diff options
authorgVisor bot <>2019-09-13 06:41:23 +0000
committergVisor bot <>2019-09-13 06:41:23 +0000
commite14a0a36cb11bd6adb8b9ee79834eccdbd5ac15e (patch)
parentc65b5a8d44c27127001097108af9032ad6bb4286 (diff)
parenta8834fc555539bd6b0b46936c4a79817812658ff (diff)
Merge release-20190806.1-143-ga8834fc (automated)
19 files changed, 1920 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_state_autogen.go b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_state_autogen.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8dbf80cba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_state_autogen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+// automatically generated by stateify.
+package fdchannel
diff --git a/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..367235be5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/fdchannel/fdchannel_unsafe.go
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// +build aix darwin dragonfly freebsd linux netbsd openbsd solaris
+// Package fdchannel implements passing file descriptors between processes over
+// Unix domain sockets.
+package fdchannel
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "reflect"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "syscall"
+ "unsafe"
+// int32 is the real type of a file descriptor.
+const sizeofInt32 = int(unsafe.Sizeof(int32(0)))
+// NewConnectedSockets returns a pair of file descriptors, owned by the caller,
+// representing connected sockets that may be passed to separate calls to
+// NewEndpoint to create connected Endpoints.
+func NewConnectedSockets() ([2]int, error) {
+ return syscall.Socketpair(syscall.AF_UNIX, syscall.SOCK_SEQPACKET|syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC, 0)
+// Endpoint sends file descriptors to, and receives them from, another
+// connected Endpoint.
+// Endpoint is not copyable or movable by value.
+type Endpoint struct {
+ sockfd int32 // accessed using atomic memory operations
+ msghdr syscall.Msghdr
+ cmsg *syscall.Cmsghdr // followed by sizeofInt32 bytes of data
+// Init must be called on zero-value Endpoints before first use. sockfd must be
+// a blocking AF_UNIX SOCK_SEQPACKET socket.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Init(sockfd int) {
+ // "Datagram sockets in various domains (e.g., the UNIX and Internet
+ // domains) permit zero-length datagrams." - recv(2). Experimentally,
+ // sendmsg+recvmsg for a zero-length datagram is slightly faster than
+ // sendmsg+recvmsg for a single byte over a stream socket.
+ cmsgSlice := make([]byte, syscall.CmsgSpace(sizeofInt32))
+ cmsgReflect := (*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer)(&cmsgSlice))
+ ep.sockfd = int32(sockfd)
+ ep.msghdr.Control = (*byte)((unsafe.Pointer)(cmsgReflect.Data))
+ ep.cmsg = (*syscall.Cmsghdr)((unsafe.Pointer)(cmsgReflect.Data))
+ // ep.msghdr.Controllen and ep.cmsg.* are mutated by recvmsg(2), so they're
+ // set before calling sendmsg/recvmsg.
+// NewEndpoint is a convenience function that returns an initialized Endpoint
+// allocated on the heap.
+func NewEndpoint(sockfd int) *Endpoint {
+ ep := &Endpoint{}
+ ep.Init(sockfd)
+ return ep
+// Destroy releases resources owned by ep. No other Endpoint methods may be
+// called after Destroy.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Destroy() {
+ // These need not use sync/atomic since there must not be any concurrent
+ // calls to Endpoint methods.
+ if ep.sockfd >= 0 {
+ syscall.Close(int(ep.sockfd))
+ ep.sockfd = -1
+ }
+// Shutdown causes concurrent and future calls to ep.SendFD(), ep.RecvFD(), and
+// ep.RecvFDNonblock(), as well as the same calls in the connected Endpoint, to
+// unblock and return errors. It does not wait for concurrent calls to return.
+// Shutdown is the only Endpoint method that may be called concurrently with
+// other methods.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Shutdown() {
+ if sockfd := int(atomic.SwapInt32(&ep.sockfd, -1)); sockfd >= 0 {
+ syscall.Shutdown(sockfd, syscall.SHUT_RDWR)
+ syscall.Close(sockfd)
+ }
+// SendFD sends the open file description represented by the given file
+// descriptor to the connected Endpoint.
+func (ep *Endpoint) SendFD(fd int) error {
+ cmsgLen := syscall.CmsgLen(sizeofInt32)
+ ep.cmsg.Level = syscall.SOL_SOCKET
+ ep.cmsg.Type = syscall.SCM_RIGHTS
+ ep.cmsg.SetLen(cmsgLen)
+ *ep.cmsgData() = int32(fd)
+ ep.msghdr.SetControllen(cmsgLen)
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_SENDMSG, uintptr(atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.sockfd)), uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(&ep.msghdr)), 0)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+// RecvFD receives an open file description from the connected Endpoint and
+// returns a file descriptor representing it, owned by the caller.
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFD() (int, error) {
+ return ep.recvFD(0)
+// RecvFDNonblock receives an open file description from the connected Endpoint
+// and returns a file descriptor representing it, owned by the caller. If there
+// are no pending receivable open file descriptions, RecvFDNonblock returns
+// (<unspecified>, EAGAIN or EWOULDBLOCK).
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFDNonblock() (int, error) {
+ return ep.recvFD(syscall.MSG_DONTWAIT)
+func (ep *Endpoint) recvFD(flags uintptr) (int, error) {
+ cmsgLen := syscall.CmsgLen(sizeofInt32)
+ ep.msghdr.SetControllen(cmsgLen)
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_RECVMSG, uintptr(atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.sockfd)), uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(&ep.msghdr)), flags|syscall.MSG_TRUNC)
+ if e != 0 {
+ return -1, e
+ }
+ if int(ep.msghdr.Controllen) != cmsgLen {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("received control message has incorrect length: got %d, wanted %d", ep.msghdr.Controllen, cmsgLen)
+ }
+ if ep.cmsg.Level != syscall.SOL_SOCKET || ep.cmsg.Type != syscall.SCM_RIGHTS {
+ return -1, fmt.Errorf("received control message has incorrect (level, type): got (%v, %v), wanted (%v, %v)", ep.cmsg.Level, ep.cmsg.Type, syscall.SOL_SOCKET, syscall.SCM_RIGHTS)
+ }
+ return int(*ep.cmsgData()), nil
+func (ep *Endpoint) cmsgData() *int32 {
+ // syscall.CmsgLen(0) == syscall.cmsgAlignOf(syscall.SizeofCmsghdr)
+ return (*int32)((unsafe.Pointer)(uintptr((unsafe.Pointer)(ep.cmsg)) + uintptr(syscall.CmsgLen(0))))
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/ctrl_futex.go b/pkg/flipcall/ctrl_futex.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..8390915a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/ctrl_futex.go
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package flipcall
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ ""
+type endpointControlImpl struct {
+ state int32
+// Bits in endpointControlImpl.state.
+const (
+ epsBlocked = 1 << iota
+ epsShutdown
+func (ep *Endpoint) ctrlInit(opts ...EndpointOption) error {
+ if len(opts) != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("unknown EndpointOption: %T", opts[0])
+ }
+ return nil
+type ctrlHandshakeRequest struct{}
+type ctrlHandshakeResponse struct{}
+func (ep *Endpoint) ctrlConnect() error {
+ if err := ep.enterFutexWait(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err := ep.futexConnect(&ctrlHandshakeRequest{})
+ ep.exitFutexWait()
+ return err
+func (ep *Endpoint) ctrlWaitFirst() error {
+ if err := ep.enterFutexWait(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer ep.exitFutexWait()
+ // Wait for the handshake request.
+ if err := ep.futexSwitchFromPeer(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Read the handshake request.
+ reqLen := atomic.LoadUint32(ep.dataLen())
+ if reqLen > ep.dataCap {
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid handshake request length %d (maximum %d)", reqLen, ep.dataCap)
+ }
+ var req ctrlHandshakeRequest
+ if err := json.NewDecoder(ep.NewReader(reqLen)).Decode(&req); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error reading handshake request: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Write the handshake response.
+ w := ep.NewWriter()
+ if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(ctrlHandshakeResponse{}); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error writing handshake response: %v", err)
+ }
+ *ep.dataLen() = w.Len()
+ // Return control to the client.
+ raceBecomeInactive()
+ if err := ep.futexSwitchToPeer(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // Wait for the first non-handshake message.
