diff options
1 files changed, 529 insertions, 341 deletions
diff --git a/gobgp/main.go b/gobgp/main.go
index ad8f6a46..0ea34a9d 100644
--- a/gobgp/main.go
+++ b/gobgp/main.go
@@ -31,6 +31,24 @@ import (
+const (
+ CMD_GLOBAL = "global"
+ CMD_NEIGHBOR = "neighbor"
+ CMD_RIB = "rib"
+ CMD_ADD = "add"
+ CMD_DEL = "del"
+ CMD_LOCAL = "local"
+ CMD_ADJ_IN = "adj-in"
+ CMD_ADJ_OUT = "adj-out"
+ CMD_RESET = "reset"
+ CMD_SOFT_RESET = "softreset"
+ CMD_SOFT_RESET_IN = "softresetin"
+ CMD_SOFT_RESET_OUT = "softresetout"
+ CMD_SHUTDOWN = "shutdown"
+ CMD_ENABLE = "enable"
+ CMD_DISABLE = "disable"
func formatTimedelta(d int64) string {
u := uint64(d)
neg := d < 0
@@ -112,9 +130,409 @@ func (p peers) Less(i, j int) bool {
return strings.Less(0, 1)
+func connGrpc() *grpc.ClientConn {
+ timeout := grpc.WithTimeout(time.Second)
+ conn, err := grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", globalOpts.Host, globalOpts.Port), timeout)
+ if err != nil {
+ fmt.Println(err)
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ return conn
+func requestGrpc(cmd string, eArgs []string, remoteIP net.IP) error {
+ conn := connGrpc()
+ defer conn.Close()
+ client = api.NewGrpcClient(conn)
+ switch cmd {
+ case CMD_GLOBAL + "_" + CMD_RIB:
+ return showGlobalRib()
+ case CMD_GLOBAL + "_" + CMD_RIB + "_" + CMD_ADD:
+ return modPath(CMD_ADD, eArgs)
+ case CMD_GLOBAL + "_" + CMD_RIB + "_" + CMD_DEL:
+ return modPath(CMD_DEL, eArgs)
+ if len(eArgs) == 0 {
+ showNeighbors()
+ } else {
+ showNeighbor(eArgs)
+ }
+ case CMD_NEIGHBOR + "_" + CMD_LOCAL:
+ return showNeighborRib(api.Resource_LOCAL, remoteIP)
+ case CMD_NEIGHBOR + "_" + CMD_ADJ_IN:
+ return showNeighborRib(api.Resource_ADJ_IN, remoteIP)
+ case CMD_NEIGHBOR + "_" + CMD_ADJ_OUT:
+ return showNeighborRib(api.Resource_ADJ_OUT, remoteIP)
+ case CMD_NEIGHBOR + "_" + CMD_RESET:
+ return resetNeighbor(CMD_RESET, remoteIP)
+ return resetNeighbor(CMD_SOFT_RESET, remoteIP)
+ return resetNeighbor(CMD_SOFT_RESET_IN, remoteIP)
+ return resetNeighbor(CMD_SOFT_RESET_OUT, remoteIP)
+ return stateChangeNeighbor(CMD_SHUTDOWN, remoteIP)
+ return stateChangeNeighbor(CMD_ENABLE, remoteIP)
+ return stateChangeNeighbor(CMD_DISABLE, remoteIP)
+ }
+ return nil
+var cmds []string
+func extractArgs(head string) []string {
+ eArgs := make([]string, 0)
+ existHead := false
+ existRear := false
+ if head == "" {
+ existHead = true
+ }
+ for _, arg := range os.Args {
+ if existHead {
+ eArgs = append(eArgs, arg)
+ for _, cmd := range cmds {
+ if arg == cmd {
+ existRear = true
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ if existRear {
+ break
+ }
+ } else {
+ if arg == head {
+ existHead = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return eArgs
+func checkAddressFamily() (*api.AddressFamily, error) {
+ var rf *api.AddressFamily
+ var e error
+ switch subOpts.AddressFamily {
+ case "ipv4", "v4", "4":
+ rf = api.AF_IPV4_UC
+ case "ipv6", "v6", "6":
+ rf = api.AF_IPV6_UC
+ case "evpn":
+ rf = api.AF_EVPN
+ case "":
+ e = fmt.Errorf("address family is not specified")
+ default:
+ e = fmt.Errorf("unsupported address family: %s", subOpts.AddressFamily)
+ }
+ return rf, e
var client api.GrpcClient
-type ShowNeighborCommand struct {
+type GlobalCommand struct {
+func (x *GlobalCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(CMD_GLOBAL)
+ parser := flags.NewParser(nil, flags.Default)
+ parser.Usage = "global"
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_RIB, "subcommand for rib of global", "", NewGlobalRibCommand(api.Resource_GLOBAL))
+ if _, err := parser.ParseArgs(eArgs); err != nil {
+ os.Exit(1)
+ }
+ return nil
+type GlobalRibCommand struct {
+ resource api.Resource
+func NewGlobalRibCommand(resource api.Resource) *GlobalRibCommand {
+ return &GlobalRibCommand{
