path: root/api/attribute.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'api/attribute.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1333 deletions
diff --git a/api/attribute.go b/api/attribute.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c4ac1375..00000000
--- a/api/attribute.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1333 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright (C) 2018 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
-// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-// You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-package gobgpapi
-import (
- "fmt"
- "net"
- ""
- ""
- ""
- ""
- log ""
-func NewOriginAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeOrigin) *OriginAttribute {
- return &OriginAttribute{
- Origin: uint32(a.Value),
- }
-func (a *OriginAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeOrigin, error) {
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(uint8(a.Origin)), nil
-func NewAsPathAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAsPath) *AsPathAttribute {
- segments := make([]*AsSegment, 0, len(a.Value))
- for _, param := range a.Value {
- segments = append(segments, &AsSegment{
- Type: uint32(param.GetType()),
- Numbers: param.GetAS(),
- })
- }
- return &AsPathAttribute{
- Segments: segments,
- }
-func (a *AsPathAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeAsPath, error) {
- params := make([]bgp.AsPathParamInterface, 0, len(a.Segments))
- for _, segment := range a.Segments {
- params = append(params, bgp.NewAs4PathParam(uint8(segment.Type), segment.Numbers))
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(params), nil
-func NewNextHopAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeNextHop) *NextHopAttribute {
- return &NextHopAttribute{
- NextHop: a.Value.String(),
- }
-func (a *NextHopAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeNextHop, error) {
- nexthop := net.ParseIP(a.NextHop).To4()
- if nexthop == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nexthop address: %s", a.NextHop)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop(a.NextHop), nil
-func NewMultiExitDiscAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMultiExitDisc) *MultiExitDiscAttribute {
- return &MultiExitDiscAttribute{
- Med: a.Value,
- }
-func (a *MultiExitDiscAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeMultiExitDisc, error) {
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(a.Med), nil
-func NewLocalPrefAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeLocalPref) *LocalPrefAttribute {
- return &LocalPrefAttribute{
- LocalPref: a.Value,
- }
-func (a *LocalPrefAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeLocalPref, error) {
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeLocalPref(a.LocalPref), nil
-func NewAtomicAggregateAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAtomicAggregate) *AtomicAggregateAttribute {
- return &AtomicAggregateAttribute{}
-func (a *AtomicAggregateAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeAtomicAggregate, error) {
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeAtomicAggregate(), nil
-func NewAggregatorAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAggregator) *AggregatorAttribute {
- return &AggregatorAttribute{
- As: a.Value.AS,
- Address: a.Value.Address.String(),
- }
-func (a *AggregatorAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeAggregator, error) {
- if net.ParseIP(a.Address).To4() == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid aggregator address: %s", a.Address)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeAggregator(a.As, a.Address), nil
-func NewCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeCommunities) *CommunitiesAttribute {
- return &CommunitiesAttribute{
- Communities: a.Value,
- }
-func (a *CommunitiesAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeCommunities, error) {
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeCommunities(a.Communities), nil
-func NewOriginatorIdAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeOriginatorId) *OriginatorIdAttribute {
- return &OriginatorIdAttribute{
- Id: a.Value.String(),
- }
-func (a *OriginatorIdAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeOriginatorId, error) {
- if net.ParseIP(a.Id).To4() == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid originator id: %s", a.Id)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeOriginatorId(a.Id), nil
-func NewClusterListAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeClusterList) *ClusterListAttribute {
- ids := make([]string, 0, len(a.Value))
- for _, id := range a.Value {
- ids = append(ids, id.String())
- }
- return &ClusterListAttribute{
- Ids: ids,
- }
-func (a *ClusterListAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeClusterList, error) {
- for _, id := range a.Ids {
- if net.ParseIP(id).To4() == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cluster list: %s", a.Ids)
- }
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeClusterList(a.Ids), nil
-func MarshalRD(rd bgp.RouteDistinguisherInterface) *any.Any {
- var r proto.Message
- switch v := rd.(type) {
- case *bgp.RouteDistinguisherTwoOctetAS:
- r = &RouteDistinguisherTwoOctetAS{
- Admin: uint32(v.Admin),
- Assigned: v.Assigned,
- }
- case *bgp.RouteDistinguisherIPAddressAS:
- r = &RouteDistinguisherIPAddress{
- Admin: v.Admin.String(),
- Assigned: uint32(v.Assigned),
- }
- case *bgp.RouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS:
- r = &RouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS{
- Admin: v.Admin,
