diff options
authorFUJITA Tomonori <>2014-12-25 06:30:20 -0800
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2014-12-25 06:30:20 -0800
commit4da71624586971c253bfb2625bdd91e121254b22 (patch)
parent3234ade75edd5c4b01f817cc127a13feb9c25c7b (diff)
server: support /neighbors URL
Signed-off-by: FUJITA Tomonori <>
3 files changed, 84 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/api/rest.go b/api/rest.go
index fc421805..83dba703 100644
--- a/api/rest.go
+++ b/api/rest.go
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func NewRestServer(port int, bgpServerCh chan *RestRequest) *RestServer {
// -- curl -i -X GET http://<ownIP>:8080/v1/bgp/neighbor/<remote address of target neighbor>/local-rib
func (rs *RestServer) Serve() {
- // neighbors := BASE_VERSION + NEIGHBORS
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ func (rs *RestServer) Serve() {
r := mux.NewRouter()
// set URLs
- // r.HandleFunc(neighbors, rs.Neighbors).Methods("GET")
+ r.HandleFunc(neighbors, rs.Neighbors).Methods("GET")
r.HandleFunc(neighbor+"/{"+PARAM_REMOTE_PEER_ADDR+"}", rs.Neighbor).Methods("GET")
// r.HandleFunc(adjRibIn+"/{"+PARAM_REMOTE_PEER_ADDR+"}", rs.AdjRibIn).Methods("GET")
// r.HandleFunc(adjRibOut+"/{"+PARAM_REMOTE_PEER_ADDR+"}", rs.AdjRibOut).Methods("GET")
@@ -222,6 +222,25 @@ func (rs *RestServer) NeighborLocalRib(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+func (rs *RestServer) Neighbors(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
+ //Send channel of request parameter.
+ req := NewRestRequest(REQ_NEIGHBORS, "")
+ rs.bgpServerCh <- req
+ //Wait response
+ resInf := <-req.ResponseCh
+ if e := resInf.Err(); e != nil {
+ log.Debug(e.Error())
+ http.Error(w, e.Error(), http.StatusInternalServerError)
+ return
+ }
+ res := resInf.(*RestResponseDefault)
+ w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
+ j, _ := json.Marshal(res.Data)
+ w.Write(j)
func NotFoundHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusNotFound), http.StatusNotFound)
diff --git a/server/peer.go b/server/peer.go
index f3a23d5b..66514d11 100644
--- a/server/peer.go
+++ b/server/peer.go
@@ -205,88 +205,64 @@ func (peer *Peer) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
c := peer.peerConfig
f := peer.fsm
- conf, confErr := json.Marshal(
- struct {
- RemoteIP string `json:"remote_ip"`
- Id string `json:"id"`
- Description string `json:"description"`
- RemoteAS uint32 `json:"remote_as"`
- LocalAddress string `json:"local_address"`
- LocalPort int `json:"local_port"`
- CapRefresh bool `json:"cap_refresh"`
- CapEnhancedRefresh bool `json:"cap_enhanced_refresh"`
- CapMbgpVpnv4 bool `json:"cap_mbgp_vpnv4"`
- CapMbgpVpnv6 bool `json:"cap_mbgp_vpnv6"`
- }{
- RemoteIP: c.NeighborAddress.String(),
- Id: f.routerId.String(),
- Description: "",
- RemoteAS: c.PeerAs,
- LocalAddress: f.passiveConn.LocalAddr().String(),
- LocalPort: f.passiveConn.LocalAddr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port,
- CapRefresh: false,
- CapEnhancedRefresh: false,
- CapMbgpVpnv4: false,
- CapMbgpVpnv6: false,
- })
+ p := make(map[string]interface{})
- if confErr != nil {
- return nil, confErr
+ p["conf"] = struct {
+ RemoteIP string `json:"remote_ip"`
+ Id string `json:"id"`
+ Description string `json:"description"`
+ RemoteAS uint32 `json:"remote_as"`
+ LocalAddress string `json:"local_address"`
+ LocalPort int `json:"local_port"`
+ CapRefresh bool `json:"cap_refresh"`
+ CapEnhancedRefresh bool `json:"cap_enhanced_refresh"`
+ }{
+ RemoteIP: c.NeighborAddress.String(),
+ Id: f.routerId.To4().String(),
+ Description: "",
+ RemoteAS: c.PeerAs,
+ //LocalAddress: f.passiveConn.LocalAddr().String(),
+ //LocalPort: f.passiveConn.LocalAddr().(*net.TCPAddr).Port,
+ CapRefresh: false,
+ CapEnhancedRefresh: false,