+ resource: resource,
+ }
+func showGlobalRib() error {
+ rt, err := checkAddressFamily()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ arg := &api.Arguments{
+ Resource: api.Resource_GLOBAL,
+ Af: rt,
+ }
+ stream, e := client.GetRib(context.Background(), arg)
+ if e != nil {
+ return e
+ }
+ ds := []*api.Destination{}
+ for {
+ d, e := stream.Recv()
+ if e == io.EOF {
+ break
+ } else if e != nil {
+ return e
+ }
+ ds = append(ds, d)
+ }
+ if globalOpts.Json {
+ j, _ := json.Marshal(ds)
+ fmt.Println(string(j))
+ return nil
+ }
+ ps := paths{}
+ for _, d := range ds {
+ for idx, p := range d.Paths {
+ if idx == int(d.BestPathIdx) {
+ p.Best = true
+ }
+ ps = append(ps, p)
+ }
+ }
+ sort.Sort(ps)
+ showRoute(ps, true, true)
+ return nil
+func (x *GlobalRibCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(CMD_RIB)
+ parser := flags.NewParser(&subOpts, flags.Default)
+ parser.Usage = "global rib [OPTIONS]\n gobgpcli global rib"
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_ADD, "subcommand for add route to global rib", "", NewGlobalRibAddCommand(x.resource))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_DEL, "subcommand for delete route from global rib", "", NewGlobalRibDelCommand(x.resource))
+ parser.ParseArgs(eArgs)
+ if len(eArgs) == 0 || (len(eArgs) < 3 && eArgs[0] == "-a") {
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_GLOBAL+"_"+CMD_RIB, eArgs, nil); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ return nil
+type GlobalRibAddCommand struct {
+ resource api.Resource
+func NewGlobalRibAddCommand(resource api.Resource) *GlobalRibAddCommand {
+ return &GlobalRibAddCommand{
+ resource: resource,
+ }
+func modPath(modtype string, eArgs []string) error {
+ rf, err := checkAddressFamily()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ path := &api.Path{}
+ var prefix, macAddr, ipAddr string
+ switch rf {
+ case api.AF_IPV4_UC, api.AF_IPV6_UC:
+ if len(eArgs) == 1 || len(eArgs) == 3 {
+ prefix = eArgs[0]
+ } else {
+ return fmt.Errorf("usage: global rib add <prefix> -a { ipv4 | ipv6 }")
+ }
+ path.Nlri = &api.Nlri{
+ Af: rf,
+ Prefix: prefix,
+ }
+ case api.AF_EVPN:
+ if len(eArgs) == 4 {
+ macAddr = eArgs[0]
+ ipAddr = eArgs[1]
+ } else {
+ return fmt.Errorf("usage: global rib add <mac address> <ip address> -a evpn")
+ }
+ path.Nlri = &api.Nlri{
+ Af: rf,
+ EvpnNlri: &api.EVPNNlri{
+ MacIpAdv: &api.EvpnMacIpAdvertisement{
+ MacAddr: macAddr,
+ IpAddr: ipAddr,
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ }
+ switch modtype {
+ case "add":
+ path.IsWithdraw = false
+ case "del":
+ path.IsWithdraw = true
+ }
+ arg := &api.ModPathArguments{
+ Resource: api.Resource_GLOBAL,
+ Path: path,
+ }
+ stream, err := client.ModPath(context.Background())
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ err = stream.Send(arg)
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ stream.CloseSend()
+ res, e := stream.Recv()
+ if e != nil {
+ return e
+ }
+ if res.Code != api.Error_SUCCESS {
+ return fmt.Errorf("error: code: %d, msg: %s", res.Code, res.Msg)
+ }
+ return nil
+func (x *GlobalRibAddCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(CMD_ADD)
+ parser := flags.NewParser(&subOpts, flags.Default)
+ parser.Usage = "global rib add <prefix> -a { ipv4 | ipv6 }\n" +
+ " -> if -a option is ipv4 or ipv6\n" +
+ " gobgpcli global rib add <mac address> <ip address> -a evpn\n" +
+ " -> if -a option is evpn"
+ parser.ParseArgs(eArgs)
+ if len(eArgs) == 1 {
+ if eArgs[0] == "-h" || eArgs[0] == "--help" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_GLOBAL+"_"+CMD_RIB+"_"+CMD_ADD, eArgs, nil); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+type GlobalRibDelCommand struct {
+ resource api.Resource