- Assigned: uint32(v.Assigned),
- }
- default:
- log.WithFields(log.Fields{
- "Topic": "protobuf",
- "RD": rd,
- }).Warn("invalid rd type to marshal")
- return nil
- }
- a, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(r)
- return a
-func UnmarshalRD(a *any.Any) (bgp.RouteDistinguisherInterface, error) {
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(a, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal route distinguisher: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *RouteDistinguisherTwoOctetAS:
- return bgp.NewRouteDistinguisherTwoOctetAS(uint16(v.Admin), v.Assigned), nil
- case *RouteDistinguisherIPAddress:
- rd := bgp.NewRouteDistinguisherIPAddressAS(v.Admin, uint16(v.Assigned))
- if rd == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid address for route distinguisher: %s", v.Admin)
- }
- return rd, nil
- case *RouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS:
- return bgp.NewRouteDistinguisherFourOctetAS(v.Admin, uint16(v.Assigned)), nil
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid route distinguisher type: %s", a.TypeUrl)
-func NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(a *bgp.EthernetSegmentIdentifier) *EthernetSegmentIdentifier {
- return &EthernetSegmentIdentifier{
- Type: uint32(a.Type),
- Value: a.Value,
- }
-func (a *EthernetSegmentIdentifier) ToNative() (*bgp.EthernetSegmentIdentifier, error) {
- return &bgp.EthernetSegmentIdentifier{
- Type: bgp.ESIType(a.Type),
- Value: a.Value,
- }, nil
-func MarshalFlowSpecRules(values []bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface) []*any.Any {
- rules := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(values))
- for _, value := range values {
- var rule proto.Message
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case *bgp.FlowSpecDestinationPrefix:
- rule = &FlowSpecIPPrefix{
- Type: uint32(bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_PREFIX),
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPAddrPrefix).Length),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPAddrPrefix).Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecSourcePrefix:
- rule = &FlowSpecIPPrefix{
- Type: uint32(bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_PREFIX),
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPAddrPrefix).Length),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPAddrPrefix).Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecDestinationPrefix6:
- rule = &FlowSpecIPPrefix{
- Type: uint32(bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_PREFIX),
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPv6AddrPrefix).Length),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPv6AddrPrefix).Prefix.String(),
- Offset: uint32(v.Offset),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecSourcePrefix6:
- rule = &FlowSpecIPPrefix{
- Type: uint32(bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_PREFIX),
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPv6AddrPrefix).Length),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.(*bgp.IPv6AddrPrefix).Prefix.String(),
- Offset: uint32(v.Offset),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecSourceMac:
- rule = &FlowSpecMAC{
- Type: uint32(bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_MAC),
- Address: v.Mac.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecDestinationMac:
- rule = &FlowSpecMAC{
- Type: uint32(bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_MAC),
- Address: v.Mac.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecComponent:
- items := make([]*FlowSpecComponentItem, 0, len(v.Items))
- for _, i := range v.Items {
- items = append(items, &FlowSpecComponentItem{
- Op: uint32(i.Op),
- Value: i.Value,
- })
- }
- rule = &FlowSpecComponent{
- Type: uint32(v.Type()),
- Items: items,
- }
- }
- a, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(rule)
- rules = append(rules, a)
- }
- return rules
-func UnmarshalFlowSpecRules(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface, error) {
- rules := make([]bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface, 0, len(values))
- for _, an := range values {
- var rule bgp.FlowSpecComponentInterface
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal flow spec component: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *FlowSpecIPPrefix:
- typ := bgp.BGPFlowSpecType(v.Type)
- isIPv4 := net.ParseIP(v.Prefix).To4() != nil
- switch {
- case typ == bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_PREFIX && isIPv4:
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecDestinationPrefix(bgp.NewIPAddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix))
- case typ == bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_PREFIX && isIPv4:
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecSourcePrefix(bgp.NewIPAddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix))
- case typ == bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_DST_PREFIX && !isIPv4:
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecDestinationPrefix6(bgp.NewIPv6AddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix), uint8(v.Offset))
- case typ == bgp.FLOW_SPEC_TYPE_SRC_PREFIX && !isIPv4:
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecSourcePrefix6(bgp.NewIPv6AddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix), uint8(v.Offset))
- }
- case *FlowSpecMAC:
- typ := bgp.BGPFlowSpecType(v.Type)
- mac, err := net.ParseMAC(v.Address)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid mac address for %s flow spec component: %s", typ.String(), v.Address)
- }
- switch typ {
