diff options
authorNaoto Hanaue <>2015-03-24 19:38:27 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2015-03-24 19:38:27 +0900
commit8fb175eb2c3079613a7970e85d1648207c9d829b (patch)
parent8d7b670b4ff6cab9e7065ed869b94e42446ecb93 (diff)
policy: add prefix filter
Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
10 files changed, 763 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/policy/policy.go b/policy/policy.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9bb4bc8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/policy.go
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package policy
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ log ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "net"
+ "strconv"
+ "strings"
+type RouteType int
+const (
+type MaskLengthRangeType int
+const (
+type Policy struct {
+ Name string
+ Statements []Statement
+func NewPolicy(name string, pd config.PolicyDefinition, cdf config.DefinedSets) *Policy {
+ cst := pd.StatementList
+ st := make([]Statement, 0)
+ p := &Policy{
+ Name: name,
+ Statements: st,
+ }
+ for _, cs := range cst {
+ pName := cs.Conditions.MatchPrefixSet
+ npl := make([]Prefix, 0)
+ for _, psl := range cdf.PrefixSetList {
+ if psl.PrefixSetName == pName {
+ for _, ps := range psl.PrefixList {
+ npl = append(npl, NewPrefix(ps.Address, ps.Masklength, ps.MasklengthRange))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nName := cs.Conditions.MatchNeighborSet
+ nnl := make([]net.IP, 0)
+ for _, nsl := range cdf.NeighborSetList {
+ if nsl.NeighborSetName == nName {
+ for _, nl := range nsl.NeighborInfoList {
+ nnl = append(nnl, nl.Address)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ con := Conditions{
+ PrefixList: npl,
+ NeighborList: nnl,
+ }
+ act := Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: cs.Actions.AcceptRoute,
+ RejectRoute: cs.Actions.RejectRoute,
+ }
+ s := Statement{
+ Name: cs.Name,
+ Conditions: con,
+ Actions: act,
+ }
+ st = append(st, s)
+ }
+ p.Statements = st
+ return p
+type Statement struct {
+ Name string
+ Conditions Conditions
+ Actions Actions
+type Conditions struct {
+ //CallPolicy string
+ PrefixList []Prefix
+ NeighborList []net.IP
+type Actions struct {
+ AcceptRoute bool
+ RejectRoute bool
+type Prefix struct {
+ Address net.IP
+ Masklength uint8
+ MasklengthRange map[MaskLengthRangeType]uint8
+func NewPrefix(addr net.IP, maskLen uint8, maskRange string) Prefix {
+ mlr := make(map[MaskLengthRangeType]uint8)
+ p := Prefix{
+ Address: addr,
+ Masklength: maskLen,
+ MasklengthRange: make(map[MaskLengthRangeType]uint8),
+ }
+ idx := strings.Index(maskRange, "..")
+ if idx == -1 {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Address": addr,
+ "Masklength": maskLen,
+ }).Warn("mask length range of condition is invalid format")
+ return p
+ }
+ if idx != 0 {
+ min, e := strconv.ParseUint(maskRange[:idx], 10, 8)
+ if e != nil {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Error": e,
+ }).Error("failed to parse the min length of mask length range")
+ return p
+ }
+ mlr[MASK_LENGTH_RANGE_MIN] = uint8(min)
+ }
+ if idx != len(maskRange)-1 {
+ max, e := strconv.ParseUint(maskRange[idx+2:], 10, 8)
+ if e != nil {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Error": e,
+ }).Error("failed to parse the max length of mask length range")
+ return p
+ }
+ mlr[MASK_LENGTH_RANGE_MAX] = uint8(max)
+ }
+ p.MasklengthRange = mlr
+ return p
+//compare path and condition of policy
+//and, subsequent comparison skip if that matches the conditions.
