diff options
authorISHIDA Wataru <>2015-07-03 15:16:11 +0900
committerFUJITA Tomonori <>2015-07-13 08:56:08 +0900
commit1bf1652c08dde3368e098c2f28260cb24f4aa0f8 (patch)
parentb759f2b1ca7176ea134b3a86d8bfea44509712dd (diff)
server/table: support iBGP behavior
also added scenario_test Signed-off-by: ISHIDA Wataru <>
6 files changed, 261 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/server/server.go b/server/server.go
index a3d512a9..52c0d3ac 100644
--- a/server/server.go
+++ b/server/server.go
@@ -314,6 +314,18 @@ func filterpath(peer *Peer, pathList []*table.Path) []*table.Path {
+ selfGenerated := path.GetSource().ID == nil
+ fromAS := path.GetSource().AS
+ myAS := peer.globalConfig.As
+ if !selfGenerated && !peer.isEBGP && myAS == fromAS {
+ log.WithFields(log.Fields{
+ "Topic": "Peer",
+ "Key": peer.config.NeighborAddress,
+ "Data": path,
+ }).Debug("From same AS, ignore.")
+ continue
+ }
if peer.config.NeighborAddress.Equal(path.GetSource().Address) {
"Topic": "Peer",
diff --git a/table/path.go b/table/path.go
index f1f92573..8734c513 100644
--- a/table/path.go
+++ b/table/path.go
@@ -87,11 +87,28 @@ func (path *Path) UpdatePathAttrs(global *config.Global, peer *config.Neighbor)
path.pathAttrs = append(path.pathAttrs[:idx], path.pathAttrs[idx+1:]...)
} else if peer.PeerType == config.PEER_TYPE_INTERNAL {
+ // NEXTHOP handling for iBGP
+ // if the path generated locally set local address as nexthop.
+ // if not, don't modify it.
+ // TODO: NEXT-HOP-SELF support
+ selfGenerated := path.GetSource().ID == nil
+ if selfGenerated {
+ path.SetNexthop(peer.LocalAddress)
+ }
+ // AS_PATH handling for iBGP
+ // if the path has AS_PATH path attribute, don't modify it.
+ // if not, attach *empty* AS_PATH path attribute.
+ idx, _ := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH)
+ if idx < 0 {
+ path.PrependAsn(0, 0)
+ }
// For iBGP peers we are required to send local-pref attribute
// for connected or local prefixes.
// We set default local-pref 100.
p := bgp.NewPathAttributeLocalPref(100)
- idx, _ := path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_LOCAL_PREF)
+ idx, _ = path.getPathAttr(bgp.BGP_ATTR_TYPE_LOCAL_PREF)
if idx < 0 {
path.pathAttrs = append(path.pathAttrs, p)
} else {
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ci-scripts/ b/test/scenario_test/ci-scripts/
index e76e967a..0ed43247 100644
--- a/test/scenario_test/ci-scripts/
+++ b/test/scenario_test/ci-scripts/
@@ -46,7 +46,12 @@ sudo -E python --use-local --go-path $GOROOT/bin -s
mv nosetests.xml ${WS}/nosetest_policy.xml
-if [ $RET1 != 0 ] || [ $RET2 != 0 ] || [ $RET3 != 0 ] || [ $RET4 != 0 ] || [ $RET5 != 0 ]; then
+# bgp router test
+sudo -E python --use-local --go-path $GOROOT/bin -s --with-xunit
+mv nosetests.xml ${WS}/nosetest_ibgp.xml
+if [ $RET1 != 0 ] || [ $RET2 != 0 ] || [ $RET3 != 0 ] || [ $RET4 != 0 ] || [ $RET5 != 0 ] || [ $RET6 != 0 ]; then
exit 1
exit 0
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/ b/test/scenario_test/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..26e07757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/scenario_test/
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2015 Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# implied.
