path: root/tools/pyang_plugins
diff options
authorHiroshi Yokoi <>2015-08-11 11:50:37 +0900
committerHiroshi Yokoi <>2015-08-11 16:52:46 +0900
commit19dd57ff210cd166e02688aa9522a6ae68c30dc3 (patch)
treeedf210afe80192cf0e843b5261a048bcc960fe2c /tools/pyang_plugins
parentb88ac60d37caf91057e032fe32f6e6f09680521e (diff)
config: insert gobgp-specific elements with augment statements defined in gobgp.yang
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pyang_plugins')
3 files changed, 377 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pyang_plugins/README.rst b/tools/pyang_plugins/README.rst
index dc4e2a0e..eaf3f89e 100644
--- a/tools/pyang_plugins/README.rst
+++ b/tools/pyang_plugins/README.rst
@@ -22,4 +22,5 @@ How to use
-p $YANG_DIR/experimental/openconfig/policy \
-f golang $YANG_DIR/experimental/openconfig/bgp/bgp.yang \
--augment $YANG_DIR/experimental/openconfig/bgp/bgp-policy.yang \
+ --augment $GOBGP_PATH/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang \
| gofmt > $GOBGP_PATH/config/bgp_configs.go
diff --git a/tools/pyang_plugins/ b/tools/pyang_plugins/
index 569cc9bf..8ba5ef41 100644
--- a/tools/pyang_plugins/
+++ b/tools/pyang_plugins/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ class GolangPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin):
def add_opts(self, optparser):
optlist = [
- dest="augment",
+ dest="augment", action="append",
help="Yang file which has augment statements"),
g = optparser.add_option_group("GolangPlugin specific options")
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ class GolangPlugin(plugin.PyangPlugin):
# load augment module
if ctx.opts.augment:
aug_mod_path = ctx.opts.augment
- for p in aug_mod_path.split(","):
+ for p in aug_mod_path:
with open(p) as fd:
text =
@@ -151,6 +151,10 @@ def emit_class_def(ctx, yang_statement, struct_name, prefix):
print >> o, '//struct for container %s:%s' % (prefix, yang_statement.arg)
print >> o, 'type %s struct {' % convert_to_golang(struct_name)
for child in yang_statement.i_children:
+ if child.path in _path_exclude:
+ continue
container_or_list_name = child.uniq_name
val_name_go = convert_to_golang(child.arg)
child_prefix = get_orig_prefix(child.i_orig_module)
@@ -254,9 +258,21 @@ def get_orig_prefix(module):
return module.i_prefix
+def get_path(c):
+ path = ''
+ if c.parent is not None:
+ p = ''
+ if hasattr(c, 'i_module'):
+ mod = c.i_module
+ prefix = mod.search_one('prefix')
+ p = prefix.arg + ":" if prefix else ''
+ path = get_path(c.parent) + "/" + p + c.arg
+ return path
def visit_children(ctx, module, children):
for c in children:
prefix = ''
if is_case(c):
prefix = get_orig_prefix(c.parent.i_orig_module)
@@ -298,6 +314,8 @@ def visit_children(ctx, module, children):
ctx.golang_struct_names[prefix+':'+c.uniq_name] = c
+ c.path = get_path(c)
+ # print(c.path)
if hasattr(c, 'i_children'):
visit_children(ctx, module, c.i_children)
@@ -325,6 +343,8 @@ def visit_typedef(ctx, module):
child_map = {}
for stmts in module.substmts:
if stmts.keyword == 'typedef':
+ stmts.path = get_path(stmts)
+ # print(stmts.path)
name = stmts.arg
stmts.golang_name = convert_to_golang(name)
if stmts.golang_name == 'PeerType':
@@ -375,6 +395,9 @@ def emit_typedef(ctx, module):
t_map = ctx.golang_typedef_map[prefix]
for name, stmt in t_map.items():
+ if stmt.path in _typedef_exclude:
+ continue
# skip identityref type because currently skip identity
if get_type_spec(stmt) == 'identityref':
@@ -528,6 +551,13 @@ _module_excluded = ["ietf-inet-types",
+_path_exclude = ["/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:transport/bgp:config/bgp:local-address",
+ "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:transport/bgp:state/bgp:local-address",
+ "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/rpol:neighbor-sets/rpol:neighbor-set/rpol:neighbor",
+ "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:community-sets/bgp-pol:community-set/bgp-pol:community-member",
+ "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:ext-community-sets/bgp-pol:ext-community-set/bgp-pol:ext-community-member"]
+_typedef_exclude =["/bgp-types:bgp-origin-attr-type"]
def generate_header(ctx):
diff --git a/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang b/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3c4d800
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pyang_plugins/gobgp.yang
@@ -0,0 +1,343 @@
+module bgp-gobgp {
+ yang-version "1";
+ // namespace
+ namespace "";
+ prefix "gobgp";
+ // import some basic types
+ import bgp { prefix bgp; }
+ import routing-policy {prefix rpol; }
+ import bgp-policy {prefix bgp-pol; }
+ import ietf-inet-types { prefix inet; }
+ // meta
+ organization
+ "GoBGP";
+ contact
+ "GoBGP";
+ description
+ "This module contains definitions for GoBGP-specific configuration.