+func (p *Policy) Apply(path table.Path) (bool, RouteType, table.Path) {
+ for _, statement := range p.Statements {
+ matchPrefix := false
+ matchNeighbor := false
+ if len(statement.Conditions.PrefixList) <= 0 && len(statement.Conditions.NeighborList) <= 0 {
+ return false, ROUTE_TYPE_NONE, nil
+ } else if len(statement.Conditions.PrefixList) <= 0 && len(statement.Conditions.NeighborList) > 0 {
+ matchPrefix = true
+ matchNeighbor = statement.compareNeighbor(path)
+ } else if len(statement.Conditions.NeighborList) <= 0 && len(statement.Conditions.PrefixList) > 0 {
+ matchPrefix = statement.comparePrefix(path)
+ matchNeighbor = true
+ } else {
+ matchPrefix = statement.comparePrefix(path)
+ matchNeighbor = statement.compareNeighbor(path)
+ }
+ an := statement.Actions
+ //if match the one of the prefix list and match to any of tye neighbor list,
+ //determines that matches the conditions of the statement
+ if matchPrefix && matchNeighbor {
+ if an.AcceptRoute {
+ // accept the path
+ // and return the path updated in acction definition
+ // TODO update path using acction definition.
+ // implementation waiting for yang.
+ newPath := path
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Type": "ROUTE_ACCEPT",
+ "OldPath": path,
+ "NewPath": newPath,
+ }).Debug("Apply policy to path")
+ return true, ROUTE_TYPE_ACCEPT, newPath
+ } else {
+ // reject the path
+ // and return the path updated in acction definition
+ // TODO update path using acction definition.
+ // implementation waiting for yang.
+ newPath := path
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Type": "ROUTE_REJECT",
+ "OldPath": path,
+ "NewPath": newPath,
+ }).Debug("Apply policy to path")
+ return true, ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT, nil
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false, ROUTE_TYPE_NONE, nil
+//compare prefix of condition policy and nlri of path
+//and, subsequent comparison skip if that matches the conditions.
+func (s *Statement) comparePrefix(path table.Path) bool {
+ for _, cp := range s.Conditions.PrefixList {
+ if IpPrefixCalcurate(path, cp) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+//compare neighbor ipaddress of condition policy and source of path
+//and, subsequent comparison skip if that matches the conditions.
+func (s *Statement) compareNeighbor(path table.Path) bool {
+ for _, neighbor := range s.Conditions.NeighborList {
+ cAddr := neighbor
+ pAddr := path.GetSource().Address
+ if pAddr.Equal(cAddr) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ return false
+func IpPrefixCalcurate(path table.Path, cPrefix Prefix) bool {
+ pAddr := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.NLRInfo).IPAddrPrefix.Prefix
+ pMaskLen := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.NLRInfo).IPAddrPrefix.Length
+ cp := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%d", cPrefix.Address, cPrefix.Masklength)
+ rMin, okMin := cPrefix.MasklengthRange[MASK_LENGTH_RANGE_MIN]
+ rMax, okMax := cPrefix.MasklengthRange[MASK_LENGTH_RANGE_MAX]
+ //TODO add conditional processing by RouteFamily.