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+import unittest
+from fabric.api import local
+from lib.gobgp import *
+from lib.quagga import *
+import sys
+import os
+import time
+import nose
+from noseplugin import OptionParser, parser_option
+from itertools import combinations
+class GoBGPTestBase(unittest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ gobgp_ctn_image_name = 'osrg/gobgp'
+ if parser_option.use_local:
+ make_gobgp_ctn()
+ gobgp_ctn_image_name = 'gobgp'
+ g1 = GoBGPContainer(name='g1', asn=65000, router_id='',
+ ctn_image_name=gobgp_ctn_image_name,
+ log_level=parser_option.gobgp_log_level)
+ q1 = QuaggaBGPContainer(name='q1', asn=65000, router_id='')
+ q2 = QuaggaBGPContainer(name='q2', asn=65000, router_id='')
+ qs = [q1, q2]
+ ctns = [g1, q1, q2]
+ # advertise a route from q1, q2, q3
+ for idx, c in enumerate(qs):
+ route = '10.0.{0}.0/24'.format(idx+1)
+ c.add_route(route)
+ initial_wait_time = max( for ctn in ctns)
+ time.sleep(initial_wait_time)
+ br01 = Bridge(name='br01', subnet='')
+ [br01.addif(ctn) for ctn in ctns]
+ # ibgp peer. loop topology
+ for a, b in combinations(ctns, 2):
+ a.add_peer(b)
+ b.add_peer(a)
+ cls.gobgp = g1
+ cls.quaggas = {'q1': q1, 'q2': q2}
+ cls.bridges = {'br01': br01}
+ # test each neighbor state is turned establish
+ def test_01_neighbor_established(self):
+ for q in self.quaggas.itervalues():
+ self.gobgp.wait_for(expected_state=BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED, peer=q)
+ def test_02_check_gobgp_global_rib(self):
+ for q in self.quaggas.itervalues():
+ # paths expected to exist in gobgp's global rib
+ routes = q.routes.keys()
+ timeout = 120
+ interval = 1
+ count = 0
+ while True:
+ # gobgp's global rib
+ global_rib = [p['prefix'] for p in self.gobgp.get_global_rib()]
+ for p in global_rib:
+ if p in routes:
+ routes.remove(p)
+ if len(routes) == 0:
+ break
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ count += interval
+ if count >= timeout:
+ raise Exception('timeout')
+ def test_03_check_gobgp_adj_rib_out(self):
+ for q in self.quaggas.itervalues():
+ paths = self.gobgp.get_adj_rib_out(q)
+ # bgp speaker mustn't forward iBGP routes to iBGP peers
+ self.assertTrue(len(paths) == 0)
+ def test_04_originate_path(self):
+ self.gobgp.add_route('')
+ dst = self.gobgp.get_global_rib('')
+ self.assertTrue(len(dst) == 1)
+ self.assertTrue(len(dst[0]['paths']) == 1)
+ path = dst[0]['paths'][0]
+ self.assertTrue(path['nexthop'] == '')
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.gobgp._get_as_path(path)) == 0)
+ def test_05_check_gobgp_adj_rib_out(self):
+ for q in self.quaggas.itervalues():
+ paths = self.gobgp.get_adj_rib_out(q)
+ self.assertTrue(len(paths) == len(self.gobgp.routes))
+ path = paths[0]
+ self.assertTrue(path['nlri']['prefix'] == '')
+ peer_info = self.gobgp.peers[q]
+ local_addr = peer_info['local_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ self.assertTrue(path['nexthop'] == local_addr)
+ self.assertTrue(len(self.gobgp._get_as_path(path)) == 0)
+ # check routes are properly advertised to all BGP speaker
+ def test_06_check_quagga_global_rib(self):
+ interval = 1
+ timeout = int(120/interval)
+ for q in self.quaggas.itervalues():
+ done = False
+ for _ in range(timeout):
+ if done:
+ break
+ global_rib = q.get_global_rib()
+ # quagga's global_rib must have two routes at least,
+ # a self-generated route and a gobgp-generated route
+ if len(global_rib) < len(q.routes) + len(self.gobgp.routes):
+ time.sleep(interval)
+ continue
+ peer_info = self.gobgp.peers[q]
+ local_addr = peer_info['local_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ for r in self.gobgp.routes.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(r in (p['prefix'] for p in global_rib))
+ for rr in global_rib:
+ if rr['prefix'] == r:
+ self.assertTrue(rr['nexthop'] == local_addr)