+ It augments bgp modules with GoBGP-specific options.";
+ revision "2015-08-10" {
+ description
+ "Updated model to augment base bgp modules";
+ reference "TBD";
+ }
+ typedef bgp-origin-attr-type {
+ type enumeration {
+ enum IGP {
+ value 0;
+ description "Origin of the NLRI is internal";
+ }
+ enum EGP {
+ value 1;
+ description "Origin of the NLRI is EGP";
+ }
+ value 2;
+ description "Origin of the NLRI is neither IGP or EGP";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-message-counter {
+ description
+ "Counters for all BGPMessage types";
+ leaf OPEN {
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "Number of BGP open messages announcing, withdrawing
+ or modifying paths exchanged.";
+ }
+ leaf REFRESH {
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "Number of BGP Route-Refresh messages indicating an
+ error condition has occurred exchanged.";
+ }
+ leaf KEEPALIVE {
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "Number of BGP Keepalive messages indicating an
+ error condition has occurred exchanged.";
+ }
+ leaf DYNAMIC-CAP {
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "Number of BGP dynamic-cap messages indicating an
+ error condition has occurred exchanged.";
+ }
+ leaf DISCARDED {
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "Number of discarded messages indicating an
+ error condition has occurred exchanged.";
+ }
+ leaf TOTAL {
+ type uint64;
+ description
+ "Number of total messages indicating an
+ error condition has occurred exchanged.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-timer {
+ description "additional timer";
+ leaf idle-hold-time-after-reset {
+ type decimal64 {
+ fraction-digits 2;
+ }
+ default 30;
+ description
+ "Time interval in seconds that a BGP session will be
+ in idle state after neighbor reset operation.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-neighbor-timer {
+ description "additional timer";
+ leaf downtime {
+ type yang:timeticks;
+ description
+ "This timer determines the amount of time since the
+ BGP last transitioned out of the Established state";
+ }
+ leaf update-recv-time {
+ type int64;
+ description
+ "The number of seconds elasped since January 1, 1970 UTC
+ last time the BGP session received an UPDATE message";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-in-policy {
+ description
+ "additional policy";
+ leaf-list in-policy {
+ type leafref {
+ path "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" +
+ "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:name";
+ //require-instance true;
+ }
+ description
+ "list of policy names in sequence to be applied on
+ sending a routing update in the current context, e.g.,
+ for the current other route server clients.";
+ }
+ leaf default-in-policy {
+ type rpol:default-policy-type;
+ default REJECT-ROUTE;
+ description
+ "explicitly set a default policy if no policy definition
+ in the in-policy chain is satisfied.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-route-server-config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameter specifying whether
+ the neighbor is route server client or not.";
+ leaf route-server-client {
+ type boolean;
+ default "false";
+ description
+ "Configure the neighbor as a route server client.";
+ }
+ }
+ grouping gobgp-route-server-config-set {
+ description
+ "set of configurations for route server client.";
+ container route-server {
+ description
+ "Configure the local router as a route server";
+ container config {
+ description
+ "Configuration parameters relating to route server
+ client(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
+ uses gobgp-route-server-config;
+ }
+ container state {
+ config false;
+ description
+ "State information relating to route server
+ client(s) used for the BGP neighbor";
+ uses gobgp-route-server-config;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // augment statements
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state/bgp:messages/bgp:sent" {
+ description "additional counters";
+ uses gobgp-message-counter;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state/bgp:messages/bgp:received" {
+ description "additional counters";
+ uses gobgp-message-counter;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:state" {
+ description "additional state elements";
+ leaf admin-down {
+ type boolean;
+ description
+ "The state of administrative operation. If the state is true, it indicates the neighbor is disabled by the administrator";
+ }
+ leaf established-count {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The number of how many the peer became established state";
+ }
+ leaf flops {
+ type uint32;
+ description
+ "The number of flip-flops";
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:timers/bgp:config" {
+ description "additional timer";
+ uses gobgp-timer;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:timers/bgp:state" {
+ description "additional timers";
+ uses gobgp-timer;
+ uses gobgp-neighbor-timer;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:peer-groups/bgp:peer-group" {
+ description "route server configuration for peer-group";
+ uses gobgp-route-server-config-set;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor" {
+ description "route server configuration for neighbor";
+ uses gobgp-route-server-config-set;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:transport/bgp:config" {
+ description "neighbor's local ip address, whose type is inet:ip-address";
+ leaf local-address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:neighbors/bgp:neighbor/bgp:transport/bgp:state" {
+ description "neighbor's local ip address, whose type is inet:ip-address";
+ leaf local-address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:global/bgp:apply-policy/bgp:config" {
+ description "addtional policy";
+ uses gobgp-in-policy;
+ }
+ augment "/bgp:bgp/bgp:global/bgp:apply-policy/bgp:state" {
+ description "additional policy";
+ uses gobgp-in-policy;
+ }
+ augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:policy-definitions/" +
+ "rpol:policy-definition/rpol:statements/rpol:statement/" +
+ "rpol:actions/bgp-pol:bgp-actions/bgp-pol:set-as-path-prepend" {
+ description "as number used for aspath prepend";
+ leaf as {
+ type union {
+ type inet:as-number;
+ type string {
+ pattern "last-as";
+ }
+ }
+ description
+ "autonomous system number or 'last-as' which means
+ the leftmost as number in the AS-path to be prepended";
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/rpol:neighbor-sets/rpol:neighbor-set" {
+ description "alternative for the existing neighbor element";
+ list neighbor-info {
+ leaf address {
+ type inet:ip-address;
+ description
+ "neighbor ip address";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/" +
+ "bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:community-sets/bgp-pol:community-set" {
+ description "alternative for the existing community-member";
+ list community {
+ leaf community {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "community set member";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/" +
+ "bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:ext-community-sets/bgp-pol:ext-community-set" {
+ description "alternative for the existing ext-community-member";
+ list ext-community {
+ leaf ext-community {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "extended community set member";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ augment "/rpol:routing-policy/rpol:defined-sets/" +
+ "bgp-pol:bgp-defined-sets/bgp-pol:as-path-sets/bgp-pol:as-path-set" {
+ description "alternative for the existing as-path-set-member";
+ list as-path {
+ leaf as-path {
+ type string;
+ description
+ "AS path expression";
+ }
+ }
+ }