+ if !okMin && !okMax {
+ if pAddr.Equal(cPrefix.Address) && pMaskLen == cPrefix.Masklength {
+ return true
+ } else {
+ return false
+ }
+ } else if !okMin {
+ rMin = uint8(0)
+ } else if !okMax {
+ rMax = uint8(32)
+ }
+ _, ipNet, e := net.ParseCIDR(cp)
+ if e != nil {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Policy",
+ "Prefix": ipNet,
+ "Error": e,
+ }).Error("failed to parse the prefix of condition")
+ return false
+ }
+ if ipNet.Contains(pAddr) && (rMin <= pMaskLen && pMaskLen <= rMax) {
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
diff --git a/policy/policy_test.go b/policy/policy_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..34c6c5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/policy/policy_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2014,2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+package policy
+import (
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ ""
+ "net"
+ "testing"
+func TestPrefixCalcurateNoRange(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // test
+ pl1 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 24, "")
+ match1 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl1)
+ assert.Equal(t, match1, false)
+ pl2 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 24, "")
+ match2 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl2)
+ assert.Equal(t, match2, true)
+ pl3 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "21..24")
+ match3 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl3)
+ assert.Equal(t, match3, true)
+func TestPrefixCalcurateInAddress(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // test
+ pl1 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "21..24")
+ match1 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl1)
+ assert.Equal(t, match1, false)
+ pl2 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "21..24")
+ match2 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl2)
+ assert.Equal(t, match2, true)
+func TestPrefixCalcurateInLength(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // test
+ pl1 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 24, "21..24")
+ match1 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl1)
+ assert.Equal(t, match1, false)
+ pl2 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "21..24")
+ match2 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl2)
+ assert.Equal(t, match2, true)
+func TestPrefixCalcurateInLengthRange(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // test
+ pl1 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "21..23")
+ match1 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl1)
+ assert.Equal(t, match1, false)
+ pl2 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "25..26")
+ match2 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl2)
+ assert.Equal(t, match2, false)
+ pl3 := NewPrefix(net.ParseIP(""), 16, "21..24")
+ match3 := IpPrefixCalcurate(path, pl3)
+ assert.Equal(t, match3, true)
+func TestPolicyNotMatchL(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // create policy
+ ps := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 16,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ ns := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{ps},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{ns},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: false,
+ RejectRoute: true,
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ pName := "pd1"
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pName, pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(t, match, false)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType, ROUTE_TYPE_NONE)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath, nil)
+func TestPolicyMatchAndReject(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // create policy
+ ps := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 16,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ ns := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{ps},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{ns},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: false,
+ RejectRoute: true,
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ pName := "pd1"
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pName, pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(t, match, true)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType, ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath, nil)
+func TestPolicyMatchAndAccept(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // create policy
+ ps := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 16,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ ns := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{ps},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{ns},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: true,
+ RejectRoute: false,
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ pName := "pd1"
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pName, pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path)
+ assert.Equal(t, match, true)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType, ROUTE_TYPE_ACCEPT)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath, path)
+func TestPolicyRejectOnlyPrefixList(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path1 := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ peer = &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65002, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin = bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam = []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65002})}
+ aspath = bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop = bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med = bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes = []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri = []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes = []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg = bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg = table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path2 := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // create policy
