path: root/cli
diff options
authorJason A. Donenfeld <>2017-11-25 02:11:55 +0100
committerJason A. Donenfeld <>2017-11-25 02:11:55 +0100
commit8a7c0df7866155dba971ec3a9f65f6276413c482 (patch)
treefb384e75df2bbc5ce1400ef94835dd1ac739bc6b /cli
parentd9961cdae245b11843849ba5d528d625ca045dd3 (diff)
cli: move to android_kernel_wireguard
These tools are now part of the ROM builder's toolkit at:
Diffstat (limited to 'cli')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d16fc40..00000000
--- a/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-# Tools for Android
-This currently contains a version of wg-quick.bash that works with
-Android 7's `ndc` command. It requires the WireGuard module to be
-part of your kernel, but after that, the usual `wg-quick up` and
-`wg-quick down` commands work normally.
-## Installation
-Build a `wg` binary for Android and place it in this folder. Then
-copy this folder some place on your phone, and run `sh ./`
-as root. It should survive ROM flashes.
-## Usage
-Compared to the ordinary wg-quick, this one does not support SaveConfig
-and {Pre,Post}{Up,Down}.
-Put your configuration files into `/data/misc/wireguard/`. After that,
-the normal `wg-quick up|down` commands will work.
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90865d0c..00000000
--- a/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-. /tmp/backuptool.functions
-list_files() {
-cat <<_EOF
-case "$1" in
- backup)
- list_files | while read FILE DUMMY; do
- backup_file $S/"$FILE"
- done
- ;;
- restore)
- list_files | while read FILE REPLACEMENT; do
- R=""
- [ -f "$C/$S/$FILE" ] && restore_file $S/"$FILE" "$R"
- done
- ;;
- pre-backup)
- # Stub
- ;;
- post-backup)
- # Stub
- ;;
- pre-restore)
- # Stub
- ;;
- post-restore)
- # Stub
- ;;
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
deleted file mode 100755
index f619eb6c..00000000
--- a/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-mount -o rw,remount /system
-cp -v ./ /system/addon.d/
-if [ -f ./wg ]; then
- cp -v ./wg /system/xbin/wg
- echo "Warning: this directory does not contain wg. You may have forgotten to compile it yourself?" >&2
-cp -v ./wg-quick.bash /system/xbin/wg-quick
-chmod 755 /system/xbin/wg /system/xbin/wg-quick /system/addon.d/
-mkdir -pvm 700 /data/misc/wireguard
-mount -o ro,remount /system
diff --git a/cli/ b/cli/
deleted file mode 100755
index 44e29971..00000000
--- a/cli/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-case "$ARCH" in
- arm) ANDROID_MACHINE="arm-linux-androideabi"; ;;
- arm64) ANDROID_MACHINE="aarch64-linux-android"; ;;
- mips) ANDROID_MACHINE="mipsel-linux-android"; ;;
- mips64) ANDROID_MACHINE="mips64el-linux-android"; ;;
- x86) ANDROID_MACHINE="x86-linux-android"; ;;
- x86_64) ANDROID_MACHINE="x86_64-linux-android"; ;;
- *) echo "Error: unknown architecture" >&2; exit 1; ;;
-ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN="/opt/android-ndk/toolchains/$ANDROID_MACHINE-$GCC_VERSION/prebuilt/linux-$(uname -m)/bin"
-export CFLAGS="-O3 -fomit-frame-pointer -I$ANDROID_PLATFORM/include -fPIE"
-export LDFLAGS="-pie"
-trap 'cd /; rm -rf "$where"' EXIT
-where="$(mktemp -d)"
-cd "$where"
-wget "$LIBMNL_VERSION.tar.bz2"
-wget "$WIREGUARD_VERSION.tar.xz"
-tar xjf "libmnl-$LIBMNL_VERSION.tar.bz2"
-tar xJf "WireGuard-$WIREGUARD_VERSION.tar.xz"
-cd "libmnl-$LIBMNL_VERSION"
-./configure --enable-static --disable-shared --host="$ANDROID_MACHINE"
-make -j$(nproc)
-cd ..