+ return ep.futexSwitchFromPeer()
+func (ep *Endpoint) ctrlRoundTrip() error {
+ if err := ep.futexSwitchToPeer(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err := ep.enterFutexWait(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ err := ep.futexSwitchFromPeer()
+ ep.exitFutexWait()
+ return err
+func (ep *Endpoint) ctrlWakeLast() error {
+ return ep.futexSwitchToPeer()
+func (ep *Endpoint) enterFutexWait() error {
+ switch eps := atomic.AddInt32(&ep.ctrl.state, epsBlocked); eps {
+ case epsBlocked:
+ return nil
+ case epsBlocked | epsShutdown:
+ atomic.AddInt32(&ep.ctrl.state, -epsBlocked)
+ return shutdownError{}
+ default:
+ // Most likely due to ep.enterFutexWait() being called concurrently
+ // from multiple goroutines.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid flipcall.Endpoint.ctrl.state before flipcall.Endpoint.enterFutexWait(): %v", eps-epsBlocked))
+ }
+func (ep *Endpoint) exitFutexWait() {
+ switch eps := atomic.AddInt32(&ep.ctrl.state, -epsBlocked); eps {
+ case 0:
+ return
+ case epsShutdown:
+ // ep.ctrlShutdown() was called while we were blocked, so we are
+ // repsonsible for indicating connection shutdown.
+ ep.shutdownConn()
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid flipcall.Endpoint.ctrl.state after flipcall.Endpoint.exitFutexWait(): %v", eps+epsBlocked))
+ }
+func (ep *Endpoint) ctrlShutdown() {
+ // Set epsShutdown to ensure that future calls to ep.enterFutexWait() fail.
+ if atomic.AddInt32(&ep.ctrl.state, epsShutdown)&epsBlocked != 0 {
+ // Wake the blocked thread. This must loop because it's possible that
+ // FUTEX_WAKE occurs after the waiter sets epsBlocked, but before it
+ // blocks in FUTEX_WAIT.
+ for {
+ // Wake MaxInt32 threads to prevent a broken or malicious peer from
+ // swallowing our wakeup by FUTEX_WAITing from multiple threads.
+ if err := ep.futexWakeConnState(math.MaxInt32); err != nil {
+ log.Warningf("failed to FUTEX_WAKE Endpoints: %v", err)
+ break
+ }
+ yieldThread()
+ if atomic.LoadInt32(&ep.ctrl.state)&epsBlocked == 0 {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // There is no blocked thread, so we are responsible for indicating
+ // connection shutdown.
+ ep.shutdownConn()
+ }
+func (ep *Endpoint) shutdownConn() {
+ switch cs := atomic.SwapUint32(ep.connState(), csShutdown); cs {
+ case ep.activeState:
+ if err := ep.futexWakeConnState(1); err != nil {
+ log.Warningf("failed to FUTEX_WAKE peer Endpoint for shutdown: %v", err)
+ }
+ case ep.inactiveState:
+ // The peer is currently active and will detect shutdown when it tries
+ // to update the connection state.
+ case csShutdown:
+ // The peer also called Endpoint.Shutdown().
+ default:
+ log.Warningf("unexpected connection state before Endpoint.shutdownConn(): %v", cs)
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/flipcall.go b/pkg/flipcall/flipcall.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..386cee42c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/flipcall.go
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Package flipcall implements a protocol providing Fast Local Interprocess
+// Procedure Calls between mutually-distrusting processes.
+package flipcall
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "syscall"
+// An Endpoint provides the ability to synchronously transfer data and control
+// to a connected peer Endpoint, which may be in another process.
+// Since the Endpoint control transfer model is synchronous, at any given time
+// one Endpoint "has control" (designated the active Endpoint), and the other
+// is "waiting for control" (designated the inactive Endpoint). Users of the
+// flipcall package designate one Endpoint as the client, which is initially
+// active, and the other as the server, which is initially inactive. See
+// flipcall_example_test.go for usage.
+type Endpoint struct {
+ // packet is a pointer to the beginning of the packet window. (Since this
+ // is a raw OS memory mapping and not a Go object, it does not need to be
+ // represented as an unsafe.Pointer.) packet is immutable.
+ packet uintptr
+ // dataCap is the size of the datagram part of the packet window in bytes.
+ // dataCap is immutable.
+ dataCap uint32
+ // activeState is csClientActive if this is a client Endpoint and
+ // csServerActive if this is a server Endpoint.
+ activeState uint32
+ // inactiveState is csServerActive if this is a client Endpoint and
+ // csClientActive if this is a server Endpoint.
+ inactiveState uint32
+ // shutdown is non-zero if Endpoint.Shutdown() has been called, or if the
+ // Endpoint has acknowledged shutdown initiated by the peer. shutdown is
+ // accessed using atomic memory operations.
+ shutdown uint32
+ ctrl endpointControlImpl
+// EndpointSide indicates which side of a connection an Endpoint belongs to.
+type EndpointSide int
+const (
+ // ClientSide indicates that an Endpoint is a client (initially-active;
+ // first method call should be Connect).
+ ClientSide EndpointSide = iota
+ // ServerSide indicates that an Endpoint is a server (initially-inactive;
+ // first method call should be RecvFirst.)
+ ServerSide
+// Init must be called on zero-value Endpoints before first use. If it
+// succeeds, ep.Destroy() must be called once the Endpoint is no longer in use.
+// pwd represents the packet window used to exchange data with the peer
+// Endpoint. FD may differ between Endpoints if they are in different
+// processes, but must represent the same file. The packet window must
+// initially be filled with zero bytes.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Init(side EndpointSide, pwd PacketWindowDescriptor, opts ...EndpointOption) error {
+ switch side {
+ case ClientSide:
+ ep.activeState = csClientActive
+ ep.inactiveState = csServerActive
+ case ServerSide:
+ ep.activeState = csServerActive
+ ep.inactiveState = csClientActive
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid EndpointSide: %v", side)
+ }
+ if pwd.Length < pageSize {
+ return fmt.Errorf("packet window size (%d) less than minimum (%d)", pwd.Length, pageSize)
+ }
+ if pwd.Length > math.MaxUint32 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("packet window size (%d) exceeds maximum (%d)", pwd.Length, math.MaxUint32)
+ }
+ m, _, e := syscall.RawSyscall6(syscall.SYS_MMAP, 0, uintptr(pwd.Length), syscall.PROT_READ|syscall.PROT_WRITE, syscall.MAP_SHARED, uintptr(pwd.FD), uintptr(pwd.Offset))
+ if e != 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to mmap packet window: %v", e)
+ }
+ ep.packet = m
+ ep.dataCap = uint32(pwd.Length) - uint32(PacketHeaderBytes)
+ if err := ep.ctrlInit(opts...); err != nil {
+ ep.unmapPacket()
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+// NewEndpoint is a convenience function that returns an initialized Endpoint
+// allocated on the heap.
+func NewEndpoint(side EndpointSide, pwd PacketWindowDescriptor, opts ...EndpointOption) (*Endpoint, error) {
+ var ep Endpoint
+ if err := ep.Init(side, pwd, opts...); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &ep, nil
+// An EndpointOption configures an Endpoint.
+type EndpointOption interface {
+ isEndpointOption()
+// Destroy releases resources owned by ep. No other Endpoint methods may be
+// called after Destroy.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Destroy() {
+ ep.unmapPacket()
+func (ep *Endpoint) unmapPacket() {
+ syscall.RawSyscall(syscall.SYS_MUNMAP, ep.packet, uintptr(ep.dataCap)+PacketHeaderBytes, 0)
+ ep.packet = 0
+// Shutdown causes concurrent and future calls to ep.Connect(), ep.SendRecv(),
+// ep.RecvFirst(), and ep.SendLast(), as well as the same calls in the peer
+// Endpoint, to unblock and return errors. It does not wait for concurrent
+// calls to return. Successive calls to Shutdown have no effect.
+// Shutdown is the only Endpoint method that may be called concurrently with
+// other methods on the same Endpoint.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Shutdown() {
+ if atomic.SwapUint32(&ep.shutdown, 1) != 0 {
+ // ep.Shutdown() has previously been called.
+ return
+ }
+ ep.ctrlShutdown()
+// isShutdownLocally returns true if ep.Shutdown() has been called.
+func (ep *Endpoint) isShutdownLocally() bool {
+ return atomic.LoadUint32(&ep.shutdown) != 0
+type shutdownError struct{}
+// Error implements error.Error.
+func (shutdownError) Error() string {
+ return "flipcall connection shutdown"
+// DataCap returns the maximum datagram size supported by ep. Equivalently,
+// DataCap returns len(ep.Data()).
+func (ep *Endpoint) DataCap() uint32 {
+ return ep.dataCap
+// Connection state.
+const (
+ // The client is, by definition, initially active, so this must be 0.
+ csClientActive = 0
+ csServerActive = 1
+ csShutdown = 2
+// Connect blocks until the peer Endpoint has called Endpoint.RecvFirst().
+// Preconditions: ep is a client Endpoint. ep.Connect(), ep.RecvFirst(),
+// ep.SendRecv(), and ep.SendLast() have never been called.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Connect() error {
+ err := ep.ctrlConnect()
+ if err == nil {
+ raceBecomeActive()
+ }
+ return err
+// RecvFirst blocks until the peer Endpoint calls Endpoint.SendRecv(), then
+// returns the datagram length specified by that call.