+ ps := config.PrefixSet{
+ PrefixSetName: "ps1",
+ PrefixList: []config.Prefix{
+ config.Prefix{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ Masklength: 24,
+ MasklengthRange: "21..24",
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{ps},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: false,
+ RejectRoute: true,
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ pName := "pd1"
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pName, pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path1)
+ assert.Equal(t, match, true)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType, ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath, nil)
+ match2, pType2, newPath2 := p.Apply(path2)
+ assert.Equal(t, match2, false)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType2, ROUTE_TYPE_NONE)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath2, nil)
+func TestPolicyRejectOnlyNeighborList(t *testing.T) {
+ // creatae path
+ peer := &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65001, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin := bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam := []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65001})}
+ aspath := bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop := bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med := bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes := []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri := []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes := []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg := bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg := table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path1 := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ peer = &table.PeerInfo{AS: 65002, Address: net.ParseIP("")}
+ origin = bgp.NewPathAttributeOrigin(0)
+ aspathParam = []bgp.AsPathParamInterface{bgp.NewAsPathParam(2, []uint16{65002})}
+ aspath = bgp.NewPathAttributeAsPath(aspathParam)
+ nexthop = bgp.NewPathAttributeNextHop("")
+ med = bgp.NewPathAttributeMultiExitDisc(0)
+ pathAttributes = []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{origin, aspath, nexthop, med}
+ nlri = []bgp.NLRInfo{*bgp.NewNLRInfo(24, "")}
+ withdrawnRoutes = []bgp.WithdrawnRoute{}
+ updateMsg = bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage(withdrawnRoutes, pathAttributes, nlri)
+ msg = table.NewProcessMessage(updateMsg, peer)
+ path2 := msg.ToPathList()[0]
+ // create policy
+ ns := config.NeighborSet{
+ NeighborSetName: "ns1",
+ NeighborInfoList: []config.NeighborInfo{
+ config.NeighborInfo{
+ Address: net.ParseIP(""),
+ }},
+ }
+ ds := config.DefinedSets{
+ PrefixSetList: []config.PrefixSet{},
+ NeighborSetList: []config.NeighborSet{ns},
+ }
+ s := config.Statement{
+ Name: "statement1",
+ Conditions: config.Conditions{
+ MatchPrefixSet: "ps1",
+ MatchNeighborSet: "ns1",
+ },
+ Actions: config.Actions{
+ AcceptRoute: false,
+ RejectRoute: true,
+ },
+ }
+ pd := config.PolicyDefinition{"pd1", []config.Statement{s}}
+ pl := config.RoutingPolicy{ds, []config.PolicyDefinition{pd}}
+ //test
+ pName := "pd1"
+ df := pl.DefinedSets
+ p := NewPolicy(pName, pl.PolicyDefinitionList[0], df)
+ match, pType, newPath := p.Apply(path1)
+ assert.Equal(t, match, true)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType, ROUTE_TYPE_REJECT)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath, nil)
+ match2, pType2, newPath2 := p.Apply(path2)
+ assert.Equal(t, match2, false)
+ assert.Equal(t, pType2, ROUTE_TYPE_NONE)
+ assert.Equal(t, newPath2, nil)
diff --git a/table/destination.go b/table/destination.go
index f805d5e3..a79daa2b 100644
--- a/table/destination.go
+++ b/table/destination.go
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ func (dd *DestinationDefault) removeOldPathsFromSource(source *PeerInfo) []Path
tempKnownPathList := make([]Path, 0)
for _, path := range dd.knownPathList {
- if path.getSource() == source {
+ if path.GetSource() == source {
removePaths = append(removePaths, path)
} else {
tempKnownPathList = append(tempKnownPathList, path)
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ func (dest *DestinationDefault) removeWithdrawls() {
for _, path := range dest.knownPathList {
// We have a match if the source are same.
// TODO add GetSource to Path interface
- if path.getSource() == withdraw.getSource() {
+ if path.GetSource() == withdraw.GetSource() {
isFound = true
matches[path.String()] = path
wMatches[withdraw.String()] = withdraw
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ func (dest *DestinationDefault) removeOldPaths() {
// version num. as newPaths are implicit withdrawal of old
// paths and when doing RouteRefresh (not EnhancedRouteRefresh)
// we get same paths again.
- if newPath.getSource() == path.getSource() {
+ if newPath.GetSource() == path.GetSource() {
oldPaths = append(oldPaths, path)
@@ -596,17 +596,17 @@ func compareByLocalOrigin(path1, path2 Path) Path {
// """
// # If both paths are from same sources we cannot compare them here.
log.Debugf("enter compareByLocalOrigin")
- if path1.getSource() == path2.getSource() {
+ if path1.GetSource() == path2.GetSource() {
return nil
// # Here we consider prefix from NC as locally originating static route.
// # Hence it is preferred.
- if path1.getSource() == nil {
+ if path1.GetSource() == nil {
return path1
- if path2.getSource() == nil {
+ if path2.GetSource() == nil {
return path2
return nil
@@ -726,10 +726,10 @@ func compareByASNumber(localAsn uint32, path1, path2 Path) Path {
log.Debugf("enter compareByASNumber")
getPathSourceAsn := func(path Path) uint32 {
var asn uint32
- if path.getSource() == nil {
+ if path.GetSource() == nil {
asn = localAsn
} else {
- asn = path.getSource().AS
+ asn = path.GetSource().AS
return asn
@@ -786,8 +786,8 @@ func compareByRouterID(localAsn uint32, path1, path2 Path) (Path, error) {
- pathSource1 := path1.getSource()
- pathSource2 := path2.getSource()
+ pathSource1 := path1.GetSource()
+ pathSource2 := path2.GetSource()
// If both paths are from NC we have same router Id, hence cannot compare.
