path: root/docs
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Diffstat (limited to 'docs')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sources/ b/docs/sources/
index df388b6c..a7c979e3 100644
--- a/docs/sources/
+++ b/docs/sources/
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ assumes that you use Ubuntu 14.04 (64bit).
## Contents
- [Python](#python)
+- [Ruby](#ruby)
## <a name="python"> Python
@@ -100,3 +101,66 @@ D0821 12:31:07.821508149 91029 iomgr.c:119] Waiting for 1 iomgr
We got neighbor information successfully.
+## <a name="ruby"> Ruby
+### Installing LinuxBrew
+See [python](#python).
+### Installing gRPC and Ruby Libraries
+$ curl -fsSL | bash -s ruby
+$ sudo ldconfig
+### Generating Stub Code
+We need to generate stub code GoBGP at first.
+$ cd $GOPATH/src/
+$ protoc -I $GOBGP_API --ruby_out=. --grpc_out=. --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_ruby_plugin` $GOBGP_API/gobgp.proto
+### Get Neighbor
+Here is an example for getting neighbor's information.
+require 'gobgp'
+require 'gobgp_services'
+host = 'localhost'
+host = ARGV[0] if ARGV.length > 0
+stub ="#{host}:8080")
+arg =
+stub.get_neighbors(arg).each do |n|
+ puts "BGP neighbor is #{n.conf.remote_ip}, remote AS #{n.conf.remote_as}"
+ puts "\tBGP version 4, remote route ID #{}"
+ puts "\tBGP state = #{}, up for #{}"
+ puts "\tBGP OutQ = #{}, Flops = #{}"
+ puts "\tHold time is #{}, keepalive interval is #{} seconds"
+ puts "\tConfigured hold time is #{n.conf.holdtime}"
+Let's run this script.
+$ruby -I . ./get_neighbors.rb
+BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65001
+ BGP version 4, remote route ID <nil>
+ BGP state = BGP_FSM_ACTIVE, up for 0
+ BGP OutQ = 0, Flops = 0
+ Hold time is 0, keepalive interval is 0 seconds
+ Configured hold time is 90
+BGP neighbor is, remote AS 65001
+ BGP version 4, remote route ID <nil>
+ BGP state = BGP_FSM_ACTIVE, up for 0
+ BGP OutQ = 0, Flops = 0
+ Hold time is 0, keepalive interval is 0 seconds
+ Configured hold time is 90
+D0827 18:43:24.628846574 3379 iomgr.c:119] Waiting for 1 iomgr objects to be destroyed and executing final callbacks