+// Preconditions: ep is a server Endpoint. ep.SendRecv(), ep.RecvFirst(), and
+// ep.SendLast() have never been called.
+func (ep *Endpoint) RecvFirst() (uint32, error) {
+ if err := ep.ctrlWaitFirst(); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ raceBecomeActive()
+ recvDataLen := atomic.LoadUint32(ep.dataLen())
+ if recvDataLen > ep.dataCap {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("received packet with invalid datagram length %d (maximum %d)", recvDataLen, ep.dataCap)
+ }
+ return recvDataLen, nil
+// SendRecv transfers control to the peer Endpoint, causing its call to
+// Endpoint.SendRecv() or Endpoint.RecvFirst() to return with the given
+// datagram length, then blocks until the peer Endpoint calls
+// Endpoint.SendRecv() or Endpoint.SendLast().
+// Preconditions: dataLen <= ep.DataCap(). No previous call to ep.SendRecv() or
+// ep.RecvFirst() has returned an error. ep.SendLast() has never been called.
+// If ep is a client Endpoint, ep.Connect() has previously been called and
+// returned nil.
+func (ep *Endpoint) SendRecv(dataLen uint32) (uint32, error) {
+ if dataLen > ep.dataCap {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempting to send packet with datagram length %d (maximum %d)", dataLen, ep.dataCap))
+ }
+ // This store can safely be non-atomic: Under correct operation we should
+ // be the only thread writing ep.dataLen(), and ep.ctrlRoundTrip() will
+ // synchronize with the receiver. We will not read from ep.dataLen() until
+ // after ep.ctrlRoundTrip(), so if the peer is mutating it concurrently then
+ // they can only shoot themselves in the foot.
+ *ep.dataLen() = dataLen
+ raceBecomeInactive()
+ if err := ep.ctrlRoundTrip(); err != nil {
+ return 0, err
+ }
+ raceBecomeActive()
+ recvDataLen := atomic.LoadUint32(ep.dataLen())
+ if recvDataLen > ep.dataCap {
+ return 0, fmt.Errorf("received packet with invalid datagram length %d (maximum %d)", recvDataLen, ep.dataCap)
+ }
+ return recvDataLen, nil
+// SendLast causes the peer Endpoint's call to Endpoint.SendRecv() or
+// Endpoint.RecvFirst() to return with the given datagram length.
+// Preconditions: dataLen <= ep.DataCap(). No previous call to ep.SendRecv() or
+// ep.RecvFirst() has returned an error. ep.SendLast() has never been called.
+// If ep is a client Endpoint, ep.Connect() has previously been called and
+// returned nil.
+func (ep *Endpoint) SendLast(dataLen uint32) error {
+ if dataLen > ep.dataCap {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("attempting to send packet with datagram length %d (maximum %d)", dataLen, ep.dataCap))
+ }
+ *ep.dataLen() = dataLen
+ raceBecomeInactive()
+ if err := ep.ctrlWakeLast(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/flipcall_state_autogen.go b/pkg/flipcall/flipcall_state_autogen.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e9371b536
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/flipcall_state_autogen.go
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+// automatically generated by stateify.
+package flipcall
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/flipcall_unsafe.go b/pkg/flipcall/flipcall_unsafe.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a37952637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/flipcall_unsafe.go
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package flipcall
+import (
+ "reflect"
+ "unsafe"
+ ""
+// Packets consist of a 16-byte header followed by an arbitrarily-sized
+// datagram. The header consists of:
+// - A 4-byte native-endian connection state.
+// - A 4-byte native-endian datagram length in bytes.
+// - 8 reserved bytes.
+const (
+ // PacketHeaderBytes is the size of a flipcall packet header in bytes. The
+ // maximum datagram size supported by a flipcall connection is equal to the
+ // length of the packet window minus PacketHeaderBytes.
+ //
+ // PacketHeaderBytes is exported to support its use in constant
+ // expressions. Non-constant expressions may prefer to use
+ // PacketWindowLengthForDataCap().
+ PacketHeaderBytes = 16
+func (ep *Endpoint) connState() *uint32 {
+ return (*uint32)((unsafe.Pointer)(ep.packet))
+func (ep *Endpoint) dataLen() *uint32 {
+ return (*uint32)((unsafe.Pointer)(ep.packet + 4))
+// Data returns the datagram part of ep's packet window as a byte slice.
+// Note that the packet window is shared with the potentially-untrusted peer
+// Endpoint, which may concurrently mutate the contents of the packet window.
+// Thus:
+// - Readers must not assume that two reads of the same byte in Data() will
+// return the same result. In other words, readers should read any given byte
+// in Data() at most once.
+// - Writers must not assume that they will read back the same data that they
+// have written. In other words, writers should avoid reading from Data() at
+// all.
+func (ep *Endpoint) Data() []byte {
+ var bs []byte
+ bsReflect := (*reflect.SliceHeader)((unsafe.Pointer)(&bs))
+ bsReflect.Data = ep.packet + PacketHeaderBytes
+ bsReflect.Len = int(ep.dataCap)
+ bsReflect.Cap = int(ep.dataCap)
+ return bs
+// ioSync is a dummy variable used to indicate synchronization to the Go race
+// detector. Compare syscall.ioSync.
+var ioSync int64
+func raceBecomeActive() {
+ if gvsync.RaceEnabled {
+ gvsync.RaceAcquire((unsafe.Pointer)(&ioSync))
+ }
+func raceBecomeInactive() {
+ if gvsync.RaceEnabled {
+ gvsync.RaceReleaseMerge((unsafe.Pointer)(&ioSync))
+ }
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/futex_linux.go b/pkg/flipcall/futex_linux.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b127a2bbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/futex_linux.go
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// +build linux
+package flipcall
+import (
+ "encoding/json"
+ "fmt"
+ "runtime"
+ "sync/atomic"
+ "syscall"
+ ""
+func (ep *Endpoint) futexConnect(req *ctrlHandshakeRequest) (ctrlHandshakeResponse, error) {
+ var resp ctrlHandshakeResponse
+ // Write the handshake request.
+ w := ep.NewWriter()
+ if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(req); err != nil {
+ return resp, fmt.Errorf("error writing handshake request: %v", err)
+ }
+ *ep.dataLen() = w.Len()
+ // Exchange control with the server.
+ if err := ep.futexSwitchToPeer(); err != nil {
+ return resp, err
+ }
+ if err := ep.futexSwitchFromPeer(); err != nil {
+ return resp, err
+ }
+ // Read the handshake response.
+ respLen := atomic.LoadUint32(ep.dataLen())
+ if respLen > ep.dataCap {
+ return resp, fmt.Errorf("invalid handshake response length %d (maximum %d)", respLen, ep.dataCap)
+ }
+ if err := json.NewDecoder(ep.NewReader(respLen)).Decode(&resp); err != nil {
+ return resp, fmt.Errorf("error reading handshake response: %v", err)
+ }
+ return resp, nil
+func (ep *Endpoint) futexSwitchToPeer() error {
+ // Update connection state to indicate that the peer should be active.
+ if !atomic.CompareAndSwapUint32(ep.connState(), ep.activeState, ep.inactiveState) {
+ switch cs := atomic.LoadUint32(ep.connState()); cs {
+ case csShutdown:
+ return shutdownError{}
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected connection state before FUTEX_WAKE: %v", cs)
+ }
+ }
+ // Wake the peer's Endpoint.futexSwitchFromPeer().
+ if err := ep.futexWakeConnState(1); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to FUTEX_WAKE peer Endpoint: %v", err)
+ }
+ return nil
+func (ep *Endpoint) futexSwitchFromPeer() error {
+ for {
+ switch cs := atomic.LoadUint32(ep.connState()); cs {
+ case ep.activeState:
+ return nil
+ case ep.inactiveState:
+ if ep.isShutdownLocally() {
+ return shutdownError{}
+ }
+ if err := ep.futexWaitConnState(ep.inactiveState); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to FUTEX_WAIT for peer Endpoint: %v", err)
+ }
+ continue
+ case csShutdown:
+ return shutdownError{}
+ default:
+ return fmt.Errorf("unexpected connection state before FUTEX_WAIT: %v", cs)
+ }
+ }
+func (ep *Endpoint) futexWakeConnState(numThreads int32) error {
+ if _, _, e := syscall.RawSyscall(syscall.SYS_FUTEX, ep.packet, linux.FUTEX_WAKE, uintptr(numThreads)); e != 0 {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+func (ep *Endpoint) futexWaitConnState(curState uint32) error {
+ _, _, e := syscall.Syscall6(syscall.SYS_FUTEX, ep.packet, linux.FUTEX_WAIT, uintptr(curState), 0, 0, 0)
+ if e != 0 && e != syscall.EAGAIN && e != syscall.EINTR {
+ return e
+ }
+ return nil
+func yieldThread() {
+ syscall.Syscall(syscall.SYS_SCHED_YIELD, 0, 0, 0)
+ // The thread we're trying to yield to may be waiting for a Go runtime P.