if pathSource1 == nil && pathSource2 == nil {
diff --git a/table/destination_test.go b/table/destination_test.go
index 5dbab4d0..7205876a 100644
--- a/table/destination_test.go
+++ b/table/destination_test.go
@@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ func TestDestinationNewIPv4(t *testing.T) {
peerD := DestCreatePeer()
msgD := DestCreateMSG(peerD)
pathD := DestCreatePath(msgD)
- ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].getNlri())
+ ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].GetNlri())
assert.NotNil(t, ipv4d)
func TestDestinationNewIPv6(t *testing.T) {
peerD := DestCreatePeer()
msgD := DestCreateMSG(peerD)
pathD := DestCreatePath(msgD)
- ipv6d := NewIPv6Destination(pathD[0].getNlri())
+ ipv6d := NewIPv6Destination(pathD[0].GetNlri())
assert.NotNil(t, ipv6d)
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ func TestDestinationSetBestPath(t *testing.T) {
peerD := DestCreatePeer()
msgD := DestCreateMSG(peerD)
pathD := DestCreatePath(msgD)
- ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].getNlri())
+ ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].GetNlri())
r_pathD := ipv4d.getBestPath()
assert.Equal(t, r_pathD, pathD[0])
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ func TestDestinationGetBestPath(t *testing.T) {
peerD := DestCreatePeer()
msgD := DestCreateMSG(peerD)
pathD := DestCreatePath(msgD)
- ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].getNlri())
+ ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].GetNlri())
r_pathD := ipv4d.getBestPath()
assert.Equal(t, r_pathD, pathD[0])
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ func TestDestinationCalculate(t *testing.T) {
peerD := DestCreatePeer()
msgD := DestCreateMSG(peerD)
pathD := DestCreatePath(msgD)
- ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].getNlri())
+ ipv4d := NewIPv4Destination(pathD[0].GetNlri())
//best path selection
diff --git a/table/message.go b/table/message.go
index 10bf0afd..223aeabc 100644
--- a/table/message.go
+++ b/table/message.go
@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ func createUpdateMsgFromPath(path Path, msg *bgp.BGPMessage) *bgp.BGPMessage {
if rf == bgp.RF_IPv4_UC {
if path.IsWithdraw() {
- draw := path.getNlri().(*bgp.WithdrawnRoute)
+ draw := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.WithdrawnRoute)
if msg != nil {
u := msg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
u.WithdrawnRoutes = append(u.WithdrawnRoutes, *draw)
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ func createUpdateMsgFromPath(path Path, msg *bgp.BGPMessage) *bgp.BGPMessage {
return bgp.NewBGPUpdateMessage([]bgp.WithdrawnRoute{*draw}, []bgp.PathAttributeInterface{}, []bgp.NLRInfo{})
} else {
- nlri := path.getNlri().(*bgp.NLRInfo)
+ nlri := path.GetNlri().(*bgp.NLRInfo)
if msg != nil {
u := msg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
u.NLRI = append(u.NLRI, *nlri)
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ func createUpdateMsgFromPath(path Path, msg *bgp.BGPMessage) *bgp.BGPMessage {
idx, _ := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MP_REACH_NLRI)
u := msg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
unreach := u.PathAttributes[idx].(*bgp.PathAttributeMpUnreachNLRI)
- unreach.Value = append(unreach.Value, path.getNlri())
+ unreach.Value = append(unreach.Value, path.GetNlri())
} else {
clonedAttrs := cloneAttrSlice(path.getPathAttrs())
idx, attr := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_MP_REACH_NLRI)
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ func createUpdateMsgFromPath(path Path, msg *bgp.BGPMessage) *bgp.BGPMessage {
u := msg.Body.(*bgp.BGPUpdate)
reachAttr := u.PathAttributes[idx].(*bgp.PathAttributeMpReachNLRI)
u.PathAttributes[idx] = bgp.NewPathAttributeMpReachNLRI(reachAttr.Nexthop.String(),
