path: root/filter/test.conf
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Diffstat (limited to 'filter/test.conf')
1 files changed, 197 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/filter/test.conf b/filter/test.conf
index cd2fa8db..22f5dea3 100644
--- a/filter/test.conf
+++ b/filter/test.conf
@@ -146,9 +146,8 @@ bt_test_same(onef, twof, 0);
function t_bool()
-bool b;
- b = true;
+ bool b = true;
@@ -184,12 +183,11 @@ define xyzzy = (120+10);
define '1a-a1' = (xyzzy-100);
function t_int()
-int i;
bt_assert(xyzzy = 130);
bt_assert('1a-a1' = 30);
- i = four;
+ int i = four;
i = 12*100 + 60/2 + i;
i = (i + 0);
bt_assert(i = 1234);
@@ -238,14 +236,19 @@ define is2 = [(17+2), 17, 15, 11, 8, 5, 3, 2];
define is3 = [5, 17, 2, 11, 8, 15, 3, 19];
function t_int_set()
-int set is;
+ int set is = [];
+ bt_assert(is = []);
+ bt_assert(0 !~ is);
bt_assert(1 ~ [1,2,3]);
bt_assert(5 ~ [1..20]);
bt_assert(2 ~ [ 1, 2, 3 ]);
bt_assert(5 ~ [ 4 .. 7 ]);
bt_assert(1 !~ [ 2, 3, 4 ]);
bt_assert(999 !~ [ 666, 333 ]);
+ bt_assert(1 !~ []);
+ bt_assert(1 !~ is);
is = [ 2, 3, 4, 7..11 ];
bt_assert(10 ~ is);
@@ -280,6 +283,7 @@ int set is;
bt_assert([1,4..10,20] = [1,4..10,20]);
bt_assert(format([ 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 1, 5 ]) = "[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]");
+ bt_assert(format([]) = "[]");
bt_test_suite(t_int_set, "Testing sets of integers");
@@ -293,9 +297,8 @@ bt_test_suite(t_int_set, "Testing sets of integers");
function t_string()
-string st;
- st = "Hello";
+ string st = "Hello";
bt_assert(format(st) = "Hello");
bt_assert(st ~ "Hell*");
bt_assert(st ~ "?ello");
@@ -320,9 +323,8 @@ function 'mkpair-a'(int a)
function t_pair()
-pair pp;
- pp = (1, 2);
+ pair pp = (1, 2);
bt_assert(format(pp) = "(1,2)");
bt_assert((1,2) = pp);
bt_assert((1,1+1) = pp);
@@ -343,10 +345,11 @@ bt_test_suite(t_pair, "Testing pairs");
function t_pair_set()
-pair pp;
-pair set ps;
- pp = (1, 2);
+ pair pp = (1, 2);
+ pair set ps = [];
+ bt_assert(pp !~ ps);
ps = [(1,(one+one)), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,*), (6,3..6)];
bt_assert(format(ps) = "[(1,2), (3,4)..(4,8), (5,0)..(5,65535), (6,3)..(6,6)]");
bt_assert(pp ~ ps);
@@ -363,6 +366,7 @@ pair set ps;
bt_assert((6,6+one) !~ ps);
bt_assert(((one+6),2) !~ ps);
bt_assert((1,1) !~ ps);
+ bt_assert(pp !~ []);
ps = [(20..150, 200..300), (50100..50200, 1000..50000), (*, 5+5)];
bt_assert((100,200) ~ ps);
@@ -414,6 +418,7 @@ quad qq;
qq =;
bt_assert(qq ~ [,]);
bt_assert(qq !~ [,]);
+ bt_assert(qq !~ []);
bt_test_suite(t_quad_set, "Testing sets of quads");
@@ -494,6 +499,7 @@ ip set ips;
bt_assert( !~ [, ]);
bt_assert( ~ [ ]);
+ bt_assert( !~ []);
bt_test_suite(t_ip_set, "Testing sets of ip address");
@@ -582,13 +588,34 @@ function test_pxset(prefix set pxs)
bt_assert( ~ [ ]);
bt_assert( !~ [ ]);
bt_assert( !~ [{ 15 , 16 } ]);