+ // runtime.Gosched() will hand off ours if necessary.
+ runtime.Gosched()
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/io.go b/pkg/flipcall/io.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..85e40b932
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/io.go
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package flipcall
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "io"
+// DatagramReader implements io.Reader by reading a datagram from an Endpoint's
+// packet window. Its use is optional; users that can use Endpoint.Data() more
+// efficiently are advised to do so.
+type DatagramReader struct {
+ ep *Endpoint
+ off uint32
+ end uint32
+// Init must be called on zero-value DatagramReaders before first use.
+// Preconditions: dataLen is 0, or was returned by a previous call to
+// ep.RecvFirst() or ep.SendRecv().
+func (r *DatagramReader) Init(ep *Endpoint, dataLen uint32) {
+ r.ep = ep
+ r.Reset(dataLen)
+// Reset causes r to begin reading a new datagram of the given length from the
+// associated Endpoint.
+// Preconditions: dataLen is 0, or was returned by a previous call to the
+// associated Endpoint's RecvFirst() or SendRecv() methods.
+func (r *DatagramReader) Reset(dataLen uint32) {
+ if dataLen > r.ep.dataCap {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid dataLen (%d) > ep.dataCap (%d)", dataLen, r.ep.dataCap))
+ }
+ = 0
+ r.end = dataLen
+// NewReader is a convenience function that returns an initialized
+// DatagramReader allocated on the heap.
+// Preconditions: dataLen was returned by a previous call to ep.RecvFirst() or
+// ep.SendRecv().
+func (ep *Endpoint) NewReader(dataLen uint32) *DatagramReader {
+ r := &DatagramReader{}
+ r.Init(ep, dataLen)
+ return r
+// Read implements io.Reader.Read.
+func (r *DatagramReader) Read(dst []byte) (int, error) {
+ n := copy(dst, r.ep.Data()[])
+ += uint32(n)
+ if == r.end {
+ return n, io.EOF
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// DatagramWriter implements io.Writer by writing a datagram to an Endpoint's
+// packet window. Its use is optional; users that can use Endpoint.Data() more
+// efficiently are advised to do so.
+type DatagramWriter struct {
+ ep *Endpoint
+ off uint32
+// Init must be called on zero-value DatagramWriters before first use.
+func (w *DatagramWriter) Init(ep *Endpoint) {
+ w.ep = ep
+// Reset causes w to begin writing a new datagram to the associated Endpoint.
+func (w *DatagramWriter) Reset() {
+ = 0
+// NewWriter is a convenience function that returns an initialized
+// DatagramWriter allocated on the heap.
+func (ep *Endpoint) NewWriter() *DatagramWriter {
+ w := &DatagramWriter{}
+ w.Init(ep)
+ return w
+// Write implements io.Writer.Write.
+func (w *DatagramWriter) Write(src []byte) (int, error) {
+ n := copy(w.ep.Data()[], src)
+ += uint32(n)
+ if n != len(src) {
+ return n, fmt.Errorf("datagram would exceed maximum size of %d bytes", w.ep.dataCap)
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// Len returns the length of the written datagram.
+func (w *DatagramWriter) Len() uint32 {
+ return
diff --git a/pkg/flipcall/packet_window_allocator.go b/pkg/flipcall/packet_window_allocator.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ccb918fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/flipcall/packet_window_allocator.go
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package flipcall
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math/bits"
+ "os"
+ "syscall"
+ ""
+ ""
+var (
+ pageSize = os.Getpagesize()
+ pageMask = pageSize - 1
+func init() {
+ if bits.OnesCount(uint(pageSize)) != 1 {
+ // This is depended on by roundUpToPage().
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("system page size (%d) is not a power of 2", pageSize))
+ }
+ if uintptr(pageSize) < PacketHeaderBytes {
+ // This is required since Endpoint.Init() imposes a minimum packet
+ // window size of 1 page.
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("system page size (%d) is less than packet header size (%d)", pageSize, PacketHeaderBytes))
+ }
+// PacketWindowDescriptor represents a packet window, a range of pages in a
+// shared memory file that is used to exchange packets between partner
+// Endpoints.
+type PacketWindowDescriptor struct {
+ // FD is the file descriptor representing the shared memory file.
+ FD int
+ // Offset is the offset into the shared memory file at which the packet
+ // window begins.
+ Offset int64
+ // Length is the size of the packet window in bytes.
+ Length int
+// PacketWindowLengthForDataCap returns the minimum packet window size required
+// to accommodate datagrams of the given size in bytes.
+func PacketWindowLengthForDataCap(dataCap uint32) int {
+ return roundUpToPage(int(dataCap) + int(PacketHeaderBytes))
+func roundUpToPage(x int) int {
+ return (x + pageMask) &^ pageMask
+// A PacketWindowAllocator owns a shared memory file, and allocates packet
+// windows from it.
+type PacketWindowAllocator struct {
+ fd int
+ nextAlloc int64
+ fileSize int64
+// Init must be called on zero-value PacketWindowAllocators before first use.
+// If it succeeds, Destroy() must be called once the PacketWindowAllocator is
+// no longer in use.
+func (pwa *PacketWindowAllocator) Init() error {
+ fd, err := memutil.CreateMemFD("flipcall_packet_windows", linux.MFD_CLOEXEC|linux.MFD_ALLOW_SEALING)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to create memfd: %v", err)
+ }
+ // Apply F_SEAL_SHRINK to prevent either party from causing SIGBUS in the
+ // other by truncating the file, and F_SEAL_SEAL to prevent either party
+ // from applying F_SEAL_GROW or F_SEAL_WRITE.
+ if _, _, e := syscall.RawSyscall(syscall.SYS_FCNTL, uintptr(fd), linux.F_ADD_SEALS, linux.F_SEAL_SHRINK|linux.F_SEAL_SEAL); e != 0 {
+ syscall.Close(fd)
+ return fmt.Errorf("failed to apply memfd seals: %v", e)
+ }
+ pwa.fd = fd
+ return nil
+// NewPacketWindowAllocator is a convenience function that returns an
+// initialized PacketWindowAllocator allocated on the heap.
+func NewPacketWindowAllocator() (*PacketWindowAllocator, error) {
+ var pwa PacketWindowAllocator
+ if err := pwa.Init(); err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ return &pwa, nil
+// Destroy releases resources owned by pwa. This invalidates file descriptors
+// previously returned by pwa.FD() and pwd.Allocate().
+func (pwa *PacketWindowAllocator) Destroy() {
+ syscall.Close(pwa.fd)
+// FD represents the file descriptor of the shared memory file backing pwa.
+func (pwa *PacketWindowAllocator) FD() int {
+ return pwa.fd
+// Allocate allocates a new packet window of at least the given size and
+// returns a PacketWindowDescriptor representing it.
+// Preconditions: size > 0.
+func (pwa *PacketWindowAllocator) Allocate(size int) (PacketWindowDescriptor, error) {
+ if size <= 0 {
+ return PacketWindowDescriptor{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid size: %d", size)
+ }
+ // Page-align size to ensure that pwa.nextAlloc remains page-aligned.
+ size = roundUpToPage(size)
+ if size <= 0 {
+ return PacketWindowDescriptor{}, fmt.Errorf("size %d overflows after rounding up to page size", size)
+ }
+ end := pwa.nextAlloc + int64(size) // overflow checked by ensureFileSize
+ if err := pwa.ensureFileSize(end); err != nil {
+ return PacketWindowDescriptor{}, err
+ }
+ start := pwa.nextAlloc
+ pwa.nextAlloc = end
+ return PacketWindowDescriptor{
+ FD: pwa.fd,
+ Offset: start,
+ Length: size,
+ }, nil
+func (pwa *PacketWindowAllocator) ensureFileSize(min int64) error {
+ if min <= 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("file size would overflow")
+ }
+ if pwa.fileSize >= min {
+ return nil
+ }
+ newSize := 2 * pwa.fileSize
+ if newSize == 0 {
+ newSize = int64(pageSize)
+ }
+ for newSize < min {
+ newNewSize := newSize * 2
+ if newNewSize <= 0 {
+ return fmt.Errorf("file size would overflow")
+ }
+ newSize = newNewSize
+ }
+ if err := syscall.Ftruncate(pwa.fd, newSize); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("ftruncate failed: %v", err)
+ }
+ pwa.fileSize = newSize
+ return nil
diff --git a/pkg/p9/client.go b/pkg/p9/client.go
index 7dc20aeef..123f54e29 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/client.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/client.go
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ import (
+ ""
+ ""
@@ -77,6 +79,45 @@ type Client struct {
// fidPool is the collection of available fids.
fidPool pool
+ // messageSize is the maximum total size of a message.
