path: root/tools
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools')
1 files changed, 273 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pyang_plugins/ b/tools/pyang_plugins/
index bf2ce2eb..492b9adc 100644
--- a/tools/pyang_plugins/
+++ b/tools/pyang_plugins/
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
# Copyright (C) 2013,2014 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-# Copyright (C) 2013,2014 YAMAMOTO Takashi <yamamoto at valinux co jp>
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@@ -14,9 +13,13 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
-# this is a pyang plugin to generate ryu/lib/of_config/
+# this is a pyang plugin to generate $GOPATH/gobgp/config/bgp_configs.go
# usage example:
-# PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/pyang --plugindir ~/git/ryu/tools/pyang_plugins -f ryu ~/git/ryu/tools/of-config1.1.1.yang > ~/git/ryu/lib/of_config/
+# source ./
+# PYTHONPATH=. ./bin/pyang --plugindir $GOPATH/gobgp/tools/pyang_plugins -f golang ./modules/bgp.yang
+# > $GOPATH/gobgp/config/bgp_configs.go
+# NOTICE: copy related yang files into $$PYANG_INSTALL_DIR/modules/ in advance.
@@ -37,12 +40,10 @@ _COPYRIGHT_NOTICE = """
-import sys
import StringIO
-import pyang
from pyang import plugin
-struct_map = {}
+emitted_type_names = []
def pyang_plugin_init():
@@ -57,87 +58,312 @@ class GolangPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin):
def emit_golang(ctx, module, fd):
+ ctx.golang_identity_map = {}
+ ctx.golang_typedef_map = {}
ctx.golang_struct_def = []
- visit_children(ctx, module, fd, module.i_children)
+ ctx.golang_struct_names = {}
+ # visit typedef
+ visit_typedef(ctx, module)
+ visit_typedef(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-policy'))
+ visit_typedef(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-multiprotocol'))
+ # visit identity
+ visit_identity(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-policy'))
+ visit_identity(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-multiprotocol'))
+ visit_children(ctx, module, module.i_children)
done = set()
+ # emit
+ emit_typedef(ctx, module)
+ emit_typedef(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-policy'))
+ emit_typedef(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-multiprotocol'))
+ emit_identity(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-policy'))
+ emit_identity(ctx, ctx.get_module('bgp-multiprotocol'))
for struct in ctx.golang_struct_def:
struct_name = struct.arg
if struct_name in done:
- emit_class_def(struct, struct_name)
+ emit_class_def(ctx, struct, struct_name)
- # generate_header(ctx)
-def emit_class_def(c, struct_name):
+def emit_class_def(ctx, c, struct_name):
o = StringIO.StringIO()
struct_name_org = struct_name
struct_name = convert_to_gostruct(struct_name)
- struct_map[struct_name_org] = struct_name
print >> o, '//struct for container %s' % struct_name_org
print >> o, 'type %s struct {' % struct_name
for child in c.i_children:
- val_name_org = child.arg
- val_name = convert_to_golang(child.arg)
+ val_name = child.arg
+ val_name_go = convert_to_golang(child.arg)
+ module_name = child.i_orig_module.i_prefix
+ print >> o, ' // original -> %s:%s' % (module_name, val_name)
+ # case leaf
if is_leaf(child):
type_obj = child.search_one('type')
- #if type_obj.arg == 'leafref':
- # print type_obj.search_one('path').arg
- type_name = type_obj.arg if type_obj is not None else None
- else:
- if is_list(child):
- assert val_name_org in struct_map
- type_name = '[]'+ struct_map[val_name_org]
- val_name = val_name + 'List'