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecSourceMac(mac)
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecDestinationMac(mac)
- }
- case *FlowSpecComponent:
- items := make([]*bgp.FlowSpecComponentItem, 0, len(v.Items))
- for _, item := range v.Items {
- items = append(items, bgp.NewFlowSpecComponentItem(uint8(item.Op), item.Value))
- }
- rule = bgp.NewFlowSpecComponent(bgp.BGPFlowSpecType(v.Type), items)
- }
- if rule == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid flow spec component: %v", value.Message)
- }
- rules = append(rules, rule)
- }
- return rules, nil
-func MarshalNLRI(value bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) *any.Any {
- var nlri proto.Message
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case *bgp.IPAddrPrefix:
- nlri = &IPAddressPrefix{
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.Length),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.IPv6AddrPrefix:
- nlri = &IPAddressPrefix{
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.Length),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.LabeledIPAddrPrefix:
- nlri = &LabeledIPAddressPrefix{
- Labels: v.Labels.Labels,
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.IPPrefixLen()),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.LabeledIPv6AddrPrefix:
- nlri = &LabeledIPAddressPrefix{
- Labels: v.Labels.Labels,
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.IPPrefixLen()),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.EncapNLRI:
- nlri = &EncapsulationNLRI{
- Address: v.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.Encapv6NLRI:
- nlri = &EncapsulationNLRI{
- Address: v.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.EVPNNLRI:
- switch r := v.RouteTypeData.(type) {
- case *bgp.EVPNEthernetAutoDiscoveryRoute:
- nlri = &EVPNEthernetAutoDiscoveryRoute{
- Rd: MarshalRD(r.RD),
- Esi: NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(&r.ESI),
- EthernetTag: r.ETag,
- Label: r.Label,
- }
- case *bgp.EVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute:
- nlri = &EVPNMACIPAdvertisementRoute{
- Rd: MarshalRD(r.RD),
- Esi: NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(&r.ESI),
- EthernetTag: r.ETag,
- MacAddress: r.MacAddress.String(),
- IpAddress: r.IPAddress.String(),
- Labels: r.Labels,
- }
- case *bgp.EVPNMulticastEthernetTagRoute:
- nlri = &EVPNInclusiveMulticastEthernetTagRoute{
- Rd: MarshalRD(r.RD),
- EthernetTag: r.ETag,
- IpAddress: r.IPAddress.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.EVPNEthernetSegmentRoute:
- nlri = &EVPNEthernetSegmentRoute{
- Rd: MarshalRD(r.RD),
- Esi: NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(&r.ESI),
- IpAddress: r.IPAddress.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.EVPNIPPrefixRoute:
- nlri = &EVPNIPPrefixRoute{
- Rd: MarshalRD(r.RD),
- Esi: NewEthernetSegmentIdentifierFromNative(&r.ESI),
- EthernetTag: r.ETag,
- IpPrefix: r.IPPrefix.String(),
- IpPrefixLen: uint32(r.IPPrefixLength),
- Label: r.Label,
- }
- }
- case *bgp.LabeledVPNIPAddrPrefix:
- nlri = &LabeledVPNIPAddressPrefix{
- Labels: v.Labels.Labels,
- Rd: MarshalRD(v.RD),
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.IPPrefixLen()),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.LabeledVPNIPv6AddrPrefix:
- nlri = &LabeledVPNIPAddressPrefix{
- Labels: v.Labels.Labels,
- Rd: MarshalRD(v.RD),
- PrefixLen: uint32(v.IPPrefixLen()),
- Prefix: v.Prefix.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.RouteTargetMembershipNLRI:
- nlri = &RouteTargetMembershipNLRI{
- As: v.AS,
- Rt: MarshalRT(v.RouteTarget),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecIPv4Unicast:
- nlri = &FlowSpecNLRI{
- Rules: MarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Value),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecIPv6Unicast:
- nlri = &FlowSpecNLRI{
- Rules: MarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Value),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecIPv4VPN:
- nlri = &VPNFlowSpecNLRI{
- Rd: MarshalRD(v.RD()),
- Rules: MarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Value),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecIPv6VPN:
- nlri = &VPNFlowSpecNLRI{
- Rd: MarshalRD(v.RD()),
- Rules: MarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Value),
- }
- case *bgp.FlowSpecL2VPN:
- nlri = &VPNFlowSpecNLRI{
- Rd: MarshalRD(v.RD()),
- Rules: MarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Value),
- }
- }
- an, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(nlri)
- return an
-func MarshalNLRIs(values []bgp.AddrPrefixInterface) []*any.Any {
- nlris := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(values))
- for _, value := range values {
- nlris = append(nlris, MarshalNLRI(value))
- }
- return nlris
-func UnmarshalNLRI(rf bgp.RouteFamily, an *any.Any) (bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error) {
- var nlri bgp.AddrPrefixInterface
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal nlri: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *IPAddressPrefix:
- switch rf {
- case bgp.RF_IPv4_UC:
- nlri = bgp.NewIPAddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix)
- case bgp.RF_IPv6_UC:
- nlri = bgp.NewIPv6AddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix)
- }
- case *LabeledIPAddressPrefix:
- switch rf {
- case bgp.RF_IPv4_MPLS:
- nlri = bgp.NewLabeledIPAddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix, *bgp.NewMPLSLabelStack(v.Labels...))
- case bgp.RF_IPv6_MPLS:
- nlri = bgp.NewLabeledIPv6AddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix, *bgp.NewMPLSLabelStack(v.Labels...))