+ bt_assert(net10 !~ []);
bt_assert([{ 15 , 17 } ] = [{ 15 , 17 } ]);
+function test_empty_pxset(prefix set pxs)
+int set s0;
+prefix set s1;
+ s0 = [];
+ s1 = [];
+ bt_assert(pxs != s0);
+ bt_assert(pxs = s1);
+ bt_assert(pxs = []);
function t_prefix_set()
prefix set pxs;
+ pxs = [];
+ bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[]");
+ bt_assert(pxs = []);
+ bt_assert( !~ []);
+ bt_assert( !~ pxs);
+ test_empty_pxset([]);
+ test_empty_pxset(pxs);
pxs = [,,{24,28},{8,16} ];
bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[{},{},{},{}]");
@@ -673,6 +700,12 @@ bt_test_suite(t_prefix6, "Testing prefix IPv6");
function t_prefix6_set()
prefix set pxs;
+ pxs = [];
+ bt_assert(format(pxs) = "[]");
+ bt_assert(pxs = []);
+ bt_assert(12::34/128 !~ []);
+ bt_assert(12::34/128 !~ pxs);
bt_assert(1180::/16 ~ [ 1100::/8{15, 17} ]);
bt_assert(12::34 = 12::34);
bt_assert(12::34 ~ [ 12::33..12::35 ]);
@@ -790,6 +823,7 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(3 ~ p2);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [2, 10..20]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [4, 10..20]);
+ bt_assert(p2 !~ []);
p2 = prepend(p2, 5);
bt_assert(p2 !~ pm1);
@@ -800,6 +834,8 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 5 [2, 4, 6] 3 [1..2] 1 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ [= 5 set35 3 set12 set12 =]);
bt_assert(p2 ~ mkpath(5, 4));
+ bt_assert(p2 ~ [= * [3] * =]);
+ bt_assert(p2 !~ [= * [] * =]);
bt_assert(p2.len = 5);
bt_assert(p2.first = 5);
@@ -808,6 +844,10 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(p2.len = 5);
bt_assert(delete(p2, 3) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 1), 2), 4), 5));
bt_assert(filter(p2, [1..3]) = prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 1), 2), 3));
+ bt_assert(delete(p2, []) = p2);
+ bt_assert(filter(p2, []) = +empty+);
+ bt_assert(delete(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 0), 1), []) = prepend(prepend(+empty+, 0), 1));
+ bt_assert(filter(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 0), 1), []) = +empty+);
p2 = prepend( + empty +, 5 );
p2 = prepend( p2, 4 );
@@ -827,6 +867,15 @@ int set set12;
bt_assert(delete(p2, [4..5]) = prepend(prepend(prepend(prepend(+empty+, 3), 3), 2), 1));
bt_assert(format([= 1 2+ 3 =]) = "[= 1 2 + 3 =]");
+ # iteration over path
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ for int i in p2 do {
+ x = x + i;
+ y = y + x;
+ }
+ bt_assert(x = 18 && y = 50);
bt_test_suite(t_path, "Testing paths");
@@ -868,6 +917,7 @@ clist r;
bt_assert(l ~ [(2,2..3)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,1..2)]);
bt_assert(l ~ [(1,1)..(1,2)]);
+ bt_assert(l !~ []);
l = add(l, (2,5));
l = add(l, (5,one));
@@ -905,6 +955,9 @@ clist r;
bt_assert(l !~ [(*,(one+6))]);
bt_assert(l !~ [(*, (one+one+one))]);
+ bt_assert(delete(l, []) = l);
+ bt_assert(filter(l, []) = -empty-);
