path: root/test/scenario_test/lib/
diff options
authorISHIDA Wataru <>2015-07-02 15:29:05 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2015-07-03 06:29:07 +0900
commit34c88c4771a5dd4fb687fe225cebfc6fc99381f0 (patch)
treeb6144f582473b2aea9127cbbcb113d1b16b57a77 /test/scenario_test/lib/
parent64f5846bc6e1a12b0a9bf3fb8d56d33ebe46b811 (diff)
test: introduce modular test library
Signed-off-by: ISHIDA Wataru <>
Diffstat (limited to 'test/scenario_test/lib/')
1 files changed, 175 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/lib/ b/test/scenario_test/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d9115f1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scenario_test/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+from base import *
+import json
+import toml
+import subprocess
+import select
+class GoBGPContainer(BGPContainer):
+ SHARED_VOLUME = '/root/shared_volume'
+ def __init__(self, name, asn, router_id, ctn_image_name='gobgp',
+ log_level='debug'):
+ super(GoBGPContainer, self).__init__(name, asn, router_id,
+ ctn_image_name)
+ self.shared_volumes.append((self.config_dir, self.SHARED_VOLUME))
+ self.log_level = log_level
+ def _start_gobgp(self):
+ c = CmdBuffer()
+ c << '#!/bin/bash'
+ c << '/go/bin/gobgpd -f {0}/gobgpd.conf -l {1} -p > ' \
+ '{0}/gobgpd.log 2>&1'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME, self.log_level)
+ cmd = 'echo "{0:s}" > {1}/'.format(c, self.config_dir)
+ local(cmd, capture=True)
+ cmd = "chmod 755 {0}/".format(self.config_dir)
+ local(cmd, capture=True)
+ cmd = 'docker exec -d {0} {1}/'.format(,
+ local(cmd, capture=True)
+ def run(self):
+ super(GoBGPContainer, self).run()
+ self._start_gobgp()
+ return self.WAIT_FOR_BOOT
+ def get_local_rib(self, peer, rf='ipv4'):
+ if peer not in self.peers:
+ raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id))
+ peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ gobgp = '/go/bin/gobgp'
+ cmd = CmdBuffer(' ')
+ cmd << "docker exec {0} {1}".format(, gobgp)
+ cmd << "-j neighbor {0} local -a {1}".format(peer_addr, rf)
+ output = local(str(cmd), capture=True)
+ n = json.loads(output)
+ return n
+ def get_global_rib(self, prefix='', rf='ipv4'):
+ gobgp = '/go/bin/gobgp'
+ cmd = 'docker exec {0} {1} -j global rib {2} -a {3}'.format(,
+ gobgp,
+ prefix,
+ rf)
+ output = local(cmd, capture=True)
+ n = json.loads(output)
+ return n
+ def get_neighbor_state(self, peer):
+ if peer not in self.peers:
+ raise Exception('not found peer {0}'.format(peer.router_id))
+ peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ gobgp = '/go/bin/gobgp'
+ cmd = 'docker exec {0} {1} -j neighbor {2}'.format(,
+ gobgp,
+ peer_addr)
+ output = local(cmd, capture=True)
+ return json.loads(output)['info']['bgp_state']
+ def wait_for(self, expected_state, peer, timeout=20):
+ state = self.get_neighbor_state(peer)
+ y = colors.yellow
+ print y("{0}'s peer {1} state: {2}".format(self.router_id,
+ peer.router_id,
+ state))
+ if state == expected_state:
+ return
+ peer_addr = self.peers[peer]['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ gobgp = '/go/bin/gobgp'
+ cmd = 'docker exec {0} {1} monitor neighbor {2} -j'.format(,
+ gobgp,
+ peer_addr)
+ process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True,
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
+ poll = select.epoll()
+ poll.register(process.stdout, select.POLLIN)
+ while True:
+ result = poll.poll(float(timeout))
+ if result:
+ line = process.stdout.readline()
+ info = json.loads(line)['info']
+ print y("{0}'s peer {1} state: {2}".format(self.router_id,
+ peer.router_id,
+ info['bgp_state']))
+ if info['bgp_state'] == expected_state:
+ return
+ continue
+ raise Exception('timeout')
+ def create_config(self):
+ config = {'Global': {'As': self.asn, 'RouterId': self.router_id}}
+ for peer, info in self.peers.iteritems():
+ if self.asn == peer.asn:
+ peer_type = self.PEER_TYPE_INTERNAL
+ else:
+ peer_type = self.PEER_TYPE_EXTERNAL
+ afi_safi_list = []
+ version = netaddr.IPNetwork(info['neigh_addr']).version
+ if version == 4:
+ afi_safi_list.append({'AfiSafiName': 'ipv4-unicast'})
+ elif version == 6:
+ afi_safi_list.append({'AfiSafiName': 'ipv6-unicast'})
+ else:
+ Exception('invalid ip address version. {0}'.format(version))
+ if info['evpn']:
+ afi_safi_list.append({'AfiSafiName': 'l2vpn-evpn'})
+ afi_safi_list.append({'AfiSafiName': 'encap'})
+ afi_safi_list.append({'AfiSafiName': 'rtc'})
+ n = {'NeighborAddress': info['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0],
+ 'PeerAs': peer.asn,
+ 'AuthPassword': info['passwd'],
+ 'PeerType': peer_type,
+ 'AfiSafiList': afi_safi_list}
+ if info['passive']:
+ n['TransportOptions'] = {'PassiveMode': True}
+ if info['is_rs_client']:
+ n['RouteServer'] = {'RouteServerClient': True}
+ if info['is_rr_client']:
+ clusterId = info['cluster_id']
+ n['RouteReflector'] = {'RouteReflectorClient': True,
+ 'RouteReflectorClusterId': clusterId}
+ if 'NeighborList' not in config:
+ config['NeighborList'] = []
+ config['NeighborList'].append(n)
+ with open('{0}/gobgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f:
+ print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(
+ print colors.yellow(indent(toml.dumps(config)))
+ f.write(toml.dumps(config))
+ def reload_config(self):
+ cmd = 'docker exec {0} /usr/bin/pkill gobgpd -SIGHUP'.format(
+ local(cmd, capture=True)