- }
- case *EncapsulationNLRI:
- switch rf {
- case bgp.RF_IPv4_ENCAP:
- nlri = bgp.NewEncapNLRI(v.Address)
- case bgp.RF_IPv6_ENCAP:
- nlri = bgp.NewEncapv6NLRI(v.Address)
- }
- case *EVPNEthernetAutoDiscoveryRoute:
- if rf == bgp.RF_EVPN {
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- esi, err := v.Esi.ToNative()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlri = bgp.NewEVPNEthernetAutoDiscoveryRoute(rd, *esi, v.EthernetTag, v.Label)
- }
- case *EVPNMACIPAdvertisementRoute:
- if rf == bgp.RF_EVPN {
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- esi, err := v.Esi.ToNative()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlri = bgp.NewEVPNMacIPAdvertisementRoute(rd, *esi, v.EthernetTag, v.MacAddress, v.IpAddress, v.Labels)
- }
- case *EVPNInclusiveMulticastEthernetTagRoute:
- if rf == bgp.RF_EVPN {
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlri = bgp.NewEVPNMulticastEthernetTagRoute(rd, v.EthernetTag, v.IpAddress)
- }
- case *EVPNEthernetSegmentRoute:
- if rf == bgp.RF_EVPN {
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- esi, err := v.Esi.ToNative()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlri = bgp.NewEVPNEthernetSegmentRoute(rd, *esi, v.IpAddress)
- }
- case *EVPNIPPrefixRoute:
- if rf == bgp.RF_EVPN {
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- esi, err := v.Esi.ToNative()
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlri = bgp.NewEVPNIPPrefixRoute(rd, *esi, v.EthernetTag, uint8(v.IpPrefixLen), v.IpPrefix, v.GwAddress, v.Label)
- }
- case *LabeledVPNIPAddressPrefix:
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- switch rf {
- case bgp.RF_IPv4_VPN:
- nlri = bgp.NewLabeledVPNIPAddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix, *bgp.NewMPLSLabelStack(v.Labels...), rd)
- case bgp.RF_IPv6_VPN:
- nlri = bgp.NewLabeledVPNIPv6AddrPrefix(uint8(v.PrefixLen), v.Prefix, *bgp.NewMPLSLabelStack(v.Labels...), rd)
- }
- case *RouteTargetMembershipNLRI:
- rt, err := UnmarshalRT(v.Rt)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlri = bgp.NewRouteTargetMembershipNLRI(v.As, rt)
- case *FlowSpecNLRI:
- rules, err := UnmarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Rules)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- switch rf {
- case bgp.RF_FS_IPv4_UC:
- nlri = bgp.NewFlowSpecIPv4Unicast(rules)
- case bgp.RF_FS_IPv6_UC:
- nlri = bgp.NewFlowSpecIPv6Unicast(rules)
- }
- case *VPNFlowSpecNLRI:
- rd, err := UnmarshalRD(v.Rd)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- rules, err := UnmarshalFlowSpecRules(v.Rules)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- switch rf {
- case bgp.RF_FS_IPv4_VPN:
- nlri = bgp.NewFlowSpecIPv4VPN(rd, rules)
- case bgp.RF_FS_IPv6_VPN:
- nlri = bgp.NewFlowSpecIPv6VPN(rd, rules)
- case bgp.RF_FS_L2_VPN:
- nlri = bgp.NewFlowSpecL2VPN(rd, rules)
- }
- }
- if nlri == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nlri for %s family: %s", rf.String(), value.Message)
- }
- return nlri, nil
-func UnmarshalNLRIs(rf bgp.RouteFamily, values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, error) {
- nlris := make([]bgp.AddrPrefixInterface, 0, len(values))
- for _, an := range values {
- nlri, err := UnmarshalNLRI(rf, an)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- nlris = append(nlris, nlri)
- }
- return nlris, nil
-func NewMpReachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI) *MpReachNLRIAttribute {
- var nexthops []string
- nexthops = nil
- } else {
- nexthops = []string{a.Nexthop.String()}
- if a.LinkLocalNexthop != nil {
- nexthops = append(nexthops, a.LinkLocalNexthop.String())
- }
- }
- return &MpReachNLRIAttribute{
- Family: uint32(bgp.AfiSafiToRouteFamily(a.AFI, a.SAFI)),
- NextHops: nexthops,
- Nlris: MarshalNLRIs(a.Value),
- }
-func (a *MpReachNLRIAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI, error) {
- rf := bgp.RouteFamily(a.Family)
- nlris, err := UnmarshalNLRIs(rf, a.Nlris)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- afi, safi := bgp.RouteFamilyToAfiSafi(rf)
- nexthop := ""
- var linkLocalNexthop net.IP
- if afi == bgp.AFI_IP6 {
- nexthop = "::"
- if len(a.NextHops) > 1 {
- linkLocalNexthop = net.ParseIP(a.NextHops[1]).To16()
- if linkLocalNexthop == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nexthop: %s", a.NextHops[1])
- }
- }
- }
- if safi == bgp.SAFI_FLOW_SPEC_UNICAST || safi == bgp.SAFI_FLOW_SPEC_VPN {
- nexthop = ""
- } else if len(a.NextHops) > 0 {
- nexthop = a.NextHops[0]
- if net.ParseIP(nexthop) == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nexthop: %s", nexthop)
- }
- }
- attr := bgp.NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI(nexthop, nlris)
- attr.LinkLocalNexthop = linkLocalNexthop
- return attr, nil
-func NewMpUnreachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI) *MpUnreachNLRIAttribute {
- return &MpUnreachNLRIAttribute{
- Family: uint32(bgp.AfiSafiToRouteFamily(a.AFI, a.SAFI)),
- Nlris: MarshalNLRIs(a.Value),
- }
-func (a *MpUnreachNLRIAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI, error) {
- rf := bgp.RouteFamily(a.Family)
- nlris, err := UnmarshalNLRIs(rf, a.Nlris)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI(nlris), nil
-func MarshalRT(rt bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface) *any.Any {
- var r proto.Message
- switch v := rt.(type) {
- case *bgp.TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- r = &TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: true,
- SubType: uint32(bgp.EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET),
- As: uint32(v.AS),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.IPv4AddressSpecificExtended:
- r = &IPv4AddressSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: true,
- SubType: uint32(bgp.EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET),
- Address: v.IPv4.String(),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.FourOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- r = &FourOctetAsSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: true,
- SubType: uint32(bgp.EC_SUBTYPE_ROUTE_TARGET),
- As: uint32(v.AS),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- default:
- log.WithFields(log.Fields{
- "Topic": "protobuf",
- "RT": rt,
- }).Warn("invalid rt type to marshal")
- return nil
- }
- a, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(r)
- return a
-func MarshalRTs(values []bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface) []*any.Any {
- rts := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(values))
- for _, rt := range values {
- rts = append(rts, MarshalRT(rt))
- }
- return rts
-func UnmarshalRT(a *any.Any) (bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error) {
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(a, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal route target: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- return bgp.NewTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), uint16(v.As), v.LocalAdmin, v.IsTransitive), nil
- case *IPv4AddressSpecificExtended:
- rt := bgp.NewIPv4AddressSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), v.Address, uint16(v.LocalAdmin), v.IsTransitive)
- if rt == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid address for ipv4 address specific route target: %s", v.Address)
- }
- return rt, nil
- case *FourOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- return bgp.NewFourOctetAsSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), v.As, uint16(v.LocalAdmin), v.IsTransitive), nil
- }
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid route target type: %s", a.TypeUrl)
-func UnmarshalRTs(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, error) {
- rts := make([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, 0, len(values))
- for _, an := range values {
- rt, err := UnmarshalRT(an)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- rts = append(rts, rt)
- }
- return rts, nil
-func NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities) *ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute {
- communities := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(a.Value))
- for _, value := range a.Value {
- var community proto.Message
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case *bgp.TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = &TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: v.IsTransitive,
- SubType: uint32(v.SubType),
- As: uint32(v.AS),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.IPv4AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = &IPv4AddressSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: v.IsTransitive,
- SubType: uint32(v.SubType),
- Address: v.IPv4.String(),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.FourOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = &FourOctetAsSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: v.IsTransitive,
- SubType: uint32(v.SubType),
- As: uint32(v.AS),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.ValidationExtended:
- community = &ValidationExtended{
- State: uint32(v.State),
- }
- case *bgp.ColorExtended:
- community = &ColorExtended{
- Color: v.Color,
- }
- case *bgp.EncapExtended:
- community = &EncapExtended{
- TunnelType: uint32(v.TunnelType),
- }
- case *bgp.DefaultGatewayExtended:
- community = &DefaultGatewayExtended{}
- case *bgp.OpaqueExtended:
- community = &OpaqueExtended{
- IsTransitive: v.IsTransitive,
- Value: v.Value,
- }
- case *bgp.ESILabelExtended:
- community = &ESILabelExtended{
- IsSingleActive: v.IsSingleActive,
- Label: v.Label,
- }
- case *bgp.ESImportRouteTarget:
- community = &ESImportRouteTarget{
- EsImport: v.ESImport.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.MacMobilityExtended:
- community = &MacMobilityExtended{
- IsSticky: v.IsSticky,
- SequenceNum: v.Sequence,
- }
- case *bgp.RouterMacExtended:
- community = &RouterMacExtended{
- Mac: v.Mac.String(),
- }
- case *bgp.TrafficRateExtended:
- community = &TrafficRateExtended{
- As: uint32(v.AS),
- Rate: v.Rate,
- }
- case *bgp.TrafficActionExtended:
- community = &TrafficActionExtended{
- Terminal: v.Terminal,
- Sample: v.Sample,
- }
- case *bgp.RedirectTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = &RedirectTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended{
- As: uint32(v.AS),
- LocalAdmin: v.LocalAdmin,
- }
- case *bgp.RedirectIPv4AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = &RedirectIPv4AddressSpecificExtended{
- Address: v.IPv4.String(),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.RedirectFourOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = &RedirectFourOctetAsSpecificExtended{
- As: v.AS,
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.TrafficRemarkExtended:
- community = &TrafficRemarkExtended{
- Dscp: uint32(v.DSCP),
- }
- case *bgp.UnknownExtended:
- community = &UnknownExtended{
- Type: uint32(v.Type),
- Value: v.Value,
- }
- default:
- log.WithFields(log.Fields{
- "Topic": "protobuf",
- "Community": value,
- }).Warn("unsupported extended community")
- return nil
- }
- an, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(community)
- communities = append(communities, an)
- }
- return &ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute{
- Communities: communities,
- }
-func (a *ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities, error) {