+ for r in q.routes.keys():
+ self.assertTrue(r in (p['prefix'] for p in global_rib))
+ for rr in global_rib:
+ if rr['prefix'] == r:
+ self.assertTrue(rr['nexthop'] == '')
+ done = True
+ if done:
+ continue
+ # should not reach here
+ self.assertTrue(False)
+ def test_07_add_ebgp_peer(self):
+ q3 = QuaggaBGPContainer(name='q3', asn=65001, router_id='')
+ self.quaggas['q3'] = q3
+ q3.add_route('')
+ initial_wait_time =
+ time.sleep(initial_wait_time)
+ self.bridges['br01'].addif(q3)
+ self.gobgp.add_peer(q3)
+ q3.add_peer(self.gobgp)
+ self.gobgp.wait_for(expected_state=BGP_FSM_ESTABLISHED, peer=q3)
+ def test_08_check_global_rib(self):
+ self.test_02_check_gobgp_global_rib()
+ def test_09_check_gobgp_ebgp_adj_rib_out(self):
+ q1 = self.quaggas['q1']
+ q2 = self.quaggas['q2']
+ q3 = self.quaggas['q3']
+ paths = self.gobgp.get_adj_rib_out(q3)
+ total_len = len(q1.routes) + len(q2.routes) + len(self.gobgp.routes)
+ assert(len(paths) == total_len)
+ for path in paths:
+ peer_info = self.gobgp.peers[q3]
+ local_addr = peer_info['local_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ self.assertTrue(path['nexthop'] == local_addr)
+ self.assertTrue(self.gobgp._get_as_path(path) == [self.gobgp.asn])
+ def test_10_check_gobgp_ibgp_adj_rib_out(self):
+ q1 = self.quaggas['q1']
+ q3 = self.quaggas['q3']
+ peer_info = self.gobgp.peers[q3]
+ neigh_addr = peer_info['neigh_addr'].split('/')[0]
+ for prefix in q3.routes.iterkeys():
+ paths = self.gobgp.get_adj_rib_out(q1, prefix)
+ self.assertTrue(len(paths) == 1)
+ path = paths[0]
+ # bgp router mustn't change nexthop of routes from eBGP peers
+ # which are sent to iBGP peers
+ self.assertTrue(path['nexthop'] == neigh_addr)
+ # bgp router mustn't change aspath of routes from eBGP peers
+ # which are sent to iBGP peers
+ self.assertTrue(self.gobgp._get_as_path(path) == [q3.asn])
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if os.geteuid() is not 0:
+ print "you are not root."
+ sys.exit(1)
+ output = local("which docker 2>&1 > /dev/null ; echo $?", capture=True)
+ if int(output) is not 0:
+ print "docker not found"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ nose.main(argv=sys.argv, addplugins=[OptionParser()],
+ defaultTest=sys.argv[0])
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/lib/ b/test/scenario_test/lib/
index 11eeeb96..c56337cd 100644
--- a/test/scenario_test/lib/
+++ b/test/scenario_test/lib/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class GoBGPContainer(BGPContainer):
def _get_as_path(self, path):
asps = (p['as_paths'] for p in path['attrs'] if
- p['type'] == BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH)
+ p['type'] == BGP_ATTR_TYPE_AS_PATH and 'as_paths' in p)
asps = chain.from_iterable(asps)
asns = (asp['asns'] for asp in asps)
return list(chain.from_iterable(asns))
diff --git a/test/scenario_test/lib/ b/test/scenario_test/lib/
index 75c2f61c..5141ff7d 100644
--- a/test/scenario_test/lib/
+++ b/test/scenario_test/lib/
@@ -68,9 +68,15 @@ class QuaggaBGPContainer(BGPContainer):
tn.read_until(' Network Next Hop Metric '
'LocPrf Weight Path')
for line in tn.read_until('bgpd#').split('\n'):
- if line[0] == '*':
+ if line[:2] == '*>':
+ line = line[2:]
+ ibgp = False
+ if line[0] == 'i':
+ line = line[1:]
+ ibgp = True
elems = line.split()
- rib.append({'prefix': elems[1], 'nexthop': elems[2]})
+ rib.append({'prefix': elems[0], 'nexthop': elems[1],
+ 'ibgp': ibgp})
return rib
@@ -181,7 +187,7 @@ class QuaggaBGPContainer(BGPContainer):
c << 'debug bgp fsm'
c << 'debug bgp updates'
c << 'debug bgp events'
- c << 'log file {0}/bgpd.log'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME)
+ c << 'log file /tmp/bgpd.log'.format(self.SHARED_VOLUME)
with open('{0}/bgpd.conf'.format(self.config_dir), 'w') as f:
print colors.yellow('[{0}\'s new config]'.format(