+func NewGlobalRibDelCommand(resource api.Resource) *GlobalRibDelCommand {
+ return &GlobalRibDelCommand{
+ resource: resource,
+ }
+func (x *GlobalRibDelCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(CMD_DEL)
+ parser := flags.NewParser(&subOpts, flags.Default)
+ parser.Usage = "global rib del <prefix> -a { ipv4 | ipv6 }\n" +
+ " -> if -a option is ipv4 or ipv6\n" +
+ " gobgpcli global rib del <mac address> <ip address> -a evpn\n" +
+ " -> if -a option is evpn"
+ parser.ParseArgs(eArgs)
+ if len(eArgs) == 1 {
+ if eArgs[0] == "-h" || eArgs[0] == "--help" {
+ return nil
+ }
+ }
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_GLOBAL+"_"+CMD_RIB+"_"+CMD_DEL, eArgs, nil); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ return nil
+type NeighborCommand struct {
+func showNeighbors() error {
+ arg := &api.Arguments{}
+ stream, e := client.GetNeighbors(context.Background(), arg)
+ if e != nil {
+ fmt.Println(e)
+ return e
+ }
+ m := peers{}
+ for {
+ p, e := stream.Recv()
+ if e == io.EOF {
+ break
+ } else if e != nil {
+ return e
+ }
+ m = append(m, p)
+ }
+ if globalOpts.Json {
+ j, _ := json.Marshal(m)
+ fmt.Println(string(j))
+ return nil
+ }
+ if globalOpts.Quiet {
+ for _, p := range m {
+ fmt.Println(p.Conf.RemoteIp)
+ }
+ return nil
+ }
+ maxaddrlen := 0
+ maxaslen := 0
+ maxtimelen := len("Up/Down")
+ timedelta := []string{}
+ sort.Sort(m)
+ for _, p := range m {
+ if len(p.Conf.RemoteIp) > maxaddrlen {
+ maxaddrlen = len(p.Conf.RemoteIp)
+ }
+ if len(fmt.Sprint(p.Conf.RemoteAs)) > maxaslen {
+ maxaslen = len(fmt.Sprint(p.Conf.RemoteAs))
+ }
+ var t string
+ if p.Info.Uptime == 0 {
+ t = "never"
+ } else if p.Info.BgpState == "BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED" {
+ t = formatTimedelta(p.Info.Uptime)
+ } else {
+ t = formatTimedelta(p.Info.Downtime)
+ }
+ if len(t) > maxtimelen {
+ maxtimelen = len(t)
+ }
+ timedelta = append(timedelta, t)
+ }
+ var format string
+ format = "%-" + fmt.Sprint(maxaddrlen) + "s" + " %" + fmt.Sprint(maxaslen) + "s" + " %" + fmt.Sprint(maxtimelen) + "s"
+ format += " %-11s |%11s %8s %8s\n"
+ fmt.Printf(format, "Peer", "AS", "Up/Down", "State", "#Advertised", "Received", "Accepted")
+ format_fsm := func(admin, fsm string) string {
+ if admin == "ADMIN_STATE_DOWN" {
+ return "Idle(Admin)"
+ }
+ if fsm == "BGP_FSM_IDLE" {
+ return "Idle"
+ } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_CONNECT" {
+ return "Connect"
+ } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_ACTIVE" {
+ return "Active"
+ } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_OPENSENT" {
+ return "Sent"
+ } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_OPENCONFIRM" {
+ return "Confirm"
+ } else {
+ return "Establ"
+ }
+ }
+ for i, p := range m {
+ fmt.Printf(format, p.Conf.RemoteIp, fmt.Sprint(p.Conf.RemoteAs), timedelta[i], format_fsm(p.Info.AdminState, p.Info.BgpState), fmt.Sprint(p.Info.Advertized), fmt.Sprint(p.Info.Received), fmt.Sprint(p.Info.Accepted))
+ }
+ return nil
func showNeighbor(args []string) error {
@@ -200,30 +618,49 @@ func showNeighbor(args []string) error {
return nil
-func (x *ShowNeighborCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- if len(args) < 1 || len(args) > 3 {
- // TODO: proper help
- fmt.Print("syntax error\n")
- return nil
- }
+func (x *NeighborCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(CMD_NEIGHBOR)
- if len(args) == 1 {
- showNeighbor(args)
+ if len(eArgs) == 0 {
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_NEIGHBOR, eArgs, nil); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ } else if len(eArgs) == 1 && !(eArgs[0] == "-h" || eArgs[0] == "--help") {
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_NEIGHBOR, eArgs, nil); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
} else {
