package; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.databinding.BaseObservable; import android.databinding.Bindable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.wireguard.config.Config; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Set; import javax.inject.Inject; import java9.util.Comparators; import java9.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java9.util.concurrent.CompletionStage; import; import; /** * Maintains and mediates changes to the set of available WireGuard tunnels, */ @ApplicationScope public final class TunnelManager extends BaseObservable { private static final Comparator COMPARATOR = Comparators.thenComparing( String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER, Comparators.naturalOrder()); private static final String KEY_LAST_USED_TUNNEL = "last_used_tunnel"; private static final String KEY_RESTORE_ON_BOOT = "restore_on_boot"; private static final String KEY_RUNNING_TUNNELS = "enabled_configs"; private final AsyncWorker asyncWorker; private final Backend backend; private final ConfigStore configStore; private final SharedPreferences preferences; private final ObservableSortedKeyedList tunnels = new ObservableSortedKeyedArrayList<>(COMPARATOR); private Tunnel lastUsedTunnel; @Inject public TunnelManager(final AsyncWorker asyncWorker, final Backend backend, final ConfigStore configStore, final SharedPreferences preferences) { this.asyncWorker = asyncWorker; this.backend = backend; this.configStore = configStore; this.preferences = preferences; } private Tunnel addToList(final String name, final Config config, final State state) { final Tunnel tunnel = new Tunnel(this, name, config, state); tunnels.add(tunnel); return tunnel; } public CompletionStage create(@NonNull final String name, final Config config) { if (!Tunnel.isNameValid(name)) return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid name")); if (tunnels.containsKey(name)) { final String message = "Tunnel " + name + " already exists"; return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException(message)); } return asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> configStore.create(name, config)) .thenApply(savedConfig -> addToList(name, savedConfig, State.DOWN)); } CompletionStage delete(final Tunnel tunnel) { final State originalState = tunnel.getState(); final boolean wasLastUsed = tunnel == lastUsedTunnel; // Make sure nothing touches the tunnel. if (wasLastUsed) setLastUsedTunnel(null); tunnels.remove(tunnel); return asyncWorker.runAsync(() -> { if (originalState == State.UP) backend.setState(tunnel, State.DOWN); try { configStore.delete(tunnel.getName()); } catch (final Exception e) { if (originalState == State.UP) backend.setState(tunnel, originalState); // Re-throw the exception to fail the completion. throw e; } }).whenComplete((x, e) -> { if (e == null) return; // Failure, put the tunnel back. tunnels.add(tunnel); if (wasLastUsed) setLastUsedTunnel(tunnel); }); } @Bindable public Tunnel getLastUsedTunnel() { return lastUsedTunnel; } CompletionStage getTunnelConfig(final Tunnel tunnel) { return asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> configStore.load(tunnel.getName())) .thenApply(tunnel::onConfigChanged); } CompletionStage getTunnelState(final Tunnel tunnel) { return asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> backend.getState(tunnel)) .thenApply(tunnel::onStateChanged); } CompletionStage getTunnelStatistics(final Tunnel tunnel) { return asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> backend.getStatistics(tunnel)) .thenApply(tunnel::onStatisticsChanged); } public ObservableKeyedList getTunnels() { return tunnels; } public void onCreate() { asyncWorker.supplyAsync(configStore::enumerate) .thenAcceptBoth(asyncWorker.supplyAsync(backend::enumerate), this::onTunnelsLoaded) .whenComplete(ExceptionLoggers.E); } private void onTunnelsLoaded(final Iterable present, final Collection running) { for (final String name : present) addToList(name, null, running.contains(name) ? State.UP : State.DOWN); final String lastUsedName = preferences.getString(KEY_LAST_USED_TUNNEL, null); if (lastUsedName != null) setLastUsedTunnel(tunnels.get(lastUsedName)); } public CompletionStage restoreState() { if (!preferences.getBoolean(KEY_RESTORE_ON_BOOT, false)) return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); final Set previouslyRunning = preferences.getStringSet(KEY_RUNNING_TUNNELS, null); if (previouslyRunning == null) return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null); return CompletableFuture.allOf( .filter(tunnel -> previouslyRunning.contains(tunnel.getName())) .map(tunnel -> setTunnelState(tunnel, State.UP)) .toArray(CompletableFuture[]::new)); } public void saveState() { final Set runningTunnels = .filter(tunnel -> tunnel.getState() == State.UP) .map(Tunnel::getName) .collect(Collectors.toUnmodifiableSet()); preferences.edit().putStringSet(KEY_RUNNING_TUNNELS, runningTunnels).apply(); } private void setLastUsedTunnel(final Tunnel tunnel) { if (tunnel == lastUsedTunnel) return; lastUsedTunnel = tunnel; notifyPropertyChanged(BR.lastUsedTunnel); if (tunnel != null) preferences.edit().putString(KEY_LAST_USED_TUNNEL, tunnel.getName()).apply(); else preferences.edit().remove(KEY_LAST_USED_TUNNEL).apply(); } CompletionStage setTunnelConfig(final Tunnel tunnel, final Config config) { return asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> { final Config appliedConfig = backend.applyConfig(tunnel, config); return, appliedConfig); }).thenApply(tunnel::onConfigChanged); } CompletionStage setTunnelName(final Tunnel tunnel, final String name) { if (!Tunnel.isNameValid(name)) return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid name")); if (tunnels.containsKey(name)) { final String message = "Tunnel " + name + " already exists"; return CompletableFuture.failedFuture(new IllegalArgumentException(message)); } final State originalState = tunnel.getState(); final boolean wasLastUsed = tunnel == lastUsedTunnel; // Make sure nothing touches the tunnel. if (wasLastUsed) setLastUsedTunnel(null); tunnels.remove(tunnel); return asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> { if (originalState == State.UP) backend.setState(tunnel, State.DOWN); configStore.rename(tunnel.getName(), name); final String newName = tunnel.onNameChanged(name); if (originalState == State.UP) backend.setState(tunnel, originalState); return newName; }).whenComplete((newName, e) -> { // On failure, we don't know what state the tunnel might be in. Fix that. if (e != null) getTunnelState(tunnel); // Add the tunnel back to the manager, under whatever name it thinks it has. tunnels.add(tunnel); if (wasLastUsed) setLastUsedTunnel(tunnel); }); } CompletionStage setTunnelState(final Tunnel tunnel, final State state) { // Ensure the configuration is loaded before trying to use it. return tunnel.getConfigAsync().thenCompose(x -> asyncWorker.supplyAsync(() -> backend.setState(tunnel, state)) ).whenComplete((newState, e) -> { // Ensure onStateChanged is always called (failure or not), and with the correct state. tunnel.onStateChanged(e == null ? newState : tunnel.getState()); if (e == null && newState == State.UP) setLastUsedTunnel(tunnel); }); } }