- if is_container(child):
- type_name = struct_map[val_name_org]
- val_name = val_name
- print >> o, ' %s\t%s' % (val_name, translate_type(type_name))
+ type_name = type_obj.arg
+ # case identityref
+ if type_name == 'identityref':
+ base_module = type_obj.i_orig_module.i_prefix
+ base_name = type_obj.i_type_spec.base.arg
+ ref = lookup_identity(ctx, base_module, base_name)
+ emit_type_name = ref.golang_name
+ # case leafref
+ elif type_name == 'leafref':
+ t = type_obj.i_type_spec.i_target_node.search_one('type')
+ emit_type_name = t.arg
+ # case translation required
+ elif is_translation_required(type_obj):
+ print >> o,' //%s\'s original type is %s' % (val_name, type_obj.arg)
+ emit_type_name = translate_type(type_name)
+ # case other primitives
+ elif is_builtin_type(type_obj):
+ emit_type_name = type_name
+ # default
+ else:
+ base_module = type_obj.i_orig_module.i_prefix
+ t = lookup_typedef(ctx, base_module, type_name)
+ emit_type_name = t.golang_name
+ # case leaflist
+ if is_leaflist(child):
+ type_obj = child.search_one('type')
+ type_name = type_obj.arg
+ # case leafref
+ if type_name == 'leafref':
+ t = type_obj.i_type_spec.i_target_node.search_one('type')
+ emit_type_name = '[]'+t.arg
+ # case translation required
+ elif is_translation_required(type_obj):
+ print >> o,' //original type is list of %s' % (type_obj)
+ emit_type_name = '[]'+translate_type(type_name)
+ # case other primitives
+ elif is_builtin_type(type_obj):
+ emit_type_name = '[]'+type_name
+ # default
+ else:
+ base_module = type_obj.i_orig_module.i_prefix
+ t = lookup_typedef(ctx, base_module, type_name)
+ emit_type_name = '[]'+t.golang_name
+ # case container
+ elif is_container(child):
+ t = ctx.golang_struct_names[val_name]
+ emit_type_name = '[]'+t.golang_name
+ # case list
+ elif is_list(child):
+ t = ctx.golang_struct_names[val_name]
+ val_name_go = val_name_go + 'List'
+ emit_type_name = '[]'+ t.golang_name
+ print >> o, ' %s\t%s' % (val_name_go, emit_type_name)
print >> o, '}'
print o.getvalue()
-def visit_children(ctx, module, fd, children, prefix=''):
+def visit_children(ctx, module, children, prefix=''):
for c in children:
t = c.search_one('type')
type_name = t.arg if t is not None else None
#print '%skeyword->%s, arg->%s, type->%s' % (prefix, c.keyword, c.arg, type_name)
if is_list(c) or is_container(c):
+ c.golang_name = convert_to_gostruct(c.arg)
+ ctx.golang_struct_names[c.arg] = c
if hasattr(c, 'i_children'):
- visit_children(ctx, module, fd, c.i_children, prefix + ' ')
+ visit_children(ctx, module, c.i_children, prefix + ' ')
+def visit_typedef(ctx, module):
+ prefix = module.i_prefix
+ child_map = {}
+ for stmts in module.substmts:
+ if stmts.keyword == 'typedef':
+ name = stmts.arg
+ stmts.golang_name = convert_to_golang(name)
+ if stmts.golang_name == 'PeerType':
+ stmts.golang_name = 'PeerTypeDef'
+ child_map[name] = stmts
+ ctx.golang_typedef_map[prefix] = child_map
+def visit_identity(ctx, module):
+ prefix = module.i_prefix
+ child_map = {}
+ for stmts in module.substmts:
+ if stmts.keyword == 'identity':
+ name = stmts.arg
+ stmts.golang_name = convert_to_golang(name)
+ if stmts.golang_name == 'SafiType':
+ stmts.golang_name = 'SafiTypeDef'
+ if stmts.golang_name == 'AfiType':
+ stmts.golang_name = 'AfiTypeDef'
+ child_map[name] = stmts
+ ctx.golang_identity_map[prefix] = child_map
+def lookup_identity(ctx, default_prefix, identity_name):
+ result = lookup(ctx.golang_identity_map, default_prefix, identity_name)
+ return result
+def lookup_typedef(ctx, default_prefix, type_name):