parser := flags.NewParser(nil, flags.Default)
- parser.AddCommand("local", "", "", NewShowNeighborRibCommand(args[0], api.Resource_LOCAL))
- parser.AddCommand("adj-in", "", "", NewShowNeighborRibCommand(args[0], api.Resource_ADJ_IN))
- parser.AddCommand("adj-out", "", "", NewShowNeighborRibCommand(args[0], api.Resource_ADJ_OUT))
- if _, err := parser.ParseArgs(args[1:]); err != nil {
+ parser.Usage = "neighbor [ <neighbor address> ]\n gobgpcli neighbor"
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_LOCAL, "subcommand for local-rib of neighbor", "", NewNeighborRibCommand(eArgs[0], api.Resource_LOCAL, CMD_LOCAL))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_ADJ_IN, "subcommand for adj-rib-in of neighbor", "", NewNeighborRibCommand(eArgs[0], api.Resource_ADJ_IN, CMD_ADJ_IN))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_ADJ_OUT, "subcommand for adj-rib-out of neighbor", "", NewNeighborRibCommand(eArgs[0], api.Resource_ADJ_OUT, CMD_ADJ_OUT))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_RESET, "subcommand for reset the rib of neighbor", "", NewNeighborResetCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_RESET))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_SOFT_RESET, "subcommand for softreset the rib of neighbor", "", NewNeighborResetCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_SOFT_RESET))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_SOFT_RESET_IN, "subcommand for softreset the adj-rib-in of neighbor", "", NewNeighborResetCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_SOFT_RESET_IN))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_SOFT_RESET_OUT, "subcommand for softreset the adj-rib-out of neighbor", "", NewNeighborResetCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_SOFT_RESET_OUT))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_SHUTDOWN, "subcommand for shutdown to neighbor", "", NewNeighborChangeStateCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_SHUTDOWN))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_ENABLE, "subcommand for enable to neighbor", "", NewNeighborChangeStateCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_ENABLE))
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_DISABLE, "subcommand for disable to neighbor", "", NewNeighborChangeStateCommand(eArgs[0], CMD_DISABLE))
+ if _, err := parser.ParseArgs(eArgs); err != nil {
return nil
-type ShowNeighborRibCommand struct {
+type NeighborRibCommand struct {
remoteIP net.IP
resource api.Resource
+ command string
+func NewNeighborRibCommand(addr string, resource api.Resource, cmd string) *NeighborRibCommand {
+ return &NeighborRibCommand{
+ remoteIP: net.ParseIP(addr),
+ resource: resource,
+ command: cmd,
+ }
func showRoute(pathList []*api.Path, showAge bool, showBest bool) {
@@ -318,36 +755,21 @@ func showRoute(pathList []*api.Path, showAge bool, showBest bool) {
-func (x *ShowNeighborRibCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- var rt *api.AddressFamily
- if len(args) == 0 {
- if x.remoteIP.To4() != nil {
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- } else {
- rt = api.AF_IPV6_UC
- }
- } else {
- switch args[0] {
- case "ipv4":
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- case "ipv6":
- rt = api.AF_IPV6_UC
- case "evpn":
- rt = api.AF_EVPN
- }
+func showNeighborRib(resource api.Resource, remoteIP net.IP) error {
+ rt, err := checkAddressFamily()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
arg := &api.Arguments{
- Resource: x.resource,
+ Resource: resource,
Af: rt,
- RouterId: x.remoteIP.String(),
+ RouterId: remoteIP.String(),
ps := paths{}
showBest := false
showAge := true
- switch x.resource {
+ switch resource {
case api.Resource_LOCAL:
showBest = true