+ messageSize uint32
+ // payloadSize is the maximum payload size of a read or write.
+ //
+ // For large reads and writes this means that the read or write is
+ // broken up into buffer-size/payloadSize requests.
+ payloadSize uint32
+ // version is the agreed upon version X of 9P2000.L.Google.X.
+ // version 0 implies 9P2000.L.
+ version uint32
+ // sendRecv is the transport function.
+ //
+ // This is determined dynamically based on whether or not the server
+ // supports flipcall channels (preferred as it is faster and more
+ // efficient, and does not require tags).
+ sendRecv func(message, message) error
+ // -- below corresponds to sendRecvChannel --
+ // channelsMu protects channels.
+ channelsMu sync.Mutex
+ // channelsWg is a wait group for active clients.
+ channelsWg sync.WaitGroup
+ // channels are the set of initialized IPCs channels.
+ channels []*channel
+ // inuse is set when the channels are actually in use.
+ //
+ // This is a fixed-size slice, and the entries will be nil when the
+ // corresponding channel is available.
+ inuse []*channel
+ // -- below corresponds to sendRecvLegacy --
// pending is the set of pending messages.
pending map[Tag]*response
pendingMu sync.Mutex
@@ -89,19 +130,6 @@ type Client struct {
// Whoever writes to this channel is permitted to call recv. When
// finished calling recv, this channel should be emptied.
recvr chan bool
- // messageSize is the maximum total size of a message.
- messageSize uint32
- // payloadSize is the maximum payload size of a read or write
- // request. For large reads and writes this means that the
- // read or write is broken up into buffer-size/payloadSize
- // requests.
- payloadSize uint32
- // version is the agreed upon version X of 9P2000.L.Google.X.
- // version 0 implies 9P2000.L.
- version uint32
// NewClient creates a new client. It performs a Tversion exchange with
@@ -138,8 +166,15 @@ func NewClient(socket *unet.Socket, messageSize uint32, version string) (*Client
return nil, ErrBadVersionString
for {
+ // Always exchange the version using the legacy version of the
+ // protocol. If the protocol supports flipcall, then we switch
+ // our sendRecv function to use that functionality. Otherwise,
+ // we stick to sendRecvLegacy.
rversion := Rversion{}
- err := c.sendRecv(&Tversion{Version: versionString(requested), MSize: messageSize}, &rversion)
+ err := c.sendRecvLegacy(&Tversion{
+ Version: versionString(requested),
+ MSize: messageSize,
+ }, &rversion)
// The server told us to try again with a lower version.
if err == syscall.EAGAIN {
@@ -165,9 +200,125 @@ func NewClient(socket *unet.Socket, messageSize uint32, version string) (*Client
c.version = version
+ // Can we switch to use the more advanced channels and create
+ // independent channels for communication? Prefer it if possible.
+ if versionSupportsFlipcall(c.version) {
+ // Attempt to initialize IPC-based communication.
+ for i := 0; i < channelsPerClient; i++ {
+ if err := c.openChannel(i); err != nil {
+ log.Warningf("error opening flipcall channel: %v", err)
+ break // Stop.
+ }
+ }
+ if len(c.channels) >= 1 {
+ // At least one channel created.
+ c.sendRecv = c.sendRecvChannel
+ // If we are using channels for communication, then we must poll
+ // for shutdown events on the main socket. If the socket happens
+ // to shutdown, then we will close the channels as well. This is
+ // necessary because channels can hang forever if the server dies
+ // while we're expecting a response.
+ go // S/R-SAFE: not relevant.
+ } else {
+ // Channel setup failed; fallback.
+ c.sendRecv = c.sendRecvLegacy
+ }
+ } else {
+ // No channels available: use the legacy mechanism.
+ c.sendRecv = c.sendRecvLegacy
+ }
return c, nil
+// watch watches the given socket and calls Close on hang up events.
+// This is intended to be called as a goroutine.
+func (c *Client) watch(socket *unet.Socket) {
+ events := []unix.PollFd{
+ unix.PollFd{
+ Fd: int32(socket.FD()),
+ Events: unix.POLLHUP | unix.POLLRDHUP,
+ },
+ }
+ for {
+ // Wait for a shutdown event.
+ n, err := unix.Ppoll(events, nil, nil)
+ if n == 0 || err == syscall.EAGAIN {
+ continue
+ }
+ break
+ }
+ // Close everything down: this will kick all active clients off any
+ // pending requests. Note that Close must be safe to call concurrently,
+ // and multiple times (see Close below).
+ c.Close()
+// openChannel attempts to open a client channel.
+// Note that this function returns naked errors which should not be propagated
+// directly to a caller. It is expected that the errors will be logged and a
+// fallback path will be used instead.
+func (c *Client) openChannel(id int) error {
+ var (
+ rchannel0 Rchannel
+ rchannel1 Rchannel
+ res = new(channel)
+ )
+ // Open the data channel.
+ if err := c.sendRecvLegacy(&Tchannel{
+ ID: uint32(id),
+ Control: 0,
+ }, &rchannel0); err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error handling Tchannel message: %v", err)
+ }
+ if rchannel0.FilePayload() == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("missing file descriptor on primary channel")
+ }
+ // We don't need to hold this.
+ defer rchannel0.FilePayload().Close()
+ // Open the channel for file descriptors.
+ if err := c.sendRecvLegacy(&Tchannel{
+ ID: uint32(id),
+ Control: 1,
+ }, &rchannel1); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if rchannel1.FilePayload() == nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("missing file descriptor on file descriptor channel")
+ }
+ // Construct the endpoints.
+ res.desc = flipcall.PacketWindowDescriptor{
+ FD: rchannel0.FilePayload().FD(),
+ Offset: int64(rchannel0.Offset),
+ Length: int(rchannel0.Length),
+ }
+ if err :=, res.desc); err != nil {
+ rchannel1.FilePayload().Close()
+ return err
+ }
+ // The fds channel owns the control payload, and it will be closed when
+ // the channel object is closed.
+ res.fds.Init(rchannel1.FilePayload().Release())
+ // Save the channel.
+ c.channelsMu.Lock()
+ defer c.channelsMu.Unlock()
+ c.channels = append(c.channels, res)
+ c.inuse = append(c.inuse, nil)
+ return nil
// handleOne handles a single incoming message.
// This should only be called with the token from recvr. Note that the received
@@ -247,10 +398,10 @@ func (c *Client) waitAndRecv(done chan error) error {
-// sendRecv performs a roundtrip message exchange.
+// sendRecvLegacy performs a roundtrip message exchange.
// This is called by internal functions.
-func (c *Client) sendRecv(t message, r message) error {
+func (c *Client) sendRecvLegacy(t message, r message) error {
tag, ok := c.tagPool.Get()
if !ok {
return ErrOutOfTags
@@ -296,12 +447,107 @@ func (c *Client) sendRecv(t message, r message) error {
return nil
+// sendRecvChannel uses channels to send a message.
+func (c *Client) sendRecvChannel(t message, r message) error {
+ c.channelsMu.Lock()
+ if len(c.channels) == 0 {
+ // No channel available.
+ c.channelsMu.Unlock()
+ return c.sendRecvLegacy(t, r)
+ }
+ // Find the last used channel.
+ //
+ // Note that we must add one to the wait group while holding the
+ // channel mutex, in order for the Wait operation to be race-free
+ // below. The Wait operation shuts down all in use channels and
+ // waits for them to return, but must do so holding the mutex.
+ idx := len(c.channels) - 1
+ ch := c.channels[idx]
+ c.channels = c.channels[:idx]
+ c.inuse[idx] = ch
+ c.channelsWg.Add(1)
+ c.channelsMu.Unlock()
+ // Ensure that it's connected.
+ if !ch.connected {
+ ch.connected = true
+ if err :=; err != nil {
+ // The channel is unusable, so don't return it.
+ ch.Close()
+ c.channelsWg.Done()
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Send the message.
+ err := ch.sendRecv(c, t, r)
+ if err != nil {
+ // On shutdown, we'll see ENOENT. This is a normal situation, and
+ // we shouldn't generate a spurious warning message in that case.
+ log.Debugf("error calling sendRecvChannel: %v", err)
+ }
+ c.channelsWg.Done()
+ // Return the channel.
+ //
+ // Note that we check the channel from the inuse slice here. This
+ // prevents a race where Close is called, which clears inuse, and
+ // means that we will not actually return the closed channel.
