Circular imports are not possible and will lead to a compilation error. -- Testcase -- import a_val from "./files/a.uc"; -- End -- -- File a.uc -- import b_val from "./b.uc"; export default "a"; -- End -- -- File b.uc -- import a_val from "./a.uc"; export default "b"; -- End -- -- Args -- -R -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Unable to compile module './files/a.uc': | Syntax error: Unable to compile module './files/b.uc': | | | Syntax error: Circular dependency | | In ./files/b.uc, line 1, byte 19: | | | | `import a_val from "./a.uc";` | | Near here --------^ | | In ./files/a.uc, line 1, byte 27: | | `import b_val from "./b.uc";` | Near here ----------------^ In [stdin], line 1, byte 33: `import a_val from "./files/a.uc";` Near here ----------------------^ -- End --