-cd "WireGuard-$WIREGUARD_VERSION/src/tools"
-export CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -I../../../libmnl-$LIBMNL_VERSION/include"
-export LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L../../../libmnl-$LIBMNL_VERSION/src/.libs"
-make -j$(nproc)
-"$ANDROID_MACHINE-strip" wg
-mv wg "$here/wg"
-echo ===============================================
-echo Build complete:
-ls -l "$here/wg"
-echo ===============================================
diff --git a/cli/wg-quick.bash b/cli/wg-quick.bash
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a1bce29..00000000
--- a/cli/wg-quick.bash
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2016-2017 Jason A. Donenfeld <>. All Rights Reserved.
-set -e -o pipefail
-shopt -s extglob
-export LC_ALL=C
-SELF="$(readlink -f "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
-export PATH="${SELF%/*}:$PATH"
-DNS=( )
-ARGS=( "$@" )
-parse_options() {
- local interface_section=0 line key value
- [[ $CONFIG_FILE =~ ^[a-zA-Z0-9_=+.-]{1,16}$ ]] && CONFIG_FILE="/data/misc/wireguard/$CONFIG_FILE.conf"
- [[ -e $CONFIG_FILE ]] || die "\`$CONFIG_FILE' does not exist"
- [[ $CONFIG_FILE =~ /?([a-zA-Z0-9_=+.-]{1,16})\.conf$ ]] || die "The config file must be a valid interface name, followed by .conf"
- ((($(stat -c '%#a' "$CONFIG_FILE") & 0007) == 0)) || echo "Warning: \`$CONFIG_FILE' is world accessible" >&2
- shopt -s nocasematch
- while read -r line || [[ -n $line ]]; do
- key="${line%%=*}"; key="${key##*( )}"; key="${key%%*( )}"
- value="${line#*=}"; value="${value##*( )}"; value="${value%%*( )}"
- [[ $key == "["* ]] && interface_section=0
- [[ $key == "[Interface]" ]] && interface_section=1
- if [[ $interface_section -eq 1 ]]; then
- case "$key" in
- Address) ADDRESSES+=( ${value//,/ } ); continue ;;
- MTU) MTU="$value"; continue ;;
- DNS) DNS+=( ${value//,/ } ); continue ;;
- esac
- fi
- WG_CONFIG+="$line"$'\n'
- done < "$CONFIG_FILE"
- shopt -u nocasematch
-cmd() {
- echo "[#] $*" >&2
- "$@"
-cndc() {
- local out="$(cmd ndc "$@")"
- [[ $out == *200\ 0* ]] || { echo "$out"; return 1; }
-die() {
- echo "$PROGRAM: $*" >&2
- exit 1
-auto_su() {
- [[ $UID == 0 ]] || exec su -p -c "'$SELF' ${ARGS[*]}"
-add_if() {
- cmd ip link add "$INTERFACE" type wireguard
-del_if() {
- cmd ip link del "$INTERFACE"
- [[ $(ip rule show) =~ 0xc([0-9a-f]+)/0xcffff\ lookup\ $INTERFACE ]] && cndc network destroy $(( 0x${BASH_REMATCH[1]} ));
-up_if() {
- while [[ $NETID -lt 4096 ]]; do
- done
- cmd wg set "$INTERFACE" fwmark 0x20000
- cndc interface setcfg "$INTERFACE" up
- cndc network create "$NETID" vpn 1 1
- cndc network interface add "$NETID" "$INTERFACE"
- cndc network users add "$NETID" 0-99999
-set_dns() {
- [[ ${#DNS[@]} -eq 0 ]] || cndc resolver setnetdns "$NETID" "" "${DNS[@]}"
-add_addr() {
- if [[ $1 == *:* ]]; then
- cndc interface ipv6 "$INTERFACE" enable
- cmd ip -6 addr add "$1" dev "$INTERFACE"
- else
- local ip="${1%%/*}" mask=32
- [[ $1 == */* ]] && mask="${1##*/}"