+ c.channelsMu.Lock()
+ if c.inuse[idx] != nil {
+ c.channels = append(c.channels, ch)
+ c.inuse[idx] = nil
+ }
+ c.channelsMu.Unlock()
+ return err
// Version returns the negotiated 9P2000.L.Google version number.
func (c *Client) Version() uint32 {
return c.version
-// Close closes the underlying socket.
+// Close closes the underlying socket and channels.
+// Because Close may be called asynchronously from watch, it must be
+// safe to call concurrently and multiple times.
func (c *Client) Close() error {
+ c.channelsMu.Lock()
+ defer c.channelsMu.Unlock()
+ // Close all inactive channels.
+ for _, ch := range c.channels {
+ ch.Shutdown()
+ ch.Close()
+ }
+ // Close all active channels.
+ for _, ch := range c.inuse {
+ if ch != nil {
+ log.Debugf("shutting down active channel@%p...", ch)
+ ch.Shutdown()
+ }
+ }
+ // Wait for active users.
+ c.channelsWg.Wait()
+ // Close all previously active channels.
+ for i, ch := range c.inuse {
+ if ch != nil {
+ ch.Close()
+ // Clear the inuse entry here so that it will not be returned
+ // to the channel slice, which is cleared below. See the
+ // comment at the end of sendRecvChannel.
+ c.inuse[i] = nil
+ }
+ }
+ c.channels = nil // Prevent use again.
+ // Close the main socket. Note that operation is safe to be called
+ // multiple times, unlikely the channel Close operations above, which
+ // we are careful to ensure aren't called twice.
return c.socket.Close()
diff --git a/pkg/p9/handlers.go b/pkg/p9/handlers.go
index 999b4f684..ba9a55d6d 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/handlers.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/handlers.go
@@ -305,7 +305,9 @@ func (t *Tlopen) handle(cs *connState) message {
ref.opened = true
ref.openFlags = t.Flags
- return &Rlopen{QID: qid, IoUnit: ioUnit, File: osFile}
+ rlopen := &Rlopen{QID: qid, IoUnit: ioUnit}
+ rlopen.SetFilePayload(osFile)
+ return rlopen
func (t *Tlcreate) do(cs *connState, uid UID) (*Rlcreate, error) {
@@ -364,7 +366,9 @@ func (t *Tlcreate) do(cs *connState, uid UID) (*Rlcreate, error) {
// Replace the FID reference.
cs.InsertFID(t.FID, newRef)
- return &Rlcreate{Rlopen: Rlopen{QID: qid, IoUnit: ioUnit, File: osFile}}, nil
+ rlcreate := &Rlcreate{Rlopen: Rlopen{QID: qid, IoUnit: ioUnit}}
+ rlcreate.SetFilePayload(osFile)
+ return rlcreate, nil
// handle implements handler.handle.
@@ -1287,5 +1291,48 @@ func (t *Tlconnect) handle(cs *connState) message {
return newErr(err)
- return &Rlconnect{File: osFile}
+ rlconnect := &Rlconnect{}
+ rlconnect.SetFilePayload(osFile)
+ return rlconnect
+// handle implements handler.handle.
+func (t *Tchannel) handle(cs *connState) message {
+ // Ensure that channels are enabled.
+ if err := cs.initializeChannels(); err != nil {
+ return newErr(err)
+ }
+ // Lookup the given channel.
+ ch := cs.lookupChannel(t.ID)
+ if ch == nil {
+ return newErr(syscall.ENOSYS)
+ }
+ // Return the payload. Note that we need to duplicate the file
+ // descriptor for the channel allocator, because sending is a
+ // destructive operation between sendRecvLegacy (and now the newer
+ // channel send operations). Same goes for the client FD.
+ rchannel := &Rchannel{
+ Offset: uint64(ch.desc.Offset),
+ Length: uint64(ch.desc.Length),
+ }
+ switch t.Control {
+ case 0:
+ // Open the main data channel.
+ mfd, err := syscall.Dup(int(cs.channelAlloc.FD()))
+ if err != nil {
+ return newErr(err)
+ }
+ rchannel.SetFilePayload(fd.New(mfd))
+ case 1:
+ cfd, err := syscall.Dup(ch.client.FD())
+ if err != nil {
+ return newErr(err)
+ }
+ rchannel.SetFilePayload(fd.New(cfd))
+ default:
+ return newErr(syscall.EINVAL)
+ }
+ return rchannel
diff --git a/pkg/p9/messages.go b/pkg/p9/messages.go
index fd9eb1c5d..ffdd7e8c6 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/messages.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/messages.go
@@ -64,6 +64,21 @@ type filer interface {
+// filePayload embeds a File object.
+type filePayload struct {
+ File *fd.FD
+// FilePayload returns the file payload.
+func (f *filePayload) FilePayload() *fd.FD {
+ return f.File
+// SetFilePayload sets the received file.
+func (f *filePayload) SetFilePayload(file *fd.FD) {
+ f.File = file
// Tversion is a version request.
type Tversion struct {
// MSize is the message size to use.
@@ -524,10 +539,7 @@ type Rlopen struct {
// IoUnit is the recommended I/O unit.
IoUnit uint32
- // File may be attached via the socket.
- //
- // This is an extension specific to this package.
- File *fd.FD
+ filePayload
// Decode implements encoder.Decode.
@@ -547,16 +559,6 @@ func (*Rlopen) Type() MsgType {
return MsgRlopen
-// FilePayload returns the file payload.
-func (r *Rlopen) FilePayload() *fd.FD {
- return r.File
-// SetFilePayload sets the received file.
-func (r *Rlopen) SetFilePayload(file *fd.FD) {
- r.File = file
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (r *Rlopen) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("Rlopen{QID: %s, IoUnit: %d, File: %v}", r.QID, r.IoUnit, r.File)
@@ -2171,8 +2173,7 @@ func (t *Tlconnect) String() string {
// Rlconnect is a connect response.
type Rlconnect struct {
- // File is a host socket.
- File *fd.FD
+ filePayload
// Decode implements encoder.Decode.
@@ -2186,19 +2187,71 @@ func (*Rlconnect) Type() MsgType {
return MsgRlconnect
-// FilePayload returns the file payload.
-func (r *Rlconnect) FilePayload() *fd.FD {
- return r.File
+// String implements fmt.Stringer.
+func (r *Rlconnect) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Rlconnect{File: %v}", r.File)
-// SetFilePayload sets the received file.
-func (r *Rlconnect) SetFilePayload(file *fd.FD) {
- r.File = file
+// Tchannel creates a new channel.
+type Tchannel struct {
+ // ID is the channel ID.
+ ID uint32
+ // Control is 0 if the Rchannel response should provide the flipcall
+ // component of the channel, and 1 if the Rchannel response should
+ // provide the fdchannel component of the channel.
+ Control uint32
+// Decode implements encoder.Decode.
+func (t *Tchannel) Decode(b *buffer) {
+ t.ID = b.Read32()
+ t.Control = b.Read32()
+// Encode implements encoder.Encode.
+func (t *Tchannel) Encode(b *buffer) {
+ b.Write32(t.ID)
+ b.Write32(t.Control)
+// Type implements message.Type.
+func (*Tchannel) Type() MsgType {
+ return MsgTchannel
// String implements fmt.Stringer.
-func (r *Rlconnect) String() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("Rlconnect{File: %v}", r.File)
+func (t *Tchannel) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Tchannel{ID: %d, Control: %d}", t.ID, t.Control)
+// Rchannel is the channel response.
+type Rchannel struct {
+ Offset uint64
+ Length uint64
+ filePayload
+// Decode implements encoder.Decode.
+func (r *Rchannel) Decode(b *buffer) {
+ r.Offset = b.Read64()
+ r.Length = b.Read64()
+// Encode implements encoder.Encode.
+func (r *Rchannel) Encode(b *buffer) {
+ b.Write64(r.Offset)
+ b.Write64(r.Length)
+// Type implements message.Type.
+func (*Rchannel) Type() MsgType {
+ return MsgRchannel
+// String implements fmt.Stringer.