+ result = lookup(ctx.golang_typedef_map, default_prefix, type_name)
+ return result
+def lookup(basemap, default_prefix, key):
+ if ':' in key:
+ pref, name = key.split(':')
+ else:
+ pref = default_prefix
+ name = key
+ if pref in basemap:
+ return basemap[pref].get(name, None)
+ else:
+ return key
+def emit_typedef(ctx, module):
+ prefix = module.i_prefix
+ t_map = ctx.golang_typedef_map[prefix]
+ for name, stmt in t_map.items():
+ type_name_org = name
+ type_name = stmt.golang_name
+ if type_name in emitted_type_names:
+ continue
+ emitted_type_names.append(type_name)
+ t = stmt.search_one('type')
+ o = StringIO.StringIO()
+ if t.arg == 'enumeration':
+ print >> o, '// typedef for typedef %s:%s' % (prefix, type_name_org)
+ print >> o, 'type %s int' % (type_name)
+ const_prefix = convert_const_prefix(type_name_org)
+ print >> o, 'const ('
+ print >> o, ' _ = iota'
+ for sub in t.substmts:
+ print >> o, ' %s_%s' % (const_prefix, sub.arg)
+ print >> o, ')'
+ elif t.arg == 'union':
+ print >> o, '// typedef for typedef %s:%s' % (prefix, type_name_org)
+ print >> o, 'type %s string' % (type_name)
+ else:
+ print >> o, '// typedef for typedef %s:%s' % (prefix, type_name_org)
+ print >> o, 'type %s %s' % (type_name, t.arg)
+ print o.getvalue()
+def emit_identity(ctx, module):
+ prefix = module.i_prefix
+ i_map = ctx.golang_identity_map[prefix]
+ for name, stmt in i_map.items():
+ type_name_org = name
+ type_name = stmt.golang_name
+ base = stmt.search_one('base')
+ o = StringIO.StringIO()
+ print >> o, '// typedef for identity %s:%s' % (prefix, type_name_org)
+ print >> o, 'type %s struct {' % (type_name)
+ if base is not None:
+ base_obj = lookup_identity(ctx, prefix, base.arg)
+ print >> o, ' // base_type -> %s' % (base.arg)
+ print >> o, ' %s' % (base_obj.golang_name)
+ print >> o, '}'
+ print o.getvalue()
+def is_reference(s):
+ return s.arg in ['leafref', 'identityref']
def is_leaf(s):
- return s.keyword in ['leaf', 'leaf-list']
+ return s.keyword in ['leaf']
+def is_leaflist(s):
+ return s.keyword in ['leaf-list']
def is_list(s):
return s.keyword in ['list']
def is_container(s):
return s.keyword in ['container']
-def generate_header(ctx):
- print 'package config'
- print ''
+def is_builtin_type(t):
+ return t.arg in _type_builtin
+def is_translation_required(t):
+ return t.arg in _type_translation_map.keys()
_type_translation_map = {
+ 'union' : 'string',
+ 'enumeration' : 'string',
'decimal64' : 'float64',
+ 'boolean' : 'bool',
+ 'empty' : 'bool',
'inet:ip-address': '*net.IP',
'inet:ipv4-address': '*net.IP',
'inet:as-number' : 'uint32',
'rr-cluster-id-type' : 'uint32',
+_type_builtin = ["union",
+ "int8",
+ "int16",
+ "int32",
+ "int64",
+ "string",
+ "uint8",
+ "uint16",
+ "uint32",
+ "uint64",]
+def generate_header(ctx):
+ print 'package config'
+ print ''
+ print 'import "net"'
+ print ''
def translate_type(key):
if _type_translation_map.has_key(key):
return _type_translation_map[key]
@@ -146,7 +372,7 @@ def translate_type(key):
def convert_to_gostruct(type_string):
- return convert_to_golang(type_string) + 'Type'
+ return convert_to_golang(chop_suf(type_string, 'Type')) + 'Type'
# 'hoge-hoge' -> 'HogeHoge'
@@ -155,3 +381,15 @@ def convert_to_golang(type_string):
a = map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), a) # XXX locale sensitive
return ''.join(a)
+# 'hoge-hoge' -> 'HOGE_HOGE'
+def convert_const_prefix(type_string):
+ a = type_string.split('-')
+ a = map(lambda x: x.upper(), a) # XXX locale sensitive
+ return '_'.join(a)
+def chop_suf(s, suf):
+ if not s.endswith(suf):
+ return s
+ return s[:-len(suf)]