stream, e := client.GetRib(context.Background(), arg)
@@ -405,363 +827,129 @@ func (x *ShowNeighborRibCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
showRoute(ps, showAge, showBest)
return nil
-func NewShowNeighborRibCommand(addr string, resource api.Resource) *ShowNeighborRibCommand {
- return &ShowNeighborRibCommand{
- remoteIP: net.ParseIP(addr),
- resource: resource,
- }
-type ShowNeighborsCommand struct {
-func (x *ShowNeighborsCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- arg := &api.Arguments{}
- stream, e := client.GetNeighbors(context.Background(), arg)
- if e != nil {
- fmt.Println(e)
- return e
- }
- m := peers{}
- for {
- p, e := stream.Recv()
- if e == io.EOF {
- break
- } else if e != nil {
- return e
- }
- m = append(m, p)
- }
- if globalOpts.Json {
- j, _ := json.Marshal(m)
- fmt.Println(string(j))
- return nil
- }
- if globalOpts.Quiet {
- for _, p := range m {
- fmt.Println(p.Conf.RemoteIp)
- }
+func (x *NeighborRibCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(x.command)
+ parser := flags.NewParser(&subOpts, flags.Default)
+ parser.Usage = fmt.Sprintf("neighbor <neighbor address> %s [OPTIONS]", x.command)
+ parser.ParseArgs(eArgs)
+ if len(eArgs) != 0 && (eArgs[0] == "-h" || eArgs[0] == "--help") {
return nil
- maxaddrlen := 0
- maxaslen := 0
- maxtimelen := len("Up/Down")
- timedelta := []string{}
- sort.Sort(m)
- for _, p := range m {
- if len(p.Conf.RemoteIp) > maxaddrlen {
- maxaddrlen = len(p.Conf.RemoteIp)
- }
- if len(fmt.Sprint(p.Conf.RemoteAs)) > maxaslen {
- maxaslen = len(fmt.Sprint(p.Conf.RemoteAs))
- }
- var t string
- if p.Info.Uptime == 0 {
- t = "never"
- } else if p.Info.BgpState == "BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED" {
- t = formatTimedelta(p.Info.Uptime)
- } else {
- t = formatTimedelta(p.Info.Downtime)
- }
- if len(t) > maxtimelen {
- maxtimelen = len(t)
- }
- timedelta = append(timedelta, t)
- }
- var format string
- format = "%-" + fmt.Sprint(maxaddrlen) + "s" + " %" + fmt.Sprint(maxaslen) + "s" + " %" + fmt.Sprint(maxtimelen) + "s"
- format += " %-11s |%11s %8s %8s\n"
- fmt.Printf(format, "Peer", "AS", "Up/Down", "State", "#Advertised", "Received", "Accepted")
- format_fsm := func(admin, fsm string) string {
- if admin == "ADMIN_STATE_DOWN" {
- return "Idle(Admin)"
- }
- if fsm == "BGP_FSM_IDLE" {
- return "Idle"
- } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_CONNECT" {
- return "Connect"
- } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_ACTIVE" {
- return "Active"
- } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_OPENSENT" {
- return "Sent"
- } else if fsm == "BGP_FSM_OPENCONFIRM" {
- return "Confirm"
- } else {
- return "Establ"
- }
- }
- for i, p := range m {
- fmt.Printf(format, p.Conf.RemoteIp, fmt.Sprint(p.Conf.RemoteAs), timedelta[i], format_fsm(p.Info.AdminState, p.Info.BgpState), fmt.Sprint(p.Info.Advertized), fmt.Sprint(p.Info.Received), fmt.Sprint(p.Info.Accepted))
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_NEIGHBOR+"_"+x.command, eArgs, x.remoteIP); err != nil {
+ return err
return nil
-type ShowGlobalCommand struct {
+type NeighborResetCommand struct {
+ remoteIP net.IP
+ command string
-func (x *ShowGlobalCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- var rt *api.AddressFamily
- if len(args) == 0 {
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- } else {
- switch args[0] {
- case "ipv4":
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- case "ipv6":
- rt = api.AF_IPV6_UC
- case "evpn":
- rt = api.AF_EVPN
- }
+func NewNeighborResetCommand(addr string, cmd string) *NeighborResetCommand {
+ return &NeighborResetCommand{
+ remoteIP: net.ParseIP(addr),
+ command: cmd,
+func resetNeighbor(cmd string, remoteIP net.IP) error {