+func (r *Rchannel) String() string {
+ return fmt.Sprintf("Rchannel{Offset: %d, Length: %d}", r.Offset, r.Length)
const maxCacheSize = 3
@@ -2356,4 +2409,6 @@ func init() {
msgRegistry.register(MsgRlconnect, func() message { return &Rlconnect{} })
msgRegistry.register(MsgTallocate, func() message { return &Tallocate{} })
msgRegistry.register(MsgRallocate, func() message { return &Rallocate{} })
+ msgRegistry.register(MsgTchannel, func() message { return &Tchannel{} })
+ msgRegistry.register(MsgRchannel, func() message { return &Rchannel{} })
diff --git a/pkg/p9/p9.go b/pkg/p9/p9.go
index e12831dbd..25530adca 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/p9.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/p9.go
@@ -378,6 +378,8 @@ const (
MsgRlconnect = 137
MsgTallocate = 138
MsgRallocate = 139
+ MsgTchannel = 250
+ MsgRchannel = 251
// QIDType represents the file type for QIDs.
diff --git a/pkg/p9/server.go b/pkg/p9/server.go
index b294efbb0..69c886a5d 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/server.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/server.go
@@ -21,6 +21,9 @@ import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
@@ -45,7 +48,6 @@ type Server struct {
// NewServer returns a new server.
func NewServer(attacher Attacher) *Server {
return &Server{
attacher: attacher,
@@ -85,6 +87,8 @@ type connState struct {
// version 0 implies 9P2000.L.
version uint32
+ // -- below relates to the legacy handler --
// recvOkay indicates that a receive may start.
recvOkay chan bool
@@ -93,6 +97,20 @@ type connState struct {
// sendDone is signalled when a send is finished.
sendDone chan error
+ // -- below relates to the flipcall handler --
+ // channelMu protects below.
+ channelMu sync.Mutex
+ // channelWg represents active workers.
+ channelWg sync.WaitGroup
+ // channelAlloc allocates channel memory.
+ channelAlloc *flipcall.PacketWindowAllocator
+ // channels are the set of initialized channels.
+ channels []*channel
// fidRef wraps a node and tracks references.
@@ -386,6 +404,99 @@ func (cs *connState) WaitTag(t Tag) {
+// initializeChannels initializes all channels.
+// This is a no-op if channels are already initialized.
+func (cs *connState) initializeChannels() (err error) {
+ cs.channelMu.Lock()
+ defer cs.channelMu.Unlock()
+ // Initialize our channel allocator.
+ if cs.channelAlloc == nil {
+ alloc, err := flipcall.NewPacketWindowAllocator()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ cs.channelAlloc = alloc
+ }
+ // Create all the channels.
+ for len(cs.channels) < channelsPerClient {
+ res := &channel{
+ done: make(chan struct{}),
+ }
+ res.desc, err = cs.channelAlloc.Allocate(channelSize)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if err :=, res.desc); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ socks, err := fdchannel.NewConnectedSockets()
+ if err != nil {
+ // Cleanup.
+ return err
+ }
+ res.fds.Init(socks[0])
+ res.client = fd.New(socks[1])
+ cs.channels = append(cs.channels, res)
+ // Start servicing the channel.
+ //
+ // When we call stop, we will close all the channels and these
+ // routines should finish. We need the wait group to ensure
+ // that active handlers are actually finished before cleanup.
+ cs.channelWg.Add(1)
+ go func() { // S/R-SAFE: Server side.
+ defer cs.channelWg.Done()
+ res.service(cs)
+ }()
+ }
+ return nil
+// lookupChannel looks up the channel with given id.
+// The function returns nil if no such channel is available.
+func (cs *connState) lookupChannel(id uint32) *channel {
+ cs.channelMu.Lock()
+ defer cs.channelMu.Unlock()
+ if id >= uint32(len(cs.channels)) {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return cs.channels[id]
+// handle handles a single message.
+func (cs *connState) handle(m message) (r message) {
+ defer func() {
+ if r == nil {
+ // Don't allow a panic to propagate.
+ recover()
+ // Include a useful log message.
+ log.Warningf("panic in handler: %s", debug.Stack())
+ // Wrap in an EFAULT error; we don't really have a
+ // better way to describe this kind of error. It will
+ // usually manifest as a result of the test framework.
+ r = newErr(syscall.EFAULT)
+ }
+ }()
+ if handler, ok := m.(handler); ok {
+ // Call the message handler.
+ r = handler.handle(cs)
+ } else {
+ // Produce an ENOSYS error.
+ r = newErr(syscall.ENOSYS)
+ }
+ return
// handleRequest handles a single request.
// The recvDone channel is signaled when recv is done (with a error if
@@ -428,41 +539,20 @@ func (cs *connState) handleRequest() {
// Handle the message.
- var r message // r is the response.
- defer func() {
- if r == nil {
- // Don't allow a panic to propagate.
- recover()
+ r := cs.handle(m)
- // Include a useful log message.
- log.Warningf("panic in handler: %s", debug.Stack())
+ // Clear the tag before sending. That's because as soon as this hits
+ // the wire, the client can legally send the same tag.
+ cs.ClearTag(tag)
- // Wrap in an EFAULT error; we don't really have a
- // better way to describe this kind of error. It will
- // usually manifest as a result of the test framework.
- r = newErr(syscall.EFAULT)
- }
+ // Send back the result.
+ cs.sendMu.Lock()
+ err = send(cs.conn, tag, r)
+ cs.sendMu.Unlock()
+ cs.sendDone <- err
- // Clear the tag before sending. That's because as soon as this
- // hits the wire, the client can legally send another message
- // with the same tag.
- cs.ClearTag(tag)
- // Send back the result.
- cs.sendMu.Lock()
- err = send(cs.conn, tag, r)
- cs.sendMu.Unlock()
- cs.sendDone <- err
- }()
- if handler, ok := m.(handler); ok {
- // Call the message handler.
- r = handler.handle(cs)
- } else {
- // Produce an ENOSYS error.
- r = newErr(syscall.ENOSYS)
- }
+ // Return the message to the cache.
- m = nil // 'm' should not be touched after this point.
func (cs *connState) handleRequests() {
@@ -477,7 +567,27 @@ func (cs *connState) stop() {
- for _, fidRef := range cs.fids {
+ // Free the channels.
+ cs.channelMu.Lock()
+ for _, ch := range cs.channels {
+ ch.Shutdown()
+ }
+ cs.channelWg.Wait()
+ for _, ch := range cs.channels {
+ ch.Close()
+ }
+ cs.channels = nil // Clear.
+ cs.channelMu.Unlock()
+ // Free the channel memory.
+ if cs.channelAlloc != nil {
+ cs.channelAlloc.Destroy()
+ }
+ // Close all remaining fids.
+ for fid, fidRef := range cs.fids {
+ delete(cs.fids, fid)
// Drop final reference in the FID table. Note this should
// always close the file, since we've ensured that there are no
// handlers running via the wait for Pending => 0 below.
@@ -510,7 +620,7 @@ func (cs *connState) service() error {
for i := 0; i < pending; i++ {
- return err
+ return nil
// This handler is now pending.
diff --git a/pkg/p9/transport.go b/pkg/p9/transport.go
index 5648df589..6e8b4bbcd 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/transport.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/transport.go
@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ const (
headerLength uint32 = 7
// maximumLength is the largest possible message.
- maximumLength uint32 = 4 * 1024 * 1024
+ maximumLength uint32 = 1 << 20
+ // DefaultMessageSize is a sensible default.
+ DefaultMessageSize uint32 = 64 << 10
// initialBufferLength is the initial data buffer we allocate.
initialBufferLength uint32 = 64
diff --git a/pkg/p9/transport_flipcall.go b/pkg/p9/transport_flipcall.go
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..aebb54959
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkg/p9/transport_flipcall.go
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+// Copyright 2019 The gVisor Authors.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package p9
+import (
+ "runtime"
+ "syscall"
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+// channelsPerClient is the number of channels to create per client.
+// While the client and server will generally agree on this number, in reality
+// it's completely up to the server. We simply define a minimum of 2, and a
+// maximum of 4, and select the number of available processes as a tie-breaker.
+// Note that we don't want the number of channels to be too large, because each
+// will account for channelSize memory used, which can be large.
+var channelsPerClient = func() int {
+ n := runtime.NumCPU()
+ if n < 2 {
+ return 2
+ }
+ if n > 4 {
+ return 4
+ }
+ return n
+// channelSize is the channel size to create.
+// We simply ensure that this is larger than the largest possible message size,
+// plus the flipcall packet header, plus the two bytes we write below.
+const channelSize = int(2 + flipcall.PacketHeaderBytes + 2 + maximumLength)
+// channel is a fast IPC channel.
+// The same object is used by both the server and client implementations. In
+// general, the client will use only the send and recv methods.
+type channel struct {
+ desc flipcall.PacketWindowDescriptor
+ data flipcall.Endpoint
+ fds fdchannel.Endpoint
+ buf buffer
+ // -- client only --
+ connected bool
+ // -- server only --
+ client *fd.FD
+ done chan struct{}
+// reset resets the channel buffer.
+func (ch *channel) reset(sz uint32) {
+ =[:sz]
+// service services the channel.
+func (ch *channel) service(cs *connState) error {
+ rsz, err :=
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for rsz > 0 {
+ m, err := ch.recv(nil, rsz)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ r := cs.handle(m)
+ msgRegistry.put(m)
+ rsz, err = ch.send(r)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil // Done.
+// Shutdown shuts down the channel.
+// This must be called before Close.
+func (ch *channel) Shutdown() {
+// Close closes the channel.