- append(reachAttr.Value, path.getNlri()))
+ append(reachAttr.Value, path.GetNlri()))
} else {
// we don't need to clone here but we
// might merge path to this message in
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@ func isMergeable(p1 Path, p2 Path) bool {
if p1.GetRouteFamily() != bgp.RF_IPv4_UC {
return false
- if p1.getSource() == p2.getSource() && isSamePathAttrs(p1.getPathAttrs(), p2.getPathAttrs()) {
+ if p1.GetSource() == p2.GetSource() && isSamePathAttrs(p1.getPathAttrs(), p2.getPathAttrs()) {
return true
return false
diff --git a/table/path.go b/table/path.go
index 63da8c40..e4daa9de 100644
--- a/table/path.go
+++ b/table/path.go
@@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ type Path interface {
updatePathAttrs(global *config.Global, peer *config.Neighbor)
GetRouteFamily() bgp.RouteFamily
setSource(source *PeerInfo)
- getSource() *PeerInfo
+ GetSource() *PeerInfo
setNexthop(nexthop net.IP)
GetNexthop() net.IP
setWithdraw(withdraw bool)
IsWithdraw() bool
- getNlri() bgp.AddrPrefixInterface
+ GetNlri() bgp.AddrPrefixInterface
getPrefix() string
setMedSetByTargetNeighbor(medSetByTargetNeighbor bool)
getMedSetByTargetNeighbor() bool
@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@ func (pd *PathDefault) GetRouteFamily() bgp.RouteFamily {
func (pd *PathDefault) setSource(source *PeerInfo) {
pd.source = source
-func (pd *PathDefault) getSource() *PeerInfo {
+func (pd *PathDefault) GetSource() *PeerInfo {
return pd.source
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ func (pd *PathDefault) IsWithdraw() bool {
return pd.withdraw
-func (pd *PathDefault) getNlri() bgp.AddrPrefixInterface {
+func (pd *PathDefault) GetNlri() bgp.AddrPrefixInterface {
return pd.nlri
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ func (pd *PathDefault) getPathAttr(pattrType bgp.BGPAttrType) (int, bgp.PathAttr
// return Path's string representation
func (pi *PathDefault) String() string {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("IPv4Path Source: %v, ", pi.getSource())
+ str := fmt.Sprintf("IPv4Path Source: %v, ", pi.GetSource())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" NLRI: %s, ", pi.getPrefix())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" nexthop: %s, ", pi.GetNexthop().String())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" withdraw: %s, ", pi.IsWithdraw())
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ func (ipv6p *IPv6Path) getPrefix() string {
// return IPv6Path's string representation
func (ipv6p *IPv6Path) String() string {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("IPv6Path Source: %v, ", ipv6p.getSource())
+ str := fmt.Sprintf("IPv6Path Source: %v, ", ipv6p.GetSource())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" NLRI: %s, ", ipv6p.getPrefix())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" nexthop: %s, ", ipv6p.GetNexthop().String())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" withdraw: %s, ", ipv6p.IsWithdraw())
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ func (ipv4vpnp *IPv4VPNPath) getPrefix() string {
// return IPv4VPNPath's string representation
func (ipv4vpnp *IPv4VPNPath) String() string {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("IPv4VPNPath Source: %v, ", ipv4vpnp.getSource())
+ str := fmt.Sprintf("IPv4VPNPath Source: %v, ", ipv4vpnp.GetSource())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" NLRI: %s, ", ipv4vpnp.getPrefix())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" nexthop: %s, ", ipv4vpnp.GetNexthop().String())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" withdraw: %s, ", ipv4vpnp.IsWithdraw())
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@ func (evpnp *EVPNPath) getPrefix() string {
// return EVPNPath's string representation
