path: root/api/grpc_server.go
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-05-15bgp: Advertise IPv4 routes with IPv6 Next HopIWASE Yusuke
2017-05-10*: support replace-peer-as (aka as-override)Wataru Ishida
2017-05-10*: support remove private asWataru Ishida
2017-05-09server: ignore routes when local AS is in AS_PATHISHIDA Wataru
2017-05-09api: fix api/server struct conversionWataru Ishida
2017-05-06cli: speed up showing a specific defined-setWataru Ishida
2017-04-20improve performance of getting single neighbor informationFUJITA Tomonori
2017-04-18cli: show neighbor max prefix configFUJITA Tomonori
2017-04-04skip asn negotiation for BGP unnumbered peersISHIDA Wataru
2017-03-19table: handle IPv4-Mapped IPv6 Address as v6FUJITA Tomonori
2017-03-06config: Config values for Nexthop Tracking with ZClientIWASE Yusuke
2017-03-06cli: Enable to get nexthop reachability stateIWASE Yusuke
2017-02-15cli: add current option to monitor commandsISHIDA Wataru
2017-02-15server: add a current option to WatchBestPath()ISHIDA Wataru
2017-02-03cli: Administrative Shutdown Communication on disable neighborIWASE Yusuke
2017-02-03cli: Communication on Administrative Shutdown NOTIFICATIONIWASE Yusuke
2017-01-22api: add a UUID field to Path structureWataru Ishida
2016-11-06api: check grpc request is not nilISHIDA Wataru
2016-12-14policy: allow using invert condition in statementHiroshi Yokoi
2016-12-10policy: ext-community and large-community can be included in conditionsHiroshi Yokoi
2016-12-10server: don't assume (*api.Path).Nlri is ipv4 NLRIWataru Ishida
2016-12-04client: AddNeighbor API doesn't include apply-policy informationkishiguro
2016-11-23api: Update the grpc server to accept the local address and remote port from ...Chris Stockton
2016-11-21api: Fix client.AddNeighbor() API does not properly configure AFI/SAFI bugkishiguro
2016-11-18server: disable advertised number calculation with multiple neighborsFUJITA Tomonori
2016-11-17config: simplify route-disposition configurationWataru Ishida
2016-11-14config/api: create admin-state typeWataru Ishida
2016-11-14cli: use client libraryWataru Ishida
2016-11-14client: add golang client libraryWataru Ishida
2016-11-14config: use struct type instead of []byte for capability and open msgWataru Ishida
2016-11-14policy: fix bug of policy with multiple statementsWataru Ishida
2016-11-05bmp: fix wrong monitoring policy type translationWataru Ishida
2016-11-04support neighbor belongs to VRFWataru Ishida
2016-11-03remove label allocation completelyFUJITA Tomonori
2016-10-16cli/api: support getting table summary informationWataru Ishida
2016-10-10policy: support large-community match/actionWataru Ishida
2016-10-08table: ensure compatibility with archs where int == int32Vincent Bernat
2016-10-04Allow creating a server with a user specified grpc server.Chris Stockton
2016-10-04cli: support specifying vrf-id when creating vrfWataru Ishida
2016-09-30api: add id to VrfRequestFUJITA Tomonori
2016-09-29Support of ZAPI version 3 (handles VRF ID).kishiguro
2016-09-13server/table: fix a bug of vrf route injectionWataru Ishida
2016-08-26add RemoteRouterId to config.NeighborStateFUJITA Tomonori
2016-08-26zebra: add grpc apiFUJITA Tomonori
2016-08-25api: publish ToPathApi(*table.Path)Wataru Ishida
2016-08-25api/cli: kill cmd package custom path/destination structsWataru Ishida
2016-08-25server/api: fix GetRib API to return sorted destinationWataru Ishida
2016-08-21api: enable to set/get UseMultiplePaths global settingWataru Ishida
2016-08-17policy: support route-type conditionISHIDA Wataru
2016-08-16api: support address family filtering of MonitorRib APIISHIDA Wataru