- communities := make([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, 0, len(a.Communities))
- for _, an := range a.Communities {
- var community bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal extended community: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *TwoOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), uint16(v.As), v.LocalAdmin, v.IsTransitive)
- case *IPv4AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewIPv4AddressSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), v.Address, uint16(v.LocalAdmin), v.IsTransitive)
- case *FourOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewFourOctetAsSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), v.As, uint16(v.LocalAdmin), v.IsTransitive)
- case *ValidationExtended:
- community = bgp.NewValidationExtended(bgp.ValidationState(v.State))
- case *ColorExtended:
- community = bgp.NewColorExtended(v.Color)
- case *EncapExtended:
- community = bgp.NewEncapExtended(bgp.TunnelType(v.TunnelType))
- case *DefaultGatewayExtended:
- community = bgp.NewDefaultGatewayExtended()
- case *OpaqueExtended:
- community = bgp.NewOpaqueExtended(v.IsTransitive, v.Value)
- case *ESILabelExtended:
- community = bgp.NewESILabelExtended(v.Label, v.IsSingleActive)
- case *ESImportRouteTarget:
- community = bgp.NewESImportRouteTarget(v.EsImport)
- case *MacMobilityExtended:
- community = bgp.NewMacMobilityExtended(v.SequenceNum, v.IsSticky)
- case *RouterMacExtended:
- community = bgp.NewRoutersMacExtended(v.Mac)
- case *TrafficRateExtended:
- community = bgp.NewTrafficRateExtended(uint16(v.As), v.Rate)
- case *TrafficActionExtended:
- community = bgp.NewTrafficActionExtended(v.Terminal, v.Sample)
- case *RedirectTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewRedirectTwoOctetAsSpecificExtended(uint16(v.As), v.LocalAdmin)
- case *RedirectIPv4AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewRedirectIPv4AddressSpecificExtended(v.Address, uint16(v.LocalAdmin))
- case *RedirectFourOctetAsSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewRedirectFourOctetAsSpecificExtended(v.As, uint16(v.LocalAdmin))
- case *TrafficRemarkExtended:
- community = bgp.NewTrafficRemarkExtended(uint8(v.Dscp))
- case *UnknownExtended:
- community = bgp.NewUnknownExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrType(v.Type), v.Value)
- }
- if community == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid extended community: %v", value.Message)
- }
- communities = append(communities, community)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeExtendedCommunities(communities), nil
-func NewAs4PathAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Path) *As4PathAttribute {
- segments := make([]*AsSegment, 0, len(a.Value))
- for _, param := range a.Value {
- segments = append(segments, &AsSegment{
- Type: uint32(param.Type),
- Numbers: param.AS,
- })
- }
- return &As4PathAttribute{
- Segments: segments,
- }
-func (a *As4PathAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeAs4Path, error) {
- params := make([]*bgp.As4PathParam, 0, len(a.Segments))
- for _, segment := range a.Segments {
- params = append(params, bgp.NewAs4PathParam(uint8(segment.Type), segment.Numbers))
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeAs4Path(params), nil
-func NewAs4AggregatorAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Aggregator) *As4AggregatorAttribute {
- return &As4AggregatorAttribute{
- As: a.Value.AS,
- Address: a.Value.Address.String(),
- }
-func (a *As4AggregatorAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeAs4Aggregator, error) {
- if net.ParseIP(a.Address).To4() == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid as4 aggregator address: %s", a.Address)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeAs4Aggregator(a.As, a.Address), nil
-func NewPmsiTunnelAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributePmsiTunnel) *PmsiTunnelAttribute {
- var flags uint32
- if a.IsLeafInfoRequired {
- flags |= 0x01
- }
- id, _ := a.TunnelID.Serialize()
- return &PmsiTunnelAttribute{
- Flags: flags,
- Type: uint32(a.TunnelType),
- Label: a.Label,
- Id: id,
- }
-func (a *PmsiTunnelAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributePmsiTunnel, error) {
- typ := bgp.PmsiTunnelType(a.Type)
- var isLeafInfoRequired bool
- if a.Flags&0x01 > 0 {
- isLeafInfoRequired = true
- }
- var id bgp.PmsiTunnelIDInterface
- switch typ {
- ip := net.IP(a.Id)
- if ip.To4() == nil && ip.To16() == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid pmsi tunnel identifier: %s", a.Id)
- }
- id = bgp.NewIngressReplTunnelID(ip.String())
- default:
- id = bgp.NewDefaultPmsiTunnelID(a.Id)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributePmsiTunnel(typ, isLeafInfoRequired, a.Label, id), nil
-func NewTunnelEncapAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeTunnelEncap) *TunnelEncapAttribute {
- tlvs := make([]*TunnelEncapTLV, 0, len(a.Value))
- for _, v := range a.Value {
- subTlvs := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(v.Value))
- for _, s := range v.Value {
- var subTlv proto.Message
- switch sv := s.(type) {
- case *bgp.TunnelEncapSubTLVEncapsulation:
- subTlv = &TunnelEncapSubTLVEncapsulation{
- Key: sv.Key,
- Cookie: sv.Cookie,
- }
- case *bgp.TunnelEncapSubTLVProtocol:
- subTlv = &TunnelEncapSubTLVProtocol{
- Protocol: uint32(sv.Protocol),
- }
- case *bgp.TunnelEncapSubTLVColor:
- subTlv = &TunnelEncapSubTLVColor{
- Color: sv.Color,
- }
- case *bgp.TunnelEncapSubTLVUnknown:
- subTlv = &TunnelEncapSubTLVUnknown{
- Type: uint32(sv.Type),
- Value: sv.Value,
- }
- }
- an, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(subTlv)