+// This must only be called once, and cannot return an error. Note that
+// synchronization for this method is provided at a high-level, depending on
+// whether it is the client or server. This cannot be called while there are
+// active callers in either service or sendRecv.
+// Precondition: the channel should be shutdown.
+func (ch *channel) Close() error {
+ // Close all backing transports.
+ ch.fds.Destroy()
+ if ch.client != nil {
+ ch.client.Close()
+ }
+ return nil
+// send sends the given message.
+// The return value is the size of the received response. Not that in the
+// server case, this is the size of the next request.
+func (ch *channel) send(m message) (uint32, error) {
+ if log.IsLogging(log.Debug) {
+ log.Debugf("send [channel @%p] %s", ch, m.String())
+ }
+ // Send any file payload.
+ sentFD := false
+ if filer, ok := m.(filer); ok {
+ if f := filer.FilePayload(); f != nil {
+ if err := ch.fds.SendFD(f.FD()); err != nil {
+ return 0, syscall.EIO // Map everything to EIO.
+ }
+ f.Close() // Per sendRecvLegacy.
+ sentFD = true // To mark below.
+ }
+ }
+ // Encode the message.
+ //
+ // Note that IPC itself encodes the length of messages, so we don't
+ // need to encode a standard 9P header. We write only the message type.
+ ch.reset(0)
+ ch.buf.WriteMsgType(m.Type())
+ if sentFD {
+ ch.buf.Write8(1) // Incoming FD.
+ } else {
+ ch.buf.Write8(0) // No incoming FD.
+ }
+ m.Encode(&ch.buf)
+ ssz := uint32(len( // Updated below.
+ // Is there a payload?
+ if payloader, ok := m.(payloader); ok {
+ p := payloader.Payload()
+ copy([ssz:], p)
+ ssz += uint32(len(p))
+ }
+ // Perform the one-shot communication.
+ n, err :=
+ if err != nil {
+ if n > 0 {
+ return n, nil
+ }
+ return 0, syscall.EIO // See above.
+ }
+ return n, nil
+// recv decodes a message that exists on the channel.
+// If the passed r is non-nil, then the type must match or an error will be
+// generated. If the passed r is nil, then a new message will be created and
+// returned.
+func (ch *channel) recv(r message, rsz uint32) (message, error) {
+ // Decode the response from the inline buffer.
+ ch.reset(rsz)
+ t := ch.buf.ReadMsgType()
+ hasFD := ch.buf.Read8() != 0
+ if t == MsgRlerror {
+ // Change the message type. We check for this special case
+ // after decoding below, and transform into an error.
+ r = &Rlerror{}
+ } else if r == nil {
+ nr, err := msgRegistry.get(0, t)
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ r = nr // New message.
+ } else if t != r.Type() {
+ // Not an error and not the expected response; propagate.
+ return nil, &ErrBadResponse{Got: t, Want: r.Type()}
+ }
+ // Is there a payload? Set to the latter portion.
+ if payloader, ok := r.(payloader); ok {
+ fs := payloader.FixedSize()
+ payloader.SetPayload([fs:])
+ =[:fs]
+ }
+ r.Decode(&ch.buf)
+ if ch.buf.isOverrun() {
+ // Nothing valid was available.
+ log.Debugf("recv [got %d bytes, needed more]", rsz)
+ return nil, ErrNoValidMessage
+ }
+ // Read any FD result.
+ if hasFD {
+ if rfd, err := ch.fds.RecvFDNonblock(); err == nil {
+ f := fd.New(rfd)
+ if filer, ok := r.(filer); ok {
+ // Set the payload.
+ filer.SetFilePayload(f)
+ } else {
+ // Don't want the FD.
+ f.Close()
+ }
+ } else {
+ // The header bit was set but nothing came in.
+ log.Warningf("expected FD, got err: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ // Log a message.
+ if log.IsLogging(log.Debug) {
+ log.Debugf("recv [channel @%p] %s", ch, r.String())
+ }
+ // Convert errors appropriately; see above.
+ if rlerr, ok := r.(*Rlerror); ok {
+ return nil, syscall.Errno(rlerr.Error)
+ }
+ return r, nil
+// sendRecv sends the given message over the channel.
+// This is used by the client.
+func (ch *channel) sendRecv(c *Client, m, r message) error {
+ rsz, err := ch.send(m)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ _, err = ch.recv(r, rsz)
+ return err
diff --git a/pkg/p9/version.go b/pkg/p9/version.go
index c2a2885ae..f1ffdd23a 100644
--- a/pkg/p9/version.go
+++ b/pkg/p9/version.go
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ const (
// Clients are expected to start requesting this version number and
// to continuously decrement it until a Tversion request succeeds.
- highestSupportedVersion uint32 = 7
+ highestSupportedVersion uint32 = 8
// lowestSupportedVersion is the lowest supported version X in a
// version string of the format 9P2000.L.Google.X.
@@ -148,3 +148,10 @@ func VersionSupportsMultiUser(v uint32) bool {
func versionSupportsTallocate(v uint32) bool {
return v >= 7
+// versionSupportsFlipcall returns true if version v supports IPC channels from
+// the flipcall package. Note that these must be negotiated, but this version
+// string indicates that such a facility exists.
+func versionSupportsFlipcall(v uint32) bool {
+ return v >= 8
diff --git a/runsc/boot/filter/config.go b/runsc/boot/filter/config.go
index 7ca776b3a..a2ecc6bcb 100644
--- a/runsc/boot/filter/config.go
+++ b/runsc/boot/filter/config.go
@@ -88,14 +88,24 @@ var allowedSyscalls = seccomp.SyscallRules{
seccomp.AllowValue(linux.FUTEX_WAIT | linux.FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG),
- seccomp.AllowValue(0),
seccomp.AllowValue(linux.FUTEX_WAKE | linux.FUTEX_PRIVATE_FLAG),
+ },
+ // Non-private variants are included for flipcall support. They are otherwise
+ // unncessary, as the sentry will use only private futexes internally.
+ {
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowValue(linux.FUTEX_WAIT),
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ },
+ {
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowValue(linux.FUTEX_WAKE),
- seccomp.AllowValue(0),
syscall.SYS_GETPID: {},
diff --git a/runsc/fsgofer/filter/config.go b/runsc/fsgofer/filter/config.go
index 8ddfa77d6..2f3f2039a 100644
--- a/runsc/fsgofer/filter/config.go
+++ b/runsc/fsgofer/filter/config.go
@@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ var allowedSyscalls = seccomp.SyscallRules{
+ // Used by flipcall.PacketWindowAllocator.Init().
+ {
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowValue(unix.F_ADD_SEALS),
+ },
syscall.SYS_FSTAT: {},
syscall.SYS_FSTATFS: {},
@@ -103,6 +108,19 @@ var allowedSyscalls = seccomp.SyscallRules{
+ // Non-private futex used for flipcall.
+ seccomp.Rule{
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowValue(linux.FUTEX_WAIT),
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ },
+ seccomp.Rule{
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowValue(linux.FUTEX_WAKE),
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ },
syscall.SYS_GETDENTS64: {},
syscall.SYS_GETPID: {},
@@ -112,6 +130,7 @@ var allowedSyscalls = seccomp.SyscallRules{
syscall.SYS_LINKAT: {},
syscall.SYS_LSEEK: {},
syscall.SYS_MADVISE: {},
+ unix.SYS_MEMFD_CREATE: {}, /// Used by flipcall.PacketWindowAllocator.Init().
syscall.SYS_MKDIRAT: {},
syscall.SYS_MMAP: []seccomp.Rule{
@@ -160,6 +179,13 @@ var allowedSyscalls = seccomp.SyscallRules{
syscall.SYS_SCHED_YIELD: {},
syscall.SYS_SENDMSG: []seccomp.Rule{
+ // Used by fdchannel.Endpoint.SendFD().
+ {
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowAny{},
+ seccomp.AllowValue(0),
+ },
+ // Used by unet.SocketWriter.WriteVec().
@@ -170,7 +196,15 @@ var allowedSyscalls = seccomp.SyscallRules{
{seccomp.AllowAny{}, seccomp.AllowValue(syscall.SHUT_RDWR)},
syscall.SYS_SIGALTSTACK: {},
- syscall.SYS_SYMLINKAT: {},
+ // Used by fdchannel.NewConnectedSockets().
+ syscall.SYS_SOCKETPAIR: {
+ {
+ seccomp.AllowValue(syscall.AF_UNIX),
+ seccomp.AllowValue(syscall.SOCK_SEQPACKET | syscall.SOCK_CLOEXEC),
+ seccomp.AllowValue(0),
+ },
+ },
+ syscall.SYS_SYMLINKAT: {},
syscall.SYS_TGKILL: []seccomp.Rule{