The `loadfile()` function operates similar to `loadstring()` but reads the input to compile from the specified file path instead. It compiles the given file name into a ucode program and returns the resulting entry function. Throws an exception on compilation or file i/o failure. Returns the compiled program entry function. Compile a simple program with default options -- Testcase -- {% let fn = loadfile('./files/test1.uc'); fn(); %} -- End -- -- File test1.uc -- return 1 + 1; -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- return 1 + 1; -- End -- Compile a program in raw mode -- Testcase -- {% let fn = loadfile('./files/test2.uc', { raw_mode: true }); fn(); %} -- End -- -- File test2.uc -- printf("%d\n", 1 + 1); -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- 2 -- End -- Compile a program in template mode -- Testcase -- {% let fn = loadfile('./files/test3.uc', { raw_mode: false }); fn(); %} -- End -- -- File test3.uc -- {{ 1 + 1 }} -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- 2 -- End -- Override module search path during compilation (import should fail due to empty path) -- Testcase -- {% loadfile('./files/test4.uc', { raw_mode: true, module_search_path: [] }); %} -- End -- -- File test4.uc -- import { readfile } from "fs"; -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Runtime error: Unable to compile source file './files/test4.uc': | Syntax error: Unable to resolve path for module 'fs' | In line 1, byte 30: | | `import { readfile } from "fs";` | Near here -------------------^ In line 5, byte 3: ` });` ^-- Near here -- End -- Force dynamic loading of unknown extensions at compile time (should succeed) -- Testcase -- {% loadfile('./files/test5.uc', { raw_mode: true, force_dynlink_list: [ "doesnotexist" ] }); print("OK\n"); %} -- End -- -- File test5.uc -- import foo from "doesnotexist"; -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- OK -- End -- Compiling a syntax error (should fail with syntax error exception) -- Testcase -- {% loadfile('./files/test6.uc', { raw_mode: true }); %} -- End -- -- File test6.uc -- 1 + -- End -- -- Expect stderr -- Runtime error: Unable to compile source file './files/test6.uc': | Syntax error: Expecting expression | In line 1, byte 5: | | `1 +` | ^-- Near here In line 2, byte 49: ` loadfile('./files/test6.uc', { raw_mode: true });` Near here -----------------------------------------^ -- End -- Test loading precompiled bytecode -- Testcase -- {% import { readlink } from 'fs'; system(`${readlink('/proc/self/exe')} -T, -c -o ./files/test7.uc -e 'Hello world\n'`); let fn = loadfile('./files/test7.uc'); fn(); %} -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- Hello world -- End --