func (evpnp *EVPNPath) String() string {
- str := fmt.Sprintf("EVPNPath Source: %v, ", evpnp.getSource())
+ str := fmt.Sprintf("EVPNPath Source: %v, ", evpnp.GetSource())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" NLRI: %s, ", evpnp.getPrefix())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" nexthop: %s, ", evpnp.GetNexthop().String())
str = str + fmt.Sprintf(" withdraw: %s, ", evpnp.IsWithdraw())
diff --git a/table/path_test.go b/table/path_test.go
index 2dc0c3de..d7d6a660 100644
--- a/table/path_test.go
+++ b/table/path_test.go
@@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ func TestPathNewIPv4(t *testing.T) {
peerP := PathCreatePeer()
msgP := PathCreateMSG(peerP)
pathP := PathCreatePath(msgP)
- ipv4p := NewIPv4Path(pathP[0].getSource(), pathP[0].getNlri(), true, pathP[0].getPathAttrs(), pathP[0].getMedSetByTargetNeighbor(), time.Now())
+ ipv4p := NewIPv4Path(pathP[0].GetSource(), pathP[0].GetNlri(), true, pathP[0].getPathAttrs(), pathP[0].getMedSetByTargetNeighbor(), time.Now())
assert.NotNil(t, ipv4p)
func TestPathNewIPv6(t *testing.T) {
peerP := PathCreatePeer()
msgP := PathCreateMSG(peerP)
pathP := PathCreatePath(msgP)
- ipv6p := NewIPv6Path(pathP[0].getSource(), pathP[0].getNlri(), true, pathP[0].getPathAttrs(), pathP[0].getMedSetByTargetNeighbor(), time.Now())
+ ipv6p := NewIPv6Path(pathP[0].GetSource(), pathP[0].GetNlri(), true, pathP[0].getPathAttrs(), pathP[0].getMedSetByTargetNeighbor(), time.Now())
assert.NotNil(t, ipv6p)
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ func TestPathSetSource(t *testing.T) {
pd := &PathDefault{}
pr := &PeerInfo{AS: 65000}
- r_pr := pd.getSource()
+ r_pr := pd.GetSource()
assert.Equal(t, r_pr, pr)
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ func TestPathGetSource(t *testing.T) {
pd := &PathDefault{}
pr := &PeerInfo{AS: 65001}
- r_pr := pd.getSource()
+ r_pr := pd.GetSource()
assert.Equal(t, r_pr, pr)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ func TestPathGetNlri(t *testing.T) {
pd := &PathDefault{
nlri: nlri,
- r_nlri := pd.getNlri()
+ r_nlri := pd.GetNlri()
assert.Equal(t, r_nlri, nlri)
diff --git a/table/table.go b/table/table.go
index 47e42fbb..656f132c 100644
--- a/table/table.go
+++ b/table/table.go
@@ -101,8 +101,8 @@ func insert(table Table, path Path) Destination {
var dest Destination
- table.validateNlri(path.getNlri())
- dest = getOrCreateDest(table, path.getNlri())
+ table.validateNlri(path.GetNlri())
+ dest = getOrCreateDest(table, path.GetNlri())
if path.IsWithdraw() {
// withdraw insert
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ func (td *TableDefault) DeleteDestByPeer(peerInfo *PeerInfo) []Destination {
for _, dest := range td.destinations {
newKnownPathList := make([]Path, 0)
for _, p := range dest.getKnownPathList() {
- if p.getSource() != peerInfo {
+ if p.GetSource() != peerInfo {
newKnownPathList = append(newKnownPathList, p)
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ func (td *TableDefault) validatePath(path Path) {
"Topic": "Table",
- "Prefix": path.getNlri().String(),
+ "Prefix": path.GetNlri().String(),
"ReceivedRf": path.GetRouteFamily().String(),
}).Error("Invalid path. RouteFamily mismatch")
diff --git a/table/table_manager.go b/table/table_manager.go
index 7722ce19..90f243c2 100644
--- a/table/table_manager.go
+++ b/table/table_manager.go
@@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ func (manager *TableManager) calculate(destinationList []Destination) ([]Path, e
"Topic": "table",
"Owner": manager.owner,
"Key": destination.getNlri().String(),
- "peer": newBestPath.getSource().Address,
+ "peer": newBestPath.GetSource().Address,
"next_hop": newBestPath.GetNexthop().String(),
"reason": reason,
}).Debug("best path is not changed")
