- Unable to delete %d tunnel: %s
- Unable to delete %d tunnels: %s
- Successfully deleted %d tunnel
- Successfully deleted %d tunnels
- %d tunnel selected
- %d tunnels selected
- Imported %1$d of %2$d tunnels
- Imported %1$d of %2$d tunnels
- Imported %d tunnel
- Imported %d tunnels
- %d Excluded Application
- %d Excluded Applications
- %d Included Application
- %d Included Applications
- %d excluded
- %d excluded
- %d included
- %d included
All Applications
Include only
- Include %d app
- Include %d apps
- Exclude %d app
- Exclude %d apps
- every second
- every %d seconds
- second
- seconds
Use all apps
Add peer
External apps may not toggle tunnels (recommended)
External apps may toggle tunnels (advanced)
Allow remote control apps
Allowed IPs
%1$s\'s %2$s
%1$s in %2$s
: Must be positive and no more than 65535
: Must be positive
: Must be a valid UDP port number
: Must be valid proxy hostname and port
Invalid key
Invalid number
Invalid value
Missing attribute
Missing section
Syntax error
Unknown attribute
Unknown section
Value out of range
File must be .conf or .zip
QR code not found in image
QR code checksum verification failed
Cannot delete configuration file %s
Configuration for “%s” already exists
Configuration file “%s” already exists
Configuration file “%s” not found
Cannot rename configuration file “%s”
Cannot save configuration for “%1$s”: %2$s
Successfully saved configuration for “%s”
Create WireGuard Tunnel
Cannot create local binary directory
Cannot create file in downloads directory
Create from scratch
Import from file or archive
Scan from QR code
Cannot create output directory
Cannot create local temporary directory
Create Tunnel
%s copied to clipboard
Currently using light (day) theme
Currently using dark (night) theme
Use dark theme
Select tunnel to delete
Select a storage drive
Please install a file management utility to browse files
Add a tunnel to get started
♥ Donate to the WireGuard Project
Every contribution helps
Thank you for supporting the WireGuard Project!\n\nUnfortunately, due to Google\'s policies, we\'re not allowed to link to the part of the project webpage where you can make a donation. Hopefully you can figure this out!\n\nThanks again for your contribution.
Disable config exporting
Disabling config exporting makes private keys less accessible
DNS servers
Search domains
Error bringing down tunnel: %s
Error fetching apps list: %s
Please obtain root access and try again
Error preparing tunnel: %s
Error bringing up tunnel: %s
Exclude private IPs
Generate new private key
Unknown “%s” error
(optional, not recommended)
Proxy hostname
Proxy Auto-Config URL
Proxy port
Illegal file name “%s”
Unable to import tunnel: %s
Import Tunnel from QR Code
Imported “%s”
Bad characters in key
Incorrect key length
: WireGuard base64 keys must be 44 characters (32 bytes)
: WireGuard keys must be 32 bytes
: WireGuard hex keys must be 64 characters (32 bytes)
Latest handshake
%s ago
Listen port
Unable to export log: %s
WireGuard Android Log File
Saved to “%s”
Export log file
Save log
Logs may assist with debugging
View application log
Unable to run logcat:
The experimental kernel module can improve performance
Enable kernel module backend
The slower userspace backend may improve stability
Disable kernel module backend
Something went wrong. Please try again
The experimental kernel module can improve performance
No modules are available for your device
Download and install kernel module
Downloading and installing…
Unable to determine kernel module version
Turning on one tunnel will turn off others
Multiple tunnels may be turned on simultaneously
Allow multiple simultaneous tunnels
Trying to bring up a tunnel with no config
No configurations found
No tunnels exist
IP address
IP network
Cannot parse %1$s “%2$s”
control WireGuard tunnels, enabling and disabling tunnels at will, potentially misdirecting Internet traffic
control WireGuard tunnels
Persistent keepalive
Pre-shared key
Private key
Public key
Tip: generate with `qrencode -t ansiutf8 < tunnel.conf`.
Add tile to quick settings panel
The shortcut tile toggles the most recent tunnel
Unable to add shortcut tile: error %d
Toggle tunnel
Will not bring up enabled tunnels at boot
Will bring up enabled tunnels at boot
Restore on boot
Select all
Shell cannot read exit status
Shell expected 4 markers, received %d
Shell failed to start: %d
Success. The application will now restart…
Toggle All
Error toggling WireGuard tunnel: %s
wg and wg-quick are already installed
Unable to install command-line tools (no root?)
Install optional tools for scripting
Install optional tools for scripting as Magisk module
Install optional tools for scripting into the system partition
wg and wg-quick installed as a Magisk module (reboot required)
wg and wg-quick installed into the system partition
Install command line tools
Installing wg and wg-quick
Required tools unavailable
%d B
%.2f GiB
%.2f KiB
%.2f MiB
rx: %1$s, tx: %2$s
%.2f TiB
Unable to create tun device
Unable to configure tunnel (wg-quick returned %d)
Unable to create tunnel: %s
Successfully created tunnel “%s”
Tunnel “%s” already exists
Invalid name
Add a tunnel using the button below
Tunnel Name
Unable to turn tunnel on (wgTurnOn returned %d)
Unable to resolve DNS hostname: “%s”
Unable to rename tunnel: %s
Successfully renamed tunnel to “%s”
Go userspace
Kernel module
Unknown error
An application update is available. Please update now.
Download & Update
Fetching update metadata…
Downloading update: %1$s / %2$s (%3$.2f%%)
Downloading update: %s
Installing update…
Update failure: %s. Will retry momentarily…
Application Corrupt
This application is corrupt. Please re-download the APK from the website linked below. After, uninstall this application, and reinstall it from the downloaded APK.
Open Website
%1$s backend %2$s
Checking %s backend version
Unknown %s version
WireGuard for Android v%s
VPN service not authorized by user
Unable to start Android VPN service
Unable to export tunnels: %s
Saved to “%s”
Zip file will be saved to downloads folder
Export tunnels to zip file
Authenticate to export tunnels
Authenticate to view private key
Authentication failure
Authentication failure: %s