By specifying `*` instead of a label or an import list after an `import` keyword, all of the modules exports are aggregated into an object whose keys and values refer to the exported names and their corresponding values respectively. -- Testcase -- import * as mod from "./files/test1.uc"; print(mod, "\n"); -- End -- -- File test1.uc -- export const a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; export default a + b + c; -- End -- -- Args -- -R -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "default": 6 } -- End -- When using the wildcard import syntax, assigning a name using the `as` expression is mandatory. -- Testcase -- import * from "./files/test2.uc"; -- End -- -- File test2.uc -- export const x = "This is a test"; -- End -- -- Args -- -R -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Syntax error: Unexpected token Expecting 'as' In line 1, byte 10: `import * from "./files/test2.uc";` ^-- Near here -- End -- A wildcard expression may follow a default import expression in an `import` statment. -- Testcase -- import defVal, * as mod from "./files/test3.uc"; print([defVal, mod], "\n"); -- End -- -- File test3.uc -- export const a = 1, b = 2, c = 3; export default a + b + c; -- End -- -- Args -- -R -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- [ 6, { "a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "default": 6 } ] -- End --