- subTlvs = append(subTlvs, an)
- }
- tlvs = append(tlvs, &TunnelEncapTLV{
- Type: uint32(v.Type),
- Tlvs: subTlvs,
- })
- }
- return &TunnelEncapAttribute{
- Tlvs: tlvs,
- }
-func (a *TunnelEncapAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeTunnelEncap, error) {
- tlvs := make([]*bgp.TunnelEncapTLV, 0, len(a.Tlvs))
- for _, tlv := range a.Tlvs {
- subTlvs := make([]bgp.TunnelEncapSubTLVInterface, 0, len(tlv.Tlvs))
- for _, an := range tlv.Tlvs {
- var subTlv bgp.TunnelEncapSubTLVInterface
- var subValue ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &subValue); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal tunnel encapsulation attribute sub tlv: %s", err)
- }
- switch sv := subValue.Message.(type) {
- case *TunnelEncapSubTLVEncapsulation:
- subTlv = bgp.NewTunnelEncapSubTLVEncapsulation(sv.Key, sv.Cookie)
- case *TunnelEncapSubTLVProtocol:
- subTlv = bgp.NewTunnelEncapSubTLVProtocol(uint16(sv.Protocol))
- case *TunnelEncapSubTLVColor:
- subTlv = bgp.NewTunnelEncapSubTLVColor(sv.Color)
- case *TunnelEncapSubTLVUnknown:
- subTlv = bgp.NewTunnelEncapSubTLVUnknown(bgp.EncapSubTLVType(sv.Type), sv.Value)
- default:
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid tunnel encapsulation attribute sub tlv: %v", subValue.Message)
- }
- subTlvs = append(subTlvs, subTlv)
- }
- tlvs = append(tlvs, bgp.NewTunnelEncapTLV(bgp.TunnelType(tlv.Type), subTlvs))
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeTunnelEncap(tlvs), nil
-func NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities) *IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute {
- communities := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(a.Value))
- for _, value := range a.Value {
- var community proto.Message
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case *bgp.IPv6AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = &IPv6AddressSpecificExtended{
- IsTransitive: v.IsTransitive,
- SubType: uint32(v.SubType),
- Address: v.IPv6.String(),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- case *bgp.RedirectIPv6AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = &RedirectIPv6AddressSpecificExtended{
- Address: v.IPv6.String(),
- LocalAdmin: uint32(v.LocalAdmin),
- }
- default:
- log.WithFields(log.Fields{
- "Topic": "protobuf",
- "Attribute": value,
- }).Warn("invalid ipv6 extended community")
- return nil
- }
- an, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(community)
- communities = append(communities, an)
- }
- return &IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute{
- Communities: communities,
- }
-func (a *IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities, error) {
- communities := make([]bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface, 0, len(a.Communities))
- for _, an := range a.Communities {
- var community bgp.ExtendedCommunityInterface
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal ipv6 extended community: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *IPv6AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewIPv6AddressSpecificExtended(bgp.ExtendedCommunityAttrSubType(v.SubType), v.Address, uint16(v.LocalAdmin), v.IsTransitive)
- case *RedirectIPv6AddressSpecificExtended:
- community = bgp.NewRedirectIPv6AddressSpecificExtended(v.Address, uint16(v.LocalAdmin))
- }
- if community == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid ipv6 extended community: %v", value.Message)
- }
- communities = append(communities, community)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities(communities), nil
-func NewAigpAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeAigp) *AigpAttribute {
- tlvs := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(a.Values))
- for _, value := range a.Values {
- var tlv proto.Message
- switch v := value.(type) {
- case *bgp.AigpTLVIgpMetric:
- tlv = &AigpTLVIGPMetric{
- Metric: v.Metric,
- }
- case *bgp.AigpTLVDefault:
- tlv = &AigpTLVUnknown{
- Type: uint32(v.Type()),
- Value: v.Value,
- }
- }
- an, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(tlv)
- tlvs = append(tlvs, an)
- }
- return &AigpAttribute{
- Tlvs: tlvs,
- }
-func (a *AigpAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeAigp, error) {
- tlvs := make([]bgp.AigpTLVInterface, 0, len(a.Tlvs))
- for _, an := range a.Tlvs {
- var tlv bgp.AigpTLVInterface
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- if err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &value); err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal aigp attribute tlv: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *AigpTLVIGPMetric:
- tlv = bgp.NewAigpTLVIgpMetric(v.Metric)
- case *AigpTLVUnknown:
- tlv = bgp.NewAigpTLVDefault(bgp.AigpTLVType(v.Type), v.Value)
- }
- if tlv == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid aigp attribute tlv: %v", value.Message)
- }
- tlvs = append(tlvs, tlv)
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeAigp(tlvs), nil
-func NewLargeCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeLargeCommunities) *LargeCommunitiesAttribute {
- communities := make([]*LargeCommunity, 0, len(a.Values))
- for _, v := range a.Values {
- communities = append(communities, &LargeCommunity{
- GlobalAdmin: v.ASN,
- LocalData1: v.LocalData1,
- LocalData2: v.LocalData2,
- })
- }
- return &LargeCommunitiesAttribute{
- Communities: communities,
- }
-func (a *LargeCommunitiesAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeLargeCommunities, error) {
- communities := make([]*bgp.LargeCommunity, 0, len(a.Communities))
- for _, c := range a.Communities {
- communities = append(communities, bgp.NewLargeCommunity(c.GlobalAdmin, c.LocalData1, c.LocalData2))
- }
