diff options
authorNaoto Hanaue <>2015-06-09 17:14:59 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2015-06-10 20:38:35 +0900
commitb95abb0a96db6a0faaad0d32e568d93b4d13a312 (patch)
parentb1963b7389c09cde29a261f4a9421bc098ce5d46 (diff)
doc: revise chart structure
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/docs/sources/ b/docs/sources/
index 95f4b703..76fe5ca7 100644
--- a/docs/sources/
+++ b/docs/sources/
@@ -68,12 +68,12 @@ PrefixSetList has PrefixList as its element. PrefixList has prefix information t
PrefixList has 3 elements.
-| Parent | Element |Description | Example | Optional |
-| ------------------------------------- |-----------------|-------------------|------------|------------|
-| DefinedSets.PrefixSetList | PrefixSetName | name of PrefixSet | ""| |
-| DefinedSets.PrefixSetList.PrefixList | Address | prefix address | ""| |
-| | Masklength | prefix length | 16 | |
-| | MasklengthRange | range of length | "25..28" | Yes |
+| Element |Description | Example | Optional |
+| PrefixSetName | name of PrefixSet | ""| |
+| Address | prefix address | ""| |
+| Masklength | prefix length | 16 | |
+| MasklengthRange | range of length | "25..28" | Yes |
##### Examples
@@ -140,12 +140,13 @@ PrefixList has 3 elements.
NeighborSetList has NeighborInfoList as its element and NeighborInfoList has neighbor information to match the sender of the routes.
It is necessary to specify a neighbor address in NeighborInfoList.
-NeighborInfoList has 1 elements.
-| Parent | Element |Description | Example | Optional |
-| --------------------------------------------- |----------|--------------------|-------------|------------|
-| DefinedSets.NeighborSetList | NeighborSetName | name of NeighborSet| "ns1 "| |
-| DefinedSets.NeighborSetList.NeighborInfoList | Address | neighbor's address | ""| |
+NeighborInfoList has 2 elements.
+| Element |Description | Example | Optional |
+| NeighborSetName | name of NeighborSet | "ns1" | |
+| Address | neighbor's address | "" | |
##### Examples
@@ -162,7 +163,8 @@ NeighborInfoList has 1 elements.
- example 2
- Match routes which come from the neighbor
-Neighbor Match needs be defined within DefinedSets as follows.
+ - Neighbor Match needs be defined within DefinedSets as follows.
# example 2
@@ -172,7 +174,7 @@ Neighbor Match needs be defined within DefinedSets as follows.
- example 3
- - As with PrefixSet, NeighborSet can have multiple NeighborInfoList like this;
+ - As with PrefixSet, NeighborSet can have multiple NeighborInfoList like this.
# example 3
@@ -213,10 +215,10 @@ CommunitySetList has Community value as its element. The values are used to eval
CommunitySetList has 2 elements.
-| Parent | Element |Description | Example | Optional |
-| ------------------------------------------- |------------------|-------------------------|------------|----------|
-| DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySetList | CommunitySetName | name of CommunitySet |"community1"| |
-| | CommunityMembers | list of Community value |["65100:10"]| |
+| Element | Description | Example | Optional |
+| CommunitySetName | name of CommunitySet | "community1" | |
+| CommunityMembers | list of Community value | ["65100:10"] | |
You can use regular expressions to specify communities in CommunityMembers.
@@ -251,16 +253,16 @@ AsPathSetList has AS numbers as its element. The numbers are used to evaluate AS
CommunitySetList has 2 elements.
-| Parent | Element |Description | Example | Optional |
-| ---------------------------------------- |------------------|-------------------|------------|----------|
-| DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSetList | AsPathSetName | name of AsPathSet | "aspath1" | |
-| | AsPathSetMembers | list of AS number | ["^65100"] | |
+| Element | Description | Example | Optional |
+| AsPathSetName | name of AsPathSet | "aspath1" | |
+| AsPathSetMembers | list of AS number | ["^65100"] | |
You can specify the position using regexp-like expression as follows:
- From: "^65100" means the route is passed from AS 65100 directly.
- Any: "65100" means the route comes through AS 65100.
- Origin: "65100$" means the route is originated by AS 65100.
- - Only: "^65100$" means the route is originated by AS 65100 and comes from it directly.
+ - Only: "^65100$" means the route is originated by AS 65100 and comes from it directly.
##### Examples
- example 1
@@ -297,7 +299,7 @@ You can write condition and action under StatementList.
MatchAsPathSet = "aspath1"
Operator = "eq"
- Value = 2
+ Value = 2
AcceptRoute = true
@@ -308,24 +310,54 @@ You can write condition and action under StatementList.
