package; import android.content.Context; import android.system.ErrnoException; import android.system.OsConstants; import android.util.Log; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; /** * Helper to install WireGuard tools to the system partition. */ @ApplicationScope public final class ToolsInstaller { private static final String[][] EXECUTABLES = { {"", "wg"}, {"", "wg-quick"}, }; private static final File[] INSTALL_DIRS = { new File("/system/xbin"), new File("/system/bin"), }; private static final File INSTALL_DIR = getInstallDir(); private static final String TAG = "WireGuard/" + ToolsInstaller.class.getSimpleName(); private final File localBinaryDir; private final File nativeLibraryDir; private final RootShell rootShell; private Boolean areToolsAvailable; @Inject public ToolsInstaller(@ApplicationContext final Context context, final RootShell rootShell) { localBinaryDir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), "bin"); nativeLibraryDir = new File(context.getApplicationInfo().nativeLibraryDir); this.rootShell = rootShell; } private static File getInstallDir() { final String path = System.getenv("PATH"); if (path == null) return INSTALL_DIRS[0]; final List paths = Arrays.asList(path.split(":")); for (final File dir : INSTALL_DIRS) if (paths.contains(dir.getPath()) && dir.isDirectory()) return dir; return null; } public boolean areInstalled() { if (INSTALL_DIR == null) return false; final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); for (final String[] names : EXECUTABLES) { script.append(String.format("cmp -s '%s' '%s' && ", new File(nativeLibraryDir, names[0]), new File(INSTALL_DIR, names[1]))); } script.append("exit ").append(OsConstants.EALREADY); try { return, script.toString()) == OsConstants.EALREADY; } catch (final ErrnoException | IOException | NoRootException ignored) { return false; } } public boolean areSymlinked() { final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(); for (final String[] names : EXECUTABLES) { script.append(String.format("test '%s' -ef '%s' && ", new File(nativeLibraryDir, names[0]), new File(localBinaryDir, names[1]))); } script.append("exit ").append(OsConstants.EALREADY); try { return, script.toString()) == OsConstants.EALREADY; } catch (final ErrnoException | IOException | NoRootException ignored) { return false; } } public void ensureToolsAvailable() throws FileNotFoundException { if (areToolsAvailable == null) { synchronized (this) { if (areToolsAvailable == null) { if (areInstalled()) { Log.d(TAG, "Tools are installed to /system"); areToolsAvailable = true; } else if (areSymlinked()) { Log.d(TAG, "Tools were already symlinked into our private binary dir"); areToolsAvailable = true; } else if (symlink() == OsConstants.EXIT_SUCCESS) { Log.d(TAG, "Tools are now symlinked into our private binary dir"); areToolsAvailable = true; } else { Log.e(TAG, "For some reason, wg and wg-quick are not available at all"); areToolsAvailable = false; } } } } if (!areToolsAvailable) throw new FileNotFoundException("Required tools unavailable"); } public int install() { if (INSTALL_DIR == null) return OsConstants.ENOENT; final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder("set -ex" + "; trap 'mount -o ro,remount /system' EXIT; mount -o rw,remount /system"); for (final String[] names : EXECUTABLES) { final File destination = new File(INSTALL_DIR, names[1]); script.append(String.format("; cp '%s' '%s'; chmod 755 '%s'; restorecon '%s' ", new File(nativeLibraryDir, names[0]), destination, destination, destination)); } try { return, script.toString()); } catch (final ErrnoException e) { return e.errno; } catch (final IOException ignored) { return OsConstants.EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (final NoRootException ignored) { return OsConstants.EACCES; } } public int symlink() { final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder("set -ex"); for (final String[] names : EXECUTABLES) { script.append(String.format("; ln -fns '%s' '%s'", new File(nativeLibraryDir, names[0]), new File(localBinaryDir, names[1]))); } try { return, script.toString()); } catch (final ErrnoException e) { return e.errno; } catch (final IOException ignored) { return OsConstants.EXIT_FAILURE; } catch (final NoRootException ignored) { return OsConstants.EACCES; } } }