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeLargeCommunities(communities), nil
-func NewUnknownAttributeFromNative(a *bgp.PathAttributeUnknown) *UnknownAttribute {
- return &UnknownAttribute{
- Flags: uint32(a.Flags),
- Type: uint32(a.Type),
- Value: a.Value,
- }
-func (a *UnknownAttribute) ToNative() (*bgp.PathAttributeUnknown, error) {
- return bgp.NewPathAttributeUnknown(bgp.BGPAttrFlag(a.Flags), bgp.BGPAttrType(a.Type), a.Value), nil
-func MarshalPathAttributes(attrList []bgp.PathAttributeInterface) []*any.Any {
- anyList := make([]*any.Any, 0, len(attrList))
- for _, attr := range attrList {
- switch a := attr.(type) {
- case *bgp.PathAttributeOrigin:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewOriginAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeAsPath:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewAsPathAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeNextHop:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewNextHopAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeMultiExitDisc:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewMultiExitDiscAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeLocalPref:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewLocalPrefAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeAtomicAggregate:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewAtomicAggregateAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeAggregator:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewAggregatorAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeCommunities:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeOriginatorId:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewOriginatorIdAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeClusterList:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewClusterListAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewMpReachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewMpUnreachNLRIAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeExtendedCommunities:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Path:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewAs4PathAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeAs4Aggregator:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewAs4AggregatorAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributePmsiTunnel:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewPmsiTunnelAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeTunnelEncap:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewTunnelEncapAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeIP6ExtendedCommunities:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewIP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeAigp:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewAigpAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeLargeCommunities:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewLargeCommunitiesAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- case *bgp.PathAttributeUnknown:
- n, _ := ptypes.MarshalAny(NewUnknownAttributeFromNative(a))
- anyList = append(anyList, n)
- }
- }
- return anyList
-func UnmarshalPathAttributes(values []*any.Any) ([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, error) {
- attrList := make([]bgp.PathAttributeInterface, 0, len(values))
- typeMap := make(map[bgp.BGPAttrType]struct{})
- for _, an := range values {
- var attr bgp.PathAttributeInterface
- var value ptypes.DynamicAny
- err := ptypes.UnmarshalAny(an, &value)
- if err != nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to unmarshal path attribute: %s", err)
- }
- switch v := value.Message.(type) {
- case *OriginAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *AsPathAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *NextHopAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *MultiExitDiscAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *LocalPrefAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *AtomicAggregateAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *AggregatorAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *CommunitiesAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *OriginatorIdAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *ClusterListAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *MpReachNLRIAttribute:
- var nlri *bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI
- nlri, err = v.ToNative()
- if len(nlri.Value) > 1 {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("multiple nlri in a single mp_reach_nlri are not supported")
- }
- attr = nlri
- case *MpUnreachNLRIAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *As4PathAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *As4AggregatorAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *PmsiTunnelAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *TunnelEncapAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *IP6ExtendedCommunitiesAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *AigpAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *LargeCommunitiesAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- case *UnknownAttribute:
- attr, err = v.ToNative()
- }
- if err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- if attr == nil {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid value type for path attribute: %s", value.Message)
- }
- if _, ok := typeMap[attr.GetType()]; ok {
- return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicated path attribute type: %d", attr.GetType())
- }
- typeMap[attr.GetType()] = struct{}{}
- attrList = append(attrList, attr)
- }
- return attrList, nil