path: root/doc/threads/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'doc/threads/')
1 files changed, 137 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/doc/threads/ b/doc/threads/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..70ce335a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/threads/
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+use common::sense;
+use Data::Dump;
+use List::Util;
+my @VALUES = qw/TIMEDIF/;
+my ($FILE, $TYPE, $OUTPUT) = @ARGV;
+### Load data ###
+my %data;
+open F, "<", $FILE or die $!;
+my @header = split /;/, <F>;
+chomp @header;
+my $line = undef;
+while ($line = <F>)
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s/;;(.*);;/;;\1;/;
+ $line =~ s/v2\.0\.8-1[89][^;]+/bgp/;
+ $line =~ s/v2\.0\.8-[^;]+/sark/;
+ $line =~ s/master;/v2.0.8;/;
+ my %row;
+ @row{@header} = split /;/, $line;
+ push @{$data{join ";", @row{@GROUP_BY}}}, { %row } if $row{TYPE} eq $TYPE;
+### Do statistics ###
+sub avg {
+ return List::Util::sum(@_) / @_;
+sub stdev {
+ my $avg = shift;
+ return 0 if @_ <= 1;
+ return sqrt(List::Util::sum(map { ($avg - $_)**2 } @_) / (@_-1));
+my %output;
+my %vers;
+my %peers;
+foreach my $k (keys %data)
+ my %cols = map { my $vk = $_; $vk => [ map { $_->{$vk} } @{$data{$k}} ]; } @VALUES;
+ my %avg = map { $_ => avg(@{$cols{$_}})} @VALUES;
+ my %stdev = map { $_ => stdev($avg{$_}, @{$cols{$_}})} @VALUES;
+ foreach my $v (@VALUES) {
+ next if $stdev{$v} / $avg{$v} < 0.035;
+ for (my $i=0; $i<@{$cols{$v}}; $i++)
+ {
+ my $dif = $cols{$v}[$i] - $avg{$v};
+ next if $dif < $stdev{$v} * 2 and $dif > $stdev{$v} * (-2);
+ printf "Removing an outlier for %s/%s: avg=%f, stdev=%f, variance=%.1f%%, val=%f, valratio=%.1f%%\n",
+ $k, $v, $avg{$v}, $stdev{$v}, (100 * $stdev{$v} / $avg{$v}), $cols{$v}[$i], (100 * $dif / $stdev{$v});
+ splice @{$data{$k}}, $i, 1, ();
+ redo STATS;
+ }
+ }
+ $vers{$data{$k}[0]{VERSION}}++;
+ $peers{$data{$k}[0]{PEERS}}++;
+ $output{$data{$k}[0]{VERSION}}{$data{$k}[0]{PEERS}}{$data{$k}[0]{TOTAL_ROUTES}} = { %avg };
+(3 == scalar %vers) and $vers{sark} and $vers{bgp} and $vers{"v2.0.8"} or die "vers size is " . (scalar %vers) . ", items ", join ", ", keys %vers;
+### Export the data ###
+open PLOT, "|-", "gnuplot" or die $!;
+say PLOT <<EOF;
+set logscale
+set term pdfcairo size 20cm,15cm
+set xlabel "Total number of routes" offset 0,-1.5
+set xrange [10000:1500000]
+set xtics offset 0,-0.5
+set xtics (10000,15000,30000,50000,100000,150000,300000,500000,1000000)
+set ylabel "Time to converge (s)"
+set yrange [0.5:10800]
+set grid
+set key right bottom
+set output "$OUTPUT"
+my @colors = (
+ [ 1, 0.3, 0.3 ],
+ [ 1, 0.7, 0 ],
+ [ 0.3, 1, 0 ],
+ [ 0, 1, 0.3 ],
+ [ 0, 0.7, 1 ],
+ [ 0.3, 0.3, 1 ],
+my $steps = (scalar %peers) - 1;
+my @plot_data;
+foreach my $v (sort keys %vers) {
+ my $color = shift @colors;
+ my $endcolor = shift @colors;
+ my $stepcolor = [ map +( ($endcolor->[$_] - $color->[$_]) / $steps ), (0, 1, 2) ];
+ foreach my $p (sort { int $a <=> int $b } keys %peers) {
+ my $vnodot = $v; $vnodot =~ s/\.//g;
+ say PLOT "\$data_${vnodot}_${p} << EOD";
+ foreach my $tr (sort { int $a <=> int $b } keys %{$output{$v}{$p}}) {
+ say PLOT "$tr $output{$v}{$p}{$tr}{TIMEDIF}";
+ }
+ say PLOT "EOD";
+ my $colorstr = sprintf "linecolor rgbcolor \"#%02x%02x%02x\"", map +( int($color->[$_] * 255 + 0.5)), (0, 1, 2);
+ push @plot_data, "\$data_${vnodot}_${p} using 1:2 with lines $colorstr linewidth 2 title \"$v, $p peers\"";
+ $color = [ map +( $color->[$_] + $stepcolor->[$_] ), (0, 1, 2) ];
+ }
+push @plot_data, "2 with lines lt 1 dashtype 2 title \"Measurement instability\"";
+say PLOT "plot ", join ", ", @plot_data;
+close PLOT;