path: root/table/path.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-10-24policy: modify path.GetAsSeqList() to insert 0 for non-seq-as-elemsISHIDA Wataru
2015-10-20policy: clean upISHIDA Wataru
2015-10-20table: fix to handle doReplace flagISHIDA Wataru
2015-10-20table: remove unnecessary type castingISHIDA Wataru
2015-10-07policy: fix bug of export neighbor condition matchingISHIDA Wataru
2015-10-02cli: add command to show accepted/rejected routesISHIDA Wataru
2015-10-01path: distinguish aspath set from aspath seqISHIDA Wataru
2015-09-20api: rename package/service name to gobgpapiISHIDA Wataru
2015-09-16table: fix bug of updating cluster-list path attributeISHIDA Wataru
2015-09-16table: use explicitly specified nexthop for iBGP if existsISHIDA Wataru
2015-09-10table: add string method for easier debuggingISHIDA Wataru
2015-09-08*: kill bgp.NLRInfo and bgp.WithdrawnRouteISHIDA Wataru
2015-09-01zebra: distribute routes from zebraHiroshi Yokoi
2015-08-31server: support route reflector behaviorISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-27api: add route family field to struct PathISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-19scenario_test: add ext-community action testHiroshi Yokoi
2015-08-19table: fix best path selection which considers local asnISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-13policy: support adding extCommunity actionFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-12support rpki validationFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-09policy: make AS Path match regular expression work as quagga and ciscoFUJITA Tomonori
2015-08-08*: kill protobuf path structureISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05path: return Extendedcommunityinterface rathar than interface{}ISHIDA Wataru
2015-08-05config: change the structure of Neighbor.RouteServer as the Neighbor.RouteRef...Naoto Hanaue
2015-08-03mrt: merge gomrt to gobgp cli commandISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-31config: use the latest openconfig yangHiroshi Yokoi
2015-07-22mrt: support mrt dumpISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-13server/table: support iBGP behaviorISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-13table: iBGP support in PrependAsn()ISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-11policy: support extended community conditionNaoto Hanaue
2015-07-11policy: support aspath prepend actionHiroshi Yokoi
2015-07-03server: bug fix of extra as-path prependingISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-03server: update path attrs when sending update msg outISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-01table: check paths' equivalence deeperISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-01table: simplify Path.getPathAttr()ISHIDA Wataru
2015-07-01table: refactor Path/Destination/Table structISHIDA Wataru
2015-06-26policy: add unit test for med action and bug fixNaoto Hanaue
2015-06-26policy: support med actionNaoto Hanaue
2015-06-23table: add Equal() method to compare PeerInfoISHIDA Wataru
2015-06-02path: stop checking AS length in the AS4_PATH attributeHiroshi Yokoi
2015-06-02packet: return aspath length based on the segment type.Hiroshi Yokoi
2015-05-21policy: support community actionHiroshi Yokoi
2015-05-19policy: support community conditionHiroshi Yokoi
2015-05-19policy: support aspath conditionHiroshi Yokoi
2015-05-14server: don't path information if path include the same AS numberFUJITA Tomonori
2015-05-01table: add support for route target constraint nlriISHIDA Wataru
2015-05-01table: use embededded PathDefault.Clone() methodISHIDA Wataru
2015-04-30policy: add AsPathLength matchHiroshi Yokoi
2015-04-27table: add AS loop detectionISHIDA Wataru
2015-04-25table: add support for encapsulation nlriISHIDA Wataru
2015-04-23path: use MarshalJSON() declared in PathDefaultHiroshi Yokoi