s := peer.peerConfig.BgpNeighborCommonState
+ p["info"] = struct {
+ BgpState string `json:"bgp_state"`
+ FsmEstablishedTransitions uint32 `json:"fsm_established_transitions"`
+ TotalMessageOut uint32 `json:"total_message_out"`
+ TotalMessageIn uint32 `json:"total_message_in"`
+ UpdateMessageOut uint32 `json:"update_message_out"`
+ UpdateMessageIn uint32 `json:"update_message_in"`
+ KeepAliveMessageOut uint32 `json:"keepalive_message_out"`
+ KeepAliveMessageIn uint32 `json:"keepalive_message_in"`
+ OpenMessageOut uint32 `json:"open_message_out"`
+ OpenMessageIn uint32 `json:"open_message_in"`
+ NotificationOut uint32 `json:"notification_out"`
+ NotificationIn uint32 `json:"notification_in"`
+ RefreshMessageOut uint32 `json:"refresh_message_out"`
+ RefreshMessageIn uint32 `json:"refresh_message_in"`
+ Uptime float64 `json:"uptime"`
+ LastError string `json:"last_error"`
+ }{
- info, infoErr := json.Marshal(
- struct {
- BgpState string `json:"bgp_state"`
- FsmEstablishedTransitions uint32 `json:"fsm_established_transitions"`
- TotalMessageOut uint32 `json:"total_message_out"`
- TotalMessageIn uint32 `json:"total_message_in"`
- UpdateMessageOut uint32 `json:"update_message_out"`
- UpdateMessageIn uint32 `json:"update_message_in"`
- KeepAliveMessageOut uint32 `json:"keepalive_message_out"`
- KeepAliveMessageIn uint32 `json:"keepalive_message_in"`
- OpenMessageOut uint32 `json:"open_message_out"`
- OpenMessageIn uint32 `json:"open_message_in"`
- NotificationOut uint32 `json:"notification_out"`
- NotificationIn uint32 `json:"notification_in"`
- RefreshMessageOut uint32 `json:"refresh_message_out"`
- RefreshMessageIn uint32 `json:"refresh_message_in"`
- Uptime float64 `json:"uptime"`
- LastError string `json:"last_error"`
- }{
- BgpState: f.state.String(),
- FsmEstablishedTransitions: s.EstablishedCount,
- TotalMessageOut: 0,
- TotalMessageIn: 0,
- UpdateMessageOut: s.UpdateOut,
- UpdateMessageIn: s.UpdateIn,
- KeepAliveMessageOut: s.KeepaliveOut,
- KeepAliveMessageIn: s.KeepaliveIn,
- OpenMessageOut: s.OpenOut,
- OpenMessageIn: s.OpenIn,
- NotificationOut: s.NotifyOut,
- NotificationIn: s.NotifyIn,
- RefreshMessageOut: s.RefreshOut,
- RefreshMessageIn: s.RefreshIn,
- Uptime: time.Now().Sub(s.Uptime).Seconds(),
- })
- if infoErr != nil {
- return nil, infoErr
+ BgpState: f.state.String(),
+ FsmEstablishedTransitions: s.EstablishedCount,
+ TotalMessageOut: 0,
+ TotalMessageIn: 0,
+ UpdateMessageOut: s.UpdateOut,
+ UpdateMessageIn: s.UpdateIn,
+ KeepAliveMessageOut: s.KeepaliveOut,
+ KeepAliveMessageIn: s.KeepaliveIn,
+ OpenMessageOut: s.OpenOut,
+ OpenMessageIn: s.OpenIn,
+ NotificationOut: s.NotifyOut,
+ NotificationIn: s.NotifyIn,
+ RefreshMessageOut: s.RefreshOut,
+ RefreshMessageIn: s.RefreshIn,
+ Uptime: time.Now().Sub(s.Uptime).Seconds(),
- confTag := []byte("{'conf':")
- delimiter := []byte(",")
- infoTag := []byte("'info':")
- endDoc := []byte("}")
- jsonval := append(confTag, conf...)
- jsonval = append(jsonval, delimiter...)
- jsonval = append(jsonval, infoTag...)
- jsonval = append(jsonval, info...)
- jsonval = append(jsonval, endDoc...)
- return jsonval, nil
+ return json.Marshal(p)
diff --git a/server/server.go b/server/server.go
index 2852598b..6a633d3e 100644
--- a/server/server.go
+++ b/server/server.go
@@ -152,6 +152,16 @@ func (server *BgpServer) broadcast(msg *message) {
func (server *BgpServer) handleRest(restReq *api.RestRequest) {
switch restReq.RequestType {
+ case api.REQ_NEIGHBORS:
+ result := &api.RestResponseDefault{}
+ peerList := make([]*Peer, 0)
+ for _, peer := range server.peerMap {
+ peerList = append(peerList, peer)
+ }
+ result.Data = peerList
+ restReq.ResponseCh <- result
+ close(restReq.ResponseCh)
case api.REQ_NEIGHBOR: // get neighbor state
remoteAddr := restReq.RemoteAddr