+ rt, err := checkAddressFamily()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
arg := &api.Arguments{
- Resource: api.Resource_GLOBAL,
+ RouterId: remoteIP.String(),
Af: rt,
- stream, e := client.GetRib(context.Background(), arg)
- if e != nil {
- return e
- }
- ds := []*api.Destination{}
- for {
- d, e := stream.Recv()
- if e == io.EOF {
- break
- } else if e != nil {
- return e
- }
- ds = append(ds, d)
+ switch cmd {
+ case CMD_RESET:
+ client.Reset(context.Background(), arg)
+ client.SoftReset(context.Background(), arg)
+ client.SoftResetIn(context.Background(), arg)
+ client.SoftResetOut(context.Background(), arg)
+ return nil
- if globalOpts.Json {
- j, _ := json.Marshal(ds)
- fmt.Println(string(j))
+func (x *NeighborResetCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(x.command)
+ parser := flags.NewParser(&subOpts, flags.Default)
+ parser.Usage = fmt.Sprintf("neighbor <neighbor address> %s [OPTIONS]", x.command)
+ parser.ParseArgs(eArgs)
+ if len(eArgs) != 0 && (eArgs[0] == "-h" || eArgs[0] == "--help") {
return nil
- ps := paths{}
- for _, d := range ds {
- for idx, p := range d.Paths {
- if idx == int(d.BestPathIdx) {
- p.Best = true
- }
- ps = append(ps, p)
- }
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_NEIGHBOR+"_"+x.command, eArgs, x.remoteIP); err != nil {
+ return err
- sort.Sort(ps)
- showRoute(ps, true, true)
return nil
-type ShowCommand struct {
+type NeighborChangeStateCommand struct {
+ remoteIP net.IP
+ command string
-func (x *ShowCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- parser := flags.NewParser(nil, flags.Default)
- parser.AddCommand("neighbor", "", "", &ShowNeighborCommand{})
- parser.AddCommand("neighbors", "", "", &ShowNeighborsCommand{})
- parser.AddCommand("global", "", "", &ShowGlobalCommand{})
- if _, err := parser.ParseArgs(args); err != nil {
- os.Exit(1)
+func NewNeighborChangeStateCommand(addr string, cmd string) *NeighborChangeStateCommand {
+ return &NeighborChangeStateCommand{
+ remoteIP: net.ParseIP(addr),
+ command: cmd,
- return nil
-type ResetCommand struct {
- resource string
-func (x *ResetCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- if len(args) < 2 {
- return fmt.Errorf("usage: %s neighbor <router_id> [ipv4|ipv6]", x.resource)
- }
- var rt *api.AddressFamily
- switch x.resource {
- case "softreset", "softresetin", "softresetout":
- if len(args) == 2 {
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- } else {
- switch args[2] {
- case "ipv4":
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- case "ipv6":
- rt = api.AF_IPV6_UC
- case "evpn":
- rt = api.AF_EVPN
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("unsupported rf: %s", args[2])
- }
- }
- }
+func stateChangeNeighbor(cmd string, remoteIP net.IP) error {
arg := &api.Arguments{
- RouterId: args[1],
- Af: rt,
+ RouterId: remoteIP.String(),
- switch x.resource {
- case "reset":
- client.Reset(context.Background(), arg)
- case "softreset":
- client.SoftReset(context.Background(), arg)
- case "softresetin":
- client.SoftResetIn(context.Background(), arg)
- case "softresetout":
- client.SoftResetOut(context.Background(), arg)
- case "shutdown":
+ switch cmd {
client.Shutdown(context.Background(), arg)
- case "enable":
+ case CMD_ENABLE:
client.Enable(context.Background(), arg)
- case "disable":
client.Disable(context.Background(), arg)
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("unsupported command: %s", x.resource)
return nil
-func NewResetCommand(resource string) *ResetCommand {
- return &ResetCommand{
- resource: resource,
- }
-type PathCommand struct {
- modtype string
-func (x *PathCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
- if len(args) < 3 {
- return fmt.Errorf("usage: %s global <af> <prefix>", x.modtype)
- }
- if args[0] != "global" {