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ func (manager *TableManager) calculate(destinationList []Destination) ([]Path, e
"Topic": "table",
"Owner": manager.owner,
"Key": destination.getNlri().String(),
- "peer": currentBestPath.getSource().Address,
+ "peer": currentBestPath.GetSource().Address,
"next_hop": currentBestPath.GetNexthop().String(),
}).Debug("best path is lost")
@@ -219,8 +219,8 @@ func (manager *TableManager) calculate(destinationList []Destination) ([]Path, e
"Topic": "table",
"Owner": manager.owner,
- "Key": newBestPath.getNlri().String(),
- "peer": newBestPath.getSource().Address,
+ "Key": newBestPath.GetNlri().String(),
+ "peer": newBestPath.GetSource().Address,
"next_hop": newBestPath.GetNexthop(),
"reason": reason,
}).Debug("new best path")
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ func (adj *AdjRib) UpdateOut(pathList []Path) {
func (adj *AdjRib) getPathList(rib map[string]*ReceivedRoute) []Path {
trie := patricia.NewTrie()
for _, rr := range rib {
- key := rr.path.getNlri().String()
+ key := rr.path.GetNlri().String()
trie.Insert(cidr2prefix(key), rr.path)
diff --git a/table/table_test.go b/table/table_test.go
index 4a7a3a23..81e377f6 100644
--- a/table/table_test.go
+++ b/table/table_test.go
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ func TestTableDeleteDestByNlri(t *testing.T) {
pathT := TableCreatePath(msgT)
ipv4t := NewIPv4Table(0)
for _, path := range pathT {
- tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.getNlri())
- dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.getNlri())
+ tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.GetNlri())
+ dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.GetNlri())
ipv4t.setDestination(tableKey, dest)
- tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(pathT[0].getNlri())
+ tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(pathT[0].GetNlri())
gdest := ipv4t.getDestination(tableKey)
- rdest := deleteDestByNlri(ipv4t, pathT[0].getNlri())
+ rdest := deleteDestByNlri(ipv4t, pathT[0].GetNlri())
assert.Equal(t, rdest, gdest)
@@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ func TestTableDeleteDest(t *testing.T) {
pathT := TableCreatePath(msgT)
ipv4t := NewIPv4Table(0)
for _, path := range pathT {
- tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.getNlri())
- dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.getNlri())
+ tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.GetNlri())
+ dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.GetNlri())
ipv4t.setDestination(tableKey, dest)
- tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(pathT[0].getNlri())
- dest := ipv4t.createDest(pathT[0].getNlri())
+ tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(pathT[0].GetNlri())
+ dest := ipv4t.createDest(pathT[0].GetNlri())
ipv4t.setDestination(tableKey, dest)
deleteDest(ipv4t, dest)
gdest := ipv4t.getDestination(tableKey)
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@ func TestTableSetDestinations(t *testing.T) {
ipv4t := NewIPv4Table(0)
destinations := make(map[string]Destination)
for _, path := range pathT {
- tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.getNlri())
- dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.getNlri())
+ tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.GetNlri())
+ dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.GetNlri())
destinations[tableKey] = dest
@@ -98,8 +98,8 @@ func TestTableGetDestinations(t *testing.T) {
ipv4t := NewIPv4Table(0)
destinations := make(map[string]Destination)
for _, path := range pathT {
- tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.getNlri())
- dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.getNlri())
+ tableKey := ipv4t.tableKey(path.GetNlri())
+ dest := ipv4t.createDest(path.GetNlri())
destinations[tableKey] = dest