l = delete(l, [(*,(one+onef(3)))]);
l = delete(l, [(*,(4+one))]);
bt_assert(l = add(-empty-, (3,1)));
@@ -949,6 +1002,12 @@ clist r;
bt_assert(format(r) = "(clist (2,1) (1,3) (2,2) (3,1) (2,3))");
bt_assert(r.min = (1,3));
bt_assert(r.max = (3,1));
+ # iteration over clist
+ int x = 0;
+ for pair c in r do
+ x = x + c.asn * c.asn *;
+ bt_assert(x = 36);
bt_test_suite(t_clist, "Testing lists of communities");
@@ -1022,11 +1081,15 @@ eclist r;
bt_assert((ro,, 100) !~ el);
bt_assert(el !~ [(rt, 10, 35..40)]);
bt_assert(el !~ [(ro, 10, *)]);
+ bt_assert(el !~ []);
el = add(el, (rt, 10, 40));
el2 = filter(el, [(rt, 10, 20..40)] );
el2 = add(el2, (rt, 10, 50));
+ bt_assert(delete(el, []) = el);
+ bt_assert(filter(el, []) = --empty--);
# eclist A (1,30,40)
bt_assert(el = add(add(add(--empty--, (rt, 10, 1)), (rt, 10, 30)), (rt, 10, 40)));
bt_assert(format(el) = "(eclist (rt, 10, 1) (rt, 10, 30) (rt, 10, 40))");
@@ -1060,6 +1123,13 @@ eclist r;
bt_assert(format(r) = "(eclist (rt, 2, 1) (rt, 1, 3) (rt, 2, 2) (rt, 3, 1) (rt, 2, 3))");
bt_assert(r.min = (rt, 1, 3));
bt_assert(r.max = (rt, 3, 1));
+ # iteration over eclist
+ int x = 0;
+ for ec c in r do
+ if c > (rt, 2, 0) && c < (rt, 3, 0) then
+ x = x + 1;
+ bt_assert(x = 3);
bt_test_suite(t_eclist, "Testing lists of extended communities");
@@ -1144,6 +1214,9 @@ lclist r;
ll2 = add(ll2, (30, 30, 30));
ll2 = add(ll2, (40, 40, 40));
+ bt_assert(delete(ll, []) = ll);
+ bt_assert(filter(ll, []) = ---empty---);
# lclist A (10, 20, 30)
bt_assert(format(ll) = "(lclist (10, 10, 10) (20, 20, 20) (30, 30, 30))");
@@ -1175,6 +1248,19 @@ lclist r;
bt_assert(format(r) = "(lclist (2, 3, 3) (1, 2, 3) (2, 3, 1) (3, 1, 2) (2, 1, 3))");
bt_assert(r.min = (1, 2, 3));
bt_assert(r.max = (3, 1, 2));
+ # iteration over lclist
+ int x = 0;
+ int y = 0;
+ lc mx = (0, 0, 0);
+ for lc c in r do {
+ int asn2 = c.asn * c.asn;
+ x = x + asn2 * c.data1;
+ y = y + asn2 * c.data2;
+ if c > mx then mx = c;
+ }
+ bt_assert(x = 39 && y = 49);
+ bt_assert(mx = r.max);
bt_test_suite(t_lclist, "Testing lists of large communities");
@@ -1203,6 +1289,7 @@ lc set lls;
bt_assert(ll !~ [(5,10,15), (10,21,30)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(10,21..25,*)]);
bt_assert(ll !~ [(11, *, *)]);
+ bt_assert(ll !~ []);
lls = [(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 15..25), (30, 30, *), (40, 35..45, *), (50, *, *), (55..65, *, *)];
bt_assert(format(lls) = "[(10, 10, 10), (20, 20, 15)..(20, 20, 25), (30, 30, 0)..(30, 30, 4294967295), (40, 35, 0)..(40, 45, 4294967295), (50, 0, 0)..(50, 4294967295, 4294967295), (55, 0, 0)..(65, 4294967295, 4294967295)]");
@@ -1259,6 +1346,10 @@ bt_test_suite(t_rd, "Testing route distinguishers");
function t_rd_set()
rd set rds;
+ rds = [];
+ bt_assert(rds = []);
+ bt_assert(10:20 !~ rds);
rds = [10:20, 100000:100..100000:200];
bt_assert(format(rds) = "[10:20, 100000:100..100000:200]");