- return fmt.Errorf("unsupported resource (currently only 'global' is supported): %s", args[0])
- }
- var rt *api.AddressFamily
- switch args[1] {
- case "ipv4", "v4", "4":
- rt = api.AF_IPV4_UC
- case "ipv6", "v6", "6":
- rt = api.AF_IPV6_UC
- case "evpn":
- rt = api.AF_EVPN
- default:
- return fmt.Errorf("unsupported address family: %s", args[1])
- }
- path := &api.Path{}
- switch rt {
- case api.AF_IPV4_UC, api.AF_IPV6_UC:
- path.Nlri = &api.Nlri{
- Af: rt,
- Prefix: args[2],
- }
- case api.AF_EVPN:
- path.Nlri = &api.Nlri{
- Af: rt,
- EvpnNlri: &api.EVPNNlri{
- MacIpAdv: &api.EvpnMacIpAdvertisement{
- MacAddr: args[2],
- IpAddr: args[3],
- },
- },
- }
- }
- switch x.modtype {
- case "add":
- path.IsWithdraw = false
- case "delete":
- path.IsWithdraw = true
- }
- arg := &api.ModPathArguments{
- Resource: api.Resource_GLOBAL,
- Path: path,
- }
- stream, err := client.ModPath(context.Background())
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- err = stream.Send(arg)
- if err != nil {
+func (x *NeighborChangeStateCommand) Execute(args []string) error {
+ eArgs := extractArgs(x.command)
+ if err := requestGrpc(CMD_NEIGHBOR+"_"+x.command, eArgs, x.remoteIP); err != nil {
return err
- stream.CloseSend()
- res, e := stream.Recv()
- if e != nil {
- return e
- }
- if res.Code != api.Error_SUCCESS {
- return fmt.Errorf("error: code: %d, msg: %s", res.Code, res.Msg)
- }
return nil
-func NewPathCommand(modtype string) *PathCommand {
- return &PathCommand{
- modtype: modtype,
- }
var globalOpts struct {
Host string `short:"u" long:"url" description:"specifying an url" default:""`
Port int `short:"p" long:"port" description:"specifying a port" default:"8080"`
- Debug bool `short:"d" long:"debug"`
- Quiet bool `short:"q" long:"quiet"`
- Json bool `short:"j" long:"json"`
+ Debug bool `short:"d" long:"debug" description:"use debug"`
+ Quiet bool `short:"q" long:"quiet" description:"use quiet"`
+ Json bool `short:"j" long:"json" description:"use json format to output format"`
+var subOpts struct {
+ AddressFamily string `short:"a" long:"address-family" description:"specifying an address family" default:"ipv4"`
func main() {
+ eArgs := extractArgs("")
parser := flags.NewParser(&globalOpts, flags.Default)
- parser.Parse()
- timeout := grpc.WithTimeout(time.Second)
- conn, err := grpc.Dial(fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", globalOpts.Host, globalOpts.Port), timeout)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_GLOBAL, "subcommand for global", "", &GlobalCommand{})
+ parser.AddCommand(CMD_NEIGHBOR, "subcommand for neighbor", "", &NeighborCommand{})
+ if _, err := parser.ParseArgs(eArgs); err != nil {
- defer conn.Close()
- client = api.NewGrpcClient(conn)
- parser.AddCommand("show", "show stuff", "get information", &ShowCommand{})
- parser.AddCommand("reset", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("reset"))
- parser.AddCommand("softreset", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("softreset"))
- parser.AddCommand("softresetin", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("softresetin"))
- parser.AddCommand("softresetout", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("softresetout"))
- parser.AddCommand("shutdown", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("shutdown"))
- parser.AddCommand("enable", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("enable"))
- parser.AddCommand("disable", "show stuff", "get information", NewResetCommand("disable"))
- parser.AddCommand("add", "show stuff", "get information", NewPathCommand("add"))
- parser.AddCommand("delete", "show stuff", "get information", NewPathCommand("delete"))
- if _, err := parser.Parse(); err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
- os.Exit(1)
- }