The elements of PolicyDefinitionList are as follows:
-| Parent | Element |Description |Example |
-| ----------------------------------------------------------------------- |-------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|--------------|
-| PolicyDefinitionList | name | policy's name | "pd1" |
-| PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList | name | statements's name | "pd1" |
-| PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions | MatchPrefixSet | name for DefinedSets.PrefixSetList that is used in this policy | "ps2" |
-| | MatchNeighborSet | name for DefinedSets.NeighborSetList that is used in this policy |"ns1" |
-| | MatchSetOptions | option for the check;<br> 0 means **ANY**,<br> 1 means **ALL**,<br> 2 means **INVERT** | 1 |
-|PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions.BgpConditions | MatchCommunitySet | name for DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySetList that is used in this policy | "community1" |
-| | MatchAsPathSet | name for DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSetList that is used in this policy | "aspath1" |
-|PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions.BgpConditions.AsPathLength | Operator | operator to compare the length of AS number in AS_PATH attribute. <br> "eq","ge","le" can be used. | "eq" |
-| | Value | value used to compare with the length of AS number in AS_PATH attribute | "aspath1" |
-|PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions | AcceptRoute | action to accept the route if matches conditions. If true, this route is accepted | true |
-|PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions.BgpActions.SetCommunity | Communities | communities used to manipulate the route's community accodriong to Options below | ["65100:20"] |
-| | Options | operator to manipulate Community attribute in the route | "ADD" |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| name | policy's name | "example-policy" |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| name | statements's name | "statement1" |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| MatchPrefixSet | name for DefinedSets.PrefixSetList that is used in this policy | "ps2" |
+| MatchNeighborSet | name for DefinedSets.NeighborSetList that is used in this policy | "ns1" |
+| MatchSetOptions | option for the check;<br> 0 means **ANY**,<br> 1 means **ALL**,<br> 2 means **INVERT** | 1 |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions.BgpConditions
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| MatchCommunitySet | name for DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.CommunitySetList that is used in this policy | "community1" |
+| MatchAsPathSet | name for DefinedSets.BgpDefinedSets.AsPathSetList that is used in this policy | "aspath1" |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions.BgpConditions.AsPathLength
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| Operator | operator to compare the length of AS number in AS_PATH attribute. <br> "eq","ge","le" can be used. <br> "eq" means that length of AS number is equal to Value element <br> "ge" means that length of AS number is equal or greater than the Value element <br> "le" means that length of AS number is equal or smaller than the Value element| "eq" |
+| Value | value used to compare with the length of AS number in AS_PATH attribute | 2 |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions
- - - AsPathLength
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| AcceptRoute | action to accept the route if matches conditions. If true, this route is accepted | true |
+ - PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions.BgpActions.SetCommunity
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| Communities | communities used to manipulate the route's community accodriong to Options below | "eq" |
+| Options | operator to manipulate Community attribute in the route | 2 |
##### Examples
- example 1
@@ -375,7 +407,8 @@ The elements of PolicyDefinitionList are as follows:
- example 3
- - If you want to add other policies, just add PolicyDefinitionList block following the first one like this;
+ - If you want to add other policies, just add PolicyDefinitionList block following the first one like this
# example 3
# first policy
@@ -391,7 +424,7 @@ The elements of PolicyDefinitionList are as follows:
RejectRoute = true
-# second policy
+ # second policy
Name = "policy2"
@@ -405,36 +438,38 @@ The elements of PolicyDefinitionList are as follows:
RejectRoute = true
- - example 4
- - This PolicyDefinition has conditions as follows. If
- - PrefixSet: *ps1*
- - NeighborSet: *ns1*
- - CommunitySet: *community1*
- - AsPathSet: *aspath1*
- - AsPath length: *equal 2*
- - If a route matches all these conditions, the route is accepted and added community.
+- example 4
+ - This PolicyDefinition has multiple conditions including BgpConditions as follows:
+ - PrefixSet: *ps1*
+ - NeighborSet: *ns1*
+ - CommunitySet: *community1*
+ - AsPathSet: *aspath1*
+ - AsPath length: *equal 2*
+ - If a route matches all these conditions, the route is accepted and added community "65100:20".
-# example 4
-Name = "policy4"
-Name = "statement1"
-MatchPrefixSet = "ps1"
-MatchNeighborSet = "ns1"
-MatchSetOptions = 1
-MatchCommunitySet = "community1"
-MatchAsPathSet = "aspath1"
-Operator = "eq"
-Value = 2
-AcceptRoute = true
-Communities = ["65100:20"]
-Options = "ADD"
+ # example 4
+ [[PolicyDefinitionList]]
+ Name = "policy4"
+ [[PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList]]
+ Name = "statement1"
+ [PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions]
+ MatchPrefixSet = "ps1"
+ MatchNeighborSet = "ns1"
+ MatchSetOptions = 1
+ [PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions.BgpConditions]
+ MatchCommunitySet = "community1"
+ MatchAsPathSet = "aspath1"
+ [PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Conditions.BgpConditions.AsPathLength]
+ Operator = "eq"
+ Value = 2
+ [PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions]
+ AcceptRoute = true
+ [PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions.BgpActions]
+ [PolicyDefinitionList.StatementList.Actions.BgpActions.SetCommunity]
+ Communities = ["65100:20"]
+ Options = "ADD"
@@ -463,9 +498,9 @@ DefaultExportPolicy = 0
NeighborList has a section to specify policies and the section's name is ApplyPolicy.
The ApplyPolicy has 4 elements.
-| Parent | Element | Description | Example |
-| NeighborList.ApplyPolicy | ImportPolicies | for import policy | "policy1" |
-| | ExportPolicies | for export policy | "policy1" |
-| | DefaultImportPolicy | action if the route isn't applied any policy;<br> 0 means import,<br> 1 means reject | 0 |
-| | DefaultExportPolicy | action if the route isn't applied any policy;<br> 0 means export,<br> 1 means discard | 0 |
+| Element | Description | Example |
+| ImportPolicies | for import policy | "policy1" |
+| ExportPolicies | for export policy | "policy2" |
+| DefaultImportPolicy | action if the route isn't applied any policy;<br> 0 means import,<br> 1 means reject | 0 |
+| DefaultExportPolicy | action if the route isn't applied any policy;<br> 0 means export,<br> 1 means discard | 0 |