@@ -1269,6 +1360,7 @@ rd set rds;
bt_assert(100000:128 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100000:200 ~ rds);
bt_assert(100010:150 !~ rds);
+ bt_assert(100010:150 !~ []);
bt_test_suite(t_rd_set, "Testing sets of route distinguishers");
@@ -1335,7 +1427,85 @@ function fifteen()
return 15;
+function local_vars(int j)
+ int k = 10;
+ bt_assert(j = 5 && k = 10);
+ {
+ int j = 15;
+ k = 20;
+ bt_assert(j = 15 && k = 20);
+ }
+ bt_assert(j = 5 && k = 20);
+ if j < 10 then
+ {
+ int j = 25;
+ string k = "hello";
+ bt_assert(j = 25 && k = "hello");
+ }
+ bt_assert(j = 5 && k = 20);
+ int m = 100;
+ {
+ j = 35;
+ int k = 40;
+ bt_assert(j = 35 && k = 40 && m = 100);
+ }
+ bt_assert(j = 35 && k = 20 && m = 100);
+function factorial(int x)
+ if x = 0 then return 0;
+ if x = 1 then return 1;
+ else return x * factorial(x - 1);
+function fibonacci(int x)
+ if x = 0 then return 0;
+ if x = 1 then return 1;
+ else return fibonacci(x - 1) + fibonacci(x - 2);
+function hanoi_init(int a; int b)
+ if b = 0
+ then return +empty+;
+ else return prepend(hanoi_init(a + 1, b - 1), a);
+function hanoi_solve(int n; bgppath h_src; bgppath h_dst; bgppath h_aux; bool x; bool y)
+ # x -> return src or dst
+ # y -> print state
+ if n = 0 then { if x then return h_src; else return h_dst; }
+ bgppath tmp1 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_src, h_aux, h_dst, true, y);
+ bgppath tmp2 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_src, h_aux, h_dst, false, false);
+ h_src = tmp1;
+ h_aux = tmp2;
+ int v = h_src.first;
+ # bt_assert(h_dst = +empty+ || v < h_dst.first);
+ h_src = delete(h_src, v);
+ h_dst = prepend(h_dst, v);
+ if y then
+ print "move: ", v, " src: ", h_src, " dst:", h_dst, " aux:", h_aux;
+ tmp1 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_aux, h_dst, h_src, true, y);
+ tmp2 = hanoi_solve(n - 1, h_aux, h_dst, h_src, false, false);
+ h_aux = tmp1;
+ h_dst = tmp2;
+ if x then return h_src; else return h_dst;
function t_call_function()
+bgppath h_src;
bt_assert(fifteen() = 15);
@@ -1347,6 +1517,17 @@ function t_call_function()
bt_assert(callme(4, 4) = 16);
bt_assert(callme(7, 2) = 14);
bt_assert(callmeagain(1, 2, 3) = 6);
+ local_vars(5);
+ bt_assert(factorial(5) = 120);
+ bt_assert(factorial(10) = 3628800);
+ bt_assert(fibonacci(10) = 55);
+ bt_assert(fibonacci(20) = 6765);
+ h_src = hanoi_init(1, 6);
+ bt_assert(format(h_src) = "(path 1 2 3 4 5 6)");
+ bt_assert(hanoi_solve(6, h_src, +empty+, +empty+, false, false) = h_src);
bt_test_suite(t_call_function, "Testing calling functions");
@@ -1592,13 +1773,16 @@ filter vpn_filter
bt_assert(net.type != NET_IP6);
bt_assert(net.rd = 0:1:2);
+ bool b = false;
case (net.type) {
NET_IP4: print "IPV4";
NET_IP6: print "IPV6";
+ else: b = true;
+ bt_assert(b);
- bt_check_assign(gw,;
+ # bt_check_assign(gw,;
bgp_ext_community.add((ro, 135, 999));