- cndc interface setcfg "$INTERFACE" "$ip" "$mask"
- fi
-set_mtu() {
- local mtu=0 endpoint output
- if [[ -n $MTU ]]; then
- cndc interface setmtu "$INTERFACE" "$MTU"
- return
- fi
- while read -r _ endpoint; do
- [[ $endpoint =~ ^\[?([a-z0-9:.]+)\]?:[0-9]+$ ]] || continue
- output="$(ip route get "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" || true)"
- [[ ( $output =~ mtu\ ([0-9]+) || ( $output =~ dev\ ([^ ]+) && $(ip link show dev "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}") =~ mtu\ ([0-9]+) ) ) && ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -gt $mtu ]] && mtu="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- done < <(wg show "$INTERFACE" endpoints)
- if [[ $mtu -eq 0 ]]; then
- read -r output < <(ip route show default || true) || true
- [[ ( $output =~ mtu\ ([0-9]+) || ( $output =~ dev\ ([^ ]+) && $(ip link show dev "${BASH_REMATCH[1]}") =~ mtu\ ([0-9]+) ) ) && ${BASH_REMATCH[1]} -gt $mtu ]] && mtu="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}"
- fi
- [[ $mtu -gt 0 ]] || mtu=1500
- cndc interface setmtu "$INTERFACE" $(( mtu - 80 ))
-add_route() {
- cndc network route add "$NETID" "$INTERFACE" "$1"
-set_config() {
- cmd wg setconf "$INTERFACE" <(echo "$WG_CONFIG")
-cmd_usage() {
- cat >&2 <<-_EOF
- Usage: $PROGRAM [ up | down ] [ CONFIG_FILE | INTERFACE ]
- CONFIG_FILE is a configuration file, whose filename is the interface name
- followed by \`.conf'. Otherwise, INTERFACE is an interface name, with
- configuration found at /data/misc/wireguard/INTERFACE.conf. It is to be readable
- by wg(8)'s \`setconf' sub-command, with the exception of the following additions
- to the [Interface] section, which are handled by $PROGRAM:
- - Address: may be specified one or more times and contains one or more
- IP addresses (with an optional CIDR mask) to be set for the interface.
- - MTU: an optional MTU for the interface; if unspecified, auto-calculated.
- - DNS: an optional DNS server to use while the device is up.
- See wg-quick(8) for more info and examples.
- _EOF
-cmd_up() {
- local i
- [[ -z $(ip link show dev "$INTERFACE" 2>/dev/null) ]] || die "\`$INTERFACE' already exists"
- trap 'del_if; exit' INT TERM EXIT
- add_if
- set_config
- set_mtu
- for i in "${ADDRESSES[@]}"; do
- add_addr "$i"
- done
- up_if
- set_dns
- for i in $(while read -r _ i; do for i in $i; do [[ $i =~ ^[0-9a-z:.]+/[0-9]+$ ]] && echo "$i"; done; done < <(wg show "$INTERFACE" allowed-ips) | sort -nr -k 2 -t /); do
- [[ $(ip route get "$i" 2>/dev/null) == *dev\ $INTERFACE\ * ]] || add_route "$i"
- done
- trap - INT TERM EXIT
-cmd_down() {
- [[ -n $(ip link show dev "$INTERFACE" type wireguard 2>/dev/null) ]] || die "\`$INTERFACE' is not a WireGuard interface"
- del_if
-if [[ $# -eq 1 && ( $1 == --help || $1 == -h || $1 == help ) ]]; then
- cmd_usage
-elif [[ $# -eq 2 && $1 == up ]]; then
- auto_su
- parse_options "$2"
- cmd_up
-elif [[ $# -eq 2 && $1 == down ]]; then
- auto_su
- parse_options "$2"
- cmd_down
- cmd_usage
- exit 1
-exit 0