
+ self:_push( __gprint( source ) )
return images
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/netlink.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/netlink.lua
index 3cee6abc00..3960b9c537 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/netlink.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/netlink.lua
@@ -6,63 +6,71 @@ function rrdargs( graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance )
-- diagram names
local dtypes_names = {
+ "Verkehr",
+ "Multicast-Pakete",
- "Verkehr",
-- diagram units
local dtypes_units = {
+ "Bytes/s",
+ "Pakete/s",
"Fehler/s", -- (?)
- "Bytes/s",
-- data source overrides
local dtypes_sources = {
- if_errors = { "rx", "tx" }, -- if_errors has rx and tx
- if_octets = { "rx", "tx" } -- if_octets has rx and tx
+ if_errors = { "tx", "rx" }, -- if_errors has tx and rx
+ if_octets = { "tx", "rx" }, -- if_octets has tx and rx
+ if_packets = { "tx", "rx" }, -- if_packets has tx and rx
+ if_dropped = { "tx", "rx" }, -- if_dopped has tx and rx
-- diagram data types
local dtypes_list = {
- -- diagram 1: combined interface packet statistics
+ -- diagram 1: interface traffic statistics
+ {
+ if_octets = { "" } -- bytes/s
+ },
+ -- diagram 2: combined interface packet statistics
if_dropped = { "" }, -- packets/s
- if_multicast = { "" }, -- packets/s
if_packets = { "" } -- packets/s
- -- diagram 2: interface collision statistics
+ -- diagram 3: multicast count
- if_collisions = { "" } -- collisions/s
+ if_multicast = { "" } -- packets/s
- -- diagram 3: interface error statistics
+ -- diagram 4: interface collision statistics
- if_errors = { "" } -- errors/s (?)
+ if_collisions = { "" } -- collisions/s
- -- diagram 4: interface traffic statistics
+ -- diagram 5: interface error statistics
- if_octets = { "" } -- bytes/s
+ if_errors = { "" } -- errors/s (?)
- -- diagram 5: interface rx error statistics
+ -- diagram 6: interface rx error statistics
if_rx_errors = { -- errors/s
"length", "missed", "over", "crc", "fifo", "frame"
- -- diagram 6: interface tx error statistics
+ -- diagram 7: interface tx error statistics
if_tx_errors = { -- errors/s
"aborted", "carrier", "fifo", "heartbeat", "window"
@@ -75,45 +83,51 @@ function rrdargs( graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance )
-- diagram 1
- if_dropped = "ff0000",
- if_multicast = "0000ff",
- if_packets = "00ff00"
+ if_octets__tx_ = "00ff00",
+ if_octets__rx_ = "0000ff"
-- diagram 2
- if_collisions = "ff0000"
+ if_dropped__tx_ = "ff0000",
+ if_dropped__rx_ = "ff5500",
+ if_packets__tx_ = "00ff00",
+ if_packets__rx_ = "0000ff"
-- diagram 3
- if_errors__tx_ = "ff0000",
- if_errors__rx_ = "ff5500"
+ if_multicast = "0000ff"
-- diagram 4
- if_octets__tx_ = "00ff00",
- if_octets__rx_ = "0000ff"
+ if_collisions = "ff0000"
-- diagram 5
- length = "0000ff",
- missed = "ff5500",
- over = "ff0066",
- crc = "ff0000",
- fifo = "00ff00",
- frame = "ffff00"
+ if_errors__tx_ = "ff0000",
+ if_errors__rx_ = "ff5500"
-- diagram 6
- aborted = "ff0000",
- carrier = "ffff00",
- fifo = "00ff00",
- heartbeat = "0000ff",
- window = "8800ff"
+ length = "0000ff",
+ missed = "ff5500",
+ over = "ff0066",
+ crc = "ff0000",
+ fifo = "00ff00",
+ frame = "ffff00"
+ },
+ -- diagram 7
+ {
+ aborted = "ff0000",
+ carrier = "ffff00",
+ fifo = "00ff00",
+ heartbeat = "0000ff",
+ window = "8800ff"
@@ -141,16 +155,19 @@ function rrdargs( graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance )
-- has override
for i, ds in ipairs(dtypes_sources[dtype]) do
table.insert( opts.sources, {
- ds = ds, -- override
- name = name .. " (" .. ds .. ")",
- rrd = graph:mkrrdpath( host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, inst )
+ ds = ds, -- override
+ name = name .. " (" .. ds .. ")",
+ rrd = graph:mkrrdpath( host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, inst ),
+ flip = ( ds == "rx" ),
+ total = ( ds == "rx" or ds == "tx" )
} )
-- no override, assume single "value" data source
table.insert( opts.sources, {
- name = name,
- rrd = graph:mkrrdpath( host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, inst )
+ name = name,
+ rrd = graph:mkrrdpath( host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, inst ),
+ total = ( name == "if_multicast" )
} )
diff --git a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/wireless.lua b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/wireless.lua
index e315ca5210..708aee3117 100644
--- a/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/wireless.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool/definitions/wireless.lua
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module("luci.statistics.rrdtool.definitions.wireless", package.seeall)
function rrdargs( graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance )
- dtypes = { "signal_power", "signal_noise" }
+ dtypes = { "signal_noise", "signal_power" }
opts = { }
opts.sources = { }
@@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ function rrdargs( graph, host, plugin, plugin_instance )
for i, dtype in ipairs(dtypes) do
opts.sources[i] = {
- name = dtype,
- rrd = graph:mkrrdpath( host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype )
+ name = dtype,
+ rrd = graph:mkrrdpath( host, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype ),
+ overlay = true -- don't summarize values